Recruitment of an Individual Consultant Firm on the Organic Fertilizer Efficacy Trial tender at Ngali Holdings Ltd
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Tender Title

Tender provision for recruitment of

of an individual consultant firm on the organic fertilizer efficacy trial to Ngali Holdings ltd.

Tender reference number


Procurement method

Open Competitive Bidding

Date of issue of tender


Prepared by Approved by


Procurement Assistant & Chief Executive Officer

ITC secretary

Section II. Instructions to bidders, Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

The following specific data for the Services to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.

ITB Clause Reference

A. General

ITB 1.1

The Procuring Entity is: NGALI HOLDINGS LTD

ITB 1.2

Tender Reference No: OCB/17/09/NH/2024


The Source of funds:

B. Contents of Bidding Documents


Clarification of bids will be addressed to The NGALI HOLDINGS LTD. Clarifications may be requested not later than 1 days before the submission date during working days.

For Clarification of bid purposes only, the Procuring Entity’s address is:


Bodifa Mercy House, 7th Floor, Kimihurura,

Gasabo, Kigali - Rwanda

Email cc and

C. Preparation of Bids

ITB 10

The language of the bid is English

ITB 11.1

The Bidder shall submit in its bid the following: N/A

ITB 13

Alternative Bids shall not be considered.

ITB 14.5


ITB 14.6

Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract (One year) and not subject to variation on any account. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected.

ITB 15.1

The Bidder is required to quote in the Rwanda Francs currency.

ITB 18.1

The bid validity period shall be ninety (90) calendar days, and shall remain valid for a period of 28 days beyond the validity period of the bid.

ITB 19.1

Bid shall include a Bid Security issued by only a reputable and recognized Bank operating in Rwanda. N/A

ITB 19.2

The amount of the Bid Security N/A

ITB 20.1

In addition to the original of the bid, the number of copies are: 01 copy.

A. Submission and Opening of Bids

ITB 22.1

Bids shall be received at Ngali Holdings procurement office no later than

Date: 20th /09/2024

Time: 10:00am

The bid opening shall take place at the following address:


Date: 20th /09/2024

Hour: 10:30 am

B. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

ITB 32

Bid prices will be in Rwanda Francs (Rwf) currency VAT Inclusive

ITB 33

Domestic preference N/A

ITB 34.3(a)

The evaluation will be done for the entire tender. If a Price Schedule shows items listed but not priced, their prices shall be assumed to be included in the prices of other items. An item not listed in the Price Schedule shall be assumed to be not included in the bid, and provided that the bid is substantially responsive, the average price of the item quoted by substantially responsive bidders will be added to the bid price and the equivalent total cost of the bid so determined will be used for price comparison.

The evaluation committee shall base on their confidential budget relevant to the service to be provided and the lowest offer shall not be the only criteria to award the tender.

C. Award of Contract

ITB 40

The maximum percentage by which an addendum to the contract may be done is 10%

This tender intends to select service provider who shall sign a framework agreement of one year (which may be renewable twice upon satisfactory performance of the contract)

Section III. Scope of work and Qualification Criteria

1) The Consultancy service and Scope of assignment

The Individual Consultant’s main task will be to conduct an efficacy trial on Ngali’s product prototype in collaboration with RAB and prepare a report of findings gathered during the trial.

The individual consultant’s responsibilities will consist of the following:

  • Draft Protocols that will determine the contractual relationship between Ngali and RAB.
  • Assist in the contract drafting process mentioned above.
  • Engage farmers to identify ideal plots were efficacy trial will be conducted.
  • Conduct site visits to where the product prototypes will be applied.
  • Provide periodic status reports once site visits have been conducted.
  • Site visits to follow up on performance of organic fertilizers once applied in the farm.
  • Work with RAB team and provide them with information needed on a timely basis as it pertains to the efficacy trial and product in use.
  • Assist in laboratory testing on the product to determine product composition.
  • Provide a final report detailing the efficacy trial and its outcomes.

N.B: The above list contains the main responsibilities for the technical consultant but is not exhaustive. The technical consultant is encouraged to maintain flexibility should a need for his/her services arise that is outside the aforementioned responsibilities. It is also Ngali’s responsibility to ensure that such a need has a relation to the efficacy trial or bearing on the overall success on the project.

A. The Purpose of the efficacy trial will be to assess:

  1. Product applicability and successful dissemination to farmers of this information.
  2. Product performance relative in comparison to what is currently on the market.
  3. Generating product awareness to stakeholders involved such as RAB and domestic farmers.
  4. Assist in the decision-making process of whether to pursue product registration

B. Preparing the visit report including but not limited to:

  • Detailsof how the efficacy trial was 
  • Comments/analysison the product application.
  • Comments/analysison the impact the product had on the crop and the soil.
  • Results of the efficacy trial after the season has concluded.
  • Finalrecommendations on the product viability and whether to pursue product registration.
  • Considerother defined aspects as they pertain to the scope of work.

2) Deliverables

The qualified consultant is expected to provide the following:

  • A report comprising the details of the findings during the efficacy trial as per the scopeof assignment and 
  • Periodic status reports upon completion of site visits.
  • Protocol that will define Ngali and RAB’s responsibilities during efficacy trial.

3) Payment Milestones

The payment milestones will be discussed during contract negotiation.

4) Duration

The consultancy is expected to be conducted in a period of 4 months which is the estimated length of the farming season plus an additional 1.5 month to cater for laboratory analysis and report preparation. This is giving a total of 5.5 months.

5) Qualifications

  • The Consultant should have at least a Master’s University Degree in or related to agronomy 
  • Minimum experience of 5 years professional work in the industry of agriculture is required
  • Experience in leading efficacy trials for novel agricultural products is required.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, September 20 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 13-09-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-09-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-09-2070
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