Terms of Reference A scientific Study on Labour Conditions in the Education SectorPost title National Consultant - To Commission a Scientific Study on Labour Conditions in the Education Sector.
Duty Station Kigali
Duration 30 days
Type of Contract National individual consultant or Consortium of 2 national consultants
1. Background
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in partnership with the Congrès du Travail et de la Fraternité au RWANDA (COTRAF-RWANDA) is implementing EU-funded 3 years project to foster social protection, social dialogue, minimum wages, and the respect of national and international labour norms in Rwanda. The project targets three sectors: Mining, tea, and education.
The above-mentioned sectors are simultaneously facing enormous challenges in terms of gender imbalance, occupational safety, and low income. All three sectors are important for the Rwandan economy and reflecting the needs of local and national solutions because the social dialogue on enterprise level is often not well developed neither in the tea nor mining industry. Besides, the working conditions are often poor and minimum standards of occupational safety are lacking. Those negative factors affect in general all workers but women (especially in the areas of tea and education) and children (mining) in particular.
Basically, achieving decent work would require upholding workers ‘rights but also to improve working condition, most probably to provide a sufficiently high minimum wage. The status quo needs to be assessed to effect sector-wide change. For these reasons, scientific study will provide an update on the living and working condition of workers in education sector.
It is against this background, FES and COTRAF-RWANDA seek the service of national consultant or a consortium of 2 national consultants to commission a scientific study on labour conditions in education sector in City of Kigali North and West Provinces.
Similar Jobs in RwandaLearn more about Friedrich-Ebert-StiftungFriedrich-Ebert-Stiftung jobs in Rwanda2. Purpose of the study on labor conditions in Education Sector
The aim of this study is to provide evidence-based findings which will help to sensitize political actors and other responsible persons such as employers about what could be done to achieve a reasonable sectoral minimum wage. Additionally, the study will assess how working conditions can be improved to be at very least compliant with the Rwandan Labor code as well as with International Standards (ILO).
3. Objectives and Scope of the study The scope and objectives of study are:
• Assess the status of labor conditions in education sector
• Identify factors that have facilitated and/or impeded the setup of minimum wage in education sector
• Provide recommendable actions and measures to ensure the achievement of decent work in education sector.
5. MethodologyThe study on labor conditions in education sector will utilize both qualitative and quantitative. Data collection methods may include among others interviews with internal and external stakeholders, field visits, focus groups, workshops, and desk review of relevant documents. It should also provide details on how data will be collected from all stakeholders, how data analysis will be conducted, including data entry techniques and tools to be used. The data will be collected from the project intervention areas (City of Kigali, North and West Provinces). It is proposed to the consultant to follow the following sequence to achieve the desired results:
Development & Finalization of the study Design
The consultant is responsible for developing a detailed work plan/study design in line with the discussion/suggestions with the SD4SD project team. The plan will describe detailed activities and their timeline of completion. The work plan will be approved by SD4SD`s project team before moving ahead to the other activities.
Desk ReviewThe consultant will undertake a comprehensive desk review of the existing available literature related to education sector. Literature review will include but not limited to Rwanda labour law, ILO core labour standards, Negotiation techniques, Social dialogue and Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG8)
Development of Research Tools and Primary data Collection Based on the literature review the consultant will develop the research tools for primary data collection. The research tools will be developed in line with objectives of the study. The research tools and guidelines shall be shared with SD4SD project team for its comments before finalization. The following tools may be used in this study
• Structured interviews with beneficiaries and partners: (Teachers, other workers in education sector, Labor inspectors, government institutions, Cotraf -Rwanda, FES Rwanda, REB, and others identified during the inception period.
• FGD guidelines.
• Workshops
• Field Visits, etc
SamplingThe consultant will propose and share the sampling method and sample size for the review. Selection of sample size should consider thematic areas, geographical basis, stakeholders’ categories, and other indicators as identified during the desk review.
Deliverables and Outcomes
The specific tasks under the consultancy will include:
• Developing an Inception Report that defines methodology and study tools and persons and groups to be interviewed.
• Designing an acceptable study methodology
• Collecting data using a methodology and tools agreed up on.
• Analyzing the data and compile draft report of findings and recommendations for presentation to stakeholders for comments.
• Finalizing and submitting the final report of findings and recommendations (including soft copy in MS Word and associated database) by taking account of comments and inputs from stakeholders in response to the draft report.
• Participating in the report dissemination
Specific milestones will be:• Inception report
• Validation of research instrument report
• Draft report
• Final report
The final report must include but not limited to:• Foreword and acknowledgment (on behalf of FES/COTRAF-RWANDA)
• Executive summary
• A detailed methodological approach used for data collection and analysis.
• Study findings
• Conclusions and recommendations.
All reports will be submitted in English, in both hard and soft format.
Competences and Experience of the consultant:
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
• Expert knowledge in trade union movement in Rwanda, labour rights, and the legal framework on labour matters.
• Knowledge on the national and international labour standards
• Knowledge and exposure to ILO core labour standards and sustainable development goal (SDG8)
• Expert knowledge on negotiation skills and social dialogue
• Strong research skills and experience in both quantitative and qualitative surveys.
• Excellent command of English and outstanding written skills.
• Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and reporting skills.
• Proof of former conducted research assignments is a required
• Tax clearance from RRA; RSSB Clearance; Certificate of good standing with it's professional body (for financials, accountants, medicals.)
Qualification of the consultant• PhD or master’s degree in Law, Education, Rural development, agriculture, economic development, Sociology of development, Demography, statistics and other social sciences related to the task.
• Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience is required.
• Excellent written and spoken English.
6. Remuneration and other considerations:The assignment requires in-country presence and dedicated work with milestone-based terms of payment for:
1. Inception report.
2. Research instrument report validated by different stakeholders.
3. b) Draft report.
4. c) Final report.
1.Application process
The consultant or the consortium of 2 consultants will submit an expression of interest to COTRAF-RWANDA at
cotrafrwanda2003@gmail.com) and
info@fes-rwanda.org before 30th Sept 2022 at 5PM . The expression of interest should include the following:
✓ Updated curriculum vitae that clearly spells out qualifications and experience in relation to this assignment.
✓ Contacts of 3 organizations that have recently contracted the consultant to carry out a similar assignment.
• Financial and technical proposal for this assignment.
Please note that these (Financial and technical proposal shall be submitted to the designated email as two files but in one email unless both files are greater than 9MB file size. While submitting your application be sure that your email subject line is EIDHR/ 2021/429/ 349 (Your Name)
Online submissions only are considered. For any further information or clarification please contact us on
cotrafrwanda2003@gmail.com and
info@fes-rwanda.org2.Evaluation Criteria Competence and Experience of the consultant in similar assignment (30 points)
Qualification and Education of the consultant (20 points)
Financial proposal (50 points)
Done at Kigali, on 29th August 2022
COTRAF-RWANDA Representative
Done at Kigali, on 29th August 2022
FES Rwanda Resident Representative