Terms of Reference for conducting the baseline of Social and Behaviour Change Communication for Nutrition (SBCC/N) Project in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Rwanda at Plan International Rwanda
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Terms of Reference for conducting the baseline of Social and Behaviour Change Communication for Nutrition (SBCC/N) Project in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Rwanda
1. About Commissioning Office
1.1 About Plan International
We strive to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

1.2 About WFP
World Food Programme, an autonomous joint subsidiary programme of the United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with headquarters in Rome, Italy, acting through its Country Office for Rwanda, of SONARWA compound, Ex-TRAFIPRO, Kicukiro, P.O. Box 1150 Kigali, Rwanda (“WFP”). The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity, for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.

2. Project Background
WFP Rwanda Country Office recruited Plan International Rwanda in collaboration with Plan International Canada in strengthening the social and behaviour change communication for nutrition activities in the five refugee camps and hosting communities.
The purpose of the project is to improve nutrition-related practices of among target populations (or households) with malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women and those who are at risk, through support of social and behaviour change activities at community level for improved maternal and child feeding practices in targeted refugee populations with focus attention on improving knowledge on preparation of WFP provided supplementary foods.
The Operation is being implemented in Kigeme, Kiziba, Mugombwa, Nyabiheke and Mahama Refugee Camps in Rwanda and Host communities surrounding these camps are involved as project beneficiaries of some activities.

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Project has following specific Objectives:
Goal: To continue improving the nutritional status of women, adolescent boys and girls, and refugee children under 5 in the five selected refugee camps and five hosting districts in Rwanda by June 2024.
Specific Objective 1: To improve Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) knowledge and practices in refugee camps and host communities
Specific Objective 2: To increase equitable access to and control of nutritious and diversified food, enough to maintain a healthy life in refugee camps and host communities
The project budget is approximately 766,405,369 RWF for a period of 1.5 years from January, 2023 to June,2024. The project directly targets 51,599 beneficiaries and indirectly target 52,817 beneficiaries.

3. Purpose of the Baseline
3.1 Assessment of Baseline Values for Project Indicators
The objective of this baseline study is to measure the status of project indicators at the very beginning of a project. The results from the baseline study will be used to measure and monitor the project progress against the set indicators over the course of the project implementation toward the end-lines and/or final evaluations. As part of the annex section to this ToR, you will find the list of outcomes results and their respective indicators for measurement.
3.2 Child rights, gender and inclusion
Plan International and all its partners (including AKA) confront and challenge discrimination and human rights violations based on gender, including gender-based violence, and other forms of exclusion. We also challenge stereotyping and unequal power relations between women, men, boys, and girls to promote gender equality, girls’ rights, and inclusion. We foster an organizational culture that embraces and exemplifies our commitment to Child rights, gender equality, girls’ rights, and inclusion. Therefore, consultants who will be involved in this study shall align with this policy statement which drives our programming.

4. Users of the Baseline
The baseline data will be used by different users for to serve multiple purposes:
• The users included WFP staff and Plan International staff Rwanda and Canada who will use the data to track projects progress against targets to be reached;
• UNHCR, MINEMA, Camp leaders and Local Leaders from village to district level who will need to know the impact the project generated;
• Other implementing partners involved in Nutrition and health sectors who will need to use this information for proper planning and know where to focus in their programming.
5. Indicators to be collected, Survey methodology, Methods for Data Collection and Analysis

5.1. Survey design, Methods for Data Collection and Analysis
The methodology for the study is expected to adopt both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and the research design should be clearly defined and rationale for the choice provided. The sampling approach the proportion to size stratified sampling from each location because the population are in different strata (categories).
During data collection, the Application Programming Interface (API) technology will be used. The tablet will be used by selected and trained enumerators.
During data analysis, the appropriate data analysis software will be used to generate tables, charts to be interpreted in order to generate insight from the collected data.

5.2. Indicators the study will collect
The baseline survey will collect indicators falling under project results as detailed in the following table:
SBCC/N Project Objectives Expected outcome Indicators (to be disaggregated by sex and age where possible)
1. To improve Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) knowledge and practices in refugee camps and host communities Targeted males & females have improved knowledge on MIYCN % of parents and caregivers who were able to recall at least 3 of 4 good IYCF practices.

% of parents and caregivers report that their infants under 6 months were fed exclusively with breast milk in the past 24 hours. [SADD, and or by male and female headed households]
% of infants aged 6 to 23 months who received solid, semi-solid or soft foods during the previous day or night. [SADD, and or by male and female headed households]
% of parents and caregivers who report providing young children aged 6-23 months with a Minimum Acceptable Diet the previous day and night. [SADD, and or by male and female headed households]
% of households that adopted negative strategies to obtain sufficient food in the last week [SADD, and or by male and female headed households]
% of households with poor dietary diversity the previous day [SADD, and or by male and female headed households where possible]
2. To contribute equitable access to and control of nutritious and diversified food, enough to maintain a healthy life (host communities and refugee camps) Children under 5, adolescents and pregnant and nursing women and girls in five refugee camps and their host communities in Rwanda have improved access to nutritious and diversified foods enough to maintain a healthy life. % of members of agriculture, livestock, mushroom and VSLA associations whose income has increased due to business training received. [SADD and or MHH and FHH]
% of parents and caregivers who increased the amount spent on nutritious and diversified foods. [SADD and MHH/FHH]
% of children under 5, adolescents and pregnant and lactating women who had access to nutritious food during the last 7 days.
6. Population and Sample
The baselines will include primary data collection and the sample will be drawn from Women in reproductive age, Pregnant women, Lactating mothers, Male partners, Adolescents and Teen Mothers.
The total population is 51,599 distributed in above line categories from both in five camps and their host communities and the total sample is 3,175.

To calculate the sample size, Raosoft tool here below was used:
And the Sample size is distributed as per the table below:
Sample from Host camps:
Beneficiaries category Sex Population-KIGEME Sample-KIGEME Population-NYABIHEKE Sample-Nyabiheke Population-MUGOMBWA Sample-Mugombwa Population-MAHAMA Sample-Mahama Population-KIZIBA Sample-Kiziba
Women in reproductive age F 3712 189 3544 195 2170 156 13287 206 1149 98
Pregnant women F 221 11 127 7 127 9 1043 16 178 15
Lactating mothers F 137 7 129 8 119 9 810 13 167 14
Male partners M 358 18 251 14 230 17 1350 21 345 29
Adolescents M 1292 66 1148 63 1055 76 3921 61 1132 96
F 1314 67 1132 62 1061 77 3893 61 1148 98
Teen Mothers F 7 7 14 14 12 12 38 1 2 2
Total 7041 365 6345 363 4774 356 24342 379 4121 352
10% of sample (non respo.) 37 36 36 38 35
Sample with 10% to cover non-respondent 402 399 392 417 387
Purposively selected (Pop.size<30) 7 14 12 2
Total of Pop>=30 and Sample 7034 358 6331 349 4762 344 4119 350
Sample from Host communities:
Beneficiaries category Sex Population-Nyamagabe Sample- Nyamagabe Population-Gatsibo Sample-N Gatsibo Population-Gisagara Sample- Gisagara Population-Kirehe Sample- Kirehe Population-Karongi Sample- Karongi
Women in reproductive age F 420 118 320 85 389 68 123 43 337 106
Pregnant women F 34 10 14 14 30 30 17 17 15 15
Lactating mothers F 108 31 87 23 391 68 91 32 89 28
Male partners M 205 58 229 61 291 51 231 81 153 49
Adolescents M 85 24 165 44 204 36 64 22 72 23
F 110 31 195 52 290 51 86 30 106 34
Teen Mothers F 3 3 0 0 6 6 14 14 2 2
Total 965 275 1010 279 1601 310 626 239 774 257
10% of sample (non respo.) 28 28 31 24 26
Sample with 10% to cover non-respondent 303 307 341 263 283
Purposively selected (Pop.size<30) 3 14 36 31 17
Total of Pop>=30 and Sample 962 272 996 265 1565 274 595 208 757 240

6.2. Participant selection and recruitment
Participants in this baseline study are various including respondents, consultants to conduct data analysis and report writing, data collectors, and Plan International Rwanda staff. Respondents will be given by sample size that will be determined, Plan International Rwanda staff will be working with enumerators to locate respondents and also to inform local leaders about the activity that is being conducted in the controlling zone.
The consultant whose main role is Data analysis Uses both Secondary and Primary data to produce the final report and will be selected according to Plan International procurement procedures.
The enumerators to collect data will include youth volunteers, and community mobilizers who are working with Plan International within refugee camps and host communities. The Animators and CHWs will not be selected for data collection to avoid biasing responses, however, will be used to support in locating respondents.

6. Ethics and Child Protection
Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with the Ethical MERL Framework and our Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy. All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the data collection process. Specifically, the consultant(s) shall explain how appropriate, safe, and non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups. The consultant(s) shall also explain how the confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be guaranteed.

7. Key Deliverables
Deliverable Format Length Due Detail
ToR available Word document Max-8 pages 4th Feb 2023 The ToR describes the entire process of baseline from its start to its end.
Hire a Consultant to support Data analysis - - 12th March 2023 Most part of the Baseline survey will be done by Plan International staff and volunteers, but the consultant to support data collection tool development and programming, and perform Data analysis for report writing will be hired according to Plan International procurement procedure.
Final Data Collection Tools Digitized data collection tool - 17th March 2023 Should be presented in English prior to the data collection activity. The project team will work with a consultant to develop and Tool and consult perform its programming.

Completed Consent Forms Use Ms word 1 page 12st March 2023 Plan International staff to avail consent form that will be signed by the respondent before he/she responds to the questionnaire.
Cleaned Data (including transcripts) Excel format - 06th April 2023 Should be presented in English and in excel to Plan International staff for inputs and comments.
Draft Baseline Report Ms Word document and should follow the following format: Cover page, Table of content, Executive summary (not exceeding 2 pages), Introduction, Description of context, study purpose and objectives, and scope, Study methodology and limitations, Study findings, conclusions and recommendations, References and Annexes. Max 35 pages 14th April 2023 Should be presented in English to Plan International staff for review and input as well as acceptance.
Other Communication Products for Dissemination Consultant can suggest any other product for communication and dissemination - 14th April 2023 Should be presented in English to Plan International staff for review and inputs as well as acceptance.
Final Baseline Report (including Executive Summary) Ms Word document and should follow the following format: Cover page, Table of table of content page, Executive summary (not exceeding 2 pages), Introduction, Description of context, study purpose and objectives, and scope, Study methodology and limitations, Study findings, conclusions and recommendations, References and Annexes. 35 pages 20th April 2023 Should be presented in English to Plan International staff for review and inputs as well as acceptance.
Activity Time Days of Work Responsible Individuals Involved
Tendering 28th February -13th March 2023 14 days SBCC/N Project Manager Plan International staff
Background Checks and Contracting; 14th -15th March 2023 3 days SBCC/N Project Manager Plan International staff and consultant
Preparations for Data Collection 06th -10th March & 27th -28th March 2023(consultant and Plan International staff can allocate time for every activity below) 7 days MERL Coordinator Plan International staff and consultant
(a) Develop tool 3 days Plan International Staff
(b) Digitalizing data collection tool 3 days Consultant
(c) Tool translation 1 day Plan International staff
(d) Staff training 3 days Plan International staff
(e) Enumerator training, Field Piloting, and Tools finalization 27th -28th March 2023 2 days Plan International staff
(f) Data Collection 29th March -04th April 2023 5 days Plan International Staff
Data Analysis and draft report writing 05th -14th April 2023 7 days Consultant The consultant
Submission of the Draft report 14th April 2023 1 day Consultant The Consultant
Report validation for inputs and comments 17th to 21st April 2023 5 days MERL Coordinator Plan International staff
Addressing the comments and Submission of Final Report 24th -26th April 2023 3 days Consultant Consultant
Submission of Other Deliverables 26th April 2023 1 day Consultant Consultant

9. Budget for a consultant to be hired to support the SBCCN project team for data collection tool development, tool programming, Data analysis, and report writing.
Milestone Detail Amount to be Paid (%) Expected Timeframe
Final digitized Data Collection Tools Satisfying all the requirements suggested in the contract. 30% Deadline 17th March 2023
Draft baseline report with cleaned data Satisfying the format suggested in the table at point 7 named key deliverables. 50% Deadline 14th April 2023
Final Baseline report with Final Data Collection Tools, Cleaned Data (including transcripts), Other Communication Products for Dissemination Satisfying the format suggested in the table at point 7 named key deliverables.
20% 26th April 2023

10. Expected Qualifications for the consult to be hired
The Individual consultants should have at least Master’s degree in the field of Nutrition. He/she should have at least 5 years’ experience in conducting studies for of Nutrition programmes, be knowledgeable and experienced in data analysis, gender, child right with excellent analytical and verbal communication skills, as well as skilled in writing research reports in English at excellent level.
Companies with relevant experience with evidenced proof of experience of staff on this assignment are also eligible to apply.
11. Contact
For further details please contact the reception of Plan International Rwanda at +250 788305392.
12. Applications
Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:
13. Submission of proposal
Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:

Administrative documents:
Consulting firm must submit the following administrative documents:
• Copy of the Registration certificate
• VAT Registration
• RRA and RRSB clearance
• Criminal certificate of good conduct

b) Technical proposal to include:
Requirements on the format of the bid; The structure of the offer must correspond to the structure of the TOR. It must be legible (font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The offer is drawn up in English. With the following:
• A Cover letter expressing interest in this assignment;
• A one-page Consultant’s understanding of the TOR;
• Proposed methodology, activities and expected outcomes;
• Ethics and child safeguarding approaches, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies
• A detailed activities schedule/work plan with time frame
• A profile of the individual consultant or consulting firm including the full names, physical addresses, telephone numbers and contact person of the form/company;
• Copy of CVs of all the consultants who will undertake the baseline survey;
• Two previous examples of similar work entrusted by a well-recognized Organization/NGOs.

c) Financial proposal detailing:
• Itemized consultant’s fees;
• Itemized field data collection expenses;
• Itemized administration expenses;
• Validity period of quotation;
• Expected payment plan and method;
• Detailed response to the TOR
• Proposed data Analysis methodology
• Ethics and child safeguarding approach, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies
• Proposed timelines
• CVs
• Example of previous work
• Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.
Note that the financial proposal indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of all costs. The cost must be in RWF, taxes inclusive.

Submission of proposals:
Interested firms should submit their offers in sealed envelopes and should be clearly marked “Proposal for conducting the baseline for SBCC-N Project” by hand not later than 13th March 2023 at 2:00pm
Done on 28th February 2023
Submissions should be addressed to:
The Chairperson -Tender Panel
Plan International Inc. Rwanda
Golden Plaza Building, Floor # 4, KG 456 St
P.O. Box 6211, Kigali, Rwanda.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 March 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 01-03-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 01-03-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 01-03-2056
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