Practical Action is an innovative international development group, putting ingenious ideas to work so people in poverty can change their world. We work with communities to develop ingenious, lasting and locally owned solutions for agriculture, water and waste management, climate resilience and clean energy. We share what works with others, so many more people can change their worlds.
The Farm to Market for Refugee Youth (F2MARY) Project
The Mugombwa refugee camp is in Gisagara District in southern province and was established in 2014 by UNHCR and the Government of Rwanda in response to people fleeing violence, political unrest and insecurity in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The camp is composed of 2,286 households which accommodates about 12,056 refugees to date.
Food security is a challenge, with the World Food Program only targeting the most vulnerable persons. In addition to this, livelihood opportunities are very limited for refugees. The area relies heavily on agriculture for food and income, and most refugees rely on informal farm work outside the camp. The area has experienced a significant loss of productive land through ecosystem degradation and soil erosion (MINEMA 2019). There are increasing dry spells during the growing seasons. This increases pressure and competition for land.
Practical Action is responding to these issues through the delivery of the F2MARY project. The solar powered irrigation system will be installed on 10ha in Misizi marshland Mugombwa Sector, Gisagara District, abstracting water from available natural water stream (small River). All necessary permits and approvals from Government ministries have been obtained by Practical Action.
The micro-irrigation system will support youth farmers to create 500jobs through chili production. The solar powered irrigation will have a transformative impact on job creation and poverty reduction among youth farmers. We aim to move from a system that constrains economic opportunities for refugees and host communities, to a system where renewable energy access enables inclusive economic activity.
Practical Action hereby invites interested companies to submit their proposal to install the solar powered irrigation system around Mugombwa, Refugee Camp, in Gisagara District, Rwanda.
Interested applicants can download the tender documents with detailed information from http//www.practicalaction.org All duly completed documents must indicate in the subject line PA/RWA10017/RFP/F2MARY/2025/001, be sent to email address: CRFtender@practicalaction.org, and submit hard copies at Practical Action Rwanda office, to the following location address:
Practical Action Rwanda Office
KG 596 St, No 18
Kacyiru Sector
Gasabo District
Kigali, Rwanda.
The submission deadline is fixed on 28th April 2025, at 16:00 pm (CAT).any submission after the closing Date and time or outside the instructions will be automatically disqualified.
For further enquiries, please contact us via: CRFtender@practicalaction.org
Denise Umubyeyi
Country Director
Practical Action Rwanda
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