ToR for Conducting A Rapid Assessment on Climate Resilient Agriculture Practices in the Western Province of Rwanda tender at IMBARAGA Farmers Organization
408 Days Ago
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IMBARAGA Farmers’ Organization intends to hire consultancy services for conducting the following study.

Lot 2: ToR for Conducting A Rapid Assessment on Climate Resilient Agriculture practices in the Western Province of Rwanda

  1. Background

IMBARAGA is a Non-governmental National Farmers Organization that works with farmers to improve the socio-economic conditions of more than 32,400 members located in 26 out of 30 districts throughout the country. It is structured from the village to the national level and governed by the vision stated as “A professional farmer, the trigger of development” through “lobby and advocacy”; “increase in productivity and competitiveness” and “environmental protection”.

With the financial support of IFAD through EAFF organization, IMBARAGA is involved in the implementation process of the program “Strengthening Farmers’ Organizations for ACP Countries” in two (2) districts of Rwanda, namely Rubavu and Nyabihu districts.

In Rwanda, agriculture sector plays a crucial role in the national economy, employing a majority of the population and contributing significantly to its GDP. However, like many other regions, Rwanda faces many challenges, including climate change, deforestation, and arable land degradation (overexploitation, soil erosion, soil acidity, soil pollution; …), water contamination, biodiversity loss, and food security concerns.

In response, Rwanda has recognized the importance of sustainable agriculture in its five (5) pillars, namely biological productivity, economic viability, protection of natural resources, reduced levels of risk, and social acceptance (Khwidzhili &Worth, 2016); and agro-ecological practices as a potential option and vital intervention to boost agricultural productivity and increase yield. Climate resilient agricultural practices and approaches are aiming to restore and improve soil health and resilience, enhance biodiversity and landscape restoration, and mitigate climate change impacts for sustainability purposes.

  1. Assignment

As an organization extensively working in the agricultural sector, environment protection and conservation, IMBARAGA intends to conduct “A Rapid Assessment focusing on the existing climate resilient practices and other agro-ecological initiatives undertaken by smallholder and family farmers based in the zone of intervention of FO4ACP program”.

For this purpose, IMBARAGA would like to hire a consulting firm or a private consultant to carry out an in-depth research/ rapid assessment on the topic aforementioned in two (02) districts of Rwanda covered by the FO4ACP program and through which issues and challenges related to climate resilience have been raised as highlighted above in the background.

During the field work and discussions with different stakeholders at the local level (districts and community), data will be collected in relation to the existing dynamics on climate resilience and agro ecological practices initiated by farmer groups, farmer coops in the context of commercial versus family farming practices in respect to sustainable agriculture principles and approaches incorporated in the strategic policy documents such as the DDS (District developmentt strategy), and the environmental policy papers, the district plans “Imihigo” developed by the local entities and implemented at the community level by the farmers’ organisations, CSOs and the private sector institutions operating in the targeted districts; documenting the best practices and lessons learnt; highlighting key challenges faced and proposing clear recommendations for future concrete action to be done by the Rwandan Government (MINAGRI, MOE, MINICOM, etc.) at the national level and other strategic actors such as the CSOs, CBOs, the farmers’ organizations and the Private Sector.

  1. Objectives of the Assignment

The overall objective of the consultancy is to identify the existing climate resilient challenges and main issues to be addressed as well as possible agro-ecological practices used in the family farming and regenerative agriculture practices and initiatives run at the community level by farmer groups, farmer coops and other stakeholders in order to improve soil health and fertility, increase the yield, restore landscape and resilience for sustainable development.

Specifically, the study is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  • To analyze how the organic fertilizers sector can help Rwanda improve its soil health, can help Rwandan farmers get better yields, and can help with economic growth in the country. How can the private sector, NGOs, research bodies, and the government better work together for the improved growth of this sector?
  • Identify smallholder farmers’ needs, aspirations and expectations from other key stakeholders such as the Gov’t, the farmers’ Organizations, research organizations, and define the small-scale farmers opportunities to access agricultural inputs especially those made in Rwanda at the local and national level with raw materials and biomass available;
  • What can be done to accelerate the production of organic fertilizers in the face of the current climate change effects that have caused soil degradation and raising input prices on the global markets coupled with the havoc that they cause to the environment;
  • To what extent is Civil Society (farmers’ organizations, farmer groups, agricultural coops, NGOs, CBOs; …) prepared to support farmers in the production of organic fertilizers from the locally available biomass to sustain their crop production and improve soil health?
  • Provide strategic recommendations for future advocacy and capacity building purpose to improve climate resilient agriculture sector through improved availability, affordability and accessibility of organic fertilizers at the local level.
  1. Scope of work

The consultant is expected to:

  • Undertake a literature review and analyze the local context and opportunities for smallholder farmers to access agricultural inputs at the community level, farmer cooperatives, agro-dealers across the districts covered by the study;
  • Identify the main challenges that hamper the provision and availability of organic fertilizers (both liquid and solid) and the coping mechanisms and strategies adopted by the farmers themselves;
  • Collect relevant information from key actors and other service providers operating at the district level such as the private companies, farmer cooperatives, local NGOs, involved in organic fertilizers production, supply and selling; etc.;
  • Provide actionable recommendations based on the main findings of the study carried out in the targeted districts of Rwanda;
  • An in-depth analysis of the gender and socio-economic dynamics affecting the provision and availability of organic fertilizers will be detailed in regard to self-reliance and promotion of agro-ecological farming practices in Rwanda.
  1. Approach

The consultant/firm is expected to undertake desktop research and visit relevant institutions and farmer organizations or agricultural cooperatives at the local level (Districts level) to collect more information on the subject of concern. The consultant/firm is required to use a consultative and inclusive approach to ensure that all key stakeholders, especially women farmers and youths, are actively involved in the whole process of this study. The consultant/firm will also require close consultations with IMBARAGA technical team and leaders to ensure ownership and collective responsibility.

  1. Expected deliverables
  • Prepare and present a detailed methodology and work plan during the technical offer including: data collection and analysis techniques and methods, triangulation approaches and sampling methods;
  • Well-designed tools for quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis;
  • An inception report detailing the proposed methodology, identified stakeholders in the organic fertilizers value chain, key informants and likely challenges;
  • A presentation of report findings to IMBARAGA and other key stakeholders (such as EAFF) for comments and inputs;
  • A final report incorporating comments from Imbaraga Secretariat and EAFF Program Manager presented both in soft and two (2) hard copies. 
  1. Assignment duration and management arrangements

The duration of assignment is maximum of 21 calendar days from the date of signing the contract. Any changes should be discussed with IMBARAGA within the first one (01) week after signing of the contract.

The draft report should be available no later than the 20th day after signing the contract. The final document in English version should be ready by the 30th day. The consultant/firm will work directly under the supervision of the Secretary General of IMBARAGA with technical oversight of the Program Officer.

  1. Minimum desired qualification and competencies

The assignment will be carried out by an individual consultant or consulting firm, who/which will be hired by IMBARAGA, based on its tender policy. An individual consultant or consulting firm will be able to perform all the tasks outlined in the key deliverables section above.

The minimum expected qualification and experience desired to conduct this study are detailed below:

  • An individual consultant or multidisciplinary consulting firm with demonstrable experience in Qualitative &Quantitative researches, data analysis and reporting with a focus on gender equality and women empowerment as well as community mobilization;
  • The Lead Consultant should hold at least a Master’s degree in relevant field like Food security and nutrition, Agronomy, Environmental Sciences, Rural Development, or related field of study for independent consultant or 2 senior consultants from consultancy firm;
  • At least five (5) years of professional working experience in conducting research in agriculture sector;
  • Knowledge of the socio-cultural, and economic context of Rwanda, and in particular agriculture sector with focus to climate smart and regenerative agriculture practices;
  • Strong experiences in using advanced data analysis and visualization techniques and methods;
  • Proven work experience with Gov’t institutions, international and local NGOs, and Community based organizations (CBOs) and Farmers’ organizations;
  • Excellent command of English, both spoken and written; and knowledge of Kinyarwanda will be added value;
  • Excellent report writing techniques and communication skills. 

9. Criteria of selection

The selection will mainly be based on the following elements:

  • Relevance of the proposed approach and methodology;
  • Qualification and experience in carrying out similar work;
  • Other required documents are as follows: registration number in RDB, tax registration in RRA, and certificate of completion of similar consultancy work;
  • Working calendar and detailed financial proposal. 

10. How to apply?

Interested candidates are required to submit the following documents:

  • A technical proposal should outline an indicative methodology (sampling methodology, data collection, and analysis techniques), timeline, and delivery dates and proofs of previous similar work experience, detailed CVs; and an application letter including contact information of references;
  • A financial proposal (financial bids) quoted in Rwandan Francs (RWF).

All bids need to be addressed to the Legal Representative and submitted to IMBARAGA Head Office (KK18 Av214, Rubilizi Road, P.O.Box 1462 Kigali- Rwanda) not later than January 22, 2024, at 1:00 pm. 

Done at Kigali, on 4th January, 2024


Legal Representative

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, January 31 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 10-01-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-01-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 10-01-2066
Apply Now
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