Ngo -Non Government Organisations Jobs at Federation Handicap International (HI) and other companies

Deadline of this Job: 30 October 2022.
Humanity & Inclusion team in Rwanda aims to support the policies and initiatives of public authorities and civil society to advance the rights of people with disabilities and others living in particularly vulnerable circumstances.
Comptable Du Programme
Historique du programme
Créé en 1982 et co-lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix en 1997, Handicap International (HI) est une organisation de solidarité internationale spécialisée dans le domaine du handicap, indépendante, non gouvernementale, non confessionnelle, sans affiliation politique et à but non lucratif. Elle intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables, elle agit et témoigne, pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels, pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux.
A partir du 24 janvier 2018, la Fédération Handicap International met en œuvre ses programmes sous le nom d’usage « Humanité & Inclusion/Humanity & Inclusion » (HI). Cependant, la dénomination légale reste « Fédération Handicap International ».
Au Rwanda, HI est présente depuis 1994. HI collabore avec les partenaires opérationnels locaux et les partenaires publics dont les ministères et autres institutions publiques dans la mise en œuvre des projets.
Depuis le 1er août 2020, HI Rwanda fait partie d’un programme régional en Afrique de l’Est appelé « East African Region (HI-EAR) ». Celui-ci comprend trois pays : le Rwanda, l’Ouganda et le Kenya avec son bureau de coordination en Ouganda. HI a entrepris ces changements de management dans le but d’une amélioration de la couverture des besoins des personnes vulnérables, y compris les personnes handicapées. Cette restructuration se traduit notamment par une mutualisation des ressources au niveau régional. Tous les membres de EAR interviennent sous 3 axes principaux tels que définis dans la stratégie opérationnelle 2021-2023:

• Pilier 1 : Inclusion sociale et économique : promouvoir la participation citoyenne sociale, culturelle et économique des personnes vulnérables ; assurer l'accès à l'éducation pour tous ; fournir une expertise et un soutien institutionnalisés et renforcer la représentation et les compétences des personnes vulnérables à travers leurs associations ;
• Pilier 2 : Réadaptation, prévention et santé : prévenir et lutter contre les maladies chroniques et invalidantes, détecter et prévenir précocement les handicaps évitables et promouvoir la santé mentale par une approche communautaire ;
• Pilier 3 : Protection : HI cherche à prévenir l'occurrence de la violence fondée sur le genre, l'âge et le handicap en s'efforçant d'initier des actions qui responsabilisent les personnes vulnérables et mobilisent les acteurs locaux, nationaux et internationaux pour un engagement propre dans la promotion et le respect des droits des personnes vulnérables confrontées à la violence fondée sur le genre, l'âge et le handicap. Il s'engage à rechercher et à fournir des données fiables sur l'identification des populations vulnérables et l'atténuation des facteurs de risque sous-jacents.
Pour l’accomplissement à bien de sa stratégie opérationnelle, Fédération Handicap International qui met en œuvre ses programmes sous son nom opérationnel "Humanity & Inclusion" (HI) recherche un(e) Comptable

Résumé du poste
Le/la Comptable est responsable de la tenue régulière de la comptabilité, de la réalisation des clôtures, du suivi des comptes de tiers, de l’identification des immobilisations, de la mise en œuvre de l’archivage des pièces justificatives et du respect des standards de l’organisation et du cadre réglementaire du pays.
Position : Comptable
Superviseur : Finance manager
Location : Programme Rwanda
Nombre de personnes sous supervision directe : 0
Taille de l'équipe Rwanda: 117
Durée du contrat : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Composition de l’équipe Finance : 1 Responsable Financier, 1 Comptable programme, 1 caissier et 3 assistants Financiers.

Missions/ responsabilités
Mission 1 : Stratégie et pilotage
• Assure le suivi et la remontée des risques comptables dont il/elle a connaissance à ses lignes hiérarchique et fonctionnelle et contribue à leur mitigation.
• Contribue à l’identification des risques comptables et légaux pour HI sur son périmètre.
• Participe au renforcement des compétences des partenaires dans le domaine comptable.
• Mission 2 : Standards et expertises
• Pilote le déploiement et monitore le respect de l'ensemble des politiques, processus et outils financiers de HI sur son périmètre et si nécessaire, développe des outils financiers spécifiques sous le contrôle de ses lignes hiérarchique et fonctionnelle.
• Pilote et contrôle le respect par HI du cadre légal du ou des pays d'intervention et l’existence d’une veille sur l’évolution des normes, de la jurisprudence et des pratiques des autres acteurs dans le domaine financier.
• Veille à la production et au dépôt des documents financiers assurant la légalité de l’exercice de HI dans le ou les pays d’intervention.
• Veille au respect du Règlement Général Protection des Données (RGPD).
• Veille à l'implémentation et au respect des procédures d'archivage des documents financiers et à la publication et à la mise à jour des documents financiers sur les espaces dédiés.
• Pilote le contrôle interne sur son périmètre ainsi que les actions correctives si nécessaires.
Mission 3 : Mise en œuvre opérationnelle

Responsabilité 1 : Tient régulièrement la comptabilité
• Saisit quotidiennement les écritures comptables dans le SI comptable (et dans le SI du pays si nécessaire), en s’assurant que les libellés des écritures comptables sont précis et cohérents avec l’affectation comptable, que tous les champs requis sont remplis, et en cohérence avec le plan de compte d’HI (et du pays si nécessaire).
• Réceptionne les pièces justificatives et traduit les éléments essentiels dans une des langues de travail d’HI (français ou anglais).
• Formalise les demandes de création ou de fermeture de journaux comptables dans le Système d’Information (SI) comptable.
• Prépare l’ensemble des documents de clôture des comptes (mensuelles et annuelles).
• Crée les fiches d’immobilisation dans le SI comptable et communique au département logistique le numéro d’identification des immobilisations pour qu’elles apparaissent dans le fichier de suivi des équipements.
• Effectue les démarches de demande d’exonération de Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée (TVA)et préparer les déclarations.
• Prépare les pièces justificatives demandées par les auditeurs internes et externes.
• Peut-être amené(e) à assurer temporairement le remplacement d’un membre de l’équipe comptable.

Responsabilité 2 : Met en œuvre l'archivage comptable
• Edite les bordereaux comptables.
• Garantit la lisibilité et le scan régulier des pièces justificatives.
• Archive mensuellement les pièces scannées sur un serveur et les pièces papiers dans un lieu garantissant leur intégrité physique.
• Transmet les pièces justificatives (format papier et numérique) vers leurs lieux de stockage finaux.

Mission 4 : Animation du métier
• Contribue à l'animation de la filière métier sur son périmètre en participant aux échanges de pratiques pour l'amélioration des standards et leur bonne utilisation.
Mission 5 : Préparation et réponse aux urgences
Contribue aux actions de préparation aux urgences du programme et, lors d’une urgence, adapte sa modalité de travail afin de contribuer à une réponse humanitaire efficace de HI
Profil attendu
Indispensable Souhaité

Diplôme(s) :
• Diplôme d’études supérieures de niveau License ou équivalent en comptabilité, finances, et autres domaines connexes

Expériences :
• 5 ans expériences professionnelles dans le domaine de la trésorerie & comptabilité générale et analytique
• 2 ans d’expérience en Gestion des financements de différents bailleurs (USAID, UNICEF, GGMOFFA, Consortium.)
• Expérience en déclarations des taxes sur revenues ♪3 la source : RRA, RSSB, TVA, …
• Capacité à porter le changement
• Capacité d’analyse, de synthèse et rédactionnelle
• Animation et mobilisation d’équipe
• Minimum 4 ans d’expérience dans le domaine comptable dans les organisations internationales
• Expérience du métier Finances dans un environnement humanitaire.

• Capacité en Gestion de la trésorerie
• Capacité en Gestion comptable
• Capacite en Gestion de la fiscalité
• Capacité en Gestion des risques
• Capacité en contrôle interne
• Maitrise de l’Excel
• La connaissance du Logiciel Navision est un plus
• La connaissance de la langue anglaise serait un plus.

Qualités personnelles :

• Le sens de responsabilité
• Grande personnalité
• Echanges et partages des idées et expériences
• Capacité à travailler en équipe et à faire participer les acteurs et les partenaires
• Sens des priorités et de l’organisation
• Discrétion totale concernant les activités de l’organisation et de ses membres, en dehors du cadre professionnel.
• Discrétion totale vis-à-vis des autres employés sur les différentes informations confidentielles dont il/elle a connaissance (budgets, salaires, indemnités, contrats…).
• Réactif
• Organise
• Rigoureux
• Autonome
• Oriente solutions
• Adaptable
• Excellent relationnel
• Flexible
• Gestion du stress
• Travail en équipe
• (Multiculturelle et
• pluridisciplinaire)
• Discrétion
• Anticipe
• Ponctualité
• Disponibilité

Deadline of this Job: 06 November 2022
SG Multiply Partnership Facilitator – Africa
Role Description
SG Multiply Partnership Facilitator – Africa will be part of the regional SG Multiply team. S/he will serve as a primary consultant to support SG Multiply partners in the region and will work with the regional coordinator to identify, seek, and serve new partners. S/he will be responsible for supporting high-impact SG Multiply partnerships in the region in line with our expansion strategy.
• Location: Kigali, Rwanda; remote Africa ,
• Level: Professional
• Type: Full-time
• Department: Operations

• Promote and fulfill the mission and vision of HOPE International
• SG Multiply
• Support to the work of the SG Multiply Regional Coordinator to provide technical leadership and support to HOPE’s network of SG Multiply partners
• Actively support various aspects of SG Multiply partnerships including consultation, ministry design, and training to ensure ongoing collaboration for a healthy partnership
• Support the regional coordinator to seek and network with mission-aligned organizations and church networks in the region to build a pool of potential SG Multiply partners for future collaboration in line with our strategy and criteria
• Serve as a Lead Trainer providing training, ongoing support, coaching, and mentoring for SG Multiply partner staff and volunteers on SG curricula, ministry processes, and management tools
• Contribute to the design, adaptation, and improvement of partner-specific SG methodology to supporting the partner in implementing a flourishing SG ministry
• Provide project management and administrative support for key SG Multiply initiatives in the region
• Provide status update to regional coordinator and CSU on any key activities and initiatives with SG Multiply partners on regular basis
• Work with different partners to collect their SG reports and reviewing data for any irregularities
• Participate in strategic planning and innovation activities for SG Multiply in the region
• Engage partners and HOPE staff in continual improvement and feedback processes for refinement of SG Multiply methodology to ensure a high-level of service to new and existing partners
• Collaborate and support all networkwide or regional SG Multiply Partner events and community of practice building activities
• Savings Group Program Support
• Serve as a member of the Savings Group Multiply team, collaborating with the overall SG Multiply/program development team including providing direct support to the team, participate in regular SG team meetings and planning/strategy sessions, carrying out assigned tasks
• Model servant-leadership in the work environment, including HOPE co-workers and ministry stakeholders
• Contribute to a culture that models Biblical principles and incorporates an intentional and effective Christ-centered witness in all SG programs
• Encourage and model servant-like posture in relationships with CSU, regional team, and SG Multiply partners

• Personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ and commitment to the mission of HOPE International
• Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (i.e. international development, economics, or business management); advanced degree preferred
• Demonstrated 5+ years of experience working with savings groups or holistic community development strongly preferred
• Strong cross-cultural sensitivity, experience, and communication skills. Preference for candidates who have tangible work experience in multiple countries in the region
• Self-starter, takes initiative on projects, attentive to detail, and timely
• Experience in consulting, mentoring and/or coaching teams not directly managed
• Experience working with partnerships of different kinds including church denominations and/or NGOs
• Experience applying participatory education (adult learning principles) and facilitating trainings preferred
• Requires willingness and ability to travel up to 75 nights per year, mostly international trips to visit partner programs
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Fluent in spoken and written English. Strong preference for additional language skills (French or Swahili preferred)

Deadline of this Job: 31 October 2022.
Programme Officer
Kvinna till Kvinna is a non-profit organisation that supports women’s organizing with the aim to advance women’s rights and promote sustainable peace. It does so by strengthening and supporting women’s rights organisations (organizational, thematically and economical). Kvinna till Kvinna is organised around three departments – Programme/Field, Communication, and Support. Through its Headquarter in Stockholm, Sweden, and 11 country offices, it supports more than 100 women’s rights organisations in five different regions (Western Balkans, South Caucasus, Middle East and North Africa, West and Central Africa).

Are you a passionate women’s rights advocate in Rwanda seeking to use your expertise to create lasting change and feminist peace? We are looking for a national Programme Officer with expertise in prevention and response to Gender Based Violence (GBV) to join the Kvinna till Kvinna office in Kigali, Rwanda and the Kvinna till Kvinna global workplace.
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation has defended women’s rights since 1993. Today we are one of the world’s leading women’s rights organisations, working directly in areas affected by war and conflict to strengthen women’s influence and power. We work closely together with over 150 local partner organisations across 20 countries to end violence against women, reach lasting peace and close the gender gap once and for all. The future is equal. And together, we are change.

Deadline for application is 31st October 2022
About the job
We are seeking a passionate specialist in gender based violence prevention and response to join us as a Programme Officer in Rwanda. Kvinna till Kvinna believes that GBV deprives women and girls of their fundamental human rights, it prevents them from participating in, and benefiting from, society on equal terms as men and it hinders their struggle for change. By supporting women’s rights organisations that in turn work to end gender-based violence, Kvinna till Kvinna strengthens both the organisation of women, their preventive work and their support to survivors/victims in all their diversities.
The Programme Officer is part of the Rwanda team, based at the Kvinna till Kvinna office in Kigali. As a Programme Officer focusing on Gender Based Violence (GBV). you will be responsible for strengthening capacities of partner organisations in the thematic area of GBV and leading Kvinna till Kvinna’s work on GBV prevention and response in Rwanda, including research and advocacy.
You will report to the Head of Office for Rwanda and will work in cooperation and coordination with the Rwanda team, Partner Organisations and stakeholders throughout the country and staff at the Kvinna till Kvinna Head Office in Sweden. As a Programme Officer you are responsible for carrying out your work in accordance with the Kvinna till Kvinna’s mandate, policies, working methods, operational plan and budget.

Specific areas of responsibility
Support to Partner Organisations
• The PO is the primary point of contact for a group of partner organisations under their portfolio. This includes developing and maintaining good relationships and communication with the Partner Organisation.
• Other Important Responsibilities.
• Identifying and assessing potential new partners to work with Kvinna till Kvinna, in consultation with the Head of Office and other relevant staff at the Rwanda office.
• Administrate and provide partner organisations with timely guidance and feedback on applications, contracts, budgets and reports.
• Provide technical support and guidance to partner organisations through regular visits to partner organisations, monitoring and documenting partner organisations’ programmatic results and the quality of their programmatic work, as well as organisational capacity and development.
• Assist the Head of Office in reporting to donors and Kvinna till Kvinna head office, the key achievements from the partner organisations within their portfolio.
• Support partner organisations to seek funding and take initiatives for capacity building & networking.
• Review and submit quality reports and action plans from Partners for the Rwanda Governance Board on a bi-annual basis.

Leading Kvinna till Kvinna Program Activities
• The PO is expected to design, coordinate, plan and facilitate capacity strengthening and networking events in Rwanda for Kvinna till Kvinna partners in the thematic area of GBV and in line with co-identified capacity needs.
• Advise the Rwanda office in relation to technical quality, standards and best practices related to GBV prevention and response.
• The PO shall contribute to, or lead, in the development and roll out of research initiatives led by Kvinna till Kvinna Rwanda and its partners in relation to GBV.

• The PO will attend Government sub-cluster working group on GBV and will maintain close contact and coordination with the Director General for GBV at the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion.
• The PO is expected to analyse and circulate to partners, relevant policies in relation to GBV which have been development and disseminated by the Government.
• When delegated by the Head of Office, the PO will represent Kvinna till Kvinna at official meetings and functions, for example with the Swedish Embassy, Sida, international organisations and other donors.

Kvinna till Kvinna Rwanda Office Operations
• The PO is expected to provide regular updates on political and other developments and actively participate in the Rwanda team’s country and thematic analyses.
• The PO shall prepare input to proposals and reports to donors as requested by the Head of Office and Grant Manager.

About you
To apply for this position, you need to have at least:
• Minimum of seven years of relevant experience
• University degree in social sciences or relevant field
• Demonstrated knowledge, understanding and commitment to women’s rights and gender equality
• Demonstrated experience, and commitment to, working with and supporting women-lead and focused civil society in Rwanda, including in organisational development for civil society organisations
• Demonstrated technical experience GBV programming including programme design, monitoring, research and advocacy.
• Experience planning, coordinating, and facilitating trainings in relation to different elements of GBV prevention and response.
• Demonstrated experience with women’s rights advocacy and activism in Rwanda, linking this to regional and global GBV networks
• Fluent in English and Kinyarwanda
To be able to succeed in this job you need to have excellent project management and communication skills. You work independently and lead, engage and coordinate teams, to deliver with quality and on time. You have strong analytical skills and manage well Microsoft tools, including word, power point and excel. You are willing to travel domestically overnight and on occasion travel internationally.

• Experience working for an international non-governmental organisation

Terms & conditions and what we offer

This is a full-time position for a period of two years, pending confirmation of funding.
Preferred starting date: 1 December 2022
Location: Kigali
This is a national position under Rwanda labour legislation. This position is open to Rwandan nationals only.
Please also note that due to the nature of the work women are highly encouraged to apply for this position.

Deadline of this Job: 25 October 2022
Technical Advisor Youth, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (YGESI)
CARE International is seeking to recruit a “Technical Advisor Youth, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (YGESI) ”.
This position is dependent on successful award of funds.
CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE International aims to be a global force and a partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty.

Overview of the Role
Job Purpose Statement
The Technical Advisor is responsible for the development of strategy, interventions and tools as required for ensuring best practice in Youth, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion S/he develops quality control tools/mechanisms that are used to evaluate the effective implementation of strategies and builds capacity of staff and partners to positively impact the lives of vulnerable women and girls. The position holder represents CARE in Youth, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion forums and strategically positions CARE as a major voice in the development sector. The position holder liaises with the Impact Measurement Team Leader to develop and pilot innovative approaches in the Youth, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion , facilitates their evaluation and recommends scale up strategies. Requirements for the Role

Educational Qualifications
• Bachelor’s Degree in a related field (e.g. Gender studies, Development Management or Social Science)
• Project Management Certification (PIMM)
• Master's Degree in Development Management or Social Science

Experience required:
• 8 years’ experience in designing, coordinating, and managing projects in youth and gender project or Gender Equality and Social Inclusion projects.
• 4 of the 8 years in designing strategies and coordinating capacity building of partner organizations including management of people
• Demonstrated experience in program design, implementation and evaluation; including participatory approaches
• Experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with implementing partners, donors and government counterparts.

Technical skills

• Demonstrated management capacities, as evidenced by strong planning, coordination, and teamwork skills leading to the consistent achievement of significant results
• Excellent understanding of economic development and poverty analysis
• Strong people management skills including capacity building, coaching and conflict management;
• Demonstrated interest and ability to give feedback, develop, motivate and lead a diverse team to achieve results
• Ability to establish a learning culture and to facilitate knowledge sharing
• Demonstrated proposal writing and report writing skills
• Ability to engage, motivate and drive high performing teams through influencing and adult learning techniques
• Excellent writing, communication and presentation skills in English; fluency in spoken Kinyarwanda and French