Supply organic compost, Irish potato seeds, Penissetum cuttings and Bamboo seedlings tender at DUHAMIC-ADRI
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TENDER TITLE: Public Tender to Supply organic compost, Irish potato seeds, Penissetum cuttings and Bamboo seedlings


The deadline for submission of bids: Thursday, October 3, 2024

Bid Submission Time: 10:00AM

Bid Opening Time: 10:30AM

Place: DUHAMIC-ADRI Headquarters

  1. Program overview

The Scottish Government (SG) was the first Government globally to commit funds specifically to climate justice, launching the Climate Justice Fund (CJF) in 2012, and ensuring that this fund not only supports communities in partner developing countries to become more resilient to climate change but does so in way that acknowledges, and tackles embedded inequalities. 

Following an independent evaluation in 2021 of the Climate Justice Fund’s work, drawing on experiences of communities in Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda who have implemented or are supported by the Fund and stakeholder feedback on the Climate Justice Fund, the Scottish Government set a future approach for action on climate justice and prioritized targeting the funding to the people most vulnerable to climate change in the communities particularly women and youth and ensuring their participation is at the centre of the Fund’s work which will be achieved through delivering against distinct pillars of climate justice. In March 2022, in line with this revised approach, the Scottish Government relaunched the CJF and a Supplier Event to provide details of this opportunity and answer questions on the programme specification, procurement and tendering process was held. In May 2022, the Scottish Government advertised a competitive, open tender procedure for the Provision of Climate Just Communities in Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda but the invitation to tender was published on 7 September 2022.

In response to this invitation to tender, a consortium made of Trōcaire, the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) and Christian Blind Mission (CBM) UK was constituted, with local partners including Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network (RCCDN), its member’s organizations (DUHAMIC-ADRI, DUTERIMBERE NGO) as well as the National Union of Disabilities Organisation Rwanda (NUDOR). This Consortium submitted a tender on 18 November 2022 and on 11 July 2023, the Scottish Government awarded the CJC contract to the Consortium. The contract entered into force on 1 August 2023 and will run until March 2025, with the option to extend up until March 2026.

The purpose of the 3-year Scottish Government funded CJC Programme is to implement effective climate justice interventions focusing on community voice and needs, prioritizing marginalized communities, women, and people with disabilities, and considering the Scottish Government’s pillars of climate justice. The CJC Programme will be “of” and “for” the community: communities will be engaged in a participatory, culturally sensitive manner to identify climate-change-related needs (in their own terms) then design interventions (owned by them) to respond.

The Programme will be implemented across 3 Districts (Gisagara, Karongi & Ngororero) and jointly in consortium with Trocaire (Principle Sub-Contractor) and local delivery partners including Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network (RCCDN), its member’s Organizations (DUHAMIC-ADRI, DUTERIMBERE NGO) as well as the National Union of Disabilities Organisation Rwanda (NUDOR)

  1. Objectives of purchasing organic compost, Irish potato seeds, Penissetum cuttings and Bamboo seedlings

The establishment of new terraces is a vital component of sustainable agricultural practices, aimed at reducing soil erosion, improving water retention, and boosting crop yields. To ensure these terraces thrive, it is important to invest in essential resources such as organic compost, lime, Penissetum cuttings, bamboo seedlings, and Irish potato seeds. This concept note outlines the following objectives:

  1. Enhancing Soil Fertility: To improve soil fertility and structure by incorporating organic compost.
  2. Optimizing Soil pH: To achieve optimal soil pH levels for crop growth through lime application.
  3. Controlling Erosion and Promoting Biodiversity: To stabilize terrace edges and enhance biodiversity by planting reed plants, bamboo, and other agroforestry trees for edge protection.
  4. Providing Seeds for Terraces: To supply Irish potato seeds for planting on the newly constructed radical terraces, as requested by landowners, ensuring adherence to technical guidelines.
  1. Technical specifications and quantity of needed materials

The following table summarizes the technical specification for the materials to be purchased per each lot:


Type of the Terraces.

Technical specifications (description)

Target area


Needed Quantity

Unity price

Total price /RWF

Lot 1: Distribution of organic manure in Ngororero and Gisagara district


Organic compost

Well decomposed (See the details on point 6.2.)

35 ha of radical terraces and 200 ha of progressive terraces



Lot 2: Distribution of Penissetum and bamboo in Ngororero and Gisagara districts


Penissetum (Urubingo)

Cuttings of 25cm long, well matured (fresh Cameroon variety)

35 ha on radical terraces and 200 ha on progressive terraces




Bamboo plantings

Textilis bamboo

15 Km



Lot 3: Distribution of Irish potatoes seeds in Ngororero and Gisagara district


Irish potatoes seedlings insured

Variety: Kirundo, Kinigi, or Cyerekezo

35 ha


105,000 Kg

Note: The cost includes transportation fees to the sites to the following sites in both districts

Gisagara: Ndora ,kibilizi and Muganza

Ngororero: Kageyo,kavumu and Muhanda

Distribution of the lots

Lot 1: Supply a total of 2,200 Ton of Organic Manure including 1,200 tons to be distributed in Ngororero and 1,000 tons to be distributed in Gisagara district;

Lot 2: Supply 1,350,000/Penissetum Cuttings (650,000 cuttings of Gisagara and 700,000 of Ngororero) and 3,000 Bamboo seedlings (1,500 of Ngororero and 1,500 of Gisagara);

Lot 3: Supply the total of 105Ton of Irish Potatoes including 60tons to be distributed in Ngororero and 45 tons to be distributed in Gisagara district;

Technical specifications and requirements for organic fertilizer

The compost that will be purchased shall comply with following Technical Specifications and Standards:

  • The compost must be friable (not feeling sticky) when clenched between fingers and crumbles when released; soil-like.
  • The compost feels coarsely pound roasted coffee when squeezed in palms.
  • The compost is dark-brown in colour;
  • The compost is not smelling;
  • The compost should not contain any non-degradable materials such as plastics; metals, clothes ….
  • The mature compost should meet laboratory analysis standards such as:
  • Minimum 20% of organic matter content (based on dry weight determined by ash method)
  • Moisture content: between 25-45%
  • pH: between 6-8
  • Nitrogen content: not less than 2%
  • Nitrogen to Carbon ratio (C/N ratio): between 10-35
  • Phosphorus P: not less than 0.4 %
  • Potassium K: not less than 6%
  • The quantity of compost availed and precise the location (name of compost producer, site, Village, Cell, Sector and District). The sites which were not presented in the bids will neither be considered nor visited in sampling.
  • The quantity of compost present must be equal or greater to procured quantity, and the procuring entity have right to reject the compost which is not well decomposed or not full filling the technical Specifications
  1. Procurement process

The following terms and conditions shall be observed during tendering process:

  1. Quotation shall include transportation to above mentioned sites
  2. Commitment letter indicating how the bidder will be able to complete the activities within 10 days starting from date of contract signing;
  3. Certificate of good standing issued by RDB;
  4. A valid tax clearance certificate
  5. Proof of using EBM
  6. Companies are allowed to apply for All Lots but none will be awarded more than one lot.
  7. Proof of having transportation means to be used for distribution;
  8. Bidder Must have financial means demonstrated by Bank history or credit line equivalent to the proposed bids amount;

Additional required documents for lot 1 regarding the distribution of compost:

  • At least Two Certificates of Good Completion for supplying Organic manure with Seventy Million Rwandan Francs (70,000,000Rwf) For Each one accompanied with its Contract/purchase order
  • Laboratory analysis certificate issued by RAB or NAEB
  • The quantity of compost availed and precise the location (name of compost producer, site, Village, Cell, Sector and District). The sites which were not presented in the bids will neither be considered nor visited in sampling. The quantity of compost present must be equal or greater to procured quantity (2,200Ton for One Site), and DUHAMIC-ADRI has the right to reject the compost which is not well decomposed or not full filling the technical

Additional required documents for lot 2regarding the Supply Penisetum Cuttings and Bamboo in Gisagara and Ngororero Districts

  • At Least Two Good Completion Certificates of supplying 1,000,000 Penissetum Cuttings and 3000 bamboo seedlings with a bid cost of at least 45,000,000 Rwf of/Cuttings accompanied with its Contract or purchase order.

Additional required documents for lot 3 regarding the distribution of Irish potatoes seeds

  • Valid seed multiplication certificate issued by RICA or RAB. The seed multipliers and other business operators operating in Gisagara and Ngororero districts are encouraged to apply to avoid the risk of adaptation;
  • At least two Certificates of Good completion for Irish potatoes with of at least One Hundred twenty Million (120,000,000Rwf) For Each one accompanied with the Contract/purchase order
  • The cost of Irish potato seeds must include the price of crop insurance.

Done at Kigali on 25th, September 2024

Bids will be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI at Kicukiro head office no later than Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 at 10:00AM

The public opening of bids is scheduled on the same day at 10:30AM at DUHAMIC-ADRI headquarters

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, October 03 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 26-09-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 26-09-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-09-2070
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