Jobs At Ngoma District Health
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965 Days Ago
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Director of Medical and Allied Health Sciences Services Unit


Job description

  • Coordinate all clinical units
  • Make daily reports of medical and allied health professional staff
  • To follow up the recommendations provided by the meetings of clinical activities
  • Monitoring of implementation of protocols and therapeutic regimens
  • Introduce measures to stimulate medical scientific activities
  • Ensure the improvement of the quality of clinical services and health in the Hospital
  • Replace the Director General of the Hospital in case of absence or incapacity for medical issues
  • Heading meetings of medical staff
  • Chairing the hospital tender committee
  • Organize and supervise clinical activities taking place at the hospital
  • Attend meetings of the Management Committee and other hospital activities
  • Ensure compliance with medical ethics and deontology of medical practices
  • Chairing Hospital Drug and therapeutic committee

Minimum Qualifications

  • Medical doctor (A0) with 5+ years of experience in Hospital

0 Year of relevant experience

  • bachelor's degree in general medicine with three(3) years at a senior managerial position

0 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity
  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Client/citizen focus
  • Professionalism
  • Commitment to continuous learning
  • Strong IT skills, particularly in Financial software (SMART IFMIS)
  • Decision making skills
  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
  • Excellent organizational and time planning skills with ability to manage & distribute heavy workload and ensure rapid processin
  • Analytical and problem solving skills
  • Report writing & Presentation Skills
  • Director of Nursing and Midwifery Unit


    Job description

    ·         To approve duty rosters established by Nurses in charge of Clinical departments

    ·         To participate in quarterly and annual evaluation of staff performance

    ·         Proceed in conflict management between Nursing and midwifery staff

    ·         Implement sanctions measures in case of personnel misconduct and bad service delivery

    ·         To participate in evaluation of training needs of clinical personnel

    ·         Participate actively  in elaboration of training module

    ·         Participate in elaboration of  plan and organization of continuous on-job training of hospital staff

    ·         To participate in maternal and child mortality audit sessions

    ·         To participate in hospital report elaboration on drugs management.

    ·         Participate in hospital management committee

    ·         Supervise quality of care provided by hospital nurses and midwife staff

    ·         Participate in morning clinical staff meetings in collaboration with clinical director

    ·         Organize and conduct meetings with hospital nurses and midwife staff

    ·         Participate in accreditation steering committee meetings

    ·         To ensure that all required reports in clinical department are timely reported and documented to Director General

    ·         With Director of medical and allied health services unity ,ensure proper communication of feedback from meeting and workshop attended and other administrative information


    Minimum Qualifications

    • Bachelor's Degree in General Nursing with license certificate of the National Council for Nurses and Midwifery

    3 Years of relevant experience

    • Master’s Degree in Global Health with background in nursing.

    3 Years of relevant experience


    Competency and Key Technical Skills

    • Integrity
    • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
    • Inclusiveness
    • Accountability
    • Communication
    • Teamwork
    • Client/citizen focus
    • Professionalism
    • Commitment to continuous learning
    • Experience in data analysis and report writing
    • Familiarity with conflicts resolution or arbitration is an added value
    • Time management skills
    • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
    • Analytical, negotiations and report writing skills;
    • Excellent report writing and presentation skills;
    • Clear Communication Skills
    • Analytical and problem solving skills
    • Head of Anesthesia Technician A0


      Job description

      ·         Participate in staff performance evaluation

      ·         Conduct inventory of equipments and materials within the service

      ·         Ensure the proper management of equipment and materials within the service under his responsibility

      ·         Organize the monthly quality assurance meetings

      ·         Ensure the pre-visit - anesthetic patients scheduled for procedures and to prescribe premedication protocol preoperative resuscitation of the patient in consultation with the surgeon

      ·         Ensure effective coordination of theatre including care delivery

      ·         Monitor and verify compliance with the technical standards within operating theatre

      ·         Ensure the pre- visit:  anesthetic patients scheduled for Operation;

      ·         In the operating room:  put  intravenous catheter  and administer anesthesia

      ·         Postoperatively  : Assist in monitoring of patient in recovery room (reveil) ;


      Minimum Qualifications

      • Bachelor's degree in anaesthesia-resuscitation.

      0 Year of relevant experience


      0 Year of relevant experience

       Competency and Key Technical Skills

      • Integrity
      • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
      • Inclusiveness
      • Accountability
      • Communication
      • Teamwork
      • Client/citizen focus
      • Professionalism
      • Commitment to continuous learning
      • Extensive experience in directing research and analysis;
      • Networking skills
      • Mentoring and coaching skills
      • Time management skills
      • Risk management skills
      • Results oriented
      • Digital literacy skills
      • Leadership and management skills
      • Strong analytical skills and leadership skills
      • Communication Skills Verbal and Written
      • Registration certificate and License Rwanda allied health professionals council
      • Head of Lab A0


        Job description

        -              Ensure effective coordination of laboratory care delivery

        -              Monitor and verify compliance with the technical standards within laboratory department

        -              Ensure the execution of requests for laboratory examinations signed by a hospital doctor

        -              Ensure Samples collected in good condition

        -              Perform laboratory tests specified in the list of Complementary Package of Activities (PCA )

        -              Participate in meetings and other activities of the hospital

        -              Participate in the medical/clinical staff

        -              To do the SIS report of his department

        -              Make an inventory of equipment and materials

        -              Manage products and laboratory equipment stored in different areas, such as calculation of consumption, inventory, needs assessment, order, requisition ...

        -              Supervise the activities of laboratory under his authority

        -              Maintain the blood bank-up to date

        -              To timely file the blades of quality control at the National Laboratory and reassure feedback

        -              Participate in the health centers supervision

        Ensure the correct blade for quality control


        Minimum Qualifications

        • Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Bachelor’s Degree in Laboratory Science

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences

        0 Year of relevant experience


        Competency and Key Technical Skills

        • Integrity
        • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
        • Inclusiveness
        • Accountability
        • Communication
        • Teamwork
        • Client/citizen focus
        • Professionalism
        • Commitment to continuous learning
        • Time management skills
        • Results oriented
        • Leadership and management skills
        • Analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
        • Understanding of research methodology, report writing and publication
        • Judgement and decision making skills
        • Registration certificate and License Rwanda allied health professionals council


        Infrastructure Maintenance Officer A1


        Job description

        -              Organize and implement work programs in urban planning, land development, topographic and cadastral work

        -              Organize and execute the cadastral procedures for the establishment by the Provincial Hospital services Kibungo  convincing of land and concession regular and long-term leases;

        -              Develop the urban master plans and land use plans

        -              Organize and implement the topographic and cadastral operations necessary for the implementation of infrastructure works.

        -              -ensure the implementation of the national policy on safety in construction and planning

        -              Participate in the meeting of non-medical staff

        -              Do everything else asked by his supervisor in the work

        -              Observe and respect the values & taboos as developed in the internal regulation rules


      • Minimum Qualifications

        • Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Advanced Diploma in Building & Construction

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Bachelor's Degree in Construction Technology

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Bachelor's Degree in Building and Construction Technology

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Advanced Diploma in Construction Technology

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Advanced Diploma in Building & Construction Technology

        0 Year of relevant experience

         Competency and Key Technical Skills

        • Integrity
        • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
        • Inclusiveness
        • Accountability
        • Communication
        • Teamwork
        • Client/citizen focus
        • Professionalism
        • Commitment to continuous learning
        • Knowledge and ability to undertake quality control and assurance to compliance to regulations and standards
        • Communication skills
        • Resource management skills
        • Problem solving skills
        • Time management skills
        • Risk management skills
        • Results oriented
        • Digital literacy skills
        • Leadership and management skills
        • Analytical and problem solving skills
        • Analytical skills;
        • Strong interpersonal and teamwork skills;
      • Midwife, Head of Department A0


        Job description

        -              Participate in the evaluation of its staff

        -              Make an inventory of equipment,

        -              Ensure efficient daily management of equipment and material under its responsibility

        -              Chairing and organizing monthly meetings of Quality Assurance

        -              Prepare schedules rooster in his department

        -              Check punctuality and discipline of staff service

        -              Give daily spots to each member of his team

        -              To the SIS report service

        -              Manage print necessary for the proper implementation of the activities of the service.

        -              Manage the stock of service and establish the necessary requisitions for service

        -              Plan and coordinate IEC health education of hospitalized patients.

        -              Supervise trainees and other nurses/midwives working under his authority.

        -              Do everything else asks by his supervisor at the work

        -              Respect of values and taboos as being developed in the internal rules and regulations of the hospital

        -              Management of equipment and materials within neonatology department


        Minimum Qualifications

        • Master's degree in Midwifery

        0 Year of relevant experience

        • Bachelor's Degree in Midwifery Sciences

        0 Year of relevant experience

         Competency and Key Technical Skills

        • Integrity
        • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
        • Inclusiveness
        • Accountability
        • Communication
        • Teamwork
        • Client/citizen focus
        • Professionalism
        • Commitment to continuous learning
        • Resource management skills
        • Decision making skills
        • Networking skills
        • Mentoring and coaching skills
        • Time management skills
        • Risk management skills
        • Results oriented
        • Digital literacy skills
        • Leadership and management skills
        • Clear Communication Skills
        • Analytical and problem solving skills
        • Analytical skills;
        • Judgement and decision making skills
        • Registration certificate and a valid License to practice nursing in Rwanda issued by the professional council
        • 6 Nurse, Head of Department/Matron A0


          Job description

          -              Participate in the evaluation of its staff

          -              Make an inventory of equipment,

          -              Ensure efficient daily management of equipment and material under its responsibility

          -              Chairing and organizing monthly meetings insurance service quality

          -              Prepare schedules rooster in his department

          -              Check punctuality and discipline of staff service

          -              Give daily spots to each member of his team

          -              To the SIS report service

          -              Manage print necessary for the proper implementation of the activities of the service.

          -              Manage the stock of service and establish the necessary requisitions for service

          -              Plan and coordinate IEC health education of inpatients.

          -              Supervise trainees and other nurses working under his authority.

          -              Do everything else asks by his supervisor at the work

          -              Respect of values and taboos as being developed in the internal rules and regulations of the hospital


          Minimum Qualifications

          • Bachelor's Degree in General Nursing

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor’ Degree in Nursing

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's degree of Nursing

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical medicine with background in Nursing

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's Degree in Clinical Medicine and Community Health

          0 Year of relevant experience


          Competency and Key Technical Skills

          • Integrity
          • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
          • Inclusiveness
          • Accountability
          • Communication
          • Teamwork
          • Client/citizen focus
          • Professionalism
          • Commitment to continuous learning
          • Resource management skills
          • Mentoring and coaching skills
          • Risk management skills
          • Results oriented
          • Digital literacy skills
          • Creative and pragmatic with ability to find realistic solutions to problems;
          • Leadership and management skills
          • Clear Communication Skills
          • Analytical and problem solving skills
          • Judgement and decision making skills
          • Registration certificate and a valid License to practice nursing in Rwanda issued by the professional council
        • Planning, M&E Officer


          Job description

          ·         Participate in elaboration and analysis of annual action plan of the hospital and business plan for health centers

          ·         To prepare quarterly, half-yearly and annually technical report of Global Fund Project within the hospital and health center

          ·         Verify the completeness and promptitude of quarterly reports of health centers and hospital for Global Fund 

          ·         Assure the secretary ship of the hospital monitoring and evaluation meetings

          ·         Develop a plan of monthly assessment of the quality of service delivery of health center

          ·         Participate in hospital quarterly evaluations of PBF

          ·         Participate in the meetings and other activities of the hospital to promote its field

          ·         Participate in training and research

          ·         Prepare monthly meeting evaluation of various programs (PNILP, PNILT, EPI, RFHP, GF etc...

          ·         Present once a month the data related to the programs during the coordination meeting’s health facilities

          ·         Compile data on program activities (GF) and make a quarterly technical report of the Hospital at upper lev

          ·         Prepare quarterly technical reports of the activities of components of the SR in the radiation zone of the hospital and make a synthesis of the hospital ` report and transmit it to the administration

          ·         Coordinate the activities of the analysis of campaign results. (Vaccination, FP ....)

          ·         Monitor the execution schedule of supervision

          ·         Synthesize monthly reports of supervision activities and forward to management

          ·         Identify activities to be monitored for the next quarter and propose to the Management

          ·         Develop and reserve a copy of the summary of the results of quality assessment in hospital and the steering committee of the administrative district;

          ·         File the order’s receipt signed by the chairman of steering committee of the administrative district

          ·         To file the quality assessment tool

          ·         Participate in the meeting of steering committee

          ·         Coordinate all activities regarding health center supervision

          ·         To do follow up of health indicators within hospital catchment area and make recommendation for action to improve

          ·         Coordinate the work to analyze the reports of activities of health facilities and ensure sends feedback to health facilities

          ·         Participate in quality improvement committee meetings


          Minimum Qualifications

          • Bachelor's Degree in Economics

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelors in Project Management

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's in Project Management

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's in Finance

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's in Economics

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's Degree in Public Policy

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Management

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Masters in Management

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Development Studies

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Statistics

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's Degree in Development Studies

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's Degree in Statistics

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Development Planning

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's Degree in Development Planning

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master’s Degree in Business Administration

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Public Health

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Master's Degree in Public Health

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Finance

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Project Planning

          0 Year of relevant experience


          Competency and Key Technical Skills

          • Integrity
          • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
          • Inclusiveness
          • Accountability
          • Communication
          • Teamwork
          • Client/citizen focus
          • Professionalism
          • Commitment to continuous learning
          • Time management skills
          • Ability to make proactive and independent decisions in an agile manner;
          • Data organization and storage knowledge
          • Knowledge on research and data analysis reporting budgeting
          • Leadership and management skills
          • Complex Problem Solving Skills
          • Analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
          • Coordination , Planning and Organisational skills
        • Principal Cashier A0


          Job description

          -              Collect and consolidate all revenue collected at the counters

          -              Deposit all revenues collected to the bank

          -              Request and distribute the cash and credits receipt books

          -              Maintain daily cash books of the hospital

          -              Assure manager petty cash

          -              -Check receipts Filling of consultations, medicines, complementary tests, etc

          -              Check Costing of consultations, drugs or prescribed examinations and ensure their collection.

          -              By late afternoon, in the presence of accounting, accounting for the total theoretical revenue and verify the amount with the physical box with the book and make payments to the bank.

          -              Ensure authorized petty cash payment

          -              Coordinate the activities of cashiers and reassure entry operations of the fund.

          -              -Maintain daily of revenue and expenditure.

          -              Do everything else asked by his supervisor in the work

          -              Respect the values & taboos as developed in the internal regulation rules


          Minimum Qualifications

          • Bachelor's Degree in Management

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Advanced Diploma in Accounting

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Accounting

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Finance

          0 Year of relevant experience

          • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Finance

          0 Year of relevant experience


          Competency and Key Technical Skills

          • Integrity
          • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
          • Inclusiveness
          • Accountability
          • Communication
          • Teamwork
          • Client/citizen focus
          • Professionalism
          • Commitment to continuous learning
          • Resource management skills
          • Time management skills
          • Risk management skills
          • Results oriented
          • Digital literacy skills
          • Leadership and management skills
          • Clear Communication Skills
          • Analytical and problem solving skills
          • Judgement and decision making skills
Job Info
Job Category: Public Relations jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 25 july 2022
Duty Station: Ngoma
Posted: 14-07-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-07-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-07-2065
Apply Now
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