Local Consultant for Rwanda Coding Academy Capacity Development Project (PMC) tender at Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS)
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523 Days Ago
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Project Title: Rwanda Coding Academy Capacity Development Project (PMC)

Duration: 16 months from September 2023 to December 2025

  • 3 months from September to November 2023
  • 6 months from June to November 2024
  • 6 months from June to December 2025
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Learn more about Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS)
Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) jobs in Rwanda


Rwanda, with its unlimited development potential, has experienced rapid socio-economic growth over the past two decades driven by political stability. The country is undergoing a major transformation to achieve further development through various measures in information and communication technology (ICT). In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, Rwanda is adopting measures to apply ICT across sectors, aiming for socio-economic advancement. The establishment of relevant governmental institutions responsible for ICT projects has been underway since the late 2000s.

Developing skilled human resources in the ICT sector necessitates a solid educational system. Rwanda Coding Academy (RCA) was founded to nurture young professional ICT experts for the country's socio-economic advancement. However, additional measures are needed for RCA to perform as a comprehensive education and training institute. The "Rwanda Coding Academy Capacity Development Project” funded by KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) and implemented by KDS (Korea Institute for Development Strategy), spans four years (2021-2025). The project aims to strengthen RCA's capacity to lay a robust foundation for skilled software developers in Rwanda. It is focused on four main project outputs:

  1. Establishment of a new RCA campus with facilitation of educational furniture and equipment
  2. Policy framework for RCA accreditation and quality assurance
  3. Operation and procedure manual for RCA
  4. Training programme for operational capacity and teaching & learning enhancement

Scope of Work:

The Local Consultant will be engaged to fulfil tasks, deliverables, and provide support for KDS. The roles and responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Provide hand-on supports and writings on the task of updating RCA accreditation guideline and quality assurance framework through direct communication with RCA, RTB, NESA, and Korean experts.
  2. Establish and maintain the communication regarding updating the RCA Accreditation Guideline, RCA Quality Assurance Framework , the RCA Operations Manual, and 5 Special Programmes between the Korean experts and relevant stakeholders in Rwanda as follows: Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), Ministry of ICT & Innovation (MINICT), National Examination and School Inspection Authority (NESA), Rwanda TVET Board (RTB), Rwanda Information Society Authority (RISA), Rwanda Polytechnic (RP), Rwanda Coding Academy (RCA) – Students; Instructors; ICT industries; Other institutions if necessary.
  3. Support the tasks regarding capacity strengthening for RCA operational and educational effectiveness enhancement:
    1. Updating the contents and providing feedbacks for main subject workbooks
    2. Updating the contents, organizing, and providing feedbacks on 5 Special Programmes, particularly on student-led projects (Hackathon)
    3. Coordinating the Industrial Cooperation Program by strengthening the cooperation between ICT industries and RCA upon requests
    4. Consulting on updating and finalizing the RCA Operations Manual and Five Special Programs
    5. Encouraging RCA students to develop their competencies through 5 Special Programs
    6. Designing, operating, and providing feedbacks for Capacity Building Program for teachers and students.
  4. Participating and delivering a training to the RCA instructors and students at the RCA local capacity building program (scheduled to deliver once a year)
  5. Provide consultation on the installation, supply, and maintenance of appropriate material, tool, and equipment for the new RCA building in accordance with the educational plan.
  6. Regular visits to RCA for monitoring the proceedings of the activities regarding the project output.
  7. Consultation on any others related with implementation of the Project if necessary
    1. Regular meeting with PMC (KDS) through online platforms
    2. Provision of assistance on logistics supply and management
    3. Submission of reports and documents regarding the progress of the project and the situational analysis of the project site upon request
    4. Submission of a meeting minutes within 2 days after the meetings, a weekly and monthly report by the end of each week and a month in English

Expected Deliverables and Payment Schedule:

Monthly payments shall be made upon submission of progress reports and satisfactory acceptance of completed tasks included the detailed workplan approved.


Monthly remuneration shall be between the range of USD 900 ~ 1,100 per month. Detailed amount of remuneration shall be decided following the further discussion.


The workday of local consultant shall be on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. However, the workday is subject to change based on the circumstances requiring the adjustment of schedule following the emergence of the matter of urgency, and such adjustment shall come to its execution following the discussion between the KDS, the Project Manager, and local consultant.

Reporting Arrangement:

The Contractor shall report to the Project Manager. The Contractor shall work closely with the project team and the counterparts. The present ToR may be subject to modification, without changing the overall objective and the scope of work, on the basis of mutual consultations. KDS will hold the copyright of the assignment deliverables.

Qualifications of the Successful Applicant:


  • Bachelor’s degree in ICT, education and/or project management preferred.


  • Experience in governmental institutions, NGOs, international organisations, or donor agencies preferred.
  • Experience in education sector or educational projects preferred.
  • Experience in development cooperation field preferred.

Skills and Attitude

  • Proficiency in ICT and education sectors essential.
  • Organisation, management, coordination skills for project implementation essential.
  • Proficiency in job training and English essential.
  • Good relationship-building skills advantageous.
  • Punctuality, compliance with standards essential.

Language Skills

  • Good command of English


  • USD 900 ~ 1,100 per month. Detailed amount of remuneration to be decided following the further discussion

Application Method:

  • Email: leehunbin19920828@gmail.com
  • Required Documents: Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter, Qualifications and Other Necessary Documents
  • Deadline: Thursday, 31st August 2023 by 23:59

Recommended Presentation of Offer

Technical proposal:

  • Cover letter showing an applicant’s interest in this position.
  • CV showing educational background and experience with list of publications, if any, and brief description of relevant assignments, and contact details of referees.
  • Technical proposal: Brief description of why the contractor considers themselves as the most suitable person for the assignment, and a proposed work plan on how she/he will approach and complete the assignment.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, September 15 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 22-08-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 22-08-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-08-2066
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