Consultant/Contractual Jobs at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and other companies

Deadline of this Job: 30 September 2022
Terms of Reference A scientific Study on Labour Conditions in the Education Sector
Post title National Consultant - To Commission a Scientific Study on Labour Conditions in the Education Sector.
Duty Station Kigali
Duration 30 days
Type of Contract National individual consultant or Consortium of 2 national consultants
1. Background
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in partnership with the Congrès du Travail et de la Fraternité au RWANDA (COTRAF-RWANDA) is implementing EU-funded 3 years project to foster social protection, social dialogue, minimum wages, and the respect of national and international labour norms in Rwanda. The project targets three sectors: Mining, tea, and education.
The above-mentioned sectors are simultaneously facing enormous challenges in terms of gender imbalance, occupational safety, and low income. All three sectors are important for the Rwandan economy and reflecting the needs of local and national solutions because the social dialogue on enterprise level is often not well developed neither in the tea nor mining industry. Besides, the working conditions are often poor and minimum standards of occupational safety are lacking. Those negative factors affect in general all workers but women (especially in the areas of tea and education) and children (mining) in particular.

Basically, achieving decent work would require upholding workers ‘rights but also to improve working condition, most probably to provide a sufficiently high minimum wage. The status quo needs to be assessed to effect sector-wide change. For these reasons, scientific study will provide an update on the living and working condition of workers in education sector.
It is against this background, FES and COTRAF-RWANDA seek the service of national consultant or a consortium of 2 national consultants to commission a scientific study on labour conditions in education sector in City of Kigali North and West Provinces.

2. Purpose of the study on labor conditions in Education Sector
The aim of this study is to provide evidence-based findings which will help to sensitize political actors and other responsible persons such as employers about what could be done to achieve a reasonable sectoral minimum wage. Additionally, the study will assess how working conditions can be improved to be at very least compliant with the Rwandan Labor code as well as with International Standards (ILO).

3. Objectives and Scope of the study

The scope and objectives of study are:
• Assess the status of labor conditions in education sector
• Identify factors that have facilitated and/or impeded the setup of minimum wage in education sector
• Provide recommendable actions and measures to ensure the achievement of decent work in education sector.

5. Methodology
The study on labor conditions in education sector will utilize both qualitative and quantitative. Data collection methods may include among others interviews with internal and external stakeholders, field visits, focus groups, workshops, and desk review of relevant documents. It should also provide details on how data will be collected from all stakeholders, how data analysis will be conducted, including data entry techniques and tools to be used. The data will be collected from the project intervention areas (City of Kigali, North and West Provinces). It is proposed to the consultant to follow the following sequence to achieve the desired results:
Development & Finalization of the study Design
The consultant is responsible for developing a detailed work plan/study design in line with the discussion/suggestions with the SD4SD project team. The plan will describe detailed activities and their timeline of completion. The work plan will be approved by SD4SD`s project team before moving ahead to the other activities.

Desk Review
The consultant will undertake a comprehensive desk review of the existing available literature related to education sector. Literature review will include but not limited to Rwanda labour law, ILO core labour standards, Negotiation techniques, Social dialogue and Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG8)

Development of Research Tools and Primary data Collection
Based on the literature review the consultant will develop the research tools for primary data collection. The research tools will be developed in line with objectives of the study. The research tools and guidelines shall be shared with SD4SD project team for its comments before finalization. The following tools may be used in this study
• Structured interviews with beneficiaries and partners: (Teachers, other workers in education sector, Labor inspectors, government institutions, Cotraf -Rwanda, FES Rwanda, REB, and others identified during the inception period.
• FGD guidelines.
• Workshops
• Field Visits, etc

The consultant will propose and share the sampling method and sample size for the review. Selection of sample size should consider thematic areas, geographical basis, stakeholders’ categories, and other indicators as identified during the desk review.

Deliverables and Outcomes
The specific tasks under the consultancy will include:
• Developing an Inception Report that defines methodology and study tools and persons and groups to be interviewed.
• Designing an acceptable study methodology
• Collecting data using a methodology and tools agreed up on.
• Analyzing the data and compile draft report of findings and recommendations for presentation to stakeholders for comments.
• Finalizing and submitting the final report of findings and recommendations (including soft copy in MS Word and associated database) by taking account of comments and inputs from stakeholders in response to the draft report.
• Participating in the report dissemination

Specific milestones will be:
• Inception report
• Validation of research instrument report
• Draft report
• Final report

The final report must include but not limited to:
• Foreword and acknowledgment (on behalf of FES/COTRAF-RWANDA)
• Executive summary
• A detailed methodological approach used for data collection and analysis.
• Study findings
• Conclusions and recommendations.
All reports will be submitted in English, in both hard and soft format.
Competences and Experience of the consultant:
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
• Expert knowledge in trade union movement in Rwanda, labour rights, and the legal framework on labour matters.
• Knowledge on the national and international labour standards
• Knowledge and exposure to ILO core labour standards and sustainable development goal (SDG8)
• Expert knowledge on negotiation skills and social dialogue
• Strong research skills and experience in both quantitative and qualitative surveys.
• Excellent command of English and outstanding written skills.
• Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and reporting skills.
• Proof of former conducted research assignments is a required
• Tax clearance from RRA; RSSB Clearance; Certificate of good standing with it's professional body (for financials, accountants, medicals.)

Qualification of the consultant
• PhD or master’s degree in Law, Education, Rural development, agriculture, economic development, Sociology of development, Demography, statistics and other social sciences related to the task.
• Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience is required.
• Excellent written and spoken English.

6. Remuneration and other considerations:
The assignment requires in-country presence and dedicated work with milestone-based terms of payment for:
1. Inception report.
2. Research instrument report validated by different stakeholders.
3. b) Draft report.
4. c) Final report.

1.Application process
The consultant or the consortium of 2 consultants will submit an expression of interest to COTRAF-RWANDA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 30th Sept 2022 at 5PM . The expression of interest should include the following:
✓ Updated curriculum vitae that clearly spells out qualifications and experience in relation to this assignment.
✓ Contacts of 3 organizations that have recently contracted the consultant to carry out a similar assignment.
• Financial and technical proposal for this assignment.
Please note that these (Financial and technical proposal shall be submitted to the designated email as two files but in one email unless both files are greater than 9MB file size. While submitting your application be sure that your email subject line is EIDHR/ 2021/429/ 349 (Your Name)
Online submissions only are considered. For any further information or clarification please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2.Evaluation Criteria
Competence and Experience of the consultant in similar assignment (30 points)
Qualification and Education of the consultant (20 points)
Financial proposal (50 points)
Done at Kigali, on 29th August 2022
COTRAF-RWANDA Representative
Done at Kigali, on 29th August 2022
FES Rwanda Resident Representative

Deadline of this Job: 22 September 2022
Request For Proposal Consultancy to Develop Five-year Strategic Plan of the ICT Chamber
Section 1: Instructions To Prospective Bidders 1
Section 2: Eligibility Criteria 3
Section 3: Terms Of Reference 4
1.Responsibilities of the Consulting Firm 5
2.Expected Deliverables, Payment Milestones, and Duration 6
3.Qualifications of the Firm: 7
4.Reporting Language and Evaluation of Proposals 7
5.Format of Bids 8
Preparation of Proposals: You are requested to submit separate technical and financial proposals. You are advised to read the Revised Request for Proposal carefully. An electronic copy (in PDF) of the Request for Proposals shall be considered the original version.
Technical Proposals: Technical proposals should contain the following documents and information:
• A brief description of the firm’s organization and an outline of recent experience on assignments of a similar nature. For each assignment the outline should indicate among others, the profiles of the staff proposed duration of the assignment, the contract amount, and the firm’s involvement.
• Background and experience in reviewing and developing Strategic plans, especially for member-based Organizations.
• The consultant is expected to have practical experience in performance management and business continuity planning, strategic planning and performance targeting, monitoring, and evaluation.
• Description of the methodology and work plan for performing the assignment.
• Knowledge of recent developments (global, regional, and national) in the ICT sector and familiarity with the Social Development Goals and utilization of ICT.
• CVs of key staff;
• The consultant’s comments or suggestions on the TORs and appreciation of the assignment – the objectives, tasks, and deliverables
Financial Proposals: Financial proposals should contain the following documents and information:
A copy of the breakdown of Lump Sum Price form in this Part for each currency of your proposal, showing all costs for the assignment, broken down into professional fees, and reimbursable costs. The costs associated with the assignment shall be in RWF for all bidding firms.
Validity of Proposals: Proposals must remain valid for 15 calendar days from proposal submission date.
Submission of Proposals: The technical and financial proposals should be submitted separately, both clearly marked with the Firm’s name, ICT Chamber, and either “Technical Proposal” or “Financial Proposal” as appropriate.

Proposals (both technical and financial) must be submitted electronically to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a clear subject line: “Consultancy to Develop Five-year Strategic Plan of the ICT Chamber” and submitted by Thursday 22th September 2022 at 5:00 pm Central African Time (CAT). Proposals must be submitted in PDF format and as attachments to the email, any proposal submitted as a link or after the specified deadline won’t be considered.
Language of the tender and mode of communication
The communication medium shall be in writing. The bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the ICT Chamber, shall be written in English.

Amendment to the tender document
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the ICT Chamber may amend the tender document by issuing an addendum. Any addendum issued shall be part of the tender document and shall be communicated in writing through email from the ICT Chamber, and it will be published on the platform where the original tender document will be posted.
To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparing their bids, the ICT Chamber may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids; in which case, all rights and obligations of the Chamber and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

Late bids
The ICT Chamber shall not consider any bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of bids. Any bid received by the ICT Chamber after the deadline for submission of bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.

Section 2: Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria: You are required to meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in the procurement exercise:
• Have the legal capacity to enter into a contract;
• Not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt, or being wound up or subject to legal proceedings for any of these circumstances;
• Not have had your business activities suspended;
• Have fulfilled your obligations to pay taxes and social security contributions;
• Not to have a conflict of interest in relation to this procurement requirement;
We require you to submit copies of the following documents as evidence of eligibility attached to your bid
• Certificate of Incorporation or Trading license /Certificate of Registration for companies;
• Evidence of statutory compliance such as a valid tax clearance certificate and social security contributions certificate.
• Signed copy of code of ethical conduct in business for bidders.
NOTE: Failure to submit the above-required documents will lead to disqualification from Technical and Financial evaluation

Financial Criteria:
Pricing information should not appear in any other section of the proposal other than the financial proposal. Financial scores shall be determined by awarding a maximum of 30 points to the lowest priced proposal that has passed the minimal technical score and giving all other proposals a score that is proportionate to this.
Total scores: Total scores shall be determined using a weighting of 70% for technical proposals and a weighting of 30% for financial proposals.
Best Evaluated Bid: The best-evaluated bid shall be the firm with the highest combined score and shall be recommended for the award of the contract.

Right to Reject: the ICT Chamber reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or to cancel the procurement process and reject all proposals at any time prior to contract signature and issue by the Chamber, without incurring any liability to Consultants.
The ICT Chamber reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject all proposals received and seek fresh proposals, to negotiate further with one or more of the bidders, to defer the award of a contract, or cancel the competition and make no contract award, if appropriate.

Section 3: Terms Of Reference
General Context
Established in 2011, the Rwanda ICT Chamber is the leading partner for organizations to share experiences, network, and meet key players in the ICT sector. At ICT Chamber, we help our members to work with the right associations, companies, and individuals and ensure that they get the needed skills, opportunities, and tools to grow.
Our mission is to make Rwanda the leading ICT-Driven society.
Our vision is to be the leader in influencing the transformation of the economy and the culture through ICT.

Our Work
Our initiatives, informed and driven by evidence, strive to create change at multiple levels: in addition to working with tech entrepreneurs, we use campaigns to accelerate the digital transformation journey in other non-ICT sectors.
In partnership with the government of Rwanda, we've been able to set up various supporting mechanisms for early-stage startups and young tech entrepreneurs including hubs like kLab, FabLab, and 250STARTUPs. Additionally, the Chamber played an important role in getting more than a hundred IT equipment exempted from VAT.

About the Assignment
The purpose of this consultancy service is to develop a five-year strategic plan for the ICT chamber that will provide a clear, comprehensive, and costed approach to ensure that the Chamber accomplishes its mandate. The plan must address, amongst other things, the development of strong partnerships and resource mobilization initiatives and how to more effectively engage members of the Chamber.
1. Responsibilities of the Consulting Firm
Under the direct supervision of the ICT Chamber, the consulting firm is expected to undertake the following tasks:

Phase 1 – Assessment and Diagnostic Stage

Through this preliminary assessment, the team should conduct a strategic review to get insight into the current state of the Chamber. The source of feedback should be both internal (management & the board) and external (members of the ICT Chamber). Key elements to review include
1. Overall organizational review (which will also help in understanding bottlenecks and successes in service delivery, efficiency, and effectiveness)
2. Make a SWOT analysis of the Chamber in relation to its current operations and performance
3. Human resources; current and future needs
4. Information technology; as part of the ease of doing business and the creation of efficiencies
5. Finances and portfolio management; including general resources management
6. Workplans
7. Service Delivery

Deliverable: 1
Inception report with detailed Workplan, tools for review, desk review, and copy of preliminary assessment report.
Phase 2 – Consultation and Drafting of Plan
Conduct consultations with members of the Chamber and the management team, then draft a strategic plan.

The team is expected to:
• Review the ICT Chamber’s existing vision, mission, and strategic objectives in relation to its overall mandate to determine strategic alignment.
• Review the existing sector policies, legislation, and regulation to determine if they are in support of the ICT Chamber’s mandate.
• Review the organizational functions and operations of the Chamber to identify functions that support or do not support the ICT Chamber’s mandate, and determine organizational overlaps and duplications that may exist within the Chamber.
• Consultative meetings with staff of the Chamber and its subsidiaries as well as the board members;
• Review existing documents
• Recommend the most appropriate operational model(s) for any functions recommended to be moved out of the Chamber or to be transferred into the Chamber

Deliverable: 2
• Draft a strategic plan; the plan should implicate the findings and analysis with accompanying recommendations including the rationale and value for money implications of the recommendation and any related implementation risks.
Phase 3 – Feedback Collection and Finalizing the Assignment
1. Development, validation, finalization, and cost of the strategic plan 2023 – 2027, including outcome mapping for monitoring and evaluation, detailed implementation for 2023 - 2025, and general activities for 2026 – 2027.
2. Recommend methodology and tools for evaluating outcomes and developing monitoring and communication strategy
3. The consultant will collect, evaluate and lead in the presentation and validation process. Some of these elements may be included in the final document as an appendix or cited as separate literature.

Deliverables: 3
• Final Five-Year Strategic Plan with concrete recommendations that are costed. The final plan should present clear deliverables, indicators, and tools that address the constraints and create the needed support systems and incentives for the members of the ICT Chamber.
• Change management strategy and M&E strategy to support tracking the implementation of recommendations in the strategic plan.
2. Expected Deliverables, Payment Milestones, and Duration
The contract duration shall be for four (4) months, and the expected deliverables are:
No. Deliverables/Outputs Payment Milestones (%) Timelines
1 Inception report including the work plan and data collection tools as well as the copy of the preliminary assessment report 15% 20 Days
2 Draft Strategic Plan 30% 1 Month
3 Final Five-Year Strategic Plan with concrete recommendations that are costed 20% 20 Days
4 Change management strategy and M&E strategy 35% 20. days
3. Qualifications of the Firm:

• Proven experience in designing member-based associations strategies
• Senior consultant must have a Master’s degree in a related field with research and institutional frameworks skills
• All team members must have at least 4-6 years experience working with entrepreneurs, and tech companies
• Demonstrated ability to cultivate, build and maintain strong working relationships with start-ups, entrepreneurs, mentors, research institutions, industry experts, associations, state & central government, and angel investors.
• A successful track record of designing and developing institutional frameworks and sustainability models.
• Excellent prioritization and time management skills with strong attention to detail.
• Demonstrated strong organizational skills in a multicultural setting. Ability to handle multiple tasks, reprioritizing tasks where necessary.
• Superior written and verbal communication and presentation skills in English.
• Flexibility, intellectually curious, and open. You are comfortable with ambiguity, receptive to new ideas, and also willing to change when presented with the best options.
• Confident and comfortable challenging expert opinion.
• Demonstrates a high degree of interpersonal skills with the ability to manage relationships at all levels both internally and externally.
• Innovative and entrepreneurial. This individual can formulate and develop new or creative approaches to problems and inspires others on the team to do so as well.
• Professional maturity and sensitivity to working within different cultures.
• You have an exceptional ability to think strategically and yet you sweat the small stuff
• You take pleasure in excellence and impact more than credit or status
• Capable of assessing organizational needs in order to develop strategic business plans.
4. Reporting Language and Evaluation of Proposals

Submission Procedure
All reports/documents shall be presented in English. Furthermore, the ICT Chamber will evaluate the proposal on a qualitative basis. This includes the firm’s competitiveness, understanding of the requirement, service delivery, and expectations.
5. Format of Bids
Technical and financial proposals should be submitted in PDF format via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by Thursday, September 22, 2022.

Deadline of this Job: 19 September 2022
Title National Consultant
Assignment Title Junior Communications Consultant
Organizational Unit UN Women Rwanda
Language English/French
Duty Station, Country Kigali, Rwanda
Expected Starting Date Immediate
Duration of Consultancy 4 months

I. UN Women Background:
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.
UN Women Rwanda has been working with the Government, UN Partners, Civil Society, the Private Sector, Development Partners, and other key partners to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the country through its programmes.
The country focuses on three main priority/impact areas from UN Women Global Strategic Plan (2018-2021): namely, women lead, participate in, and benefit equally from governance systems (focusing on women's leadership and representation in local governance and in the private sector)
Women have equal economic opportunities and economic autonomy (focusing on agriculture, entrepreneurship, employment, and ICT) and Women and girls live a life free from violence.

II.Description of Responsibilities:
Under direct supervision of the Communications and Knowledge Management Officer or his/her designated mandated representative(s), the Junior Communications Consultant will support the creation of digital content to increase awareness and ongoing initiatives of UN Women and its partners as well as key strategic events and global campaigns. He/she will support in documenting success stories of CO’s work for sharing with current and potential partners for partnership building and Resource Mobilization.

III. Functions and key results expected:

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of Communications and Knowledge Management Officer:
• The consultant will support to amplify and develop common messaging and UN Women’s global campaigns and provide support in developing promotional materials to showcase efforts of UN Women’s work to increase advocacy.
• Provide substantive research and support in producing communication briefs, talking points etc.
• Contribute to the planning and designing of external communication and outreach/advocacy strategies and plans.
• Manage CO’s social media accounts in line with corporate social media policy.
• Coordinate and provide videography and photography documentation of all UN Women initiatives/activities and manage the country office Flickr account.
• Photography of key events or activities of the UN Women is present/engaged.
• Provide substantive support to developing Country Office quarterly newsletter, reports, and briefs.
• Maintain the country office repository system that contains all publications by the Country office and IPs
• Contribute to the innovation portfolio of the Country Office.
• Any other related tasks as may be required or assigned by the supervisor.

IV. Qualifications, skills, experience:

Qualifications/Requirements (including competencies, values, and skills):
Qualifications, skills, experience:
Degree level: Bachelor's degree
Type of Degree: Digital Communications, Journalism, International Relations, or any other areas relevant.
Years of work experience: Minimum 3 years of experience

Area of expertise:
• Journalism, mass media, and broadcasting Mandatory,
• Knowledge of camera usage
• database management
• Skills in social media management and content creation
• Use of digital tools (Flickr, Twitter, YouTube, Teams, zoom)
• Writing and developing reports
• Documentation of success and impact stories

Language Requirements
Fluency in English is required
Knowledge of the other UN official working language is an asset

Computer skills:

Solid overall computer literacy, including proficiency in various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, Adobe tools etc.) and email/internet.

V. Competencies
Functional Competencies:
• Is Ability to perform a broad range of specialized activities aimed at effective and efficient functioning of the Programme unit including logistical support.
• Ability to provide input to business process re-engineering, elaboration, and implementation of new data management systems.
• Creates, edits, and presents information in clear and presentable formats, using appropriate IT functionality.
• Advanced knowledge of ICT and familiarity with relevant media software up to date with photography and videography
• Ability to organize and complete multiple tasks by establishing priorities.
• Ability to handle a large volume of work possibly under time constraints.
• Ability to establish, build and sustain effective relationships with Implementing Partners.
• Ability to manage data, documents, correspondences and reports information and workflow.

Core Values and Guiding Principles:

• Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct
• Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work
• Cultural Sensitivity and Valuing Diversity: Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity

Corporate Competencies:
• Ethics and Values: Demonstrate and safeguard ethics and integrity
• Development and Innovation: Take charge of self-development and can take initiative
• Work in a team: Demonstrate the ability to work in a multicultural, multiethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds
• Communicating and Information Sharing: Facilitate and encourage effective open communication
• Self-management and Emotional Intelligence: Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others
• Conflict management: Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution
• Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Encourage learning and sharing of knowledge
Time and Workload Management: Able to manage a large volume of work possibly under time constraints

VI.Conditions of Service
The contract lasts for the period indicated above with possibility of extensions subject to availability of funding, operational necessity, and satisfactory performance. However, there is no expectation of renewal of the assignment.

VII: Mode of application

All interested and qualified local consultants may submit all required documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. not later than 19th Sept 2022 at 11:59 Kigali time. Only pre-selected candidates will be notified.
United Nations Women is an equal opportunity programme which welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, and culture.