Tenders at Prime Biodiversity Conservation Among other companies

Deadline of this Job: 30 September 2022
Forum for Student Leaders on Sustainability and Climate Crisis
Prime Biodiversity Conservation is a Rwandan based not-for-profit organization with a mission of enhancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources through supporting conservation, climate change education and promotion of conservation actions.

Prime Biodiversity Conservation ( PBC) and FES Rwanda are pleased to launch a fully funded program entitled “ Forum for Student Leaders on Sustainability and Climate Crisis” with focus on raising climate change awareness among young leaders from universities.
Eligible Participants:
✓ Students from Rwandan universities with further interest in sustainability and climate change adaptation and mitigation
✓ Gender balance would be considered during the selection process.
✓ Maximum of 24students’ participants per cohort ( 2 cohorts per year)
Age: Between 20- and 30-years (max. 30 years old)
Requirements: Interest and time to attend all the sessions of the forum.

Application Link: link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOMSmuOJqHsaKxYCMaLm5mKUg6pwbcJT8-7lPV9W_NLfpOEQ/viewform?usp=pp_url
9. Timeframe of the project
1st round: December 2022- May 2023
10. Specific Topics:
Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation and mitigation concepts and approached / Concept of sustainable development and the 17 SDGs / Government compliance policies on climate change and environmental protection / The importance of cooperation (locally / nationally / regionally and internationally) in addressing climate change and sustainable development, climate change and gender/feminism.

Timeframe for the 1st sessions:
Selection period: September- November
1.Launch the call for applications: 20th of September 2022
2. Close of the application: 20th of October
3. Scheduled interview on the date of 26th and 27th October.
4. Launch of the program will be on the 1st and 2nd of December

Potential topics and objectives:
Introduce the participants to the concepts of biodiversity, ecosystem and environment, sustainability and climate change and their interconnection.
1st day:
1. Morning hours: Introduction to the concepts of environment, biodiversity, and ecosystem & group discussion
2. Afternoon hours: Introduction of Sustainability and Climate change (meaning and causes) & group discussion

2nd day:
1. Morning hours: What is the impact of Climate change on the national economy & group discussion
2. Afternoon hours: How effective are Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies? & group discussion
Followed by Monthly discussions (
Wednesday, 25th of January:
What is natural resource management and how is it connected to sustainability?
Wednesday, 22nd of February
How can climate justice be achieved and how could it inclusively contribute to economic development?
Wednesday, 22nd of March
Advancing Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) for Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change
Wednesday, 26th of April
One health approach/ Health and climate change

Tuesday, 23rd of May
1. Morning hours: Gender and Climate change /Feminism and climate crisis, opportunities and challenges
2. Afternoon hours: What are the existing Climate finance concepts and approaches

Wednesday, 24th of May
1. 1.Afternoon hours: Community Engagement on Climate Change
2. .Morning hours: How is Climate change, International cooperation and sustainable development interconnected? & group discussion
Speakers / Experts: National and International sustainability and climate change experts
Overall Moderation: FES & Prime + Group members
About Organizers:
About Prime Biodiversity Conservation ( PBC)
Prime Biodiversity Conservation is a Rwandan based not-for-profit organization with a mission of enhancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources through supporting conservation, climate change education and promotion of conservation actions.

About Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is a non-profit Germany political foundation, created in 1925. The main objectives of FES are social democracy, good governance, peace and security, climate change, gender justice and decent work for all to achieve economic transformation and sustainable development.

Deadline of this Job: 30 September 2022
Consultancy: support the updating of district health managament team (dhmt) supervision guide at IntraHealth

Purpose of the consultancy
The purpose of this consultancy is to support the updating of the current DHMT supervision tool into a comprehensive supervision guide to reflect the prevailing healthcare context. The consultant is expected to lead a consultative process involving key health sector partners, including MoH and DHMTs, to review the supervision tool against the DHMT Guide and current realities in the health sector.

Key tasks
The consultant is responsible for the following tasks:
• Meeting with the Ingobyi Activity and MoH team to discuss the scope of work and other expectations for the assignment.
• Develop and present a draft inception report clearly showing how the consultant plans to carry out the work, incorporate feedback provided and submit the final version for approval.
• Engage key health and non-health stakeholders, including MoH, RBC, Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC), USAID, Enabel, CHAI, USAID implementing partners (such as Ingobyi Activity and its relevant consortium members and RIHSA), Partners in Health, and Gikuriro Kuri Bose, among others, to collect information and inputs to use in updating the existing tool. The consultant shall collect information related to four pillars of the DHMT mandate, namely: planning, monitoring and evaluation, coordination ad supervision of health activities; resources management; and enforcement of health-related policies and regulations (norms and standards).
• Develop the required tools for collecting the necessary information from key stakeholders at district and national level to inform changes to the current DHMT supervision tool.
• Conduct field visits to the districts and hold interviews/meetings with stakeholders, including vice mayors of social affairs, district directors of health, director generals of hospitals, members of the District Joint Action Forum (DJAF), and private health practitioners, among others. The consultant shall collect information on the following areas: planning, monitoring and evaluation, coordination ad supervision of health activities; resources management; and, enforcement of health-related policies and regulations (norms and standards).
• Synthesize collected information into a summary report for deliberation with central level stakeholders.
• Based on the key findings and recommendations in the information gathering report, update the current DHMT supervision tool into a comprehensive DHMT supervision guide, in collaboration with MoH and Ingobyi Activity, while incorporating feedback throughout the process.
• Facilitate a consultative workshop to present the draft DHMT Supervision Guide and incorporate further input from participants.
• Produce and submit the final, edited, and formatted draft of the updated DHMT Supervision Guide for approval.

The consultant is responsible for the following deliverables aligned to the tasks above:
1. Inception report outlining key tasks, methods, timeline, and key milestones to be achieved.
2. A summary report of central and district-level engagements outlining priority areas to be covered by the DHMT supervision guide.
3. Presentations, including PowerPoint slides on priority areas for consideration in the DHMT supervision guide to key stakeholders at a consultative workshop.
4. Draft DHMT supervision guide submitted to Ingobyi Activity, MoH, RBC and other key stakeholders for review.
5. Final, edited, and formatted draft of DHMT supervision guide submitted to MoH and Ingobyi Activity.

Level of effort and timeline
The estimated level of effort is 23 working days from October through November 30, 2022.
# Activities/Tasks Estimated number of days Timeline
1 Meeting with the Ingobyi Activity and MoH team to discuss the scope of work and other expectations for the assignment 1 24/10/2022
2 Develop and present a draft inception report 2 26/10/2022
3 Engage key health and non-health stakeholders to collect required information 3 31/10/2022
4 Develop the required tools for collecting the necessary information from key stakeholders at district and national level 1 01/11/2022
5 Conduct field visits to the districts and hold interviews/meetings with stakeholders 7 10/11/2022
6 Synthesize collected information into a summary report 3 15/11/2022
7 Update the current DHMT supervision tool into a comprehensive supervision guide 3 18/11/2022
8 Facilitate a consultative workshop to present draft supervision guide 1 21/11/2022
9 Produce and submit the final, edited, and formatted draft of the updated DHMT Supervision Guide 2 30/11/2022

Preparation of information gathering instruments, analysis and documentation of findings, preparations for field visits and workshops can all be completed remotely. Consultative workshop and district meetings will require the consultant’s presence.

Required qualifications and experience
It is envisaged that the consultant selected to implement this assignment will have the requisite combination of skills and expertise as follows:
• Medical degree with solid clinical background; additional MPH training preferred.
• At least ten (10) years of experience in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public health programs, and/or the designing and conducting public health research.
• Understanding of the Rwanda health system and the core functions and structure of the DHMTs.
• Understanding of Rwanda’s primary healthcare, health systems strengthening activities, and familiarity with the 4th Rwanda Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP IV).
• Understanding of the reproductive, maternal, newborn, child health, malaria services and prevention landscape in Rwanda.
• In-depth knowledge of participatory approaches, stakeholder engagement and governance practices.
• Familiarity with conducting supervision, including supportive supervision and/or program monitoring of health activities.
• Good writing and synthesis skills.
• Strong knowledge of methods of collecting and analyzing information/data, presenting results, and facilitating stakeholder workshops with high level national level staff and partners.
• Familiarity with the local cultural contexts.
• Fluency in French and proficiency in English is required.

Application process
Interested applicants are requested to submit electronic copies of their technical and financial proposals (in English), by Friday September 30th,2022, before 5:00pm, Kigali time to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with “DHMT Supervision Guide Consultant” in the subject line.
The application file should include:
• Motivation letter and updated CVs.
• At least 3 professional references with full names, phone number and email address.
• Technical proposal (3 pages maximum) including applicant understanding of intended scope of work.
• Consultancy fee - daily rate in Rwandan francs.
• At least 3 referrals/certificates from previous similar work

Deadline of this Job: 22 September 2022
Request For Proposal
Consultancy to Review, Update, and/or Develop Rwanda ICT Chamber’s Policies and Procurement Manuals
1. Responsibilities of the Consulting Firm 5
2. Expected Deliverables, Payment Milestones, and Duration 6
3. Qualifications of the Firm: 7
4. Reporting Language and Evaluation of Proposals 7
5. Format of Bids 8

Section 1: Instructions To Prospective Bidders
Preparation of Proposals: You are requested to submit separate technical and financial proposals. You are advised to read the Revised Request for Proposal carefully. An electronic copy (in PDF) of the Request for Proposals shall be considered the original version.
Technical Proposals: Technical proposals should contain the following documents and information:
• A brief description of the firm’s organization and an outline of recent experience on assignments of a similar nature. For each assignment the outline should indicate among others, the profiles of the staff proposed duration of the assignment, the contract amount, and the firm’s involvement.
• Background and experience in reviewing and developing Strategic plans, especially for member-based Organizations.
• The consultant is expected to have practical experience in performance management and business continuity planning, strategic planning and performance targeting, monitoring, and evaluation.
• Description of the methodology and work plan for performing the assignment.
• Knowledge of recent developments (global, regional, and national) in the ICT sector and familiarity with the Social Development Goals and utilization of ICT.
• CVs of key staff;
• The consultant’s comments or suggestions on the TORs and appreciation of the assignment – the objectives, tasks, and deliverables
Financial Proposals: Financial proposals should contain the following documents and information:
A copy of the breakdown of Lump Sum Price form in this Part for each currency of your proposal, showing all costs for the assignment, broken down into professional fees, and reimbursable costs. The costs associated with the assignment shall be in RWF for all bidding firms.
Validity of Proposals: Proposals must remain valid for 15 calendar days from proposal submission date.
Submission of Proposals: The technical and financial proposals should be submitted separately, both clearly marked with the Firm’s name, ICT Chamber, and either “Technical Proposal” or “Financial Proposal” as appropriate.
Proposals (both technical and financial) must be submitted electronically to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a clear subject line: “Consultancy to Develop Five-year Strategic Plan of the ICT Chamber” and submitted by Thursday 22th September 2022 at 5:00 pm Central African Time (CAT). Proposals must be submitted in PDF format and as attachments to the email, any proposal submitted as a link or after the specified deadline won’t be considered.
Language of the tender and mode of communication
The communication medium shall be in writing. The bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the ICT Chamber, shall be written in English.

Amendment to the tender document
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the ICT Chamber may amend the tender document by issuing an addendum. Any addendum issued shall be part of the tender document and shall be communicated in writing through email from the ICT Chamber, and it will be published on the platform where the original tender document will be posted.
To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparing their bids, the ICT Chamber may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids; in which case, all rights and obligations of the Chamber and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
Late bids
The ICT Chamber shall not consider any bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of bids. Any bid received by the ICT Chamber after the deadline for submission of bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.

Section 2: Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria: You are required to meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in the procurement exercise:
• Have the legal capacity to enter into a contract;
• Not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt, or being wound up or subject to legal proceedings for any of these circumstances;
• Not have had your business activities suspended;
• Have fulfilled your obligations to pay taxes and social security contributions;
• Not to have a conflict of interest in relation to this procurement requirement;
We require you to submit copies of the following documents as evidence of eligibility attached to your bid
• Certificate of Incorporation or Trading license /Certificate of Registration for companies;
• Evidence of statutory compliance such as a valid tax clearance certificate and social security contributions certificate.
• Signed copy of code of ethical conduct in business for bidders.
NOTE: Failure to submit the above-required documents will lead to disqualification from Technical and Financial evaluation

Financial Criteria:

Pricing information should not appear in any other section of the proposal other than the financial proposal. Financial scores shall be determined by awarding a maximum of 30 points to the lowest priced proposal that has passed the minimal technical score and giving all other proposals a score that is proportionate to this.
Total scores: Total scores shall be determined using a weighting of 70% for technical proposals and 30% for financial proposals.
Best Evaluated Bid: The best-evaluated bid shall be the firm with the highest combined score and shall be recommended for the award of the contract.
Right to Reject: the ICT Chamber reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or to cancel the procurement process and reject all proposals at any time prior to contract signature and issue by the Chamber, without incurring any liability to Consultants.
The ICT Chamber reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject all proposals received and seek fresh proposals, to negotiate further with one or more of the bidders, to defer the award of a contract, or cancel the competition and make no contract award, if appropriate.

Section 3: Terms Of Reference
General Context
Established in 2011, the Rwanda ICT Chamber is the leading partner for organizations to share experiences, network, and meet key players in the ICT sector. At ICT Chamber, we help our members to work with the right associations, companies, and individuals and ensure that they get the needed skills, opportunities, and tools to grow.
Our mission is to make Rwanda the leading ICT-Driven society.
Our vision is to be the leader in influencing the transformation of the economy and the culture through ICT.

Our Work

Our initiatives, informed and driven by evidence, strive to create change at multiple levels: in addition to working with tech entrepreneurs, we use campaigns to accelerate the digital transformation journey in other non-ICT sectors.
In partnership with the government of Rwanda, we've been able to set up various supporting mechanisms for early-stage startups and young tech entrepreneurs including hubs like kLab, FabLab, and 250STARTUPs. Additionally, the Chamber played an important role in getting more than a hundred IT equipment exempted from VAT.

About the Assignment
The objective of the assignment is to provide ICT Chamber with new, revised, and updated policies and procedures manuals which are consistent with the current operating environment and in line with best practices. Rwanda ICT Chamber wishes to procure an experienced consultancy firm to develop, review and update the company’s policies and procedures manuals.

1. Responsibilities of the Consulting Firm

ICT Chamber’s expectations from the consultant for this assignment include the following.
1. Conduct a preliminary assessment of the current setup and operations of the ICT Chamber and demonstrate understanding of the assignment in an inception report.
2. Obtain a deeper understanding of the ICT Chamber’s operations.
3. Review and update existing policies and procedures manual and develop new policies including accounting and finance procedure manual, procurement manual, Human Resources Management policy, risk management manual, ICT policy, Succession Planning Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures’ Manual, and ethics policies such as whistleblowing policy, anti-fraud, bribery and anti-corruption policy, conflict of interest policy, safeguarding and prevention of sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse policy.
4. Test the updated and newly developed policies and procedures manuals with the relevant staff of the ICT Chamber.
5. Present the draft updated and newly developed policies and procedures manuals to both Management and the ICT Chamber Board of Directors.
6. Present the final policies and procedures manuals, having incorporated the feedback from (i & ii) above, to ICT Chamber.
2.Expected Deliverables, and Evaluation Criteria
2.1. The expected deliverables of this assignment are as follows:
1. An inception report demonstrating understanding of the assignment, the methods of execution, and the work plan to ensure the deliverables outcome is in line with ICT Chamber’s expectations within two weeks after signing the contract.
2. Draft comprehensive Policies and Procedures Manuals, field tested and aligned with donor compliance/reporting requirements, pertinent existing laws & regulations of the Republic of Rwanda and International Financial Reporting Standards, and the current operations and set up of ICT Chamber within twelve weeks after signing the contract.
3. The draft policies and procedures manuals should be presented to the Management and Board of the ICT Chamber for comments, input, and recommendation(s) if any. Below is a list of policies to be reviewed, updated, and/or developed:
Policies/Manuals to be reviewed:
• Accounting and finance procedure manual,
• Procurement manual
• Human Resources Management policy
Policies/Manuals to be developed:
• Risk management manual
• ICT policy
• Succession Planning Policy
• Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures’ Manual and
• Ethics policies such as whistleblowing policy, anti-fraud, bribery, and anti-corruption policy, conflict of interest policy, safeguarding and prevention of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse policy.
1. Final updated comprehensive existing Policies and Procedures with input from the presentations in (c) above.

2.2. Evaluation Criteria

Technical Criteria Weighting
Specific experience of the firm Have at least 5 years of professional experience in a consultancy firm. Have general experience in developing policies and procedures manuals. 5
Specific experience in the firm developing policies and procedures manuals for member-based associations, donor-funded organizations, or similar organizations. 5
The firm has experience in working in Rwanda, including outlier regions. for at least 5 years 5
Quality of the proposed team – Technical Experts Quality of the Team Leader.
• Have at least a master's Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, or Strategic Management, a member of a recognized Professional Accountancy/procurement/human resource management body with the experience of over 10 years in financial management, procurement management, human resource management, and Information Systems and at least four (04) assignments of a similar nature (10)
• Have excellent and proven experience in designing policies and procedures manuals (10).
• Have good writing skills with demonstrated experience documenting processes and procedures. A couple of examples would be an added advantage (10). 30
Quality of the proposed team: The team must demonstrate knowledge and experience (at least 5 years) in the different areas highlighted above. A good understanding of the best practices in designing policies and procedures manuals, donor funds requirements, and excellent report writing & presentation skills is an added advantage (10) 15
Methodology & Approach Adequacy of the proposed technical approach, methodology, and work plan in responding to the Terms of Reference:
• The extent to which the work plan is responding to the TOR is realistic and implementable (10).
• Consideration of timeline and detail of chart of progressing line with TOR timeline predictions (10). 20
Technical Total 80

2.3. Terms of Payment
SN Description Payment Amount
1 Upon delivery of an acceptable Inception Report. 20%
2 Upon presentation and approval of draft revised manuals to ICT Chamber Management. 30%
2 Upon presentation and approval of draft revised manuals to the ICT Chamber Board of Directors. 30%
4 Upon presentation and acceptance of final updated manuals, and training of key users. 20%
Total Disbursement 100%
1. Time frame
The consultant is expected to complete this assignment within 3 months from the date of signing the contract
1. Reporting Language and Evaluation of Proposals
The consultant will report to Rwanda ICT Chamber CEO. All reports/documents shall be presented in English.
1. Format of Bids
Technical and financial proposals should be submitted in PDF format via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by Thursday, September 22, 2022.

Deadline of this Job: 23 October 2022
Tender Notice for supply of Office equipment’s and Stationery
Prison Fellowship Rwanda (PFR) is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with the government of Rwanda and its relevant agencies, local and international organizations as well as UN agencies such as UNDP to foster interventions that support psycho-social healing, peace building and reconciliation, restorative justice, crime prevention, human rights promotion and legal aid, intervening in emergencies as well as nurturing socio-economic empowerment in Rwanda in the wake of the 1994 genocide against Tutsi and its aftermath. Prison Fellowship Rwanda was founded on 01/07/1995, affiliated to the Prison Fellowship International in 1997. It was officially registered and recognized by the ministerial order no 037/17, of 23/10/2002, by the Ministry of Justice as a non- profit organization, published in the official gazette of the Republic of Rwanda in 2002.
PFR is supporting the refugee youth from all the above-mentioned locations to empower and engage them in all activities that aim at addressing issues that affect refugees. Refugees in Rwanda live in an enabled environment which allow them to access different services including access to employment opportunities. Refugee children access formal basic education and the number of high school graduates is increasing every year with also scholarship opportunities at undergraduate and graduate levels. When refugee graduates want to compete at the labor market, they enjoy the right to work as it is provided for under national and international laws. With the world of technology, more employers have shifted from traditional way of advertising job vacancies in newspapers, posters and radio stations. Thus, employers are using online

platforms which require applicants to have technological skills to be a competitive applicant. Despite all the efforts that refugee service providers are putting in to support refugees, refugees mainly youths still have a challenge of accessing online scholarships and employment opportunities due to their limited access to the digital technology, computers and internet connectivity or do not have the information about the existing job opportunities.
With this challenge, UNHCR and PFR have therefore come up with a solution of establishing an Online Job and Scholarship Help Desk in five refugee camps and two urban areas (Kigali & Huye) where refugee youth job and scholarship seekers will be helped by a “Digital Career Counsellor” in their search of job and scholarship.
PFR hereby invites all eligible national bidders who are qualified and reputable company, to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) to provide office suppliers and stationeries.

Description of the Tender
No Item Description Quantity Unit Price (RWF)
1. Laptop HP 8 Ram 512 SSD 11 Gen 15.6 Inches 32 Pcs
2. 3 in 1 Printer (Epson Colored Printer, Scanner & Photocopy) 8 PCS
3. Epson Cartridges 7 Pcs
4. Plastic Tables 29 Pcs
5. Plastic Chairs 200 pcs
6. Ream of Papers 100 pcs
7. Box of Pens 21Pcs
8. Internet Routers 7 Pcs
Required Document to be submitted

Interested and eligible local bidders shall submit the following:
• Expression of interest letter addressed to the Executive Director of Prison Fellowship Rwanda.
• Financial offer includes a breakdown of cost per unit and all applicable taxes.
• RDB registration certificate.
• Tax clearance form from RRA & RSSB.
• At least two good completion certificates for contracts of a similar size and scope.
• Company profile (include e-mail, phone number, Physical address of the office)

Submission Procedure
Interested individuals or companies with relevant qualifications should submit a one single PDF document at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. cc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. not later than September 29th ,2022, at 16:00 hrs.
Please include ‘’ Tender Notice For Supplier Of Office Supplies And Stationaries” in the subject line of the application e-mail.
The application should be addressed to the Executive Director of Prison Fellowship Rwanda.
Done at Kigali, on 19th September 2022
For more information about Prison Fellowship Rwanda, consult: www.pfrwanda.org
PFR expects its suppliers to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment in respect of employment and occupation without discrimination on grounds of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin and such other ground as may be recognized under the Rwandan law.

Deadline of this Job: 03 October 2022
Furniture Supply & Fitting For Its Renovated Office Space
Reference No: 11/C/ICPAR/2022
ICPAR was established through an Act of Parliament (Law Number 11/2008 of 06 May 2008) with a broad mandate to grow and regulate the accountancy profession. Under this mandate, the Institute is responsible for the regulation of the profession in Rwanda and is responsible for the admission of new members into the Institute, the registration granting of practicing certificates to Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), the monitoring of compliance with professional standards, the investigati discipline of its members and the delivery of accounting qualifications, programs and examinations.
Since its set up in 2008, ICPAR has had several achievements, including setting up the Secretariat establishing the first governing council, establishing the CPD program and becoming an assoc member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) within the first 4 years of its existence. Its membership has also grown to 870 and is projected to grow even faster in the medium term. Students' numbers have equally grown tremendously rising to over 5,000.

ICPAR has a strategy that seeks to strengthen the Institute and the accountancy profession. This strategy is based on three (3) strategic pillars: sustainable organization, relevance, and strong profession. A key element of the strategy is to secure own premises that support current and future needs.
In line with the overall objective of securing its own premises and creating a conducive working environment, the Institute is in need of a suitably qualified companies to design and to update the existing office interior designs, propose the new interior office outlook and supply and install appropriate office furniture
Interested service providers may provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
Services providers will be selected in accordance with Open Competitive Method set out in ICPAR Procurement Manual.
Detailed technical requirements with required qualifications, experience and references may be found on ICPAR website: www.icparwanda.com.
Interested services providers should submit their proposals/bids at ICPAR offices no later than 3" October 2022.
Amin Miramago

Deadline of this Job: 07 October 2022
The European Union Delegation to Rwanda is looking for:

Project Officer In Cooperation Section

We are
The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between 27 European countries. It plays an important role in international affairs through diplomacy, trade, development aid and working with global organizations. Abroad, the EU is represented through more than 140 diplomatic representations, known also as EU Delegations, which have a similar function to those of an embassy.
The EU Delegation to Rwanda, Kigali works in close coordination with the Embassies and Consulates of the 27 EU Member States. We are a fully-fledged diplomatic mission and represent the European Union in dealings with the Rwandan government in areas that are part of the EU's remit.

We offer
The post of Project Officer - Environment, Climate Action, Biodiversity (Local Agent Group 1) in the Delegation's Cooperation Section. The team consists of 5 people and there are occasional atypical working hours.
Under this post, the recruited person will be attributed functions depending on the needs of the Delegation, and on the changes of these needs. The successful candidate will serve under the supervision and responsibility of the Team Leader of the "Rural Development, Environment, Biodiversity and Gender" section, providing support, expertise and assistance in the areas of environment, climate action and biodiversity.

For main tasks and duties required please consult the Job profile on Delegation website (link below).
The base salary will depend on relevant and verified employment experience. The vacancy is permanent contract. There is a competitive benefits package, subject to certain conditions, including, health insurances and a retirement savings plan.
The expected start date will be December 1" 2022.

Eligibility criteria and selection criteria
Compulsory minimum requirements
Eligibility Criteria
Assets Selection Criteria, basis for awarding merit points for selection

University Degree in Environmental studies, Environmental economics, Sustainable Management of natural resources, Green and Climate Finance, Economics.
A double degree, preferably including one from an internationally accredited university
1-Work experience with a European Union Delegation or in project funded by the European Union.
4 years' experience in the technical and financial management of projects.
2-Experience in managing development programmes or working for a development agency.

Professional experience
• Demonstrated operational knowledge of and experience with relevant public institutions and/or civil society organisations relating to environment, climate action and biodiversity.
• 3-Experience in participating in relevant fora and delivering on quality briefs in the areas of environment, biodiversity and climate action
• 4-Experience in policy formulation in the areas of environment, climate action and/or biodiversity

Knowledge of languages
Excellent command of English (c1 Level)
Oral and written in French and/or Kinyarwanda and Swahili
Ability to efficiently use standard software packages like Microsoft offices - at least Word, Excel, PowerPoint;
Knowledge of IT tools
Ability to efficiently use standard software packages like Microsoft offices - at least Word, Excel, PowerPoint;
Knowledge of IT tools

Submission Procedure
Interested candidates should consult the Delegation's website on: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/rwanda/area/jobs-funds en for the job profile.
Please send your application and supporting documents by email (maximum size 1MB) to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject of the message: "Application LA: Project Officer - [Family Name and first name). The package should include a motivation letter, an Europass format CV (https://europa.eu/europass/en/create-europass-cy) and 2 references.
Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted individually and invited to a test and interviews. Recruitment of the successful candidate will be subject to medical fitness. The Delegation will not supply additional information or discuss the selection procedure by telephone: pleas address any queries concerning this procedure to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The deadline for applications is 07 October 2022 at 13:00 (Rwandan time).

Deadline of this Job: 27 September 2022
Tender Announcement
Competitive Tender N0 : Wvr/Scm/Po/2022/09/095
Title Of Tender: Ms Scale Digital, With Capacity Of 1,000kg
World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization whose purpose is to create lasting change in the lives of children, families, and communities living in poverty. World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable children. In Rwanda, World Vision has been part of the country’s experience and journey since 1994 working through relief, rehabilitation, and development programs.
World Vision Rwanda is inviting all competent and reputable companies/Suppliers and firms specialized in supply of MS easy scale digital and mobile scale with software for correct weighing moving pigs with Capacity of 1,000kg. Participation to the competition is therefore open and on equal conditions to all companies specialized in the field.

Instruction to bidders:
1. Bidders are informed that all tendering process and bids submission will be done through (online) WVR e-procurement (Coupa), no hard copies will be accepted.
2. The cost of the tender document is a non-refundable fee of 5,000 Rwfs which must be deposited or transferred to the account 0010083813839701 labelled "WORLD VISION RWANDA" opened at "ECOBANK."
3. Please fill all the requested details through this link as part of your expression of interest. The deadline to express interest is on 27/09/2022 at 11:00 am.
4. After the submission of the express of interest, World Vision team will send an email on 27/09/2022 to all suppliers, company and firms to access WVR e-Procurement system (coupa) where they will have the tender document for bidding.
5. Bids must therefore be submitted only via WVR e-procurement not later than 7/10/2022 at 10:00 am.
6. Any bidder who will meet challenges during the expression of interest and bid submission can request for support to these emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Done at Kigali, on 13/09/2022
Pauline Okumu
National Director
World Vision Rwanda


Deadline of this Job: 22 October 2022
Tender Announcement
Title Of Tender: Supply Of Samsung Galaxy Tablets To World Vision Rwanda
tender N0: WVR/SCM/PO/2022/09/096
World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization whose purpose is to create lasting change in the lives of children, families, and communities living in poverty. World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable children. In Rwanda, World Vision has been part of the country’s experience and journey since 1994 working through relief, rehabilitation, and development programs.
World Vision Rwanda hereby invites all qualified business companies specialized in selling IT goods with a valid RRA tax and RSSB contributions clearance certificates to participate on open and equal condition to the tender of supplying Samsung Galaxy tablets A7 Lite T225, 32GB 3GB RAM, 8.7 inches screen, Android 12, 3G&4G Sim card, With accessories (64GB Memory card, Charger, Screen Protector, Tablet case/cover) to World Vision Rwanda.

The submission of bids will be done through WVR e-procurement system. Companies interested in bidding must express their interest starting from 19/09/2022 by providing their company details through this link “Expression of Interest” The deadline to express the interest is on 22/09/2022 at 09:00 am.
Bidders who expressed their interest in participating to the tender will be sent an e-mail to access the World Vision Rwanda e-procurement system (Coupa) on 22/09/2022.
Deadline to submit offers is on 29/09/2022, bidders must accompany their bid with a scanned copy of a prepaid Bank slip or money transfer record of a non-refundable fee of five thousand Rwandan francs (5,000 Rwf) to the account # 0010083813839701 labeled "WORLD VISION RWANDA" opened at "ECOBANK".
Done at Kigali, on 15th September, 2022
Pauline OKUMU
National Director
World Vision International-Rwanda