Terms of Reference for the Construction Works of a Water Supply System Extension at Water For People
810 Days Ago
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Water For People is an international non-for-profit organization working in Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. It works across nine countries, bringing together communities, local entrepreneurs, and governments to build and maintain water and sanitation services that last. In Rwanda, Water For People plays a key role in the Rwanda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector by effectively partnering with the Government of Rwanda and other stakeholders since 2008.

To date, Water For People supports the communities and public institutions (schools and health care facilities) of Rulindo, Kicukiro, Gicumbi and Karongi Districts to sustainably access water, sanitation and hygiene services. In line with this objective, Water For People partners with the government institutions to improve access to sustainable WASH Services by supporting the construction of water supply systems, hygiene and sanitation facilities.

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Additionally, Water For People support the provision of rainwater harvesting facilities aiming at environmental protection and affordable available water at schools and health care facilities. This ensure that schools and healthcare facilities have a safe and affordable alternative source of water that can be used for other needs except drinking water.

In Rwanda a girl’s room in schools is known as a room set a part for girls’ use during their menstrual period. According to World Bank statistics, at least 20 per cent of schoolgirls especially in rural areas of Rwanda miss school, up to 50 days per year, because they cannot afford buying sanitary pads or due to menstruation related issues.  The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Local government initiated “The Girl’s room” in schools to reduce girl’s absenteeism due to menstruation related issues, however, many schools still lack proper rooms to serve the purpose.

Water For People in Rwanda is supporting the construction of girl’s rooms in its Everyone Forever (EF) districts (Kicukiro, Rulindo, Gicumbi and Karongi District) and equip them with sanitary pads, towels, a bed, water, soap etc, to offer a comfortable space for schoolgirls who have unexpectedly gone into her period or any female in the school environment with menstruation period related issues.

The presence of these rooms was proven to be a solution to improved menstrual hygiene management in schools, minimize girl’s absenteeism in schools and improve their performance in schools as well as girl’s self-confidence.

It is against the above-mentioned background that Water For People, in partnership with the District of Kicukiro and WASAC, would like to hire services of an experienced construction company to construct an extension of a water supply system, one Menstrual Hygiene Girl’s Room and supply and install 2 Rainwater harvesting systems at EP Cyeru in Masaka Sector in Kicukiro District.

Water For People invites experienced companies for Construction of water supply system extension, One Menstrual Hygiene Rooms and supply and install two rainwater  water harvesting system at EP Cyeru in Masaka Sector in Kicukiro District.


The selected school is called EP CYERU in Masaka Sector in Kicukiro District.

The sanitation of MHM should be connected to existing water supply system.

The works to undertake in this school are indicated in below table:



Summary of works to be undertaken



  • Construction of 1 water supply extension with an estimated length of 3.2 kms with:
  • Construction of 1 base foundation stonemasonry of plastic tank (10m3)
  • Construction of 1 water points with 3 taps
  • Construction of 1 girls’ room (connected to water supply system)
  • Supply and installation of 2 rainwater storage tanks with all accessories


The technical proposal to be submitted by the bidder must have the components described in bellow sections.

3.1.Company profile and administrative documents

The company must provide the following administrative documents:

  • Full company address in Rwanda indicating Province, District, Sector, Cell, Village, E-mail, Post Office Box,
  • A copy of Trade License/Certificate of company registration,
  • VAT registration certificate
  • Valid Certificate of tax clearance by Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA),
  • RSSB clearance certificate (when applicable),
  • Copies of at least three similar assignments in construction of water supply systems (with evidence for good completion)

3.2. Company experience

The desired company/firm should meet the following criteria:

  • General Experience of the company in the field of construction of water supply systems, buildings and sanitation facilities.
  • Minimum of Five year of experience in water supply systems and building construction project successfully completed in the last 5 years (attached certificates of completion).

N.B: The reference must be supported by: Provisional handover, Final handover or good completion certificate from public institution


The essential equipment to be made available for the Contract by the successful Bidder shall be:

  • One trucks with 5mof capacity- One pick up
  • One concrete mixer
  • One concrete vibrator.

The bidder must provide the proof of possession (equipment must be registered in the names of Company or owner of the company or with proof rental contract signed with both parties accompanied with proof of their invoices

3.4.Team composition and required skills

The company/firm should have the following staff members:

  • Project Manager: A civil engineer A0 with a minimum of 5 years of experience in water supply system construction
  • A site engineer: A civil engineer A0 with a minimum of 3 years of experience in construction of buildings or A1 with a minimum of 5 years of experience in similar works.
  • A mason: A2 diploma with a minimum of 5 years of experience in construction of buildings,
  • A plumber: A2 diploma with a minimum of 5 years of experience.

All staff will present an updated Curriculum Vitae duly signed by the staff him/herself and academic documents.


The proposal must be done based on the following bill of quantities:

NB: The Total price must be tax inclusive.


It is anticipated that the works to be done will be completed within Two weeks (15 calendar days) from the date of contract signature. Technical offer with clear timeline and description of the proposed methodology detailing how the deliverables will be achieved.


This will be a contract with clear payment schedules based on deliverables. The winner of this contract shall be responsible for submitting an original of performance guarantee from licensed bank or insurance company representing 10% of total contract amount and covering a period of 12 months counted from the date of provisional handover of the work.


Water For People.


Copyright of all material on assignment will be retained by Water For People in Rwanda or Districts.


Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: administrative requirements, clarity of methodology, the profile of team members, understanding of the task, demonstrable understanding and availability of tools, equipment required to effectively carry out the assignment, and cost as follows.

  • Administrative documents: 20%
  • Methodology: 10%
  • Profile of the company: 20%
  • Profile of the team members: 20%
  • Financial: 30%

All substantially responsive proposals that score 70 marks or more from the Technical submission evaluation shall have their Financial proposals evaluated.

The formula for determining the financial score (SF) shall be as follows:

SF = 30% x FM/F where:

SF is the financial score

FM is the lowest fees quoted and

is the fee of the proposal under consideration.

The lowest fees quoted will be allocated a maximum score of 30%.

The bidder’s proposals will be ranked according to their combined technical score (ST) and financial score (SF) and weighted accordingly. The formula for the combined scores shall be as follows: S = ST x T% + SF x P%


S is the total combined scores of technical and financial scores

ST is the technical score

SF is the financial score

T is the weight given to the technical proposal (in this case 70%) and

P is the weight given to the financial proposal (in this case 30%)

Note: P + T will be equal to 100%.

The bidder who has achieved the highest combined technical and financial score shall be declared successful and subsequently invited for clarifications.


  1. Any bid with an arithmetic error in calculation or any other type of error or omission will be automatically disqualified. Even if a successful bidder was notified for negotiation, and Water For People realizes an error in its bid, Water For People will automatically cancel the notification and negotiate with the succeeding bidder
  2. Hard copies and late submissions shall be rejected.
  3. Late submissions will not be considered.

The selected proposer will be contractually required to comply with Water For People’s Vendor Code of Conduct https://www.waterforpeople.org/Vendor-Code-of-Conduct and will be required to deliver a Conflict of Interest Certificate prior to execution of the contract. The Conflict-of-Interest Certificate requires the disclosure of any potential or actual conflicts of interest with Water For People employees or their relatives including past, current or proposed business transactions, employment or offers of employment, or certain gifts or entertainment. Water For People will evaluate any disclosures of conflicts of interest; if Water For People determines it cannot waive or mitigate the conflict of interest it will result in the disqualification of the selected proposer. 


The contractor will report to the Water For People Program assistant for this assignment. The contractor will be collaborating with the entire Water For People team including the top management team as well as the field staff.

On daily basis, the contractor will be supervised by WASAC and Kicukiro District personnel.

A provisional handover of works must be approved by all the above parties.

11.Rights reserved

  • Water For People reserves the right to cancel the entire procurement process without incurring any liability whatsoever.
  • Water For People reserves itself the right to change the scope of works before contract signature.
  • Water For People reserves the right to amend any segment of the RFP prior to the announcement of selected candidates.
  • Water For People also reserves the right to remove one or more of the services from consideration for this contract should the evaluation show that it is in Water For People’s best interest to do so.
  • Water For People also may, at its discretion, issue a separate contract for any service or groups of services included in this RFP. Water For People may negotiate a compensation package and additional provisions to the contract awarded under this RFP.
  • Water For Peoplereserves the right to debrief the applicants after the completion of the process due to the expected high volume of applications to avoid the compromise of the process.


Interested companies/individuals are requested to submit electronically both technical and financial bids application files not later than Sunday 11th December 2022 by 05:00PM local time with the following subject “THE CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF AWATER SUPPLY SYSTEM EXTENSION, A MENSTRUAL HYGIENE MANAGEMENT ROOM AND SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF 2 RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEMS AT GS CYERU IN MASAKA SECTOR IN KICUKIRO DISTRICT. ” to the following email: rwprocurement@waterforpeople.org

Done at Kigali on December 02nd, 2022


Country Director

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 11 December 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 05-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 05-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-12-2066
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