Provision of Security Services for Kigali Central Warehouse, Nyagatare Warehouse and Kirehe Warehouse tender at Abt Associates Inc
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Request For Proposal (RFP) 

 Provision of Security Services   

RFP No: 

01/020/2023 – Provision of Security Services  


Provision of Security Services for Kigali central warehouse, Nyagatare Warehouse and Kirehe warehouse 

Issuing Office and Address for Bid Submission: 


Abt Associates Inc. 

PMI Evolve Rwanda Project 

KG 8 Ave, M&M Plaza, 3rd floor Gishushu Nyarutarama 

P. O. Box 5200; Kigali, Rwanda 

Package Markings: 

RFP#: 01/020/2023 

Attention: Chief of Party 

Tel: (250) 252 572321/2/4 


RFP Issuance Date: 

09 November 2023

RFP Closing Date: 

Deadline for submission of bids is 23 November 2023 at 11:00 AM and the opening of bids will be on same date at 11:15 AM in the conference room of Abt Associates. 

Mode of Submission 

Original bid documents should be sent to the contact at the address above, or sent by email to: 

Anticipated Type of Award: 

Firm Fixed Price Purchase Order(s) 

Basis of Award: 

See “Evaluation Criteria” section 

Funding Agency  

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 

Prime Contract Number:      


USAID Source / Nationality (Geo) Code:  


List of Attachments: 

  1. Attachment: A: Prime Contract Mandatory Flow Downs 
  2. Attachment B: Purchase Order Terms and Conditions 
  3. Annex C: Submission Checklist 


Since 2006, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) has protected millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa from malaria through three vector control initiatives. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) sprays insecticide on walls, ceilings, and other indoor resting places to kill mosquitoes that transmit malaria. Insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) protect people as they sleep. And entomological monitoring helps countries monitor, adapt, and respond to changes in mosquito populations, including their resistance to insecticides. Abt Associates has contributed to this work since 2011 by leading the Africa Indoor Residual Spraying (AIRS), PMI AIRS, and PMI VectorLink projects.  

In December 2022, PMI awarded Abt the PMI Evolve Project, which supports PMI and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) missions and bureaus with the planning, implementing, and monitoring of malaria vector control programs in 21 countries. PMI Evolve is building on the prior projects’ IRS, ITN, and larval source management (LSM) activities and entomological monitoring. The new project is strengthening the capacity of local institutions, including national malaria programs, district health offices, and research institutions, to independently conduct vector control programs. PMI Evolve is also responsible for program evaluation and conducting operations research on new vector control innovations. Activities are carried out in full collaboration with the National Malaria Control/Elimination Programs (MOPDD).  

The Purpose of this RFP is to obtain Proposals and eventually enter into an agreement with one or more vendors for security services for Kigali central warehouse, Nyagatare warehouse and Kirehe warehouse. 
Instructions to bidders 

  1. All documents submitted in response to this RFP, as well as all related correspondence, will be in English. 
  2. Offerors are required to fully review all instructions and specifications contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the offeror’s risk. 
  3. Offerors shall provide a technical proposal addressing all elements outlined in the Technical Scope below.  
  4. At any time prior to award of the contract, should Abt Associates deem it necessary to change the RFP provisions, it will provide such amendment(s) in writing. No oral instructions by any person will in any way be considered to limit, exclude, modify, or otherwise affect any terms or conditions of this solicitation, and no supplier shall rely on any such instructions. 
  5. This solicitation and subsequent award(s) are governed by U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulations. As such, and where applicable, providing U.S. government required Representations and Certifications, Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), etc. is mandatory and a condition for award. 
  6. Upon award, the selected offeror(s) must provide a monthly report for all premises and should attach the same report to the invoice at time of billing. 
  7. Responses to technical questions will be distributed to all bidders. 
  8. Proposals from Offeror(s) on US government debarred list will not be considered.  
  9. Offeror shall submit proposal(s) with the following naming convention:  
  • Subject line  
    RFP  # 01/020/2023 -Your company name
  • Attachments: Proposal/services provided/list of exclusions/company registration certificates/etc. 

RFP  # 01/020/2023 -Your company name- Proposal

RFP  # 01/020/2023 -Your company name- Company Profile for services provided 

RFP  # 01/020/2023 -Your Company name- List of exclusions per category 

RFP  # 01/020/2023 -Your company name- Certificate of Registration, trading license 

Proposal Validity: 

Submitted offers/Bids shall be valid for at least a period of 120 days from RFP closing date, and upon award, prices shall be valid for the duration of the agreement’s period of performance.  

Anticipated Period of Performance: 

As a result of this RFP, Abt intends to award a one (1) year service agreement, with two (2) option years, automatically renewable annually, to a maximum of three (3) years from the original effective date.  

Preparation of Bids: 

Bidders/Offerors are expected to examine the technical specifications and all instructions contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the offeror’s risk. 

Offers shall provide unit and total price per line. In case of discrepancy between unit and extended/total price, the unit price shall prevail. 

Any deviation from the RFP stated specification must be identified, explanation provided in the attached List of Exceptions document (attachment C). In case of conflict between the RFP technical specifications and the supplier offered descriptive literature, the RFP specifications shall be the standard. 


If it becomes necessary to modify this RFP, an amendment will be issued and be binding to all bidders. Amendment(s) will be sent return receipt requested and will be numbered consecutively commencing with Amendment-0102, etc. Bidders are required to reference such amendments in their subsequent response and/or communication.  

All questions with regard to this RFP shall be addressed to  Abt will communicate the questions and its responses to all bidders and may at its sole discretion extend the quotation deadline.  Oral communication concerning this RFP will not be accepted except for administrative clarification regarding submission format or location of the office, etc.  


To ensure clarity on the bids and their conformity to the RFP technical specifications and requirements, bidder shall furnish a list of all exceptions to any of the terms/conditions/technical specification/quality standards contained in this RFP and shall include an explanation or justification for the exception taken.  

Equipment and Operating Conditions: 

Where applicable, operating and service manuals must be provided for all equipment.  

Delivery Location: 

Security services shall be delivered to: 

  • Kigali Central warehouse  
  • Nyagatare warehouse 
  • Kirehe warehouse  

 Invoices and Payments: 

Payments will be made net thirty (30) days after Abt Associates receives a complete and correct invoice from supplier based solely on Services actually performed by Supplier and/or Goods actually supplied by supplier pursuant to a Purchase, Deliver order or Service Agreement.  

Required Documents: 

  1. Copy of [relevant authority’s] certificate of registration  
  2. Copy of License to operate a security company 
  3. Proof of guard training, including access control, first aid, and fire fighting 
  4. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation 
  5. Proof of consistent provision of security services (i.e., three or more years) to one client, preferably a multinational organization  

Service Description and Specifications:  

Provision of Security Services RFP number 01/020/2023  

Seq # 

Premises Type 

Number of Premises 

Guards per premise 

Anticipated duration of service (in months) 


Kigali central warehouse, Nyagatare warehouse and Kirehe warehouse  

2 Guards per premise 

3 years 36 Months  

1 day guard and1night guard  

Technical Scope: 
Abt is seeking companies to provide uniformed, unarmed security services on a 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week basis, or as otherwise indicated per site specifications. In your proposal (no more than 1 page each), describe the following: 

  1. Company History and Organization 
    Under this section provide a brief history of your company, your mission statement and organizational structure. Include how this project fits within that structure and associated support.
    Also indicate whether your company is a private or public (government owned) entity and include brief biographical information regarding the personnel who would be directly responsible for the management and local supervision of this project. 
  2. Management Approach 
    Describe how your organization will manage the project/services contemplated herein. Also, include the names, titles, and key responsibilities of personnel who will be managing this project.
  3. Security Guards/Personnel Selection Process 
    How are the guards selected, trained, and/or their experience verified? In this section, please describe all the processes and steps that go into identifying, screening, and training security service personnel. 
  4. Development and Retention of Security Guards/Personnel 
    Describe the methods and initiatives designed to promote retention of your security personnel including, training, benefits, promotions, etc.
  5. Standards of Conduct 
    Describe how your company handles employee delinquencies and misdeeds. Give us a sense of how discipline is handled in your company including use of uniforms and badges, respectful behavior, values, principles, etc. If your company has safeguarding, grievance, and/or whistleblowing policies, please describe them here.
  6. Use of Force Policy 
    Describe your company use of force policy and include a copy of your company’s use of force policy.
  7. Insurance 

Tell us about the insurance policy (if applicable) your company carries and include specifics of the coverage under that policy. 

  1. Quality Management Program. 
    Describe your company’s quality management processes including the administrative controls, plans and process to monitor and assure contract compliance of security services. Include methods of quality control, contract administration, audits, management inspection programs, conduct and job performance standards, corrective action planning and follow-up reporting.
  2. Transition Plan 

Submit a projected Transition Plan for contract implementation, if awarded. The plan should include Tasks, time frames as well as names and contact information of individuals responsible for each step. The transition plan section shall conclude with the total transition lead time from award to full deployment. 

  1. Value Add Services (optional features) 
    Describe any other features that are not in the RFP but that you offer and believe will add value to the service contemplated herein. If they include a cost element, these should be itemized as “Value Add Services (Optional Features)”
  2. References 
    Provide three (3) client references for comparable contracts in scope and value. The references should include the name of the company, period of performance, contract value, contact person name and information

Requirements for Service Providers and Personnel 

  1. At a minimum, guard services providers must demonstrate that: 
    1. They meet all regulatory and licensing requirements and have adequate insurance coverage. 
    2. They have a thorough understanding of, and preferably experience in, the operating environment. 
    3. They, and any subcontractors, have a positive operational record and favorable references. 
    4. Their organization has clear lines of responsibility and a point of contact who is available 24/7. 
  2. With regard to personnel, service providers must document and enforce standards on the following: 
    1. Whether guards will be consistent or provided on some sort of rotation. 
    2. What will be done when primary guards are unable to work an assigned shift. 
    3. How guards will be selected and trained to ensure that they are capable of providing the services on offer.  

i. Guards should meet the following standards: 

  1. Background check: A clean record of no convictions in the past 10 years.  
  2. Licensure: Possession of any license required by local law to act as a guard.   
  3. Age: Minimum of 18 years old. 
  4. Health: Free from any communicable diseases which might reasonably be transmitted in the course of their normal guard duties.  
  5. Fitness: Able to perform physical tasks associated with their normal guard duties, including the ability to observe, report, and provide assistance to others in an emergency.  
  6. Drug dependency and medication: Not dependent on alcohol or other drugs; if using prescribed medication, this must not hinder the performance of their assigned duties.  
  7. Literacy and numeracy: Able to read and write, understand guard orders and trainings, and maintain guard logs and reports. 
  8. Training: Must have completed basic guard training, to include instruction on access control, first aid, and firefighting, and must receive regular in-service training.  
  9. Experience: Proven understanding of, and preferably experience in, the operating environment. 
  10. References: Able to provide reliable references. 

ii. Selection criteria should be designed to encourage a diverse guard force in keeping with country laws and regulations. 

iii. Applicants should be evaluated on their capability to fulfill the assigned guard duties, without regard to any personal characteristics that local labor law prohibits employers from considering during the hiring process.  

  1. With regard to working conditions, service provider shall ensure (at all times) guards have: 
    1. Adequate rest between shifts – they should ideally work 8-hour shifts, 5 days/week and must never be allowed to work more than 12 hours at a time, 6 days/week 
    2. Uniforms appropriate for local weather conditions. 
    3. Functional radios or cellular phones to facilitate communication. 
    4. A logbook and writing instruments.  
    5. Other equipment (e.g. flashlights) required to fulfill their role. 
  2. With regard to monitoring and performance management, service provider shall document and enforce: 
    1. Routine supervision of guards by the provider. 
    2. Regular meetings between the provider and Abt’s focal point to discuss the status of the contract, address newly identified risks, incidents, and complaints, and make necessary corrective and preventive adjustments. 
    3. Monthly report regarding service provided, noting any applicable incidents, complaints, and applicable corrective and preventive adjustments.  

Evaluation Criteria: 

Abt Associates Inc, intends to award a long-term agreement to the most advantageous offeror, the following factors considered: 

  • Compliance with RFP technical specifications and instructions 
  • Strength of the proposal in addressing the technical scope and applicable requirements for service providers and personnel 
  • Price and price related factors 
  • Lead time for deployment 
  • Past performance  

A responsive proposal is one that comes from a responsible supplier1 and complies with all the terms and conditions stated in the RFP without material modification. A material modification is any modification that affects price, quantity, quality, delivery or installation date of equipment or materials, or which limits in any way the responsibilities, duties or liabilities of the bidder or any rights of Abt or its clients.  

Abt reserves the right to waive any minor informalities in the quotation/proposal received if it is in Abt’s best interest to do so, or to reject the quotation of any firm if, in Abt’s judgement, the firm is not fully qualified to provide the goods or services as specified in the technical specifications. 


RFP #:01/020/2023 

Name and address of service provider:  

Month of Service 

Detailed Service Description 

(Please include everything hee.e. locations, accessories like radios, etc) 

Number of premises/locations 

(Must match # of locations listed on left column) 

Number of Guards per site 

Total number of Guards 

(i.e. # site x # of guards 

Cost Breakdown (In [specify currency eg USD]) 

Unit cost per guard per month 

Other monthly costs 

[Specify those costs here eg accessories, VAT, as applicable] 

Total Monthly Cost 

























One-time charges, if applicable [specify the cost - what it covers and when it will be invoiced] 


Total cost per year 


Representative’s name and title: 



Attachment A  

Mandatory Federal Acquisition Regulation (Far) Flow-Down Clauses for Commercial Items Under United States Government Prime Contracts 

Attachment B:  

Abt Standard Terms and Conditions 
Annex C:  

Submission Checklist   

Emailed Proposal 

  • Technical 
  • Cost 
  • Certified Copy of Company Registration Certificate 
  • Certificate of Incorporation 
  • License to operate a security company 
  • Certified Copy of Tax Clearance Certificate from Liberia Revenue Authority 
  • Examples of similar work conducted.  
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, November 30 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 09-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 09-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-11-2066
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