Terms of Reference for Website Development BRAC is the world’s largest, and leading development organization dedicated to poverty alleviation and empowerment of the poor. Initiated in Bangladesh in 1972, BRAC now operates in 11 countries across Asia, Africa. To counter poverty and promote social empowerment, BRAC strategically integrates development programs in microfinance, agriculture, health, education, human rights and legal aid, community empowerment, and more.
BRAC Rwanda Microfinance Company PLC is registered with Rwanda Development Board in September 2018 and was approved license from the National Bank of Rwanda to operate Microfinance and other financial services in Rwanda.
1. About BracBRAC is the world’s largest development organization dedicated to poverty alleviation and empowerment of the poor. Initiated in Bangladesh in 1972, BRAC now operates in 11 countries across Asia and Africa. To counter poverty and promote social empowerment, BRAC strategically integrates development programs in microfinance, agriculture, health, education, human right, legal aid, community empowerment and more.
BRAC Rwanda Microfinance Company PLC (BRMCP) was registered with Rwanda Development Board in September 2018 and was licensed by the National Bank of Development of Rwanda to operate Microfinance and other financial services in Rwanda.
BRMCP requires a website to create brand awareness, a strong online presence and to help in accomplishing a number of digital marketing strategies that can help the company grow.
Similar Jobs in Rwanda Learn more about BRAC BRAC jobs in Rwanda 2. Objectives Of Brmcp Website• Provide a platform for interaction and information sharing among all those interested in BRAC
• Promote high quality intellectual, ethical and professional standards in BRAC
• Improve organization's visibility to existing and prospective customers
• Ultimately increase our customer base
3. Scope Of WorkThe scope of work includes the following:
1. Ensure the website is capable of handling large amount of traffic from visitors.
2. Functionality for analytics e.g., reviewing and reporting data to measure web activity, including the use of a website and its components, such as webpages, images and videos.
3. The solution should meet the W3C standards and adaptive to Mobile devices
4. Develop all content referencing
https://bracinternational.org/rwanda/ including use of BRMCP corporate graphics, logos and related multimedia
5. Determine appropriate compression techniques, resolutions, sizes, color maps, and depths to ensure that images are delivered at sufficiently high speed and quality
6. Optimize the site for low bandwidth users
7. Implement a basic “blog” functionality integrated with BRMCP social media platforms
8. Provide complete technical documentation related to site and its components
9. Full source code including all developed libraries shall be handed over to BRAC-Rwanda
10. Provide CHATBOT functionality to be integrated with the National Bank of Rwanda to monitor customer complaints
11. Provide functionality for content update
Selection Criteria The bidder should comply with the following:
1. Experience in carrying out such website development activity for a minimum 5 years for corporate client
2. The bidder should present the following valid certificates: RDB, RRA & RSSB
3. A minimum of three (3) reference sites with supporting recommendation letters
4. The bidder should indicate the delivery timeline
All bids should be submitted to
procurement.rwanda@brac.net by 11:59pm on February, 3rd 2023 in English language