Market Research Consultancy job at Babylon (babyl) Rwanda Ltd
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Vacancy title:
Market Research Consultancy

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Health Care , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Babylon (babyl) Rwanda Ltd

Deadline of this Job:
09 November 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, November 02, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed


Market Research Consultancy Request For Proposal
Babyl Health is the first and largest digital health provider in Rwanda. With Babyl you can talk to a doctor from wherever you are in Rwanda, using your phone. Babyl believes it is possible to put an accessible and affordable health care service in the hands of every person on earth.
How? By combining the ever-growing computing power of machines with the best medical expertise of humans to create a comprehensive, immediate and personalised health service and making it universally available.
More info on:

Babyl is looking to commission a market research consultant or company to conduct a market research study. The aim of the research is to track the level of brand awareness and key brand attribute ownership for Babyl.

Purpose And Objective Of The Consultancy
The market study aims at:
• Conducting a market study that will provide crucial up-to-date, relevant and reliable market intelligence on Babyl services.
• Conduct an initial assessment of rural, urban, and peri- urban markets with a specific focus on medical care accessibility
• Conduct in-depth market research that will help to understand the consumer insights and product positioning.
• Identify the gaps and analyze possible entry points for marketing and distribution of Babyl services.
• Conduct a competitive market analysis for Babyl and identify key players.
• Identify the current accessible and served market as well as determining the potential market
• Produce a market research report on the findings gathered.

Brand Awareness And Equity Tracking
The ability to track aided and unaided brand awareness, key brand attribute ownership/brand equity indices, and potentially a handful of usage & attitude questions among local citizens/residents.

Methodology And Process
The Consultant/service provider is expected to apply an appropriate and relevant methodology - both qualitative and quantitative methods that will help gather solid and reliable market intelligence. The tools and methodology will be developed by the consultant and he will be expected to justify the choice of the methodology. The Consultant is expected to take all appropriate measures to ensure that the security and confidentiality of the respondents participating in the market study is protected while conducting the market study. During the findings the consultant will meet with relevant staff as well as other important stakeholders of Babyl.
Specific tasks of the consultant include:
• Develop an inception report and budget for approval by Babyl.
• Develop market survey tools with participation of key staff prior to the data collection.
• Determine appropriate sample size from which the survey data will be gathered and design data collection schedule.
• Propose a research team, if necessary, conduct field preparation/ training for the research team and conduct piloting.
• Supervise field primary data collection including implementing data quality control mechanisms.
• Conduct data management and analysis.
• Write the draft market survey report of findings with necessary recommendations to be presented to us for validation.
• Prepare a final market survey report after review, comment, and edits of the initial
• Prepare a summary of the market survey report for the business cases’ consumption
Geography of the study:
The research will be conducted in Kigali and upcountry.

A formal presentation of the research findings will be required supported by a final written document. Babyl expects outcomes to be captured in the following formats:
• Inception report
• Meeting to share tools, methodology, draft, and final report. The draft report on soft submitted for review.
• Plan and methodology of the assignment to be executed
• Include visuals in the reports e.g. pictorial representation of the data by using graphs, charts, maps, and other methods.
• A market research report in MSWord that includes quantitative research and all the key elements of a formal report
• A marketing and distribution strategy/concept for Babyl
NB: All data remains the intellectual property and copyright of Babyl and cannot be used for other purposes.
Required Skills And Experience
Reporting And Presentational Requirements
Following this brief, a research proposal will be required. We would be pleased to discuss this written brief by email to clarify any issue. When the project is underway, we would like to be involved in the research process and agree in advance on all materials and contents developed for executing the research.
We would like regular progress reports explained in call meetings on zoom when relevant. At a suitable point after the research phase, we would like an interim report and conference call team meeting. During fieldwork we would also like to see an interim report to see whether the study is heading the right direction and adaptations can still be made.

Timeline and Schedule of Events:
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 4 weeks. We would like to start the research by 15th November 2021, and have it completed and reported by 15th December 2021. During the research we would like to agree significant checkpoints where the status of the research can be discussed, and progress monitored.

Supervision and contact:
The successful consultant will be supervised by Babyl Rwanda staff

Application And Evaluation Criteria
Qualified and interested applicants should submit a PDF Word-formatted single document consisting of:
• Cover Letter/ company profile: Include contact information (phone and email address)
Consultants Qualifications & Experience: Provide consultants qualifications to address the scope of this assignment, including client references for past projects and highlighting relevant past assignments undertaken including daily/hourly rate of each of the assignments using the table format below: (40%)
Budget: We expect the proposal to show a breakdown of direct cost and staff time. Please separate the distinct elements of your proposal if budget constraints do not allow us to commission your entire solution. (30%)
Project Understanding and Technical Approach Overview: Provide a brief description of your understanding and approach to the project from your current offering. We expect the proposal to show a detailed rollout plan with a tentative timeline including all research activities and the expected start and end date of each activity. Important signpost dates include; proposal deadline; approval sought; expected presentation date etc. (30%)
Consulting/Employment Assignment Undertaken Organisation/Client name and location Duration of assignment Daily/Hourly rate charged by
consultant Accomplishment/ Deliverables

Terms And Conditions
• All responses must be received on or before the date and time indicated above. All late responses will be rejected.
• All unresponsive responses will be rejected.
• All proposals will be considered binding offers. Prices proposed must be valid for the entire period provided by respondent or required by RFP
• All awards will be subject to Babyl contractual terms and conditions.
• Babyl reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or cancel the solicitation process at any time, and shall have no liability to the proposing organizations submitting proposals for such rejection or cancellation of the request for proposals.
• Babyl reserves the right to accept all or part of the proposal when award is provided.
• All information provided by Babyl in this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time, and all bidders will be provided with notification of any changes. Babyl is not responsible or liable for any use of the information submitted by bidders or for any claims asserted therefrom.
• Babyl reserves the right to require any bidder to enter into a non-disclosure agreement.
• The bidders are solely obligated to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by the bidder or any third parties, in connection with the Response. All responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of Babyl, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the response and supporting documentation, which have been clearly marked confidential by the bidder.
• Bidders are required to identify and disclose any actual or potential Conflict of Interest.

• Completed responses to the RFP with title clearly marked as “Babyl Market Research Proposal” should be submitted On this google form and for any other request please write to 
• SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Should be received by November 9th , 2021


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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 09 November 2021
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 02-11-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 02-11-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 02-11-2065
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