Consultant contractual Job at GIZ Rwanda and other Companies

Deadline of this Job: 14 November 2022
Expression of Interest (EOI) Event management for the Pharma Conference in Kigali, Rwanda
Reference number : 83425829
General information
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. GIZ has worked in Rwanda for over 30 years. The primary objectives between the Government of Rwanda and the Great Lakes Region and the Federal Republic of Germany are poverty reduction and promotion of sustainable development. To achieve these objectives, GIZ Rwanda is active in the sectors of Decentralization and Good Governance, Economic Development and Employment Promotion, Energy and ICT (Information and Communications Technology), Natural Resources, Peace and Security and Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Brief information on the project
In Rwanda, the cluster “sustainable economic development” includes the Special Initiative on Job Creation and Training (SI Jobs), which is financed by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The recently commissioned component on “Job partnerships and SME promotion in the pharmaceutical sector” is officially part of the “Special Initiative for Training and Job Creation” (hereafter referred to as SI Jobs) in Rwanda.
It is financed by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aims at strengthening the pharmaceutical and bio-technological sector in Rwanda. It focuses on the following measures:
1. Strengthening the regulatory framework and governance for pharmaceutical and biotechnological products;
2. Improving opportunities for qualification and training measures for professions at different levels in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sector;
3. Investment promotion and support networking between Rwandan and international actors in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sector.

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GIZ Rwanda jobs in Rwanda

Rwanda heavily depends on the import of medicines and vaccines. To ensure access to affordable and quality pharmaceuticals, the Government of Rwanda decided to transform the country into a regional hub for pharmaceutical manufacturing. However, the sector is still in its infantry, with very limited industry and the workforce required to build up the sector is almost absent. Thererfore, the investment of BioNTech is considered vital to attract more companies and to build a conducive ecosystem needed for pharmaceutical production.
To successfully build a conducive ecosystem for the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sector, a range of interlinked elements need to be put in place and a close collaboration among stakeholders is essential. Moreover, potential investors have a range of questions they consider before entering a new market.

A pharma conference will be conveined with the aim to attract potential investments to successfully develop the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sector in Rwanda. The conference shall support the networking among stakeholders across sectors, promote Rwanda as location for potential investments and attract business and academic interest.
The 2- or 3-day (still tbd) conference shall take place in early 2023 (preferably March) in Kigali. Particpants will come from a range of different sectors, including government, regulatory bodies, industry, education, civil society and development cooperation. The conference’s program will include a range of different elements such as investors’ meetings, a tour through the regulatory institution, a visit to the special economic zone, market place and other side meetings.
While the content of the conference will be planned with the Rwandan partners and relevant experts, there is need for support of planning (logistically) and execution of the event in Kigali, Rwanda.
Objective of the assignment
The objective of the assignment is to support the planning and execution of the conference in Kigali.
Contract term

GIZ is looking for an experience event organiser consulting firm to manage the organisation of the above mentioned Pharma Conference. The event organiser shall support the GIZ team in the preparation of the logistical and administrative tasks while the content (agenda, speakers etc.) will be organized by the GIZ team. For support in the content-related preparation of the conference, GIZ will also contract an international expert for pharmaceutical production. In some instances, close coordination between the contractor and the international expert will be required.
GIZ shall hire the contractor for the anticipated contract term, from 15.12.2022 until
31.08.2023. If all services have been provided, the contractor may issue the final invoice. The extended contract term serves as a contingency to allow for any unforeseen circumstances.
The contractor shall provide the following services:
• Advise on the questions regarding the event during the conceptualisation phase (e.g. on the format of the conference, the methods used, timeline, side events, cultural framework offers to participants)
Securing and managing the venue for the conference
• Provide GIZ with a short list of relevant conference venues and hotels (accommodation should be provided in one hotel for the participants that get accommodation paid by GIZ; all self-paying participants may choose the accommodation by themselves and do the booking themselves); the booking needs to be done through GIZ; however, the coordination and communication shall then be done by the contractor, in close collaboration with the political partner in Rwanda
• Ensure that the technical requirements are met by venue (e.g. internet speed, microphones, camera)
• Coordination of all relevant service providers – this may include technical support (IT during the event), transport (from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the event venue), security (in case relevant), COVID-19 measures (testing personnel and facilities); all these services shall be sub-contracted by the contractor
• Ensure all meeting rooms are arranged and ready for the conference as per the conference programme (includes set-up and technical infrastructure)
• Ensure that all required equipment (IT and and other) is available and put in place an IT support team to ensure that the sessions run smoothly
• Ensure catering is provided by the venue as part of a conference package (communicate coffee breaks and lunches each day and make sure the right menu and choices are provided)
• Set up registration table for the welcoming of participants and hand out name tags etc.
• Set up a market place with tables where different participants (e.g. universities and companies) can show what they are doing in the sector and what they are planning for Rwanda
Participation management and travel arrangements
• Provide a registration system for participants (e.g. through email, a portal or app); this shall be set up by the contractor, not an external service provider; this will involve the processing of personal data such as name and contact details of participants for the purpose of registration and reservations; therefore, the contractor is required to conform with GIZ data protection rules (see section on data protection);
• Monitor and document participants’ registrations, provide GIZ with regular updates in registrations and registration lists
• Answer to participants’ inquiries
• Block accommodation in conference hotel according to travel days of the participants
• Arrange the booking of flights for GIZ sponsored participants as well as airport transfers and communicate booking changes and requests
• Liaison with participants regarding visa applications (with support from GIZ)
• Send out (plus share on conference website) information package (arrival details, transfers, hotel, visa reguirements, agenda, general city info etc.) to all participants ahead of the conference
• Prepare and set-up general information kiosk for participants on-site where they can ask for assistance/ information during the conference
• Organize bus transfers for all participants to and from the foreseen visits (e.g. special
economic zone Kigali); this service shall be sub-contracted by the contractor
Design and preparation of conference material
• Provide 3 options for branding/ design of the conference in line with GIZ rules
• Communication Guidelines: this includes logo, banner, roll-ups, designed agenda etc.
• Print and prepare conference material in line with agreed design
• Photo documentation of entire event; this includes liaison with existing photographer at SI Jobs; here, GIZ data protection rules shall apply (e.g. consent form needs to be signed by all participants before photos are taken)

Special services
• Ensure that the conference is accessible for all (e.g. people with disability)
• Ensure hygiene concept (e.g. COVID-related measures)
• Integrate sustainability measures into the event management concept (e.g. reduce plastic packaging/bottles, use local food providers for catering services ets.)
• Develop a leaflet that includes options and info for touristic travels within the country for participants who are interested (e.g. propose which companies organize trips to Akagera National Park, the volcanoes, Lake Kivu); in case participants decide to participate in touristic activities, they will cover the costs and the organization should be done by the respective companies providing the services
Tender requirements
The evaluation of offers will be conducted on the basis of the submitted offer of services (technical proposal + CV) as well as the proposed price offer.
Technical proposal
The bidder shall submit a technical proposal that outlilnes how each of the services in Chapter 1 will be implemented. This includes a description of how to secure and manage the venue, the type of participation management used and how travel arrangements will be done, design and preparation of conference material, documentation and special services.
The bidder shall make sure to address each of these points.

Qualifications of proposed staff
The contractor shall provide a pool of experts for the planning and execution of the conference. The contractor shall identify one person responsible for the overall execution of the services. The team leader shall be supported by 2-3 experts.
1.1 Expert 1: Team leader
1.1.1 General qualifications
Education: Academic degree in a relevant field (e.g. event management, social sciences, business management/administration etc.)
Professional experience: 8 years’ experience in event management, including international events with stakeholder from different sectors and high political representation; shall have experience in conducting and managing events in Rwanda; shall have experience in conducting hybrid events (with virtual participation); shall have political sensibility in the communication with stakeholders and partners
1.1.2 Experience in the region/knowledge of the country: 3 years working experience in Rwanda
1.1.3 Language skills: business fluency in English (spoken and written)
1.2 Expert 2: Expert pool
1.2.1 General qualifications
Education: Academic degree or diploma in a relevant field (e.g. event management, social sciences, business management/administration, IT etc.)
Professional experience: 2 years of experience in managing events, shall have political sensibility in communicating with stakeholders and partners
1.2.2 Experience in the region/knowledge of the country: 1 year working experience in Rwanda
1.2.3 Language skills: business fluency in English (spoken and written)
3 Specification of inputs and costs
Please calculate an average daily fee rate for the service provision. Do not specify fee rates according to the type of personnel.
Calculate this average daily fee for a total amount of 50 days. The financial settlement will be based on actual days spent for delivery of the services. Proof of work and days spent needs to be delivered to GIZ.
It is not permissible to deviate from the 50 working days in the financial proposal. Failure to abide by these regulations can lead to your bid not being considered.
Other costs
Other costs may include services that are sub-contracted by the contractor, these may include:
• Printing (e.g. agenda, handouts, leaflets, banners, posters)
• Additional technical tools (e.g. rental of camera, microphones, speakers)
• IT support (in case external IT support is needed to smoothly run the conference)
• Name tags for participants
• Transport (bus transport from the hotels to the conference venue and to other venues to be visited)
• Renting tables for a market place, in case they cannot be provided by venue

Flexible remuneration item
In case that during the assignment period the work on the above listed tasks is a lot more than calculated in this document or any additional work packages arise in the implementation, flexible remuneration can be made use of. Hence, bidders are required to include a budget of 1,300,000 RWF in their financial proposal. In accordance to the general terms and conditions of contract, use of the flexible remuneration item must be approved by GIZ before the costs in question are incurred.
Fee days Number of experts Number of days per expert Comments
Preparation/debriefing 3-4 10 The number of days will be 50 for the entire expert pool
Implementation 3-4 3
Travel expenses Number of experts Number of days/nights per experts Comments
Per-diem allowance in country of assignment 0 0 n/a
Overnight allowance in country of assignment 0 0 n/a
Travel costs (train, private vehicle) 0 0 n/a
Flights Number of experts Number of flights per experts Comments
International flights 0 0 n/a
Domestic flights 0 0 n/a
Other costs Amount Comments
Flexible remuneration item EUR 1,300,000 RWF
Sub-Contractors Please list the costs for all sub-contractors and smaller procurements separately

Data Protection
The consultancy agrees to and cooperates on the following: Personal data will be processed on behalf of the client, represented by GIZ. Therefore, an agreement on "Outsourcing of data processing (AuV)" will be concluded with the consultancy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU). For this purpose, the technical and organisational measures (TOM) for compliance with the data protection requirements must be outlined prior to conclusion of the contract. If the consultancy has already been audited by GIZ in the past, an update in accordance with GDPR must nevertheless be sent. After a positive check, the contract is concluded with the AuV attachment. The AuV is attached as part of these tender documents.
The bidder is required to submit the TOM along with the technical proposal. The TOM that must be outlined are specified in the document “Outsourcing of data processing”. The TOM will not be assessed during the evaluation of the technical proposal; however, it is mandatory to submit them.

Failure to do so can result in your bid being excluded from the tender procedure.
Requirements on the format of the bid
The structure of the bid must correspond to the structure of the ToRs. In particular, the detailed structure of the concept (Chapter 1, section e). The concept should outline how each item in Chapter 1 section e will be implemented by the bidder, including the methods used. Moreover, the bidder shall also outline the concept for managing the project. It must be legible (font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The bid is drawn up in English.
The CVs of the personnel proposed shall not exceed 4 pages. The CVs must clearly show the position and job the proposed person held in the reference project and for how long.
If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment.
Please calculate your price bid based exactly on the aforementioned costing requirements. In the contract the consultancy has no claim to fully exhaust the days/travel/workshops budgets. The number of days/travel/workshops and the budget amount shall be agreed in the contract as ‘up to’ amounts. The specifications for pricing are defined in the price schedule.

Submission of offer
The Expression of Interest should contain the following
• Technical Proposal:
o A cover letter expressing your interest in this assignment
o Technical proposal with a brief description of why you would be considered as the most suitable for the assignment, relevant expertise, and a detailed, clear methodology, on how will be your approach to complete the assignment
o CVs of the expert proposed
o Company registration certificate (RDB)
o VAT registration certificate
o Latest tax clearance certificate
o Proof of successful completion of related assignments.
o Outsourcing of data processing document
• Financial Proposal:
o The Financial Proposal indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of all costs. The cost must be in Rwandan Francs and VAT excluded.

Submission Procedure
Please submit electronically your EoI (technical & Financial offer) in 2 separated emails and should be in PDF files to this email ONLY: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until latest 25th November 2022
Please you must write on each email subject this sentence: 83425829-Technical/financial offer, without this sentence, your offer may not be considered
Hard copies are not allowed this time
GIZ reserves all rights

Deadline of this Job: 14 November 2022
Terms Of Reference Recruitment of (a) Consultancy Firm to Provide Certified AWS Re/Start Program Instructors
Address Smart Africa Secretariat
10th Floor, Career Center Building
KG 541 ST, Kigali, Rwanda,
+250 788-300-581/ 784013646
PO Box: 4913 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RFP# : 078/S.A/RFP/11/2022
Release date: 09th/11/2022 at, 05:00 PM Local Time (Kigali)
Closing date: 09th/12/2022 at, 05:00 PM Local Time (Kigali)

Contact For any questions or enquiries, please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For Submissions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organization Background
Smart Africa is a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socio-economic development on the continent, ushering Africa into a knowledge economy through affordable access to Broadband and usage of Information and Communications Technologies.
The Smart Africa Manifesto aims to put ICT at the center of national socio-economic development agenda of member countries and promote the introduction of advanced technologies in telecommunication, as well as leverage ICT to promote sustainable development.
The Smart Africa Initiative is geared towards connecting, innovating, and transforming the continent into a knowledge economy thereby driving global competitiveness and job creation. The initiative also aims at enabling Member States to become more competitive, agile, open and innovative smart economies with the most favorable business climates that attracts large- scale investments, rewards entrepreneurship and enables fast growth and exports, leveraging ICT innovations to transform African nations into smart societies. The Smart Africa Secretariat (SAS) is based in Kigali, Rwanda.

Project Background
Most African countries are also hedging a bet that ICT will lead their countries and economies into the 21st century. However, this target can only be achieved by how well we can train and retain the next generation of ICT Specialists. It has been shown that without a solid basic education foundational skill in ICT and an enabling environment the vision to Transform Africa in a digital economy cannot be efficiently implemented.
This has led to the launch of the Smart Africa Digital Academy (SADA) as the driving vehicle for implementing Smart Africa's capacity building and skills development activities across the digital skills spectrum.
The Smart Africa Digital Academy (SADA) is the delivery vehicle of the Smart Africa capacity building and skills development activities across the various digital skills spectrum. It is a pan-African dynamic learning ecosystem in which African citizens of all ages and social classes can gain or improve their digital skills, gain qualifications, meet the emerging talent needs of employers, industry or be self-reliant.
The Smart Africa Digital Academy (SADA) is collaborating with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the implementation of the AWS re/Start program at the Smart Africa Member states. This program aims to skill and re-skill African Youth and to increase their employability through skills development and job training for careers in cloud. The mission of the program is to build local talent by providing cloud skills development and opportunities to unemployed or underemployed individuals.
The present consultancy will recruit a consulting firm to provide certified AWS re/Start program instructors and junior facilitators to facilitate the delivery of the Re/Start AWS programs among Smart Africa member states.

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Objectives For The Consultancy
The overall objective of the consultancy is to support the implementation of the Re/Start program in the Smart Africa member states with the required knowledge and skills.
Its specific objectives include:
• To implement a structured training plan that suits the unique needs of the Smart Africa Digital Academy
• To equip learners with the needed knowledge and skills with the aim to become AWS certified professionals
• To provide an enabling environment and learning space for youth to gain necessary skills to become employable
• To provide qualified AWS program instructors who will ensure the success of the learners and the program

Duration Of The Program And Training Method
The AWS re/Start program is a 12 weeks (3 months) classroom program. The program will take place in selected Smart Africa member states. Training shall be provided to both English and French speaking audiences
The training should be delivered in–person in the selected country and it must be instructor-led and interactive, allowing students to also learn with their peers. Group projects and practices are expected to foster teamwork and critical thinking skills in the learners.

Mission Execution And Scope Of Work
In accordance with these terms of reference, implementation will be carried out according to a contractual framework to be defined between the Smart Africa Secretariat, the Smart Africa member states, and the partners involved:
The scope of the consultancy is presented below:
• Prepare the training as the established training plan and adopt appropriate methodology for a positive and successful learning experience to learners
• Assess and enroll beneficiaries into the re/Start Program
• Provide qualified and certified program instructors to deliver the program (s) to the selected trainees
• Deliver training to both English and French learners
• Deliver the program as per program implementation plan and as per the existing curriculum (Cloud and employability skills).
• Accompany learners in their learning experience and in their certification preparations and exams.
• Produce and maintain fundamental Certification Program, content including syllabus, question test bases and learning materials.
• Provide training reports, reviewed by the Smart Africa member state and to be submitted to.
• Coordinate the training with the country beneficiary and learners
• Regularly update the country of implementation and SAS on the progress and communicate if any challenges encountered.
• Other related responsibilities as per the contract.

Firm Profile And Experience

In addition to the human resources required to assemble its team, as described below, the firm must meet the following requirements:
• Must be an accredited and reputable Academic institution with at least 5 years of delivering Cloud based and Digital training, Entrepreneurship, Business Innovation, Business Information Technology etc.
• Possess AWS certified Instructors who can deliver courses in English and French
• The firm must be based in Africa
• Have experience in training and certifying similar target groups
• Have experience delivering AWS certification programs
• Firms should submit three recommendation letters from previous clients of similar training conducted over the past (3 years).

The mission will be carried out by highly qualified consultants/experts in the requested specialties, namely:
Certified AWS SysOps Administrator – Associate certification or AWS solution Architect
• A minimum of an Associate Certification active through the duration of instruction
• Professional level certifications in Solution Architect or DevOps
• One year of experience in teaching technical IT content covering at least four of the five areas mentioned below:
1. Linux Operating System
2. Scripting languages such as Shell and Python
3. Networking and Security concepts
4. Relational Databases
5. DevOps Concept and Processes
• Familiarity with Microsoft Office skills (Excel, Word & PowerPoint)
• Ability to speak English or French
Junior Facilitator (individual preparing to achieve their AWS re/Start qualification)
• Actively training for AWS SysOps Administrator – Associate certification, or AWS Solution Architect – Associate Certification of the Professional level exams in Solution Architect or DevOps.
• Any working experience in at least four of the areas mentioned below
1. Linux Operating System
2. Scripting languages such as Shell and Python
3. Networking and Security concepts
4. Working exposure to Relational Databases
5. Working exposure to DevOps Process
• Microsoft Office skills (Excel, Word & PowerPoint)
1. Experience teaching foundational technical content
• Ability to speak English or French

All bidders should note that the evaluation method is Quality Cost based selection (QCBS) for consultants. The technical and financial scores are 0.8 and 0.2 respectively (0.8 + 0.2=1).
The following model will be used to evaluate all respondents and proposals submitted:
Technical Criteria
Items Point Range
Approach, Methodology and Work Plan
i. Training Approach in conformity with Industry authority requirements 15
ii. Training Plan 10 /25
Firm Experience
● Certification and Accreditation
i. AWS re/Start Program Training partner accreditation or related subject matter 30
ii. None 0
Staff Experience
● Certified AWS SysOps Administrator – Associate certification or AWS solution Architect:
i. A minimum of an Associate Certification active through the duration of instruction 5
ii. Professional level certifications in Solution Architect or DevOps 5
iii. One year of experience in teaching technical IT content covering at least four of the five areas mentioned below:
a. Linux Operating System
b. Scripting languages such as Shell and Python
c. Networking and Security concepts
d. Relational Databases
e. DevOps Concept and Processes 5
iv. Less than 1 year 0

● Junior Facilitator:
1. Actively training for AWS SysOps Administrator – Associate certification, or AWS Solution Architect – Associate Certification of the Professional level exams in Solution Architect or DevOps. 10
1. Any working experience in at least four of the areas mentioned below,
a. Linux Operating System
b. Scripting languages such as Shell and Python
c. Networking and Security concepts
d. Working exposure to Relational Databases
e. Working exposure to DevOps Process 5

Staffs or Firms References
● 3 Certificates of Similar assignments Signed and Stamped with details:
1. 3 Similar assignments 15
1. 2 Similar assignments 10
1. 1 Similar assignment 5
1. 0 Similar assignment 0
The financial proposal of only those firms will be opened which secure a minimum score of 70/100 in the technical evaluation.
St= Score for the Technical Evaluation
Financial Criteria
Once the technical criteria have been evaluated, the costs of all bids will be listed from low to high. Computing the cost criteria score will be accomplished by use of the following formula:
The Applicant getting maximum marks on 70-30 weightage (70% for technical and 30% for financial) will be selected as Consultants for the Client. The weights given to the Technical (T) and Financial Proposals (F) are T = 0.70 and F = 0.30
The Final Score (S) is calculated as follows: S = St*T + Sf*F

All technical and financial proposals must be submitted in French and English.
Administrative documents (Company registration certificates, Tax clearance certificates and Social Security clearance).
Technical Requirements
• Duly signed and stamped submission letter.
• Firm's corporate profile/Executive summary.
• Understanding of ToR;
• Detailed description of Methodology and work plans for performing this assignment.
• Team composition and specific responsibilities per staff;
• Work and tentative training schedule
• Consultancy references with contacts;
• Detailed Curriculum Vitae for the proposed staff with academic certificates and recommendation letters from previous similar assignments signed and stamped;
• Firms Recommendation Letters signed and Stamped
Financial Requirements
• Summary of Costs.
• Breakdown of price per activity at the daily rate;
• Breakdown of remuneration per activity at a daily rate;
• Reimbursable expenses per activity.
• Miscellaneous Expenses.

• All Financial Proposals/offers should be password protected and Smart Africa will request for it for bidders who have been qualified in the technical evaluation.
• Only consulting companies are eligible to apply to this assignment, no individuals will be accepted.
• All companies should quote in United States Dollars (USD) as currency.
• All bidding firms/ companies should Indicate their preferred payment terms

Soft Copies of both Technical and Financial proposals must be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. showing each the nature of the offer concerned (technical or financial offer), the firm’s name not later than 01st/11/2022 at, 05:00 PM Local Time (Kigali) prompt to the Procurement Unit Smart Africa Secretariat on previous address.
All enquiries will only be received at least 5 days prior to bid submission deadline.

• This RFP does not obligate the Smart Africa Secretariat (SAS) to complete the RFP process. SAS reserves the right to amend any segment of the RFP prior to the announcement of a selected firm.
• SAS also reserves the right to remove one or more of the services from consideration for this contract should the evaluation show that it is in SAS’s best interest to do so.
• SAS also may, at its discretion, issue a separate contract for any service or groups of services included in this RFP. SAS may negotiate a compensation package and additional provisions to the contract awarded under this RFP.
• The Smart Africa reserves the right to debrief the applicants after the completion of the process due to expected high volume of applications and avoiding the compromise of the process.
• Any enquiries will only be received and addressed 3 days or more prior to the bid submission deadline. Prospective respondents who may have questions regarding this RFP may submit their enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline of this Job: 17 November 2022
Short Term National Expert to Deliver Training Session on Security, Health and Environment for TVET School’s Staff
Expertise France is the French international technical expertise agency. Its mission is to participate in France's policy of international cooperation, development aid and economic influence, by responding to the growing demand for expertise from developing countries and emerging countries to build public policies, taking into consideration their institutional, economic, demographic, social and environmental challenges.

Job description
: short term national expert to deliver training session on security, health and environment for TVET school’s staff
Rwanda Polytechnics has signed a financial agreement with the French Development Agency (AFD), for the implementation of a pilot project in the district of Rulindo. Expertise France, the French Agency for international technical expertise, has been asked to support the implementation of the project during the first 3 years.
To do so, Expertise France is currently recruiting a short-term national expert/company to deliver training session on security, health and environment for TVET school’s staff
The training session will take 3 days.
The assignment will take place during a period of December 2022

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Tasks Prepare and deliver training that will enable participants at the end of the training to:
• Maintain personal safety and health at school/work place
• Promote hygiene and sanitation practices at school/work place
• Identify and analyse risks that may result from the school
• Apply safe reproductive health practices
• Create a safe and healthy place to work
• Respond to emergencies at work place
• Ensure environmental sustainability within the school

The expert shall:
• Prepare the training program using the Project’s template and send it for validation to the Vocational training and Capacity building expert;
• Prepare all the material and necessary handouts to be used in the training and send it for validation to the Vocational training and Capacity building expert;
• Develop the evaluation sheet in line with the guidance of the project Monitoring & Evaluation Expert;
• Conduct a daily management of the training including daily attendance list;
• Conduct a pre-test the 1st day of training;
• Deliver the training session;
• Conduct a post-test the last day of the training session;
• Provide written report using the Project’s template and send it for validation to the Vocational training and Capacity building expert;
• Provide certificate of completion to trained trainers.

Required experience
• At least a bachelor degree in safety health and environmental management or similar
• Any bachelor degree with a professional certificate in safety health and environmental management will be considered
• Minimum 5 years’ experience working on Safety health and environment aspects
• Minimum 3 similar assignments performed with development partners (with references)

Required competencies
• Proven experience in developing training modules and deliver training
• Proficiency in English – written and speaking
How to apply
Please note that application documents would be forwarded to this email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the deadline is 17th/11/2022
Notes: Application documents should contain a CV, cover letter and certificates. Kindly note that Expertise France will not be able to notify all the applicants. Only candidates who have been selected will be contacted.