Tenders at The Handwerkammer Koblenz Among other companies

Deadline of this Job: 23 September 2022
ToR fpr e-learning module " Preperation of a Business plan"
The Handwerkammer Koblenz is a German Chamber for small business and craftsmen that implements the "PartnerAfrica"in Rwanda. The project started in December 2020 and will end in December 2023.

Terms Of Reference
The Handwerkskammer Koblenz (CSC Koblenz) is a German Chamber for small business and craftsmen that implements the "Partner Africa"in Rwanda. The project started in December 2020 and will end in December 2023.
The aim of the project „Partner Africa“ is to train 500-1000 young Rwandans, to support them to find employment, or work self-employed and also to work directly with companies to create employment opportunities or offer upgrading trainings where needed by companies.
One result among others was to create a “start-up-unit”. This unit serves to counsel young graduates or other interested candidates on all topics relevant to entrepreneurships. That ranges from consultations of first steps to trainings on business managements.
For this reason, an agreement was done between PSF/IBI and CSC Koblenz. IBI ( Imanzi Business Institute) is operating under PSF (Private Sector Federation). The main service is to offer relevant training courses for upgrading the skills and competences of their members. Thus, Partner Africa supports IBI in establishing and implementing training courses relevant to business execution.

Operational Context
IBI (Imanzi Business Institute) has provided educational and vocational content to its learners in various forms, especially in in-person workshops. The training of trainers and educational content has recently undergone massive changes in the industry, with the Covid-19 pandemic preventing many physical trainings from occurring in-person. This has created a spark in the world of digital learning, leapfrogging online educational resources across the globe. IBI thus has identified a growing demand of adapting to this industry change and transforming educational content into formats that can be universally used online. As part of this program of work, IBS has curated a Creating a Business Plan learning package, initially intended for in-person workshop use. This will be the first printed-screen adaptation of such content. IBI is also working on a range of leadership, and other skill building programmes.

Authoring E-learning at IBI
IBI has obtained the services of the Learning Management System ‘Masterclass’ as part of their mission to provide education for all, find potential sources of funding and compete with industry standards of online learning methodology. The online learning initiatives being created for IBI will benefit from providing a self-paced, interactive e-learning course with several modules, to engage and empower learner to create a business plan on their own accord.

1. Individually curate 2 lessons, specifically an appropriate Introduction module and concluding lesson into the pre-existing IBS Business Plan Lesson content.
2. Author appropriately chunked, visually attractive, and engaging e-learning lessons (including the above introduction and conclusion) into a format ready to be used by IBS to implement into Masterclass LMS in English.
3. Translations will be provided/managed by a separate provider as required.
4. The authoring tool utilized should be Articulate Rise or Adobe Captivate, essentially determined by author.
5. Spellchecking lesson content according to international standards of English language and grammatically correcting it before authoring it into e-learning content.
6. Take creative advantage of the interactive features of an authoring tool to create
appropriately engaging e-learning lessons.
5. Author lessons in a timely manner to meet delivery requirements, including assisting in preparation and publishing of Modules as relevant
6. Identify and source appropriate stock images that match the lesson content, unless specific copyright-free images are requested by IBS
7. Review and make adjustments as required to lessons based on feedback from IBS, giving 3 feedback loops.
8. The project will be delivered in two phases, with Phase 1 from 1th October to 10th November 2022, and Phase 2 from 11th November to 30th December 2022.

The vendor will provide a full proposal including all costings for covering the development of 21 Modules and 65 screen lessons, split into 2 phases:
- Phase 1 – 1th October until 10th November 2022 – 30 lessons
- Phase 2 – 11th November to 30th December 2022 – 35 lessons
Therefore, Partner Africa wishes to contract a legally recognized service provider (company) to develop above mentioned e-learning content.
Deadline for submission of full proposal outlining lesson plan and budget is 23rd September 2022.
Contact person is Mrs. Cornelia Zupp; Function: Project Manager “Partner Africa”;
Phone: +250 783443683; E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline of this Job: 21 September 2022
Provision of Office Furniture for DUHAMIC-ADRI
DUH aranira AM ajyambere y' Icyaro is a local non-profit organization based in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, Kicukiro District, Niboyi Sector.

Public Tender Announcement
DUHAMIC-ADRI is implementing a five-year PEPFAR/USAID Project named “ODA” in all sectors of Nyarugenge and Muhanga Districts. DUHAMIC-ADRI would like to invite all competitive bidders to apply for provision of good quality items whose characteristics are the following:

Submission Procedure
Interested bidders should fulfill the following requirements:
• RDB registration certificate
• Proven experience in provision of items to be supplied with three certificates of good completion
• Valid tax clearance certificate provided by RRA
• RSSB valid clearance certificate
• Proof of having electronic billing machine (EBM)
• Be ready to supply all items within seven working days after receiving the purchase order

Prices required are given with all taxes. Visiting day is Monday the 19th September 2022 from 1:30 PM at DUHAMIC ADRI office Kicukiro. Bids will be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to DUHAMIC-ADRI Executive Secretary no later than Wednesday 21/09/2022 at 10:00 a.m. The public opening of bids is fixed the same day at 10:30 a.m. at the headquarters of DUHAMIC ADRI located in Kicukiro District.
Done at Kigali on 13/09/2022
Benineza Innocent
Executive Secretary

Deadline of this Job: 30 September 2022
Terms of Reference A scientific Study on Labour Conditions in Agriculture sector / Tea section
Post Title National Consultant - To Commission a Scientific Study on Labour Conditions in the Agriculture sector / Tea section
Duty Station Kigali
Duration 30 days
Type of Contract National individual consultant or Consortium of 2 national consultants
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in partnership with the Congrès du Travail et de la Fraternité au Rwanda (COTRAF-RWANDA) is implementing EU-funded 3 years project to foster social protection, social dialogue, minimum wages, and the respect of national and international labour norms in Rwanda. The project targets three sectors: Mining, tea, and education.
The above-mentioned sectors are simultaneously facing enormous challenges in terms of gender imbalance, occupational safety, and low income. All three sectors are important for the Rwandan economy and reflecting the needs of local and national solutions because the social dialogue on enterprise level is often not well developed neither in the tea or mining industry. Besides, the working conditions are often poor and minimum standards of occupational safety are lacking. Those negative factors affect in general all workers but women (especially in the areas of tea and education) and children (mining) in particular.

Basically, achieving decent work would require upholding workers ‘rights but also to improve working condition, most probably to provide a sufficiently high minimum wage. The status quo needs to be assessed to effect sector-wide change. For these reasons, scientific study will provide an update on the living and working condition of workers in agriculture and especially the tea sector.
It is against this background, FES and COTRAF-RWANDA seek the service of national consultant or a consortium of 2 national consultants to commission a scientific study on labour conditions in tea sector especially in North and Western Provinces.
2. Purpose of the study on labor conditions in Tea Sector.
The aim of this study is to provide evidence-based findings which will help to sensitize political actors and other responsible persons such as employers about what could be done to achieve a reasonable sectoral minimum wage. Additionally, the study will assess how working conditions can be improved to be at the very least compliant with the Rwandan Labor code as well as with International Standards (ILO).

3. Objectives and Scope of the study
The scope and objectives of the study are:
• Assess the status of labour conditions in tea sector
• Identify factors that have facilitated and/or impeded the setup of minimum wage in tea sector .
• Provide recommendable actions and measures to ensure the achievement of decent work in the tea sector.

5. Methodology
The study on labour conditions in tea sector will utilize both qualitative and quantitative. Data collection methods may include among others interviews with internal and external stakeholders,
field visits, focus groups, workshops, and desk review of relevant documents. It should also provide details on how data will be collected from all stakeholders, how data analysis will be conducted, including data entry techniques and tools to be used. The data will be collected from the project intervention areas (North Province and Western Province). It is proposed to the consultant to follow the following sequence to achieve the desired results:
Development & Finalization of the study Design
The consultant is responsible for developing a detailed work plan/study design in line with the discussion/suggestions with the SD4SD project team. The plan will describe detailed activities and their timeline of completion. The work plan will be approved by SD4SD`s project team before moving ahead to the other activities.

Desk Review
The consultant will undertake a comprehensive desk review of the existing available literature related to tea sector. Literature review will include but not limited to Rwanda labour law, ILO core labour standards, Negotiation techniques, Social dialogue and Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG8)
Development of Research Tools and Primary data Collection
Based on the literature review the consultant will develop the research tools for primary data collection. The research tools will be developed in line with objectives of the study. The research tools and guidelines shall be shared with SD4SD project team for its comments before finalization. The following tools may be used in this study
• Structured interviews with beneficiaries and partners: (Workers in tea sector, Labor inspectors, government institutions, Cotraf -Rwanda, FES Rwanda, NAEB, RAB, and others identified during the inception period
• - FGD guidelines.
• Workshops
• Field Visits, etc
The consultant will propose and share the sampling method and sample seize for the review. Selection of sample size should consider thematic areas, geographical basis, stakeholders’ categories, and other indicators as identified during the desk review.

Deliverables and Outcomes
The specific tasks under the consultancy will include:
• Developing an Inception Report that defines methodology and study tools and persons and groups to be interviewed.
• Designing an acceptable study methodology
• Collecting data using a methodology and tools agreed upon.
• Analyzing the data and compile draft report of findings and recommendations for presentation to stakeholders for comments.
• Finalizing and submitting the final report of findings and recommendations (including a soft copy in MS Word and associated database) by taking account of comments and inputs from stakeholders in response to the draft report.
• Participating in the report dissemination

Specific milestones will be:
• Inception report
• Validation of research instrument report
• Draft report
• Final report

The final report must include but not limited to:
• Foreword and acknowledgment (on behalf of FES/COTRAF-RWANDA)
• Executive summary
• A detailed methodological approach was used for data collection and analysis.
• Study findings
• Conclusions and recommendations.

All reports will be submitted in English, in both hard and soft format.
Competences and Experience of the consultant:
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
• Expert knowledge in trade union movement in Rwanda, labour rights, and the legal framework on labour matters.
• Knowledge on the national and international labour standards
• Knowledge and exposure to ILO core labour standards and sustainable development goal (SDG8)
• Expert knowledge on negotiation skills and social dialogue
• Strong research skills and experience in both quantitative and qualitative surveys.
• Excellent command of English and outstanding written skills.
• Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication, and reporting skills.
• Proof of former conducted research assignments is a required
• Tax clearance from RRA; RSSB Clearance; Certificate of good standing with it's professional body (for financials, accountants, medicals, lawyers etc)

Qualification of the consultant
• PhD or master’s degree in Law, Education, Rural development, agriculture, economic development, Sociology of development, Demography, statistics and other social sciences related to the task.
• A minimum of 5 years of relevant experience is required.
• Excellent written and spoken English.

6. Remuneration and other considerations:
The assignment requires in-country presence and dedicated work with milestone-based terms of payment for:
a) Inception report.
b) Research instrument report validated by different stakeholders.
b)Draft report.

c) Final report.
Terms of Payment for this consultancy will be payable upon submission and acceptance of the final report.
1. Application process
The consultant or the consortium of 2 consultants will submit an expression of interest to COTRAF-RWANDA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and, before 30th Sept 2022 at 5 PM. The expression of interest should include the following:
✓ Updated curriculum vitae that clearly spells out qualifications and experience in relation to this assignment.
✓ Contacts of 3 organizations that have recently contracted the consultant to carry out a similar assignment.
• Financial and technical proposal for this assignment.
Please note that these (Financial and technical proposal shall be submitted to the designated email as two files but in one email unless both files are greater than 9MB file size. While submitting your application be sure that your email subject line is EIDHR/ 2021/429/ 349 (Your Name)
Online submissions only are considered. For any further information or clarification please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./cotrafrwanda2003@gmail.com or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./josephprojectofficer2@gmail.com
2. Evaluation Criteria
Competence and Experience of the consultant in a similar assignment (30 points)
Qualification and Education of the consultant (20 points)
Financial proposal (50 points)
Done at Kigali, on 29th August 2022
COTRAF-RWANDA Representative
Done at Kigali, on 29th August 2022
FES Rwanda Resident Representative

Deadline of this Job: 07 October 2022
Provision of Office Cleaning Services
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is an international development charity with a vision for a "world without poverty" and a mission to "bring people together to fight poverty". VSO recruits professionals to work as volunteers, living and working alongside local populations in developing countries. VSO was founded in 1958, and currently works in 23 countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
VSO started work in Rwanda in 1998 at the invitation of the Government of Rwanda and it focuses on programmes in Education, disability and youth/national volunteering. VSO Rwanda's work revolves around six development goals including, Secure livelihood, HIV/AIDS reduction, Education, Participation and Governance, Health and Disability

VSO is a global voluntary organisation whose mission has been to bring people together to fight poverty through the lasting power of volunteering.
We will be running tender processes with the intention of establishing Framework Agreement and appointing Preferred Suppliers for the provision of cleaning services for the period 2022-2023 with a possibility of extension. We are seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced service providers.
VSO’s requirements:
Provision of office cleaning services - at VSO Kigali Country Office.
Expressions of interest: all expressions of interest must be received by VSO by 7th October 2022 by 5.00pm and must be submitted electronically (emailed) to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The EOI must include a contact name, company name, company address, phone and email address.
Tender documents: tender documents will be sent to those who expressed an interest, following the close of the EOI period.
Anticipated agreement start date: January 2023
Framework period: 2 years with the option to extend for an additional 1 year
VSO reserves the right not to award an agreement.
Voluntary Service Overseas is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (registered number 703509).
Registered Office 100 London Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 6QJ. Charity registration 313757(England and Wales) SC039117 (Scotland)

Deadline of this Job: 30 September 2022
Invitation for bids: Provision of fuel for vehicles in Kigali, Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Karongi and Rubavu
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Swiss TPH Rwanda has been operating in Rwanda for more than 20 years working on health system strengthening by combining research, education and services in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the districts.
Swiss TPH hereby invites sealed bids from eligible and competent national authorized dealers/suppliers to supply automotive fuel (Petrol & Diesel for vehicles).

The aim is to achieve a reliable supplier of Diesel and Petrol fuel for Swiss TPH at a reasonable cost. The supplier should submit an expression of interest (EOI) and be ready for a framework agreement for a period of one year (1) with an option to review subject to satisfactory service.

1. Scope
To provide fuel at fueling points/stations to support our project within Kigali and provinces (Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Karongi and Rubavu).

2. Output
Diesel and Petrol are available any time on demand by the Swiss TPH. Availability of fuel at different fueling stations in Kigali and Rusizi District is a must.

3. Specific Tasks/Activities
To have robust and reliable procedures to ensure fuel/diesel is supplied to Swiss TPH vehicles; we require access to fuel during normal working hours and occasionally outside normal working hours. A voucher or electronic car containing details of the vehicle being fueled, and a kilometre display at the time of fueling shall be maintained by the fuel supplier.

4. Methodology of reporting
A monthly invoice will be submitted with copies of vouchers/ summary containing vehicle number, driver name and signature, kilometre, date and quantity of petrol or diesel supplied. Changes in prices of fuel shall be reported in writing and should be commensurate to the announcement by RURA. Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, must be expressed in Rwandan Francs, and shall remain valid for at least one (1) year from the closing date of the tender.

6. Instruction of bidders

A.Eligible Tenderers
This invitation for Bids is open to all tenderers eligible as described in the invitation to bidders. This call for application is open to all qualified suppliers with authorized companies registered in Rwanda and Swiss TPH has an equal opportunity for suppliers and companies. All the applicants will receive equal consideration for the submitted application.

B.Terms of Reference
• Bidder must provide a license authorizing them to perform fuel business in Rwanda
• Bidders must submit a valid/updated Tax clearance from RRA
• Bids must be stated in Rwanda Francs;
• Bids must be in the unit price (per litre).
• Bids must be specified if VAT is included or not;
• Bidder must have EBM to facilitate payment as per RRA regulations;
• Bidders must show key information they put on the monthly fuel report
• Bids must demonstrate the supplier’s capacity to deliver the stated scope of items;

C. Participation to the competition is open on equal conditions to all companies that supply automotive fuel;
The successful bidder will sign a one-year contract renewable (upon satisfaction with the quality of service).
Successful Bidder is expected to keep the same price for one year (period of contract).

1. Documents Comprising the Bid:
The Bids shall comprise of the following:
• Brief company profile
• Technical proposal
• Financial proposal
• Full address of bidding company indication Country, Province, District, Sector, Cell, Village, Street number, E-mail, telephone number, Post office box and Bank account details.
• Copy of RDB certificate;
• Original or a certified copy of a valid RAA tax clearance certificate
• Valid VAT certificate offered by RRA;

Submission Procedure
Well written bids, written in English, properly arranged should be submitted in a sealed envelope to The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Kigali office, Gasabo District, Kimihurura Sector, Kamukina Cell, Nyenyeli village, house no 09 / KG501 street or sent to the Swiss TPH email address on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Wednesday, September 30, 2022 at 10: 00 Am.
On the envelope should be marked in capital letters: BID FOR SUPPLYING HOSPITALITY/HOTEL SERVICES. The Internal tender committee will evaluate the bids and the Successful Bidder will be contacted by email.
Clementine Tumukunde
Swiss TPH Kigali Office

Deadline of this Job: 30 September 2022
Invitation for Bids for Printing Services
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries.

The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Swiss TPH Rwanda has been operating in Rwanda for more than 20 years working on health system strengthening by combining research, education and services in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the districts.
Swiss TPH hereby invites sealed bids from eligible and competent authorized dealers/suppliers to provide printing services.

1. Objective
The aim is to identify a reliable company for printing books/booklets for Swiss TPH at a reasonable cost. The contract period shall be one year (1) with an option to review subject to satisfactory service.

2. Scope
To deliver design and printing services as per demand to support the Swiss TPH project within Kigali and provinces.

3. Invoicing

An invoice will be submitted with the purchase order and the delivery form (with the date and quantity of the service provided). Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, must be expressed in Rwandan Francs, and shall remain valid for at least one (1) year from the closing date of the tender.

4. Instruction of Tenderers
A. Eligible Bidders
This invitation for bids is open to all tenderers eligible as described in the invitation to Tender. This call for application is open to all qualified suppliers with authorized companies registered in Rwanda and Swiss TPH has an equal opportunity for suppliers and companies. All the applicants will receive equal consideration for the submitted application.

B. Terms of Reference
• Bidder must provide a license authorizing them to supply printing services in Rwanda
• Bidders must submit a valid/updated Tax clearance from RRA
• Bids must be stated in Rwanda Francs;
• Bids must be in the unit price (per book/booklet).
• Bids must be specified if VAT is included or not;
• Bidder must have EBM to facilitate payment as per RRA regulations;
• Bids must demonstrate the supplier’s capacity to deliver the stated scope of items.

C. Participation in the competition is open on equal conditions to all companies that supply printing services. The successful bidder will sign a one-year contract renewable (upon satisfaction with the quality of service). Successful Bidder is expected to keep the same price for one year (period of contract).

D. Documents Comprising the Bid:
The Bids shall comprise the following:
• Brief company profile
• Technical proposal
• Financial proposal (list of all types of services provided with price)
• Full address of bidding company indication Country, Province, District, Sector, Cell, Village, Street number, E-mail, telephone number, Post office box and Bank account details.
• Copy of RDB certificate;
• Original or a certified copy of a valid RAA tax clearance certificate
• Valid VAT certificate offered by RRA;

Well-written bids, written in English, properly arranged should be submitted in a sealed envelope to The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Kigali office, Gasabo District, Kimihurura Sector, Kamukina Cell, Nyenyeli village, house no 09 / KG501 street or sent to the Swiss TPH email address on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Wednesday, September 30, 2022 at 10: 00 Am.
On the envelope should be marked in capital letters: BID FOR SUPPLYING PRINTING SERVICES. The internal tender committee will evaluate the bids and the Successful Bidder will be contacted by email.
Clementine Tumukunde
Swiss TPH Kigali Office
Administrative Manager

Deadline of this Job: 21 September 2022
Public Tender Announcement For Supplying Adult Learners And Teachers’ Materials
Through the partnership between DUHAMIC-ADRI and CARE International-Rwanda in the implementation of Developing Entrepreneurship and Literacy (DEAL) Project in Huye, Nyanza, Gisagara, and Nyamagabe districts, DUHAMIC-ADRI invites all interested specialized companies/Farms to participate in bidding process for the public tender to supply literacy materials (Handouts) for learners and Literacy Teachers.
The prices proposed by each bidder should incorporate all taxes (Taxes Inclusive). Bids will be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to DUHAMIC-ADRI Executive Secretary no later than Wednesday 21st September 2022 at 9:00 a.m. The public opening of bids is fixed on the same day at 9:30 a.m. at DUHAMIC-ADRI headquarter.

Detailed tender document is hereby attached to this tender notice while samples may be visited at DUHAMIC-ADRI Secretariat located in Kigali-Kicukiro-Niboye Sector during business time (7:00 am-5:00 pm).
Done at Kigali on 15th September 2022
Executive Secretary

Deadline of this Job: 20 September 2022
Tender notice for procurement of quality cuttings of cassava to be supplied in Murama Sector of Kayonza District
Through the partnership between WFP and DUHAMIC-ADRI to implement “Sustainable Market Alliance and Asset Creation for Resilient Communities and Gender Transformation/SMART Project”, DUHAMIC-ADRI would like to invite all seed multipliers companies, cooperatives, and others specialized institutions operating in Rwanda in the field of multiplication of Cassava seeds to submit their competitive financial offers in the response of DUHAMIC-ADRI request for quotations to supply quality cuttings of cassava in Murama Sector of Kayonza District in Eastern Province.

The quantity and technical specifications are shown within the table below:
FFA site Cell Variety Specifications Number of Cuttings
Murama Murama NARACASS 1(Buryohe /Sweet) Good quality cuttings of 20 to 25 cm long with 5 to 8 buds (eyes) from certified plantation 81,000
Kagarama Bunyetongo NARACASS 1(Buryohe /Sweet) 135,000
Total 216,000

The interested bidders shall observe and comply with the following terms and conditions:
1. The bidder must provide the quotations and application letter accompanied by a company/cooperative registration certificate;
2. The bidder shall provide the certificate to be the seed multiplier or certificate of seed multiplication issued by the seed multiplier from which he/she will source the seeds;
3. The financial quotations shall include transport cost and other related charges including applicable taxes.
4. The bidder shall be ready for supply in two days upon the issue of the purchase order;
5. The bidder must be able to provide Electronic Generated Bill (EBM) to be paid.

The financial proposal supported with all above requested supporting documents will be deposited at DUHAMIC-ADRI Head Office located at Kigali, Kicukiro District, Niboye Sector no later than Tuesday, 20th September 2022 at 11h00 AM for an official opening session to take place the same day at 11h15 AM in the same office.
For more guidance to the site locations and accessibility, please call on 0788 499 281 (DUHAMIC-ADRI Staff)
The payment will be done after presentation of Electronic generated bill (EBM) printed with TIN Number of DUHAMIC-ADRI “100179321”.
Thank you for your interest to work with DUHAMIC-ADRI.