Supply and Installation of Meat Processing Equipment tender at Land O'Lakes Venture37
477 Days Ago
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Request for Quotations (RFQ)

Land O’Lakes Venture37

Rwanda Orora Wihaze Activity

Funded by USAID

RFQ Number: 23- ROW-PROC-0034

RFQ Title: Supply and Installation of Meat Processing Equipment

Date Issued: 13th November 2023

Issuing Office: Rwanda – Kigali Office

Closing Date: 24th November 2023               

Quotations received after the closing date/time mentioned, may be rejected


Land O’Lakes Venture37 seeks quotes for Supply and Installation of meat processing materials/equipment for Butcher and Slaughterhouses loccated in the districts of Burera, Kayonza, Rutsiro, Nyamagabe, Gakenke and Ngororero to facilitate in the implementation of Orora Wihaze project in Rwanda. The details of the requirements and the terms and conditions for the procurement are given below:

1) Item and Quantity:     

Please see attached list (Annex 1) 

2) Delivery and installation point:

Please see attached list which indicates delivery point (Annex 1) 

3) Technical specifications:

Equipment should be in factory new condition as per specifications attached. (Annex 1) 

4) Conformity with Technical Specifications/Terms

  1. Your quote should be for one option only, conforming to the attached specifications, and suited to Rwandan conditions. No alternative offers will be considered.
  2. A fully illustrated set of technical literature for the machines and equipment should be forwarded along with the offer (please reference our item number on your technical documents)
  3. Country of manufacture and brand names of items/machines/accessories must be specified.
  4. Source country, that is the country in which the item is available for sale and from which the item is shipped to its destination in Rwanda, should be clearly identified.
  5. Facilities, Availability and Location of in-country Service and Maintenance Support, and Spare parts availability – should be clearly stated. 

5) Cost breakdown

  • Unit price of goods/equipment.
  • Unit designation (each, bag, Kg, roll etc.)
  • Total price to [delivery location] including transportation, installation and technical support
  • Taxes (VAT) shown separately 

6) Price:

Price quoted in Rwandan Francs must be net, less any discount offered, and should include costs of transportation to specified delivery point (Clause 2). Installation, commissioning, and training charges should be shown separately, if any.  VAT should be shown separately. 

7) Validity

Prices offered in the quotation must be firm and valid for 60 days from the closing date of the RFQ. No increase in price will be considered after closing of the RFQ. 

8) Delivery Date:

The equipment/items is required to be delivered within 30 days of award of the purchase order. State firm delivery date.  If the equipment is not available in stock, state expected availability. 

9) Inspection

Rwanda Orora Wihaze program staff will inspect the equipment prior to delivery and acceptance 

10) VAT/Taxes

Rwanda Orora Wihaze can provide reference to VAT exemption. All other applicable taxes, duties, levies, export clearances/licenses in the country of origin/loading etc. shall be borne by the supplier. 

11) Payment

Payment will be made within 30 days from date of receipt of items, subject to installation and inspection and receipt of all supporting documents delivered in good order by the seller.

12) Guarantee/ Warranty      

The supplier shall provide the schedule of warranty/guarantee against any/all defects in workmanship and materials. 

13) Award:

Award will be made to the organization with the lowest priced, responsive, responsible bid which meets all the terms and conditions of this solicitation. 

14)  Right to Cancel Solicitation and Reject Offers.

Land O’Lakes reserves the right to accept or reject any offer or cancel or reissue this RFQ without assigning any reason.

15) Submission of Quotation:

  • Posted quotations must have supplier’s complete name and address and the RFQ number and title. Quotations should be addressed to: (Via email)

To:    Land O’Lakes Venture37, Rwanda Orora Wihaze

Attn: Procurement Team


  • Quotation should consist of:

1) Your offer;

2) Copy of this RFQ and the specifications (Annex 1) duly signed; and

3) Complete technical literature for the equipment, including specifications, instructions, and any other important details about the product.

  • All applicants have a right to do inquire about anything they don’t understand in the specifications by coming to our office or through email. The deadline for any inquiry is 24th November 2023.

17) Expenses relating to submission of quotation

Issuance of this RFQ in no way obligates Land O’Lakes to award a contract or purchase order and bidders will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of this bid.  All preparation and submission costs are at the bidder’s expense. 

18) Confirmation:

Please acknowledge receipt of this RFQ and indicate your intention to bid.   

Thank you for your interest in this bid 


Chief of Party

Feed the Future Rwanda Orora Wihaze

Land O’Lakes Venture37


Annex 1 – Specifications

Annex 2 – Pricing Template

Annex 1: Specifications

  • Attached in Excel Sheet

Annex 2: Pricing Template 


RFQ Title:


RFQ Number




Pricing List


Item Description



Unit Price

Total Price












































Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, November 30 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 15-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 15-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 15-11-2066
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