Request for Proposal (RFP) for an External Audit of a Project tender at Cowater International
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Job Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) for an External Audit of a Project

Sector: Social Protection; Governance; International Development

Position Type: Part-Time

Duration/Level of Effort: January 2024

Location: Kigali, Rwanda


FCDO’s Exiting Poverty in Rwanda (EPR) Technical Assistance Facility

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The FCDO has been a key partner in developing Rwanda’s social protection sector since the inception of the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP) in 2008. The first phase of support to the social protection in Rwanda (2009-2014, £34m) focused on supporting the Government of Rwanda (GoR) to set up VUP. The second phase (2013-2018, £62.4m) focused on expanding the VUP, both in terms of geographical reach and in terms of reaching the most vulnerable and excluded in Rwanda.

The Exiting Poverty in Rwanda (EPR) Programme is the third phase of support and aims support people to exit poverty at the same time as protecting Rwanda’s poorest and most vulnerable citizens in the future. This is likely to be the last UK-funded programme supporting Rwanda’s social protection sector that involves financial resource transfer at this scale so greater focus will be on influencing the wider policy context for social protection (SP), strengthening systems and building capacity and building long-term sustainability.

FCDO’s support in this phase will go beyond the VUP programme to provide essential financial and technical assistance to support Rwanda to establish a robust, domestically financed, inclusive and comprehensive SP sector. The Technical Assistance (TA) Facility is therefore designed to support the effective implementation of its Social Protection Sector Strategic Plan (SP-SSP) and ultimately a strengthened national social protection system. To do so, the TA Facility provides technical expertise and capacity building to the Government of Rwanda, specifically the Ministry of Local Governments (MINALOC) and the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA) and supports the delivery of FCDO’s EPR programme.

The intended outcome of EPR is to enhance the resilience of vulnerable men, women and children and of the social protection system that helps sustain them. To achieve this outcome, the EPR TA facility will contribute towards the following outputs:

  • Developing institutional capacity and strengthening systems for evidence-based planning, strategic sector management, and effective SP service delivery enhanced.
  • Improving access to more effective core social protection programmes for selected vulnerable groups to more effective core social security instruments.
  • Design of a shock-responsive social protection (SR-SP) component together with operational guidelines and a system for implementing SR-SP established.
  • Strengthening linkages between SP and complementary services that enable sustainable graduation from extreme poverty strengthened.

As service provider to FCDO for the effective delivery of the EPR TA Facility, Cowater will implement the TA programme under four components as follows:

  • Design and manage a TA Facility to support implementation of the Government of Rwanda’s SP-SSP and FCDO’s EPR programme;
  • Deliver capacity building interventions through technical inputs and advice, training and workshops, mentoring and coaching of government technical personnel and undertake studies and research;
  • Drive forward the design, piloting and scale up of innovations within the Social Protection sector as set out in the SP-SSP and EPR Business Case, which includes work on graduation, shock responsive SP and categorical grants (moving towards universal coverage as per SP-SSP and Vision 2050).
  • Manage a TA Strategic Fund in close collaboration with GOR and FCDO.


Based on the summary of the project above the objectives of the audit are as follows

  1. To confirm whether the invoices sent quarterly by Cowater to FCDO are materially correct in all respects, and if material errors are found, to document these errors and identify the causes;
  2. To confirm whether Cowater has complied with the terms of the contract between FCDO and Cowater International and FCDO’s Guidelines covering project implementation, and if non-compliances are found to document these non-compliances and identify the causes;
  3. Express an opinion on the cost effectiveness of the financial transactions of the programme for the period under review;
  4. To confirm whether Cowater International has complied with the laws governing the project, and if non-compliances are found to document these non-compliances;
  5. To review the systems and procedures and internal control systems used to manage the project and make recommendations as to how these systems and procedures and internal control systems could be strengthened,

The Audit Firm shall plan and conduct the audit in compliance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA).


The following documents are considered as basic references for carrying-out the audit:

  • Program Partnership Agreements relative to the project or to the audited organisation;
  • All accounting documents subject to the implementation of the Partnership Agreement;
  • Financial and progress reports; and
  • Any other information required or requested by the Auditor.


Audit should cover the invoicing to FCDO for services provided during the period from 3 March 2021 to 30 September 2023.

Yr 1: 3 March 2021 - 31 March 2022 (13 months)

Yr 2: 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023 (12 months)

Yr 3: 1 April 2023 – 30 September 2023 (6 months)


The audit reports must be submitted within one (1) month upon completion of audit field work.

7.      LOCATION

The audit should be carried out within the Program partners’ premises and project field sites.


The format of the report must comply with the format prescribed by ISA 800 and defined in 7.1.4. Only with regard to confirmations under section 7.1.4 a and b is an audit opinion also admissible in accordance with ISAE 3000.

The auditor should refer to detail of audit report requirements the auditing standards established by Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Rwanda (ICPAR).

The audit report(s) shall include either a separate statement or an integral comment from the auditors regarding their conclusions regarding the reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of these material costs (in accordance with FCDO’s Guidelines).

The audit report shall include the auditors’ recommendations regarding the organization’s compliance with local laws and any recommendations regarding improving internal controls.

The audit report should also include a commentary on the extent to which the project has delivered value for money through its systems and procedures.

8.1. Content

8.1.1.    Brief description of the audited organisation and project, objectives of the project, period covered by the audit.

8.1.2.    Objectives and extent of the audit.

8.1.3.    Declaration of full disclosure delivered by the project management or the organisation audited.

8.1.4.    Opinion of the auditor on the financial statements of the project upon the following:

  1. Compliance with the Program Partnership Agreement;
  2. Use of the project funds exclusively for purposes of the project and in accordance with the Program Partnership Agreement; and
  3. Whether the financial statements show a true and fair view of the income and expenditure and the financial position of the project.
  4. Full details of material exceptions to opinions a) and b)

8.1.5.    Annual Financial Report of the project including:

  1. Statement of Fund advanced/Received
  2. Statement of Expenditures
  3. Statement of Fund Acquittals and Balance including notes to un-acquittal expenditures

8.1.6.    Management Letter

The Auditing Firm shall report their observations about the system of accounting and internal controls, together with a detailed list of any significant weaknesses that come to the Auditing Firm’s attention during the course of audit. The report includes recommendations as to how these weaknesses may be eliminated and dhow controls and records might be improved.

8.2. Currency and Language of the Audit report

The financial information contained in the audit report is to be expressed in GBP. All the documents are written in English.

8.3. Signature

The audit report is signed by the person responsible for the audit, as well as by the legal representative of the firm of auditors.


It is the responsibility of Cowater International Inc. and EPR Programme to ensure that all records are available, all accounting entries and adjustments are made, and all other necessary steps are taken to make it possible for the audit firm to perform the work necessary to be able to present the audit report within 30 calendar days after the audit start.

It is the responsibility of the recipient-contracted audit firm to perform audits and to present audit reports in a timely manner. The audit shall begin as soon as practicable after the signing of the audit contract in consultation with Cowater International Inc. – EPR Programme. The audit firm shall issue a draft report within 30 calendar days after the audit completion and a final report within 40 calendar days after the audit completion. The audit firm should submit 5 copies in English.

Payment will be as follows:

  • 20% when timeline of audit agreed by Cowater International Inc. and after kick-off meeting held;
  • 50% on the date of the draft report submitted and
  • 30% on the date after the final report approved.


The auditor must be completely impartial and independent from all aspects of management or financial interests in the entity being audited. The auditor should not, during the period covered by the audit nor during the undertaking of the audit, be employed by, serve as director for, or have any financial or close business relationships with any senior participant in the management of the entity. It is required that the auditor disclose any relationship that might possibly compromise his/her independence.

The auditor should be experienced in applying ISA, whichever is applicable for the audit. The auditor must employ adequate staff with appropriate professional qualifications and suitable experience with ISA, including experience in auditing the accounts of entities comparable in size and complexity to the entity being audited.

10.1.      Eligible criteria for the Auditing Firm

The tenderer will provide the following:

  • Evidence of the firm’s certification to conduct audits in Rwanda;
  • Current and ongoing audit experience for at least five (05) years including having carried out at least 3 audit contracts of NGO/development cooperation projects; and

10.2.      Minimum qualifications and experience of the key personnel working on the audit

The audit team should be able to demonstrate the following qualifications and experience:

  • An internationally qualified auditor and member of an internationally recognised accountancy body qualified to conduct audits.
  • At least 15 years’ experience working in auditing services.
  • Fluency in English is compulsory.

10.3.      Relationships and Responsibilities

The client for this contract is Cowater International Inc. The EPR Programme is the audit office that would be responsible for responding to inquiries on certain audit matters during the audit. The Programme team will meet with the public accounting firm at the beginning of the audit to explain any financial/compliance areas of concern contained in the statement of work that they want emphasized and provide any advice concerning the performance of the audit. The Programme may also provide written comments on the draft audit report concerning the facts and conclusions contained in the report in order to obtain the best possible end product.

The public accounting firm must properly maintain and store the working papers for a period of five years from the date of  completion of the audit.

10.4.      Quotation/Proposal Documentation to be submitted

To facilitate the needs of Cowater International Inc. in the evaluation process, all proposals submitted must follow the following format.  Failure to supply all or any part of the requested information – in the required format – will result in a proposal being excluded from the evaluation process.

  1. Please state the total number of staff proposed for each audit assignment including: name of employee; job title; financial audit and accounting qualifications; other professional qualifications; and the level of input from each staff member.
  2. Please give details of previous experience of providing financial audit services to FCDO programmes (or other donors), and the public sector. Cowater is seeking a provider that is fully familiar with the operating environment and regulatory issues facing FCDO.
  3. Cowater expects an invoice to be presented for each assignment area work undertaken, once the final report has been received and accepted by us.
  4. Quality is a key concern to Cowater. The Tenderer should set out the arrangements within their firm for assuring that quality exists throughout the internal audit process. Reference should be made to the relevant international financial audit standards.
  5. Please provide details of the Tenderer’s professional indemnity insurance.

Please outline the anticipated number of days and your fees for the following activities. The Tenderer should note that Cowater expects these rates to remain constant for the duration of the contract:

Audit Assignments

1. Program Costs

2. Non-Program Costs

Business Process

Accounting System Controls

xx days

xx days


Compliance with Program Operations Manual

xx days

xx days


Truth & Fairness of Financial Reports

xx days

xx days


Business Process


xx days

  1. The contractor may be required to provide additional days at an agreed rate.
  2. Cowater will not be liable to reimburse any costs incurred by contractors during this tender process.
  3. Cowater is concerned to maximize the value obtained from the available financial audit resource. However, Cowater does not bind itself to accept the lowest price.
  4. The Tenderer should identify any work they are currently carrying out or competing for which could cause a conflict of interest and indicate how such a conflict could be avoided.

The auditor will be required to propose a cost and then invoice separately for assignments 1 and 2 above (as identified in the Audit Scope). Please confirm that the above rates will remain fixed for the duration of this contract.


Firms/Candidates are encouraged to apply on or before 5 pm (Kigali time), Friday, 8 December 2023. Any proposals submitted after this time and date will not be considered.

For your application to be considered, please go to Cowater International Career Opportunities - Cowater International and Apply Now to upload your documents as followed: EPR External Audit – RFP Firm/Candidate Name.

The applicant is required to submit the proposal in English language and with an indication of a daily rate for each task/service. The rate should include any and all costs to carry out the work in the specified location. In addition to the proposal fee, the applicant should also detail any other relevant assumptions or required terms.


Cowater International is a leading global development consulting company founded in 1985. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada and with corporate hubs in Montreal, Canada, Brussels, Belgium, and London, UK. Cowater International has successfully delivered a portfolio of over 2500 projects and assignments in more than 95 countries. We work with governments, private sector actors and communities implementing projects that support socio-economic development, institutional strengthening, environmental improvements and advance equal opportunities for all. We are a diverse and experienced team committed to building a better tomorrow for the people we serve. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our yearly award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies since 2017.

We thank you for your interest in building a better tomorrow with Cowater International.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, December 06 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 24-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 24-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 24-11-2066
Apply Now
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