COPEDU PLC invites all interested and eligible Companies to submit their proposals for the tender of Maintenance of Air conditioners of COPEDU PLC.
Description |
Tender Ref number |
Submission fees |
Maintenance of Air conditioners of COPEDU PLC. |
001/5/01/2025/COPEDU Plc. |
10000 Rwf |
The tender document is available from 29/01/2025 to 11/02/2025 on any working day in working hours at Copedu PLC, HQ Kicukiro- Sonatube Road.
The proof of payment for the submission fees on COPEDU PLC Account number 1008020086180 opened in COPEDU PLC, as shown in the above mentioned table should be presented upon collection of the detailed tender document. Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to the Managing Director.
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