Mid-Term Evaluation of the Implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in the Thematic Areas tender at GIZ Rwanda
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Mid-term evaluation of the implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in the thematic areas

Reference Number: 83444613

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The GIZ Office in Kigali covers GIZ’s portfolio in Rwanda and Burundi. GIZ Rwanda/Burundi implements projects on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union and other commissioning authorities in the following priority areas: Sustainable Economic Development, Good Governance, Climate, Energy and Sustainable Urban Development, Digitalization and Digital Economy, Mineral Governance, Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region.

General information

  1. Brief information on the project
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The project “Capacity Development for the Implementation of Rwanda's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)” is implemented from October 2022 to September 2025 as a technical cooperation module by GIZ in Rwanda with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The main political partner of the project is the Ministry of Environment of Rwanda (MoE), and other actors include line ministries, the Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA), the Rwanda Development Bank (BRD), the private sector and financial institutions, the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), the science and research community, as well as civil society organisations, which are core actors in the project.

Being embedded in the Rwandan-German Climate and Development Partnership, which was signed in March 2022 between the two governments, the NDC project’s overall objective is to enhance the institutional and financial framework conditions of relevant state and non-state actors in Rwanda for the coordination, implementation, and monitoring of the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This objective is achieved through the provision of technical advice and capacity development to enhance the organizational and process-related capacities of the MoE staff for the coordination of the NDC implementation. In addition, the technical and organizational capacities of public institutions for NDC mainstreaming across relevant sectors are enhanced, and the access of private sector actors (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, SMEs) to funding for NDC implementation is improved through the provision of training measures that are aligned with their capacity needs.

By improving the capacities and conditions of the MoE and other relevant state and non-state actors to coordinate and track the implementation of the NDC, the project helps to better inform evidence-based decisions regarding the further development of the national climate goals. It strengthens the approaches of public institutions, particularly sectoral ministries, to integrate the NDC into selected policies, strategies, and plans, including for better monitoring across the sectors, which can result in enhanced quality sectoral data on NDC implementation to feed into the central Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system in Rwanda. The project additionally strengthens climate-related initiatives carried out by the private sector actors that contribute to NDC implementation through products and services that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase the population’s resilience to the impacts of climate change. It fosters the private sector’s potential for innovation, green jobs creation and the promotion of the Rwandan economy’s resilience. This contributes to Rwanda’s economic transition towards becoming a green and carbon-neutral emerging economy. Finally, the project supports the Rwanda’s government to create the necessary conditions to strengthen the population’s resilience to the impacts of climate change and improve the quality of life of those affected by the environmental risks and related economic consequences caused by climate change.


Rwanda is among those countries with the lowest emission per capita worldwide, although emissions from deforestation, agriculture, and land use, combined with strong predictable emission growth from expected economic development and energy use, are significant enough within the country’s carbon footprint to demand a mitigation response. The country is also highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and adaptation is therefore a key concern and a priority for Rwanda which has the potential to move towards a low-carbon and climate resilient development pathway. In September 2015, the country has submitted its intended Nationally Determined Contribution (iNDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), setting out its adaptation and mitigation goals in the global efforts to tackle climate change. The iNDC formally became the country’s first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) with the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on climate change back in 2016. In 2020, the Secretariat of the UNFCCC has requested Parties under the Agreement to update and revise their NDCs. In this context, Rwanda has become the first Least Developed Country (LDC) to submit an updated NDC that same year, with ambitious updates for both mitigation and adaptation targets. The country’s updated NDC presents 24 adaptation interventions with cross-sectoral and sector-specific performance indicators and targets, including for the water, agriculture, land and forestry, human settlements, health, transport, as well as the mining sectors. Regarding mitigation targets, Rwanda presents an estimated total emissions reduction potential of around 4.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in 2030, or a 38% reduction against the business as usual (BAU) emissions in the same year of 12.1 million tCO2e. This is represented in an unconditional target of a 16% reduction relative to BAU in the year 2030, or 1.9 million tCO2e, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. A further conditional reduction of 22%, or 2.7 million tCO2e, in that year is based on the provision of international support (e.g. technology transfer and capacity building) and funding. The submitted updated NDC also outlines the country’s vision and its commitment to developing a climate-resilient and low carbon economy. Moreover, strong climate action commitments are additionally guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Rwanda’s Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy (GGCRS) (2011), the National Strategy for Transformation (NST-1) (2017-2024) as well as the country’s Vision 2050, a long-term strategic goal that defines Rwanda's aspirations for the future and sets a target of becoming an upper middle-income country by 2035 and a high income one by 2050.

Furthermore, an evaluation of the GGCRS which was commissioned in 2018 to determine key achievements, shortcomings and lessons learned related to its implementation with the aim of ensuring that it continues to serve as a relevant, effective, and guiding national document, has recommended the strategy to ensure the harmonization of targets and indicators by aligning with relevant global, regional and national agendas for sustainable development such as the SDGs, the African Union’s Agenda 2063, the East African Community (EAC)’s Vision 2050, Rwanda’s Vision 2050, the NST-1 and the updated country’s NDC from 2020.

Consequently, since Rwanda has published its updated NDC, there is a need to assess the main results achieved within the first three years of its implementation and to identify major constraints faced by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and other key implementing partners. The evaluation shall additionally document lessons learned and recommend approaches for overcoming implementation challenges and gaps and supporting results achievement during the remaining period of the country’s NDC. To ensure a coherent and integrated climate action there is a need for the mid-term evaluation to correspondingly assess whether the national climate goals (NDCs) are still relevant for the revised GGCRS which was adopted at the beginning of 2023, as well as for the forthcoming Second National Strategy for Transformation (NST-2) whose development process shall be finalized by next year.

To support the MoE and other implementing partners to undertake the mid-term evaluation of Rwanda’s revised NDC, GIZ is seeking a Rwanda-registered consulting firm to provide four (4) national experts (all based in Rwanda) for conducting the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in the thematic areas of (a) adaptation to climate change impacts, (b) climate change mitigation, (c) capacity building and technology transfer, as well as (d) climate finance for achieving urgent climate action targets.

The national experts (also referred to in this document as the “short-term experts”) provided by the consulting firm (also referred to in this document as the “contractor”) shall propose any required modifications and relevant adjustments to achieve the implementation of the country remaining NDC’s targets by 2030 in their respective thematic area. They shall additionally identify recommendations from the NDC mid-term evaluation to inform the development of the Second National Strategy for Transformation (NST-2). Moreover, each expert shall share the results from their work during a national workshop gathering all the relevant state and non-state actors in Rwanda involved in the NDC implementation and coordination. This work and all the related activities shall be conducted in close coordination with GIZ, the MoE, other key partners as well as an international short-term expert who will be involved in this work as well.

GIZ shall hire the contractor for the anticipated contract term, from 15/08/2023 to 31/01/2024.

The contractor shall provide the following services:

The contractor shall provide four (4) thematic short-term experts (STEs) who shall support the mid-term evaluation of Rwanda’s NDC implementation in the above-mentioned thematic areas. The STEs shall consist of national experts with relevant expertise and experience in the fields of adaptation to climate change impacts (one expert), climate change mitigation (one expert), capacity building and technology transfer in the context of climate action (one expert), and climate finance for achieving urgent climate action (one expert). Furthermore, all experts shall have experience in climate change policy or climate change planning, monitoring, evaluation (M&E) and reporting related to climate change projects and programmes, good understanding and good knowledge of the UNFCCC processes and the NDCs in the context of Rwanda.

Through the thematic short-term experts, the contractor shall provide the following services:

Work Package 1: Planning and coordination of the assignment through the following tasks: 

  •  Participation in one kick-off meeting with all the thematic short-term experts gathering the MoE, GIZ, the international expert and other key actors to discuss the planning of the assignment, timeline, stakeholders mapping, planned field visits and stakeholder consultations, coordination mechanism, national workshops and the expected results.
  • Participation in and contribution to other coordination meetings with the MoE, GIZ, the international expert and other key actors as required throughout the assignment.

Work Package 2: Preparation of an inception report on the mid-term evaluation of Rwanda’s NDC implementation covering the focus thematic areas under this assignment: climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, capacity building and technology transfer, and climate finance through the following tasks: 

  • Desk research and analysis of pertinent documents and existing reports on Rwanda’s NDC implementation in the thematic areas of climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, capacity building and technology transfer, and climate finance, any related actions and measures undertaken by the country in the context of the NDC.
  • Preparation of a draft inception report that outlines the methodology to be applied, the detailed work plan and timeline, proposed sources of information and data collection procedures, and an approach for stakeholder engagement (i.e. engagement strategy).
  • Organisation and facilitation of a meeting (in-person) to present the inception report to the MoE, GIZ and other relevant stakeholders (line ministries, etc.) for discussion.
  • Integration of the comments and feedback received from the meeting participants into the inception report and submission of a final version to the MoE and GIZ for approval. 

Work Package 3: Interviews and consultations with relevant stakeholders in Rwanda to gather their views and insights on the mid-term evaluation of Rwanda’s NDC in the different thematic areas under this assignment: climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, capacity building and technology transfer, and climate finance through the following tasks:

  • Preparation of the questionnaires to use during the interviews with stakeholders (two questionnaires prepared by each of the 4 STEs and focusing on each thematic area).
  • Preparation of the guiding questions, methodologies and agendas of the consultations.
  • Preparation of logistical arrangements and organisational matters for the consultations.
  • Planning the interviews and consultations and mobilising all targeted key stakeholders.
  • Conducting the interviews (in-person or virtually) with the targeted key stakeholders to verify assumptions made through the past 3 years of implementation of Rwanda’s NDC in the four thematic areas under this assignment: adaptation, mitigation, finance, etc.
  • Conducting the consultations (in-person or virtually) with the targeted key stakeholders to verify assumptions made through the past 3 years of implementation of Rwanda’s NDC in the four thematic areas under this assignment: adaptation, mitigation, etc.
  • Analysis and interpretation of information and data gathered during the interviews and stakeholder consultations for their consideration in the process going forward (report on NDC mid-term evaluation in the thematic areas, planned national workshop, etc.). 

Work Package 4: Field visits to relevant project sites in districts across Rwanda to gather key information, views, and insights on the NDC implementation through the following tasks: 

  • Preparation of the questionnaires to use during the field visits to relevant districts (two questionnaires prepared by each of the 4 STEs and focusing on each thematic area).
  • Preparation of the guiding questions, methodologies and agendas of the field visits.
  • Preparation of logistical arrangements and organisational matters for the field visits.
  • Planning the field visits and mobilising the targeted key stakeholders in the districts.
  • Conducting the field visits in the relevant project sites (in-person) with the targeted key stakeholders to verify assumptions made through the past 3 years of implementation of Rwanda’s NDC in the four thematic areas under this assignment.
  • Analysis and interpretation of the information and data gathered during the field visits for their consideration in the process going forward (report on NDC mid-term evaluation in the thematic areas, planned national workshop, etc.).

Work Package 5: Preparation of a joint report on Rwanda’s NDC mid-term evaluation covering the thematic areas under this assignment: adaptation, mitigation, capacity building and technology transfer, and climate finance, incl. a validation workshop through the tasks below:

  • Preparation of a draft joint report on Rwanda’s NDC mid-term evaluation that outlines the progress made over the past 3 years in implementing the NDC’s targets in the areas of climate change adaptation, mitigation, capacity building and technology transfer, and climate finance, and proposes any required modifications and adjustments to achieve the implementation of remaining NDC targets by 2030 as well as recommends ways for the NDC mid-term evaluation to inform the development of the NST-2.
  • Integration of the comments and feedback from the MoE, GIZ and key stakeholders (technical agencies, line ministries, etc.) on the draft joint report upon its dissemination.
  • Organisation and facilitation of a validation workshop (in-person) of the joint report with the MoE, GIZ and other key stakeholders (line ministries, technical agencies, etc.).
  • Integration of all final comments and feedback received from the workshop participants into the joint report and submission of a final version to the MoE and GIZ for approval.

Work Package 6: Organisation of a national workshop to disseminate the NDC mid-term evaluation results to key state and non-state stakeholders through the following tasks:

  • Preparation of the concept note, agenda and proposed methodology for the workshop.
  • Preparation of logistical arrangements and organisational matters for the workshop.
  • Organisation and facilitation of the national workshop (in-person) in Kigali gathering the MoE, GIZ and other key stakeholders (line ministries, technical agencies, the private sector and financial institutions, the science and research community, and civil society).
  • Preparation of a brief event report on the national workshop (5 pages max.) including feedback round and submission of the final version to the MoE and GIZ for approval.

Tender requirements

1.    Qualifications of proposed staff

1.1.   National Expert in climate change adaptation:

1.1.1.  General qualifications

Education: Relevant university degree (Master’s) in environmental sciences, natural resources management, environmental policy, climate change policy, climate change planning, climatology, geography, or climate change studies.

Professional experience: In total 7 years of professional experience in providing technical expert advice and consulting services on the topics of climate change adaptation, climate change policy and planning, assessment and monitoring of climate change adaptation-related projects or programmes, environmental or climate risks assessment, environmental or climate risks management, evaluation of climate adaptation-related projects/programmes.

The short-term expert shall additionally have good knowledge, expertise, and proven track record on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, the Paris Agreement, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the aspect of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) under the UNFCCC in the context of Rwanda. Experience in planning, organising and facilitating stakeholder consultations and workshops as well as field visits to communities and project sites is also required for this assignment.

1.1.2. Experience and knowledge of Rwanda with at least 4 years of working in the country and providing expert advice and consultant services in the topics listed above, including proven track record in coordinating, and writing progress and evaluation reports in the field of climate change adaptation. At least one similar assignment previously accomplished in Rwanda or in another African country.

1.1.3.  Language skills: Business fluency in English. Knowledge of French and/or Kinyarwanda would be an asset.

1.2.  National Expert in climate change mitigation:

1.2.1.  General qualifications

Education: Relevant university degree (Master’s) in environmental sciences, natural resources management, environmental policy, climate change policy, climate change planning, climatology, geography, or energy efficiency.

Professional experience: In total 7 years of professional experience in providing technical expert advice and consulting services on the topics of climate change mitigation, climate change policy and planning, assessment and monitoring of climate change mitigation-related projects or programmes, environmental or climate risks assessment, environmental or climate risks management, evaluation of climate mitigation-related projects or programmes.

The short-term expert shall additionally have good knowledge, expertise and proven track record on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, the Paris Agreement, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the aspect of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) under the UNFCCC in the context of Rwanda. Experience in planning, organising, and facilitating stakeholder consultations and workshops as well as field visits to communities and project sites is also required for this assignment.

1.2.2.  Experience and knowledge of Rwanda with at least 4 years of working in the country and providing expert advice and consultant services in the topics listed above, including proven track record in coordinating and writing progress and evaluation reports in the field of climate change mitigation. At least one similar assignment previously accomplished in Rwanda or in another African country.

1.2.3.    Language skills: Business fluency in English. Knowledge of French and/or Kinyarwanda would be an asset.

1.3.   National Expert in climate finance:

1.3.1.    General qualifications

Education: Relevant university degree (Master’s) in economics, sustainable finance, public finance, green finance, environmental economics, climate finance, climate change policy, climate change planning or climatology.

Professional experience: In total 7 years of professional experience in providing technical expert advice and consulting services on the topics of climate finance or green finance or sustainable finance or public finance combined with climate change policy or climate change planning. Additionally, experience with the assessment and monitoring of climate finance or green finance or sustainable finance or public finance or climate change-related projects or programmes combined with environmental or climate risks assessment, environmental or climate risks management or the evaluation of climate change adaptation or mitigation-related projects or programmes.

The short-term expert shall additionally have good knowledge, expertise, and proven track record on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, the Paris Agreement, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the aspect of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) under the UNFCCC. Moreover, good knowledge of climate finance or green finance or sustainable architecture in the context of Rwanda and the UNFCCC (international architecture) is indispensable. Experience in planning, organising, and facilitating stakeholder consultations and workshops as well as field visits to communities and project sites is also required for this assignment.

1.3.2.  Experience and knowledge of Rwanda with at least 4 years of working in the country and providing expert advice and consultant services in the topics listed above, including proven track record in coordinating, and writing progress and evaluation reports in the field of climate finance or green finance or sustainable finance. At least one similar assignment previously accomplished in Rwanda or in another African country.

1.3.3.  Language skills: Business fluency in English. Knowledge of French and/or Kinyarwanda would be an asset.

1.4.   National Expert in capacity building and technology development and transfer:

1.4.1.    General qualifications

Education: Relevant university degree (Master’s) in environmental sciences, natural resources management, environmental policy, climate change policy, climate change planning, climatology, geography, or climate change studies.

Professional experience: At least 7 years accumulated experience in providing technical expert advice and consulting services on the topics of climate change adaptation or mitigation or climate change policy or planning focusing on capacity building or technology development and transfer. Additionally, experience in the assessment and monitoring of climate change adaptation or mitigation-related projects or programmes with a focus on capacity building or technology development and transfer, environmental or climate risks assessment or management, evaluation of climate change adaptation or mitigation-related projects or programmes. Working experience with the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) would be an asset.

The short-term expert shall additionally have good knowledge, expertise and proven track record on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, the Paris Agreement, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the aspect of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) under the UNFCCC. Moreover, good knowledge of the UNFCCC’s Capacity Building Framework, the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB), the UNFCCC's Technology Mechanism, the Technology Framework under the Paris Agreement and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is indispensable. Experience in planning, organising and facilitating stakeholder consultations and workshops as well as field visits to communities and project sites is also required for this assignment.

1.4.2. Experience and knowledge of Rwanda with at least 4 years of working in the country and providing expert advice and consultant services in the topics listed above, including proven track record in coordinating, and writing progress and evaluation reports in the fields of capacity building or technology development and transfer related to climate change and environment. At least one similar assignment previously accomplished in Rwanda or in another African country.

1.4.3. Language skills: Business fluency in English. Knowledge of French and/or Kinyarwanda would be an asset.

2.    Appropriateness of proposed concept

The contractor is required to submit as part of this tender a methodology concept (not more than 4 pages maximum) that shall briefly describe how the assignment will be carried out and the planned activities implemented to ensure the successful achievement of the objectives and deliverables listed above.

Financial Proposal: indicates the all-inclusive daily rate, supported by a breakdown of all costs. The costs must be in RWF and VAT

Please deposit your Expression of Interest in 2 separated envelops (technical & Financial offer), until latest August 10th, 2023 at 4:00PMat the front desk of GIZ Country Office Rwanda / KN 41 St. / Nr.17, KiyovuP.O. Box 59, Kigali.

Please you must write on each email subject this sentence:  

83444613 Technical/financial offer, without this sentence, your offer may not be considered 

Only hard copies will be considered (2 copies for technical proposal and 1 copy for financial offer) 

GIZ reserves all right

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, August 07 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 26-07-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 26-07-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-07-2066
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