Supply Pest Control and Mineral Fertilizers Sustainable Growers Rwanda
P.O BOX 864 Kigali, Rwanda
Request For Quotation Notice
Sustainable Growers Rwanda (SGR) is a local NGO having a goal of improving the livelihoods of low-income women farmers and their families through collective trainings that create the basis for more transparent trade, improved quality and higher prices in the coffee sector aligned with the NSTI goals.
Therefore, Sustainable Growers Rwanda is looking for potential companies to supply pest control and mineral fertilizers to SGR sites located in 6 Districts of Rwanda.
General qualifications and required documents
Similar Jobs in RwandaLearn more about Sustainable Growers Rwanda Sustainable Growers Rwanda jobs in RwandaInterested companies must provide the following documents before being given the detailed information on this Request for quotation:
1. Have experience of 5 years in performing similar services
2. Provide 3 recommendation letters of similar related services
3. Copy of Certificate of incorporation
4. Original or notarized copy of the Rwanda Social Security Board certificate
5. Tax clearance certificate issued by RRA
6. A confirmation that the bidder has Electronic Billing Machine [EBM]
7. Original or notarized copy of the non-bankruptcy certificate from RDB
8. Technical specification of the proposed asset to be supplied and guarantee period
9. Produce final sample to be delivered.
Quotations Quotations in response to this RFQ must include transport cost of the materials to the six mentioned sites and should be all taxes inclusive and presented in Rwanda currency. They must remain valid for not less than sixty (60) calendar days after the offer deadline. Bidders are requested to provide quotations on official letterhead.
Confidentiality and Information GovernanceAll documents related to this RFQ shall remain the property of Sustainable Growers Rwanda and must be returned on demand. Unless requested otherwise, Sustainable Growers Rwanda reserves the right to disclose all documents relating to this Procurement Process, including without limitation your tender response, to any employee, third party agent, adviser or other third party involved in the procurement in support of, and/or in collaboration with Sustainable Growers Rwanda
Technical SpecificationsSupply of Pest control and Mineral fertilizer to SGR 6 sites located at Gakenke, Gicumbi, Nyamasheke, Rusizi, Kayonza and Nyaruguru;
Fertilizer & pesticides application in Rulindo and Gakenke Districts
S/N Item Qty Specifications
1 Pyretrin- pyrenthum 5EW 25 Litres For Rushashi only (Organic coffee
2 Pesticides -Alpha cypermetrin 292Litres Pesticides- Alpha cypermetrin for coffee berry and other sucking insects
3 Mineral fertiliser 80,430kg NPK22-6-12+35 for coffee plantations
Evaluation Criteria and awardThe award will be made to the offer or whose offer follows the RFQ instructions, meets eligibility requirements, and receives the highest score out of a determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria
Please note that if there are significant deficiencies regarding responsiveness to the requirements of this RFQ, an offer may be deemed “non-responsive” and thereby disqualified from consideration. It is anticipated that award will be made solely on the basis of these original quotations. However, Sustainable Growers Rwanda reserves the right to conduct any of the following:
• Sustainable Growers Rwanda may conduct negotiations with and/or request clarifications from any offer prior to award.
• While preference will be given to offer who can address the full technical requirements of this RFQ, Sustainable Growers Rwanda may issue a partial award or split the award among various suppliers
Submission ProcedureInterested companies must provide well printed quotes properly bound to sustainable Growers Rwanda Head office located at Nyarutarama KG 9 House 91 not later than 14th October 2022 at 5:00PM local time. Electronic biding shall not be allowed (late bids are automatically rejected).
The best bidder will be chosen through a quality and cost-based selection method in accordance with SGR procedures. For more inquiries, please send your email at
recruitment@sustainablegrowers.orgDone at Kigali, on 29th September 2022
Christine CONDO
Executive Director