Tenders at Vi Agroforestry and FXB Rwanda

Deadline of this Job: 02 September 2022
Term of Reference (ToR) for PMERL training, 12th-16th September 2022
Vi Agroforestry is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden and registered in Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania as an international NGO. Its target groups are smallholder farmer families living in poverty with a focus on women, youth, and children, who are members or potential members of democratic farmers’ organisations, in areas vulnerable to climate change. Vi Agroforestry’s priority is on agroforestry, sustainable agriculture, and empowerment of women and youth.
Vi Agroforestry Rwanda has the country office in Kigali, and the implementing partners are in districts of Kigali city, Kayonza, Rulindo, Kamonyi, and Nyamagabe.
Currently, Vi Agroforestry Rwanda is implementing five (5) projects through its implementing partners. Projects include.
• Agroforestry for Agriculture production and economic empowerment (AGAPE)
• Mukunguri watershed management for improving farmer’s livelihood (MWILI)
• Improving farmers’ livelihood through sustainable coffee production in Rulindo district (IFLISCOP)
• Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Agriculture Project (YESA)
• Promoting smallholder farmers’ advocacy skills on sustainable agriculture and food security in Rwanda (PSAF)
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The objective of PMERL Training:
The training should equip partners and Vi Agroforestry staff with the capacity to Monitor, Evaluate and Learn in/from interventions in a Participatory manner. The target group should be able to monitor progress, track changes/impact, and learn from their projects. The training should also empower Vi Agroforestry and partners’ staff, to identify and use tools to plan, collect data, analyze, and decide on the appropriate course of action, as well as inform stakeholders (PMERL cycle).
This will be achieved through the establishment of solid knowledge and skills in project planning, monitoring, and learning processes and steps. Developing M&E systems, tools, methodologies and approaches, and a clear understanding of how to operate in the future (reviewing partner M&E systems) is part of the objectives of this training.

Purpose of this Term of Reference (ToR)
This ToR will guide the hiring of a consultant/team who will be engaged, to facilitate the training and produce a training report on M&E systems, methodologies, approaches, learning, and (accountability) for organizational sustainability.

Deliverables and Scope of Work to be performed
The consultant team will be responsible to lead 5 days of training, in a venue to be communicated. The training participants partner staff (project coordinators, M&E officers, and Managers), and Vi Agroforestry staff. The number of participants is 15 people.
By the end of the workshop, it is expected that participants will have knowledge and skills on the following topics:
• Reflect on the project and program logic models that later become the foundations of PMERL in projects and programs. This includes the Theory of Change, Result Chains, and Logical Frameworks (log frames).
• Planning for PMERL using practical tools that include Performance Management Plans, Indicator Performance Tracking Tables, Summary Evaluation Tables, Evaluation Terms of Reference, Learning Plans, and Communication Plans.
• Collecting Data for PMERL data by using well-designed qualitative and quantitative data collection tools, appropriate sampling methods, and recommended data management practices.
• Analyze PMERL data to inform project decisions, communicate with stakeholders, and practice adaptive management

Expected Deliverables
The consultant team will be responsible to conduct the following list of activities:
• Prepare 5 days training agenda to be approved by Vi Agroforestry Rwanda Country Team
• Develop, submit, revise (if necessary), and finalize substantive training materials and method of the training, including the Pre-training and post-training questionnaire.
• In developing and finalizing the above deliverables, the consultant team will provide clear and easy-to-understand training on PMERL to participants.
• The consultant team will draft, submit, revise (if necessary), and finalise the training report to Vi Agroforestry, including results of pre-and post-test results.
• Develop and offer relevant training handouts, links, and easy-to-use reference materials.
• The consultant will be required to award certificates to the training participants.

Vi Agroforestry will be responsible for the following tasks:
• Guide the consultant
• Review all training documents, agenda, and schedule and provide feedback
• Provide necessary documents to the consultant for their reference based on the signed agreement
• Effect payments according to the signed agreement
• Will provide financial/funding support
• Technical guidance and support in the process of identifying suitable M&E trainer
• Support in developing budgets and ToR for the training

The PMERL training will have a duration of 5 days, from 12th-16th September 2022. The final training report including results of pre-and post-test results should be submitted to Vi Agroforestry on 23rd September 2022
This will be based on negotiations between Vi Agroforestry and the consultant. All invoices shall be paid by following the procurement policies of Vi Agroforestry.

Qualifications of the Trainer
• The consultant/team must have proven experience in doing PMERL,
• Minimum of 5 years experience, and facilitation skills for adult participants
• Minimum of master’s level education in project management, economics, Agriculture, development studies, and related fields
• Demonstrated experience in facilitating similar training in international NGO setting
• Strong English speaking and writing abilities
• Ability to collaborate with Vi Agroforestry staff and partners to provide mentoring support during and after the training.

Submission procedure:
The Consultant is expected to submit.
• Three references (with contact information) from previous clients
• Brief presentation of the team, with CVs and functional responsibilities of the key people to be engaged
• A technical and financial proposal with the proposed training content.
• The company should be registered in RDB with the certificate of domestic company registration.
• VAT registration certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA)

Deadline of this Job: 05 September 2022
Avis d’Appel d’Offre pour Fournir les Services de Réparation et Entretien des Véhicules & Motos
Objet : Avis d’Appel d’Offre pour fournir les Services de Réparation et Entretien des Véhicules & Motos
Référence de l’Appel d’Offre : 003/S/FXB/2022
FXB Rwanda lance un appel d’offre pour les services d’entretien et réparation de ses véhicules et motos. La participation à la concurrence est ouverte à égalité des conditions à tous les garages intéressés et qualifiés dans le domaine, immatriculés au registre de commerce et n’ayant pas de litiges avec l’Administration fiscale.

Les dossiers d’appel d’offre peuvent être obtenus à partir du 23 Août 2022 au bureau de la Coordination Nationale de FXB Rwanda située dans le district de Kamonyi, Secteur Runda, Cellule Ruyenzi, Village Rubumba. Les dossiers d’appel d’offres seront fournis contre une présentation de bordereaux de versement de la somme de 10,000 Frw (dix mille francs rwandais) non remboursables, au compte No 25001965005, intitulé François Xavier Bagnoud, ouvert à la banque de I&M Bank.

Les offres bien dactylographiées, reliées convenablement et présentées en trois (3) exemplaires (l’original et 2 copies), sous peine d’être rejetées, seront parvenues sous plis scellées au bureau de FXB Rwanda dont l’adresse est ci-haut mentionnée au plus tard le 5 Septembre 2022, à 15 heures précises, heure locale. Les enveloppes de soumission doivent clairement porter la mention « Offre no 003/S/FXB/2022 : Services de Réparation et Entretien des Véhicules & Motos ».

Les offres présentées garderont leur validité durant une durée de 90 jours calendriers, à compter à partir de la date de clôture de soumission des offres. Le garage sélectionné signera avec FXB un contrat de services d’une année, ce qui signifie que les prix du garagiste vainqueur de ce marché auront une validité d’une année à compter de la date de signature du contrat. Les personnes intéressées à concourir peuvent obtenir des informations supplémentaires auprès du bureau de FXB Rwanda à l’adresse est ci-haut mentionnée.
Directeur Exécutif