Engineering Jobs at Mininfra and Other Companies

Deadline of this Job: 01 November 2022
Sanitation and Sewerage Senior Engineer
Job description
• To initiate programs aimed at increasing sanitation services across the country;
• To participate in the formulation and reviews of Sanitation sub-sector related policies, strategies and laws;
• Monitor and ensure the proper implementation of sanitation related policies, strategies and laws ensuring proper management of both solid and liquid wastes;
• To ensure that the development of national sanitation related policies and strategies integrate regional and global water and sanitation sector vision and targets;
• To develop guidelines for general planning, operation and maintenance of the environmental and sanitation programs;
• To plan and perform monitoring of Sanitation sub-sector performance towards national and global targets;
• To analyze and provide advises on the planning, design, construction and maintenance of water supply systems, including source development, treatment, storage and distribution;
• To analyze and advise on the planning, design, construction and maintenance of wastewater systems, including collection, treatment and discharge;
• To analyze and advise on the planning and management of both solid and liquid wastes as well as management of urban storm water;
• To closely monitor and evaluate of Water and Sanitation Sector performance;
• To participate in the strategic planning for the Water and Sanitation Sector;
• To regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of Sanitation projects, by both Government and non-Governmental institutions, across the country;
• Effectively monitor the quality of executed works for sanitation projects under implementation by public and non-public institutions;
• To initiate, support and/or supervise sanitation infrastructure development programs under the decentralized structures;
• To participate in the monitoring the compliance of quality standards and norms, cost effectiveness, response to environmental sustainability, safety and cross-cutting issues in water and sanitation infrastructure development;
• Actively prepare, review or validate Terms of Reference of different Sanitation projects consultancy services as required;
• Supervise and participate in the validation of the design of sanitation systems, such as structures, pumping stations, sewer network, sewage treatment plant and earthworks;
• To recommend solutions to environmental and sanitary engineering problems;
• To perform other duties as assigned by the Supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications
• Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering and Sanitation
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering and Sanitation
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Sanitation Engineering
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Sanitation Engineering
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Waste and Environmental Engineering
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering
1 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills
• N/A
• Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
• Inclusiveness
• Accountability
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Client/citizen focus
• Professionalism
• Commitment to continuous learning
• Analytical skills
• Problem solving skills
• Decision making skills
• Time management skills
• Risk management skills
• Results oriented
• Digital literacy skills
• Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage
• Knowledge of financing of capital intensive infrastructure projects
• Resources management skills
• Ability to work independently and make mature and proactive decisions informing management
• Knowledge of the principles and practices of legal, regulatory and policy making;
• Working knowledge and experience in operations of water and sanitation systems
• Knowledge of engineering design, construction and operation of liquid and solid waste treatment facilities
• Knowledge of managing and maintaining sewerage infrastructure operations
• Knowledge of the legal framework relevant to water & sanitation Sector

Deadline of this Job: 01 November 2022
Energy Economist
Job description
• Develop models of energy demand and supply using energy planning tools
• Support in providing data for the energy policy and strategy, monitoring of implementation energy-related projection
• Assess the institutional and regulatory environment of the energy sector and identify opportunities for development partners to support
• Participate in the periodic review of Energy Tariffs
• Review and evaluate proposed projects for technical and financial merits and adherence to program requirements
• Participate in PPA negotiations by carrying out financial analysis of the projects
• Spearhead the provision of policy advisory services on the financing of energy projects
• Compile energy market data, analyze market trends, including demand, supply, and price projections, and undertakes market intelligence in support of financing decisions
• Prepare and execute Development Partners (World Bank, EU, AfDB, etc) Mission review of the projects under implementation
• Assist in developing and monitoring the sector log-frame, including activities, processes, inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts
• Determining information needs of sector management, development partners, government institutions and other stakeholders
• Identify and monitor key performance indicators and targets for the sector, considering specific reporting requirements to government institutions or development partners
• Record and report progress on sector projects and objectives and communicate it to the Management on a regular basis.
• Assist in establishing reporting structures and in institutionalizing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and procedures within the sector and between different institutions such as MININFRA, REG, RDB, RURA, and others
• Assist in preparing sector-specific evaluation studies (such as value for money studies, impact analysis, etc.)
• Any other duty assigned by the Management.

Minimum Qualifications
• Bachelor's Degree in Economics
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master's Degree in Economics
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Sustainable Energy
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Energy Economics
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Energy Engineering
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree Energy Management
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Sustainable Energy
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Energy Economics
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Energy Management
1 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills
• N/A
• Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
• Inclusiveness
• Accountability
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Client/citizen focus
• Professionalism
• Commitment to continuous learning
• Analytical skills
• Problem solving skills
• Decision making skills
• Time management skills
• Risk management skills
• Results oriented
• Digital literacy skills
• Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage
• Knowledge of financing of capital intensive infrastructure projects
• Project formulation and funding skills
• Energy sector policy analysis and formulation skills
• Knowledge of energy sector
• Knowledge of social and environmental issues
• Knowledge and experience in in economic analysis
• Knowledge in the use of Excel for modelling and analysis
• Knowledge of financing of capital-intensive infrastructure projects
• Highly numerate and with good economic and finance modeling skills
• Knowledge to read interpret financial models and financial proposal reports
• Policy formulation, review and analysis

Deadline of this Job: 01 November 2022
Urban and Rural Physical Planning Engineer
Job description
• Develop policies, strategies, legal and regulatory tools governing urban and rural spatial planning and review the existing ones.
• Initiate and coordinate awareness on planned and existing land use planning initiatives at different levels, from community to local and central Government.
• Evaluate the spatial planning tools elaborated, including National land use and development master plan, District land use plans, Local land development plans, detailed zonal and physical plans and Street addressing plans among others and advise to the Ministry on the needful amendments;
• Enable central and local government officials to use the spatial planning framework in land use planning and management.
• Evaluate socio-economic and environmental impacts that urban and rural physical plans may have on land and provide responsive recommendations.
• Gather and analyze economic, social and environmental information using geo-information technologies that support in decision making.
• Support Meet with government agencies, developers, architects, community groups, and businesses to develop urban projects.
• Address issues regarding land use or community physical plans.
• Advise officials on budgets and physical planning project feasibility.
• Advise on bulk infrastructures for water, sanitation, roads and storm water, solid waste, electricity.
• Oversee the implementation of various urban and rural spatial planning and development projects of implementing agencies.
• Assess geotechnical report and make recommendations.
• Any other line tasks and responsibilities that may emerge or may be allocated by the direct supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications
• Bachelors In Urban Planning And Design
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelors in Urban and Regional Planning
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelors in Land Use Planning and Management
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s in Architecture
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master's in Land Use Planning and Management
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Design
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Geography specializing in GIS
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Urban Design and GIS Studies
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor With Honours In Architecture
3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills
• N/A
• Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
• Inclusiveness
• Accountability
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Client/citizen focus
• Professionalism
• Commitment to continuous learning
• Analytical skills
• Problem solving skills
• Decision making skills
• Time management skills
• Risk management skills
• Results oriented
• Digital literacy skills
• Resources management skills
• Fluency in English, Kinyarwanda or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
• Knowledge and ability to design and elaborate both urban and rural settlement planning tools including: master plans, Local land development plans, Detailed zonal and physical plans and Street addressing plans among others
• Ability to design, promote and administer government plans and policies affecting land use, zoning, public utilities, community facilities, housing and urban transportation
• Knowledge and good understanding of the physical planning theories, concepts, principles and practices in Urban and Rural Human Settlement sector
• Knowledge and ability to develop and implement GIS and remote sensing projects for quality assurance and compliance to land use
• Analytical and formulation skills of policies, strategies, legal and regulatory documents related to urban and rural planning sector
• Knowledge of social and environmental issues in urban and rural physical planning field
• Ability to use land use planning technical equipment and computer aided softwares: GPS tools, GIS, Stata/SPSS; Archcad, etc
• Judgment & Decision making skills
• Ability to interpret complex legislation and regulations relevant to urban and rural planning field

Deadline of this Job: 01 November 2022
Safety and Licensing Compliance Senior Engineer
Job description
• Develop policies and programs aimed at improving traffic and safety in all transport except air transport;
• Initiate and spearhead the development laws, orders and standards for enhancement of transport services safety in all modes of transport in close collaboration with the implementing agencies and the National Police;
• Develop and keep updated accident information system in collaboration with the national police and implementing agencies;
• Analyse all accident statistics in all modes of transport except air and make relevant improvement in the existing legal and regulatory tools;
• Develop road safety curriculum in schools in partnership with the responsible ministry, spearhead its dissemination and monitor its full implementation;
• Ensure accident and incident management system is in place and create post- crash handling mechanism between all stakeholders;
• Ensure proper functioning of the road safety committee and ensure the implementation of all its recommendations;
• Develop a database for all hospital accident victims admitted, discharged, and the deceased and produce annual status report of Rwanda’s road safety performance VS the rest of the countries and inform the management of progress;
• Establish the cost of an accident in Rwanda on an annual basis in collaboration with insurance companies and develop jointly realistic insurance premium setting mechanisms to ensure consumers are protected;
• Liaise with the vehicle registrar, inspection centres and the National Police to develop a mechanism for tracking bad drivers, defective vehicles and ensure garages are effective in commercial vehicle maintenance;
• Develop road safety programs aimed at accident reduction and ensure their dissemination in partnership with the relevant organs and ensure their incorporation into the national schools curriculum;
• Ensure road safety audits are regularly performed and recommendations implemented by relevant organs;
• Ensure road safety projects are implemented including technical and financial reporting;
• Support the Transport Directorate and other staff in business development activities including the preparation of high quality expressions of interest and proposals/tender documents, as required;
• Ensure accident black spot identification is regular and improvement programmes are in place;
• Develop methods and procedures for driver testing;
• Develop and regularly update driver manual, driver education and other safety driving ethics and practices;
• Develop mechanisms for driver registration, professionalization, certification and driver sanctions in partnership with the relevant key stakeholders and ensure compliance;
• Initiate and ensure implementation of driver performance appraisal mechanism including driver score cards in partnership with the regulator and monitor compliance;
• Coordinate and schedule in collaboration with stakeholders’ road test examinations and keep the minister in charge informed;
• Ensure synchronization of Rwandan registration system with the rest in the region and ensure full compliance with EAC requirements;
• Ensure that driver sanctions are implemented and ensure they are reinstated after sanction duration;
• Establish garages’ management policy and strategy is in place;
• Ensure garages standards are in place;
• Ensure technical, mechanics, helpers are professionally trained both in school and on job;
• Develop apprenticeship programs are in place for hands on training experience and ensure equated certificates are issued by relevant institutions in partnership with relevant institutions;
• Ensure all garages are in compliance with the environment management standards;
• Ensure all garages have petroleum waste collection and disposal facilities;
• Ensure all garages have vehicle mechanical inspection facilities to report vehicle defects at entry and ensure all garages issue mechanical soundness certificates prior to release to clients.
• Perform any other tasks assigned by the supervisor

Minimum Qualifications
• Master’s Degree in Transport Management
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor's Degree in Transport Planning
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master's Degree in Transport Planning
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Transport Modelling
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Transport Management
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Transport Modelling
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor's Degree in Road Safety Management.
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Road Safety Engineering
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Traffic Engineering
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Traffic Management
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Road Safety Engineering
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Traffic Engineering
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Traffic Management
1 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills
• N/A
• Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
• Inclusiveness
• Accountability
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Client/citizen focus
• Professionalism
• Commitment to continuous learning
• Analytical skills
• Problem solving skills
• Decision making skills
• Time management skills
• Risk management skills
• Results oriented
• Resources management skills
• Coordination, planning and organizational skills
• Transport sector policy analysis and formulation skills;
• Knowledge of global and regional transport initiatives and programs
• Data manipulation and proficiency in the use of suitable software
• Experience in traffic related assignments
• Knowledge of road safety software’s
• Knowledge of the legal framework relevant to Transport Safety and Licensing

Deadline of this Job: 01 November 2022
Water Transport Senior Engineer
Job description
• Draft water transport policies to be developed by the Government and undertake their review when required;
• Draft laws aimed at governing the water transport and undertake their review when required;
• Monitor the implementation of national and regional policies and laws related to water transport;
• Participate in the technical national, bilateral and/or multilateral negotiations, workshops, meetings about water transport development, management, operations and services and; produce briefs and/or reports for the Senior Management attention;
• Keep updated on the new developments and technologies in water transport and advise the management on the innovative ways to promote water transport considering the national and regional context;
• Participate in the preparation of Terms of Reference (ToRs) for different water transport related studies; spearhead the review of associated reports and monitor the implementation of the study findings;
• Work with relevant institutions to review and check adequacy of design of water transport infrastructure by design teams or consultants;
• Provide technical advice on the design during water transport infrastructure development, upgrading and rehabilitation works when required;
• Advise the Government on alternative and cost effective solutions for the design of water transport infrastructure;
• Follow up on all projects related to water transport and provide timely reports to the supervisor;
• Participate in the development of water transport capacity building plan and its implementation;
• Handle all the office water transport related files;
• Perform any other tasks assigned by the supervisor. Draft water transport policies to be developed by the Government and undertake their review when required;
• Draft laws aimed at governing the water transport and undertake their review when required;
• Monitor the implementation of national and regional policies and laws related to water transport;
• Participate in the technical national, bilateral and/or multilateral negotiations, workshops, meetings about water transport development, management, operations and services and; produce briefs and/or reports for the Senior Management attention;
• Keep updated on the new developments and technologies in water transport and advise the management on the innovative ways to promote water transport considering the national and regional context;
• Participate in the preparation of Terms of Reference (ToRs) for different water transport related studies; spearhead the review of associated reports and monitor the implementation of the study findings;
• Work with relevant institutions to review and check adequacy of design of water transport infrastructure by design teams or consultants;
• Provide technical advice on the design during water transport infrastructure development, upgrading and rehabilitation works when required;
• Advise the Government on alternative and cost effective solutions for the design of water transport infrastructure;
• Follow up on all projects related to water transport and provide timely reports to the supervisor;
• Participate in the development of water transport capacity building plan and its implementation;
• Handle all the office water transport related files;
• Perform any other tasks assigned by the supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications
• Master’s Degree in Transport Management
1 Year of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Engineering
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Maritime Safety policies and Regulations
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Port Management Operations and Services
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Navigation Systems
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Naval Architecture
3 Years of relevant experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Sustainable Management of Inland Water Transport
3 Years of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Marine Engineering
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Maritime Safety Policies and Regulations
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Port Management Operations and Services
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Marine Navigation Systems
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Naval Architecture
1 Year of relevant experience
• Master’s Degree in Sustainable Management of Inland Water Transport
1 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills
• N/A
• Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
• Inclusiveness
• Accountability
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Client/citizen focus
• Professionalism
• Commitment to continuous learning
• Resource management skills
• Analytical skills
• Problem solving skills
• Decision making skills
• Time management skills
• Risk management skills
• Results oriented
• Digital literacy skills
• Knowledge of social and environmental issues
• Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
• Knowledge of global and regional transport initiatives and programs
• Knowledge of policy formulation and analysis
• Knowledge of principles and methods of moving people and goods by water including the relative costs and benefits
• Ability to demonstrate a knowledge and interest of the water transport industry