Terms of Reference for Midterm Review of the CARE International in Rwanda Program Strategy 2022-2025 tender at CARE International Rwanda
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Terms of Reference for Midterm Review of the CARE International in Rwanda Program Strategy 2022-2025

1. Overview and Background

CARE is a leading humanitarian and development organization fighting global poverty. CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. We work around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. CARE International aims to be a global force and a partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. Globally, CARE and partners through its vision of overcoming poverty by 2030, intends to support 200 million people from the most vulnerable and excluded communities to overcome poverty and social injustice. This is through 6 impact areas of promoting Gender Equality, Climate Justice, Humanitarian, Right to Health, Right to Food Water and Nutrition and Women Economic Justice.

Considering the changes nationally and globally, in 2020, CARE Rwanda conducted a program strategy review process guided by the CARE 2030 vision and the National Strategy for Transformation 1 (NST-1). In 2022, CARE Rwanda started implementing a country programme strategy that is focused on achieving gender justice for vulnerable women and girls aged 10–59 years. The programme strategy includes 2 program pillars: (1) gender justice and right to health and (2) women economic and climate justice.

Under gender justice and right to health, CARE recognises that despite on-going initiatives, gaps in the operationalization of men’s engagement in gender equality promotion remain. CARE recognizes the central role of men and boys as role-models and champions, and the community to transform the negative norms and ensure prevention of GBV in their community.

Under Women economic and climate justice, CARE wants to ensure sustainable and growing income of the poorest, security and peace of mind in times of crisis, and contribute in the national and global efforts to build climate resilient business by implementing the following.

Partnership remains CARE Rwanda’s “Modus operandi” to achieve its program vision and goal. In the program strategy, CARE Rwanda envisions to work closely with different actors including implementing and strategic partners. CARE will ensure that all partners are gender responsive or sensitive, support them in delivering on their gender justice agenda as much in their programs, as from an organizational perspective 70% of its program portfolio will be delivered through local implementing partners by 2025.

CARE Rwanda’s country strategy feeds into the wider regional roadmap for CARE in East Central Africa, centred around 4 key pillars: gender equal, locally led, globally scaled and foundational. And CARE  2030 vision that was approved in 2020, which outlines six program areas in which CARE seeks to achieve impact. Including gender equality, women's economic justice, right to health; right to food, water & nutrition; climate justice, and humanitarian action.

Programme goal and outcomes

Goal: By 2025, 1,500,000 women and girls aged 10 to 59 years old have graduated out of poverty and positioned themselves in the green private led economy while enjoying equal rights, voice, leadership, and opportunities and living in dignity


Outcome 1: By 2025, 500,000 women and girls enjoy a life free from gender-based violence and exercise their right to health as result of transformed strong negative gender and social norms.

Outcome 2: By 2025, 1,200,000 women and girls from low-income families have access to and control over climate resilient economic resources and opportunities and live a decent life.

CARE Rwanda wishes to carry out a mid-term review and updating of its 2022-2025 strategy. The main purpose of the midterm review is so that assess the progress of the implementation but also be able to draw lessons for ongoing implementation. 

2. Review Objectives and Methodology

2.1. Review objectives

The purpose of review is to.

  • Assess to what extent has the programme strategy been implemented towards achieving the set goals and outcomes.
  • Understand what are the enabling factors, opportunities and challenges or barriers that influenced strategy implementation?
  • Provide evidence-based recommendations for CARE Rwanda and all stakeholders for the future programme strategy in light with the review findings, including specific recommendations in relation to the two pillars of the country strategy. 

2.2 Key areas of investigation 

Strategy section

Mid-term review questions

Country context

  • Is the analysis of the country context based on which the strategy was developed still broadly relevant and accurate?
  • Have there been any significant changes in the context since the strategy was developed which would require a pivot or adjustment?

Theory of Change

  • Are the goals at impact, outcome and output level defined in this section still relevant and appropriate?
  • What have we learned about the validity of the assumptions in the Theory of Change, i.e. that the outputs will lead to the outcomes and impact goal?
  • To what extent has advocacy supported in contributing to the realization of outputs, outcomes, and impact?


For each of the two program pillars:

  • What progress have we made on the activities listed under ‘What (we) Will do up until 2025’? Which of these have been the main focus of activities, and which have not – and why?
  • What evidence can we report against the ‘Key Measures of Success’? What level of progress towards the specified targets does this represent?
  • How has CARE Rwanda aligned its programs to global CARE Vision  2030. What has been CARE Rwanda contribution to Vision 2030
  • Where should we put more focus and attention going forward?
  • What kinds of support has the CO been able to access from the wider organization to help it advance on its program objectives?
  • What specific challenges have hindered achieving program pillars targets?


  • To what extent are we delivering on our overall commitments to a partnership model set out in the strategy including intentionally partnering with women rights organizations (WROs) and women led organizations (WLOs)?
  • Which of the types of partners listed in this section have we been most successful at building strong, sustainable, and impactful partnerships with, and why?
  • Which have we been less successful with, and why?
  • Where should we put additional focus and attention going forward?[include 2-3 ‘mini case studies’ of specific partnerships]


  • Which of the approaches listed in this section have been most successfully integrated into the CO’s work? Why have we made progress on these ones, and how have they contributed to our wider strategic goals?
  • Which have we been less successful with, and why?
  • Where should we put additional focus and attention going forward?[include 2-3 ‘mini case studies’ of specific approaches]

Business plan/model

  • To what extent have we achieved the transformation of CO’s business model described in this section of the CO strategy?
  • What have we learned about the challenges and obstacles to this transformation?
  • Do we still feel these are the right goals and ambitions?


  • What progress have we made on the goals set out in this section around transforming the human capital at CARE Rwanda?
  • What have we learned about the relative importance and feasibility of the changes anticipated in the strategy?
  • Do we still feel these are the right goals and ambitions?

ICT and KM

  • What progress have we made on the goals set out in this section around transforming the use of technology at the CO?
  • What have we learned about the relative importance and feasibility of the changes anticipated in the strategy?
  • Do we still feel these are the right goals and ambitions?


  • How are we performing? What does the latest financial data tell us about our performance against the specific KPIs and targets set out in this section?
  • What progress have we made against the activities and improvements we targeted in financial management?

CARE Rwanda is part of the East and Central Africa (ECA) region which has set out 4 pillars of the ECA regional road map from 2025-2025. As part of the strategy review, CARE Rwanda would like to find out has it has contributed to the 4 pillars of the ECA regional road map which are Globally scaled, locally led, gender equal, foundational. 


Review Question

Gender Equal

  • How is the CO interpreting the wider organizational direction of gender? To what extent has this been owned by the team?
  • What kinds of support has the CO been able to access from the wider organization to help it advance on gender equal?
  • Are there any specific examples of innovation or best practice in these areas that others could learn from? 

Locally Led

  • How is the CO interpreting the wider organizational direction of Locally Led? To what extent has this been owned by the team?
  • What kinds of support has the CO been able to access from the wider organization to help it advance on Locally Led?
  • Are there any specific examples of innovation or best practice in these areas that others could learn from?

Globally Scaled

  • How is the CO interpreting the wider organizational direction of globally scaled? To what extent has this been owned by the team?
  • What kinds of support has the CO been able to access from the wider organization to help it advance on globally scaled?
  • Are there any specific examples of innovation or best practice in these areas that others could learn from?


  • How is the CO performing against the 10 CARE International Drivers and Minimum Standards of program quality?
  • Does the CO have the required capacity, skills, and knowledge to manage program quality to organizational standards?
  • What kinds of support has the CO been able to access from the wider organization to help it meet program quality standards?
  • Are there any specific examples of innovation or best practice in these areas that others could learn from?

2.3 The Methodology

It is expected that this assessment will adopt both quantitative and mainly qualitative. The final proposed methodology will be agreed on with the consultant/firm. Tools will be validated by CARE’s technical team. As part of the review, CARE would like to hold 4 "Open Doors" sessions, with (1) CARE staff (CARE Rwanda and members of the confederation), (2) implementing partners, and (3) strategic partners (e.g. government entities/public sector actors, MFIs, peer INGOs) (4) other key actors apart from implementing partners, and CARE’s program participants. 

3. Required Deliverables

The expected outputs and deliverables are listed below:

  • An inception report and presentation demonstrating understanding of the assignment by the consultant/firm. The inception report should include an assessment design methodology that satisfactorily demonstrates how the strategy will be reviewed. including defined different assessment too and clear timelines
  • A draft report (in English) and a summary presentation of the key preliminary findings for technical team inputs and comments.
  • Hold Four open door discussions as described in the methodology.
  • A final report addressing all comments from the draft report. 

4. Responsibility of Consultant/firm and CARE

4.1 Responsibility and accountability of the consultant

  • The consultant will be liable to secure any prior approvals that might be required to conduct the review.
  • The consultant will be liable to ensure compliance with the law nº 058/2021 of 13/10/2021 relating to the protection of personal data and privacy while conducting the review.
  • The consultant shall be liable for ethical procedures including getting informed consent from respondents (adults as well as children).
  • All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and use solely to facilitate analysis. All data should be stored and transferred securely.
  • The production of the review report will be the liability of the consultant covering all the aspects as outlined in these ToRs.
  • All training administrative and logistics cost for the enumerators including transport, per diems and data collection materials during data collection will be covered by the consultant.
  • Securing appointments and leading data collection processes e.g. conducting interviews, FGDs etc 

4.2 Responsibility of CARE

  • Assume all the responsibilities pertaining to the consultant hiring process.
  • Ensure that all necessary documentation is availed to the consultant.
  • Facilitate initial connections of the consultant with different stakeholders including local authorities and respondents.
  • Overall data quality control and technical review of the report and final signing off (including participation in the consultation session with the consultant about the draft research findings)
  • Provide any other technical or operational support to the consultant for example supporting with organisation open door consultations.
  • Respond to any questions by the consultant (s) 

5. Program Review timeline

The midterm review is expected to start in early January 2022, last for 30 working days (between January to March 2024).

6. Consultant/firm Profile

To achieve efficiency and objectivity in this process, CARE International seeks to engage a consultant/firm with the following profile:

  1. Have an advanced degree in one of the following areas: gender, rural development, economics, business management, development studies and social sciences.
  2. Demonstrated knowledge and experiences in assessing and reviewing program strategies/polices.
  3. Good experience and expertise in strategic planning of organizations (NGOs)
  4. Demonstrated experience in and understanding of women economic development programmes including understanding of gender.
  5. Good experience and expertise in strategic planning of organizations (NGOs)
  6. Knowledge of the Rwandan context of national policies and strategies, local and international NGOs
  7. Ability to manage a potentially large-scale and complex review and research process, including remote data collection.
  8. Experience collaborating with high-level government stakeholders and/or private sector senior management.
  9. Demonstrated experience in conducting evaluation/research.
  10. Five years of experience in using research methodologies, quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
  11. Have excellent analytical and writing skills.
  12. Fluency in English language and Kinyarwanda is desirable.

7. Reporting and Liaison

The Task Manager for this work will be the Program Quality and Learning Director.  The Consultant is also expected to liaise closely at the design stage and subsequently with other key personnel in CARE Rwanda including technical advisors, Project implementation Coordinator and Impact Measurement team.

8. Contract Terms and Conditions

A standard CARE International service agreement format will be used, subject to the supplier’s agreement with the terms and conditions.

9. Proposals scoring criteria 

1. Technical Proposal

A. Overall Proposal Suitability


B. Previous Work and Awards


C. Technical Expertise and Organizational Experience


D. Management approach




2. Financial Proposal (Value and Cost)

E. Value and Cost






Application procedures

The application file should contain the following documents:

  • A technical proposal, with a clear timeframe and a description of the proposed methodology detailing how the deliverables will be achieved, and the team credentials for similar assignments.
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae of the proposed team to carry out the assignment with clear roles and functions.
  • A financial offer detailing the various costs associated with the delivery of the above services, in PDF format and must be a separate document from the technical offer.
  • Evidence of the consultant’s experience in doing similar assignments: Copies of similar assignments (with evidence for good completion of the previous similar assignments);
  • Submit at least 3 references with their contacts and addresses.
  • Bank account information including the scanned copy of blank check or document from the bank confirming bank account information (name, account number, swift code, …)
  • Consultant firm profile; VAT registration certificate; RRA tax clearance certificate; RSSB tax clearance certificate (when applicable). For applicants without registration in Rwanda, submit the above requirements from the country of registration as applicable. 

Interested consultants or consultant/ firms are requested to submit their offers not later than January  8th , 2024 at 5:30 pm  local time to the following e-mail address: rwa.procurement@care.org, with mention of Consultancy to Midterm Review Program strategy 2022-2025 in the subject line. 

Kigali, December 14th,2023 

Procurement Unit

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, January 08 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 15-12-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 15-12-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 15-12-2066
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