Terms of reference for a mid-term evaluation and learning of Dufatanye Urumuri Project job at International Alert
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Terms of reference for a mid-term evaluation and learning of Dufatanye Urumuri Project

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Business Management and Administration , Category: Consultant ]

Jobs at:

International Alert

Deadline of this Job:
Tuesday, February 20 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Rwanda, East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, February 13 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Terms of reference for a mid-term evaluation and learning of Dufatanye Urumuri Project
Background of the project
International Alert (Alert) is an international organization headquartered in the United Kingdom that works to build peace by working with local civil society organizations through research, advocacy, capacity building, inclusive dialogue, and political and civic participation.
Since April 2021, International Alert Rwanda in partnership with ARCT Ruhuka have been implementing a four years and nine months USAID funded Dufatanye Urumuri (Light) project across 30 districts of Rwanda. The overall goal of the project is to improve social cohesion by strengthening the inclusive unity and resilience processes in Rwanda. Specifically, Dufatanye Urumuri project seeks to improve unity, resilience, and social cohesion efforts in Rwanda through healing of historical wounds and facilitation of open and inclusive dialogue on contemporary sensitive issues in communities, secondary and high schools and civil society forums in 30 districts as well as at the national level.
After almost two years and half of implementation, International Alert would like to check if the intervention and expected programme outcome are on track and to make recommendations on how best to meet objectives in the remaining project period. It is in that regard international Alert is seeking services from an external consultant to conduct a mid-term evaluation.
Objectives of the midterm evaluation
The overall objective of this midterm evaluation and learning is to document the progress achieved to date and to provide an independent assessment of the effectiveness and relevance of the Dufatanye Urumuri project.
The mid-term evaluation will also check whether outputs are being delivered in the most efficient and effective way and whether the outputs are likely to lead to intended outcomes or if a different strategy is required. By this, the mid-term evaluation will provide a view on whether the intended objectives and activities are still relevant (e.g. as a result of changes in the context or availability of new information). It will test the veracity of the Results Framework and the Logical Framework to inform the programme implementation team on the status of planned milestones based on observed results.
Findings will primarily be used to inform the International Alert project team to make decisions on where we need to improve and what to be adapted for the remainder of the Dufatanye Urumuri Activity.
The specific objectives of this mid-term evaluation are:
• To evaluate the midterm progress of the project based on the project Outcome Indicators measured to date against baseline values and project targets.
• To evaluate project theory of change, the methods and activities used by the project from the original design and modifications used during the project to date and share the progress to the Theory of Change and hence inform its review following checks of evidence if the latter are still linked to intended results.
• To evaluate and document the key factors which have influenced the implementation and results to date, both internal and external.
• Identify what could be changed or adjusted to enhance current successes and rectify weaknesses in implementation and evaluate extent the changes in attitude and behavior of project beneficiaries will be sustainable at the end of the project and provide sustainability strategy.
Mid Term Evaluation and Learning Methodology
Technique/ Data Tools
The Mid-Term Evaluation will be both qualitative and quantitative study, however we will triangulate data from all possible sources. A set of broad Mid-Term Evaluation questions with relevant sub-questions, will be formulated with a view to provide information about the extent to which programme’s objectives/results have been achieved so far. Quantitative data (e.g. on outputs and outcomes achieved to date) will be sourced primarily from the information provided in the monitoring reports including the result-based framework and annual reports.
The firm/consultant will suggest a rigorous methodology taking into consideration that at least 360 respondents (for quantitative survey), 12 FGDs with diverse community members, 15 KIIs with local leaders from 10 districts namely Gasabo, Kamonyi, Nyanza, Nyamagabe, Karongi, Rutsiro, Nyabihu, Gicumbi, Ngoma and Nyagatare will be reached to be able to provide the project management with robust information based on the objectives sought. The Sampling will be probability (for quantitative) and non-probability (for qualitative). Note that for this project we had initial funding and then after one year we had a top up which led to increase of project implementation coverage area, therefore the approach and methodology will defer especially when measuring project outcome three a detailed information on this will be provided during inception period.
To guide the process, the suggested methodology is expected to be making use of both qualitative and quantitative methods to answer the evaluation questions.
The approach should be able to ensure a broad outreach of stakeholders involved, allow for cross-validation of the findings as the Mid-Term evaluation progress and, equally important, eventually contribute to a higher buy-in of the Mid-Term Evaluation findings by all stakeholders involved.
Major tasks and deliverables of the mid-term evaluation
Deliverables under this consultancy will include the following:
1. An inception report: The firm/consultant will share the inception report that details the study design (rationale, methodology), data collection tools, and a detailed work plan within 5 days of engagement, to be approved by International Alert.
2. Data collection tools: Develop the data collection tools and have them approved by International Alert and partner before data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting.
3. Draft Evaluation report: The firm/consultant will prepare a draft evaluation report with interpretations, recommendations and lessons learnt for review by International Alert.
4. Validation workshop: Hold a validation workshop/meeting with relevant International Alert programme staff and partner.
5. Final Evaluation report: The firm/consultant will share a final evaluation report after incorporating the comments from International Alert and partner. This will be both in electronic and hard copy (MS Word document, PowerPoint slides).
6. Based on findings develop a case study based on key successes and good practices from the mid-term evaluation
7. Data sets: Firm/Consultant will deliver all the data sets to International Alert.
The duration of the assignment will be agreed upon signing the mid-term evaluation contract with preference of having it done within 45 days. This evaluation study will begin in the month of March 2024. The final report incorporating feedback from international Alert will be submitted 10 days after presentation of the preliminary findings.
The firm/consultant is advised to submit an itemized budget for the assignment based on the understanding of these Terms of Reference. Note that the available envelop for this assignment is twenty-five million.
Payment will be based on submission of deliverables that are satisfactory to International Alert as agreed upon after discussion with International Alert in the inception meeting.
Ethics, Safeguarding and Code of Conduct
As the firm/consultant will be working on behalf of International Alert and will be required to sign and adhere to the Safeguarding Policy and ethical guidelines.
The firm/consultant will make clear to all participating stakeholders of all ages that they are under no obligation to participate in the exercise and that it is purely voluntary. All participants will be assured that there will be no negative consequences if they choose not to participate.
The firm/consultant must obtain informed consent from all participants. The firm/consultant must receive prior permission for taking and use of visual still/ moving images for specific purposes.
The firm/consultant will assure the participants anonymity, confidentiality and will ensure the visual data is protected and used for agreed purposes only. As regards the documentation, the title rights, copyrights, and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with International Alert.

Qualifications, skills and experience required.
• Advanced degree (master's) in a relevant field such as sociology, political science, conflict resolution, peace studies, anthropology, international relations or social sciences.
• Proven proficiency in both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
• Experience in conducting surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis.
• At least seven years’ experience conducting research/study in peace building in Rwanda.
• Familiarity with the specific issues affecting unity and social cohesion in the context.
• Cultural awareness and sensitivity to navigate potentially sensitive or contentious issues.
• Strong written and oral communication skills in Kinyarwanda and English to convey findings and recommendations clearly and effectively.
• Ability to engage with diverse stakeholders, including community members, government officials, civil society organizations and international actors.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 84

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
Proposal Submission:
Interested consultants/teams are invited to submit their proposal to Rwanda@international-alert.org , before 20/02/2024. Proposals should include:
• Application letter
• CVs of lead consultants
• Detailed technical proposal with methodology and timeline.
• Financial proposal
• A sample and/or Certificate of completion of three similar assignments previously done.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, February 20 2024
Duty Station: Rwanda
Posted: 13-02-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-02-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-02-2064
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