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Terms of Reference (TOR) for consultant sought for the production of project videos and photos


Trócaire Rwanda

BHC Building, 260 Bvd de l’Umuganda, Kacyiru, P.O. Box 2040,

Kigali, Rwanda

Tel : (+250) 0252 502663 / (+250) 0252 502664


EOI/Video and Photo Production/Trócaire


Expression of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified consulting firms or individual consultants for the production of project videos and photos

Project title

Community Led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities in Southern Rwanda

Period covered

May 20th, 2024, to 14th June 2024

Release date

April 24th, 2024

Deadline for submission of EOIs

May 10th 2024 at 5pm

  1. Background

Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland, established in 1973 and currently has presence in more than 17 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia including Rwanda. Trócaire has been operating in Rwanda since 1994 and is currently focusing on 3 strategic areas: Resource Rights, Women's Empowerment, and Localisation & partnership.

Trócaire has worked in partnership with local organisations in the countries where we work for 50 years. As a partnership agency, Trócaire is committed to the ‘Localisation of Aid’ agenda that has been at the forefront of humanitarian discourse since the World Humanitarian Summit, 2016. Trócaire Rwanda Country Programmes support Localisation in four key areas: 1) increasing voice and influence of local actors, 2) capacity strengthening, 3) improved quality of partnerships, and 4) increased access to funding and resources. More information about Trócaire can be found on http://www.trocaire.org/

Trócaire Rwanda secured a grant from Jersey Overseas Aid for the implementation of a 4-year project entitled ‘Community led planning and management for biodiversity protection and resilient communities in Southern Rwanda”.

The project is oriented towards empowering rural, poor communities living around the Nyungwe National Park to assess, plan and sustainably manage their land and common natural resources leading to more environmentally and economically sustainable and resilient communities in Nyamagabe and Nyaruguru Districts. 

  1. Confidentiality

Trócaire will treat the content of all submissions as strictly confidential, and information provided in the proposals will be used solely for the purpose of recruiting a suitable consultant for the video production as described in this document.

  1. Purpose and scope of the assignment

The purpose of this Request for Expression of Interest is to solicit the services of an audiovisual producer (consultant) for video and photos production concerning the above-mentioned project.

The overall objective of this consultancy is to produce high quality media material including high-resolution photographs and short videos accompanied by relevant short interviews that will be used in meetings that Trócaire is organizing: to educate audience and reflecting on our projectandraise awareness on our impact in the 4 Years Project in Rwanda. The meetings are tentatively planned to take place from Mid to end of June 2024.

The images may also be used for illustration in publications, websites, and social media. Photographs may also be used by the media and other partners on request as a resource to portray Trócaire’s work and specifically these events.

  1. Expected deliverables.

The following deliverables are expected from this consultancy:

  1. The photographer/videographer will visit the project areas in the country, take videos, collect photos, and interview projects beneficiaries (women, youth, men, and children) on the following topics/storyboards:
  • 5 minutes video of the achievements of the project in biodiversity conservation work in three sectors of Nyamagabe and Nyaruguru districts where the project was implemented. The videos need to have appropriate subtitles (English) and should be made for social media and website audiences and purposes.
  • 3 videos of 2 minutes max showing the impacts of different themes among the young people (including schools) at the center of biodiversity conservation, women, and project participants in general. The videos need to have appropriate subtitles (English) and should be made for social media and website audiences and purposes.
  • 3 videos of 2 minutes max of existing business that have transformed lives and improved the livelihoods of communities in the project operational areas. To demonstrate opportunities in small business in beekeeping, animal production, shops, and vegetable production. The videos need to have appropriate subtitles (English) and should be made for social media and website audiences and purposes.
  1. Produce a minimum of 10 high resolution and strong photos of people and sites selected, together with a short (1 page maximum) case study/success story for each of the pictures.

The Photographer can request additional photo opportunities where the need arises to satisfy the assignment objectives.

  1. The photography, case study development and video shooting, editing is anticipated to be completed within 20 working days from date of signing agreement.

Obligations of the Photographer/consultant

The Photographer will:

  • Follow JOA and Trócaire photography /Image guidelines attached to this ToR in the development of their assignment.
  • Agree with Trócaire on a detailed budget and shooting schedule prior to the assignment.
  • Ask permission and a signed consent from the people in the photos in accordance with Trócaire guidelines and by recording consent forms which will have to be provided to Trocaire with each deliverable.
  • Respect the privacy and dignity of the people being photographed.
  • Document when and where images are captured, along with who and what is captured in the photo (see more details below)
  • The photographer will adhere to Trócaire policies on safeguarding policies and will sign off the relevant commitments in this regard.

In addition, the Photographer is responsible for:

  • Obtaining the official work- and travel documentation or permits needed to carry out the assignment.
  • Arranging their own traveler’s insurance.
  • The consultant will pay his /her own accommodation and padiems
  • Managing and insuring own photographic and other equipment.
  • Following the safety regulations and code of conduct of Trócaire and partner organizations in the area.
  • Paying relevant taxes in accordance with country regulations.
  • The consultant will sign a commitment to data protection as part of the contract.

Obligations of Trócaire
Within the framework of the assignment, Trócaire shall:

  • Agree with the Photographer on the scope of the assignment, shooting schedule and provide a detailed brief on expected outcomes and budget prior to the field visit.
  • Prior to each field trip, Trócaire will provide the Photographer with a detailed brief of expected outputs (story board) and relevant background information.
  • Trócaire staff members and/or implementing partner organisations staff will accompany the Photographer to the field.
  • Arrange for relevant personnel to assist the Photographer during the field visit.
  • Trócaire will cover the transport of the photographers to and from the filming locations.
  • Provide the Photographer with relevant information material on projects in a timely manner.
  • Be available for on-going consultation with the Photographer throughout the assignment to ensure best outcome.
  • Brief the photographer on the image guidelines before they start the assignment.

Photography specifications

Style and recording:

  • Photo material delivered should include horizontal and vertical photos of same subjects; dramatic angles; close-ups, midrange, and wide-angle shots; portraits, group photos and illustrations of Trócaire work (including lifestyle and landscapes).
  • Video: at least 90% of all shots clear, well-lit, and stable.
  • Preferred recording format is HD Camera (1920 x 1080/50i or 25i), or superior format. The important thing is to maintain the same set-up for the whole process (import, edit, convert).
  • Audio: dialogue and speeches are recorded with a dedicated microphone. Volume level throughout the video is consistent. Background noise and wind, as well as music, should not be distracting.

All photographs and videos must be accompanied by:

  • Short descriptions of the situation: what, where, when, who
  • Names of all people portrayed in the material, and other additional information, such as age, location, occupation, short quote (to be specified in each brief) and signed consents.
  • Voice overs and translations where needed.

All photographs and videos will be delivered in digital format:

  • Photo files in TIFF, PNG, and JPEG, with minimal retouching, print quality high resolution.
  • Video files in MPEG4 or .MOV with no editing or retouching.
  • Provide a finished product with English subtitles.


The Photographer grants to Trócaire the following full usage rights of photographs and other visual materials gathered for the purposes of fulfilling the assignment:

  • For use in JOA and Trócaire digital publications and social media channels
  • For use JOA and Trócaire print materials
  • For publication in other external media channels both print and online
  • For use in Trócaire fundraising campaigns and marketing materials both in print and online
  • For use in various donor and stakeholder communications

NB: Trócaire will have exclusive rights to the materials.

  • In the following territory: global
  • For the following time: indefinitely.

Please note that the photographer assigns all right, title and interest in the photographs to Trócaire.

  1. Time schedule

The Assignment is expected to run from 1st May to 30th May 2024. Trócaire may vary the actual timing of engagement depending on competing priorities and performance of the consultant.

  1. Documentation required for EOI

Consultants/Consulting companies submitting EOIs should submit the following:

  • Technical bid showing clear understanding of the scope of assignment and examples of similar assignments done before;
  • Financial bid with clear breakdown of costs and rate per day in RWF VAT inclusive;
  • VAT Registration and Tax Clearance Certificate;
  • Payment terms and pricing structure;
  • Proposed turnaround time in line with the proposed timeline above;
  • Contact details of 2 references;
  • Proof of registration with relevant institutions; and
  • Contacts of account relationship manager(s) proposed.
  • Brief presentation of the team of at least 2 technicians (one photographer with certificate in photography or equivalent & one cameraman/videographer with a certificate in videography or film making), with CVs and functional responsibilities of the key people to be engaged in the production of the documentary.
  • Submission of at least 2 similar works done (case study and short video)
  1. Expertise required and Qualification:

Interested consulting firms or individuals should demonstrate relevant experience in the following areas:

  • All phases of audiovisual production
  • Understanding of humanitarian or development setting
  • Previous experience in the documentary genre will be particularly appreciated
  • Good command of English and French and capability to subtitle from Kinyarwanda if needed
  • Working within agreed deadlines while producing high quality work output.
  • Photographer must have prior experience in photographing similar projects/activities -minimum of 5 years.
  • Track record of successful materials filmed on similar topics would be an asset
  1. General Terms and Conditions

Trócaire Rwanda reserves the right to reject any/or all Expressions of Interests not fulfilling requirements associated with this request. Trócaire Rwanda will in no case be responsible or liable for any/ or all costs associated with the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest. In addition:

  • Trócaire does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced tender;
  • Trócaire reserves the right to engage other companies / consultants if required;

Trócaire shall be free to:

  • To accept the whole, or part only, of any EOI;
  • To accept none of the EOIs tendered.
  • To republish this Request for EOIs;
  • In the event of not accepting any of the EOIs received on foot of this Request for EOI, Trócaire shall be free to make such arrangements as it considers necessary in relation to the provision of the services.
  • The EOI shall maintain strict confidentiality in relation to the services being sought and the evaluation process.
  • Any subsequent contract shall be considered as a contract made in Rwanda, according to Rwanda law; and
  • The Standard Terms and Conditions to which Trócaire expects all of its supplier to respect is found on the Trócaire website - https://www.trocaire.org/about/work-with-trocaire/supply-chain.
  1. Conflict of interest.

Any conflict of interest involving an applicant must be fully disclosed to Trócaire. Failure to disclose a conflict may disqualify an applicant or invalidate an award of the contract. Applicants are required to declare any current or past work which might reasonably be considered to represent a conflict of interest. It will be for Trócaire to decide if any material conflict of interest exists and applicants in doubt in this regard should seek the advice of Trócaire.

  1. Intellectual property

All the products (including pre-productions documents) will be considered as property of Trócaire and may be used by Trócaire.

  1. Termination of Contract

Trócaire reserves the right to terminate the contract at any stage on payment of reasonable and agreed costs accrued to the date of termination.

If at any stage during the contract, the services delivered by the consultant is found to be unsatisfactory, the contract may be terminated by Trócaire. In the event of such a termination, the consultant will only be entitled to receive payment in relation to the acceptable services rendered at that time.

  1. Submission of Expression of Interests (EOI)

All interested and qualified companies should submit their bids through email on inforwanda@trocaire.org clearly indicating “EOI/Video Production/Trócaire” in the subject heading no later than 10th May 2024 at 5pm. 

Demonstrable experience and Value for Money (VFM) will be key considerations in evaluating proposals submitted. 

Only suitably qualified consulting firms resident in Rwanda will be considered. Any questions regarding this consultancy should be directed to the same email addresses. 

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 10th May 2024 at 5pm
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 25-04-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-04-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-04-2065
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