Interest From Local Companies To Supply Materials For Simple Sun Dryers In Kirehe District tender at African Evangelist Enterprise (AEE)
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June 2024


AEE-Rwanda hereby invites bidders to supply materials for simple sun dryers to help farmers in Kirehe District to adequately and quickly dry their produce while waiting for the buyers to pick it up. The simple sun drying facilities will be built across eleven sectors of Kirehe district. The tender document can be obtained at African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE Rwanda) Head Office, Located in Remera/Gishushu, Gasabo; P.O. Box 1435 Kigali.

Well bound and sealed bids presented in two copies (original and softcopy by email) should be submitted to AEE-Rwanda Head Office at Gishushu (opposite Gasabo District Office) not later than July 8, 2024 at 10:00am local time. Late bids will be rejected. Public bids opening session will be held at AEE-Rwanda Head Office the same day at 10:20 am.

Bids must include Cover letter, financial proposal, technical proposal and certificates of administrative documents (RDB certificate, VAT certificate, Tax Clearance certificate), proof of EBM Usage), Performance letters/ Letters of successful completion from three recognized companies/Organizations.

The details of the scope of work to be carried out at the site are detailed and summarized below:

Constitution and description of materials

The service provider/supplier will supply nine (9) rolls of black Chiginet, measuring 2metres by 100metres (2mX100m) and 4,800 square metres of white and or yellow polyethylene (PE) plastic covering.


AEE-Rwanda wishes to contract qualified companies to supply materials for constructing simple sun dryers. All companies are encouraged to respond with their best offer price initially, and it should be on a fixed price basis for the whole contract duration and should be submitted in a sealed envelope to AEE-Rwanda reception.



Goods/services being tendered for


Procurement method

Competitive Open Bidding

Type of contract planned

Per task

The number of the tender


Date tender launched


Submission Deadline

July 8, 2024 (10:00 am) local time.

Submission place (office)

AEE-Rwanda Head Office, Gishushu

Public opening date

July 8, 2024 (10:20 am) local time

Public opening location

AEE-Rwanda conference room

Inquiry contact email

Deadline for Inquiries

2 days before submission deadline


II.1 Format and Content of Bids.

Bidders MUST comply with the format and content instructions in the table below. Failure to comply with the submission format and content below may disqualify your offer.


# of bid copies required

Signed and stamped (1 ORIGINAL AND 1 PHOTOCOPY)

Bid acceptable language

English \Kinyarwanda\French

Minimum Bid Contents

Signed and stamped submission letter

Signed and stamped financial and technical Bid offer

Bid currency

Rwandan Francs

Bid pricing

Price that includes Taxes/ VAT inclusive

Bid validity

At least 90 days from bid reception

Bid submission format

Hard copy with Hand delivery in a sealed envelope signed or stamped across the seal.

Complete Bid

submission Address

Attention to: AEE-Rwanda

P.O. Box 1435 Kigali

II.2 Submission and Handling of Bids.

  • Bids are to be delivered by hand delivery/courier in a sealed envelope at AEE-Rwanda reception desk to the submission address above section.
  • In order to be considered, the original bid must be received at the above address or number (as applicable) no later than the submission deadline. Bidders are solely responsible to ensure the timely receipt of their bids and to the right person. Bids received after the date and time required will generally not be considered unless no other bids were received, or a confusion of the date and time of submission has been noticed.
  • Bids must follow the format and content described in above section. Incomplete bid or bids which do not follow the submission guidelines may be disqualified from consideration. Each bid must include a manually signed, stamped fully bounded papers of which one is original copy of the Bid, and two (2) copies, valid for ninety (90) days after the bid reception date
  • Bids will be opened in public on the Public Opening Date and Location as mentioned above.
  • Once opened, bids will be held secure and intact. Reasonable efforts will be made to protect them from loss, alteration, or disclosure to any person other than AEE-Rwanda, or any person unauthorized by AEE-Rwanda. However, AEE-Rwanda will not be liable to any bidder for any failure to comply with requirements.
  • Bids may not be altered, corrected, or withdrawn after the Last Bid Receipt Date. In exceptional cases, AEE-Rwanda may, at its sole discretion, permit correction of arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical minor mistakes. This is only possible in cases where AEE-Rwanda can clearly identify the mistake and where the intended bid can be established conclusively on the face of the submission. Beyond arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical minor mistakes, no mistakes alleged by a bidder after the Submission Deadline will be permitted to be corrected by bidders.


The specifications for this TENDER are provided in terms of this tender document, the following are the details of the materials for constructing the simple Sun Dryers:

The service provider/supplier will supply nine (9) rolls of black Chiginet, measuring 2metres by 100metres (2mX100m) and 4,800 square metres of white and or yellow polyethylene (PE) plastic covering.

Applying companies must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be owned by a Rwandan national
  • Be located in Rwanda, registered in RDB and have TIN number
  • Have performed similar activities over past or recent years, with reference contacts

AEE-Rwanda has carefully reviewed these technical specifications and has determined that they do not show a justified preference for any supplier. AEE-Rwanda will then sign a Contract with the selected company/bidder.


  • All the prices should reflect the transport costs of material to destination site
  • The Unit price offered should be fixed for the span of the period of the contract.


V.1 Definitions and Headings.

Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all time periods specified shall be consecutive calendar days. The term “Tender Package” refers to the entire document, including all attachments thereto. Any headings contained in the text of the Tender Package are for reference only, and do not alter, limit, or waive the content of the full provisions.

V.2 Donor Guidelines and Policies.

  • The procedures followed by AEE-Rwanda in making any award and contract resulting from this Tender Package, as well as the terms and conditions of such award and contract, will be based on the AEE Rwanda Procurement policy and Rwandan Law of procurement in some instances.
  • Prospective companies providing this service should also note that a primary requisite for AEE Rwanda is to obtain the most advantageous offer on the current market. Whenever possible, bids are sought on a competitive basis, and all prices offered will be subject to detailed scrutiny and, possibly, negotiation, if necessary, to ensure reasonable contract price is obtained.

V.3 Tender Package.

This Tender Package should not be considered an award or contract as it is intended solely for the provision of information to prospective companies.

V.4 Review of Tender Package.

Prospective companies are solely responsible for carefully examining all of the terms and conditions of this Tender Package. Failure to do so will be at the prospective companies’ risk and expense, and any items requested by AEE-Rwanda but not submitted by bidder are grounds for disqualification from the tender. Any ambiguities in the technical specifications and standards or inconsistencies between or among the various provisions of the tender should be mentioned during tendering process to have clear information. Tender Package shall be resolved against the prospective company if the company fails to seek clarification prior to award.

V.5 Probity and Ethics.

In the purchasing efforts AEE-Rwanda follows, and by virtue of the submission of their bids, all bidders and companies commit to follow the guidelines contained in the AEE-Rwanda client charter.

V.6 Language.

All documents submitted in response to this Tender Package, as well as all correspondences in connection with the Tender Package, shall be in the language specified and always in English. The final contract will be written and signed in English.

V.7. Inquiries.

Inquiries concerning this Tender Package and any return bid(s) must be submitted in writing up to one day before the submission deadline to permit a thorough and accurate response by AEE Rwanda. Such inquiries shall be sent by email: AEE Rwanda is under no obligation to consider or respond to questions that are not received in a timely manner.

II.3. Instructions for EOI preparation

Interested companies must follow the instructions below when preparing their EOI documents, if they are to be considered eligible.

  • All documents relating to the bid shall be in English
  • A proposal must contain the following documents to be complete:
  • Introductory letter
  • Photos of the proposed materials
  • Copy of owner’s National ID
  • Contact of 3 referees
  • Priced Bill of quantities
  • The unit rates and prices shall be quoted entirely in Rwandan francs
  • The applicants shall fill in rates for all items of the works described in the BOQ. These amounts must include all taxes.

Step III. Evaluation of Bids.

Administrative criteria

The bidders must provide the following documents:

  • Copy of Business Registration certificate or Certificate of domestic Company Registration from RDB
  • Copy of TIN number (taxes registration) and your company must be registered to pay taxes and a proof of EBM usage is a must.
  • At least 3 references have been supplied in the past with proof of reference letters attached.
  • Valid Original tax clearance certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority for the companies based in Rwanda.
  • Copy of site visit certificate

The Company that will not have filled all aforesaid conditions will be eliminated and their bids will not be considered for the next evaluation stage.

Technical criteria

  • Work duration: Shortest work duration in Calendar days offered will be most preferred,
  • Having sufficient technical capacity in terms of staff that will be verified upon the provided certificates and Cvs of the technical team,
  • Experience in setting-up sun dryers works with previous work references.

Financial criteria

The financial criteria to be followed will be based on the cost -effectiveness that will be most preferred after the Technical criteria score and the Financial capacity of the company to start construction works without an advance.

The overall winner will be determined after combining both Technical and Financial Scores for companies that have been prequalified.

V.8 Amendments.

If at any time prior to award AEE-Rwanda deems there to be a need for a significant modification to the terms and conditions of this tender Package, AEE Rwanda will issue such a modification as a written Tender Package amendment to all competing bidders using an addendum posted through all the channels used in sending out the tender package. No oral statement of any person shall in any manner be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any Tender Package term or condition, and no bidder shall rely on any such statement.

V.9 Price Verification.

If adequate competition is not achieved in the tendering process, the right is reserved for any otherwise compliant bid to be referred to AEE Rwanda who may, at their discretion, authorize a price verification exercise to be undertaken on their behalf by an organization of their choice. In such an eventuality, the bidder will be required to give details of the services tendered for, together with details of any costing used or undertaken in preparing the bid.

V.10 Extension of Bid Validity Dates.

When necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, AEE Rwanda may request bidders, in writing, to extend the validity period of their bids and Bid Securities (if any). A bidder may refuse to extend its bid; however, its bid will be disqualified. A bidder agreeing to extend will not generally be permitted or required to modify their bid in any manner other than to extend it.

V.11 Rejection of Tenders.

(a) AEE-Rwanda is not bound to accept the lowest bid and reserves the right to reject any tender in whole or in part and to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Circumstances in which rejection of all bids may occur include, without being imitated to the following:

  1. None of the bids is adequately responsive to the specifications,
  2. There is evidence of insufficient competition,
  3. The lowest bid exceeds the estimated value or funds available by a significant amount and cannot be reduced by negotiation,
  4. the quality of the tender is deemed insufficient
  5. The technical or financial bases of procurement have changed materially prior to the award, or
  6. The prices of the bid are obviously and clearly excessively high.

V.12 Terms of Awards

  • All awards are subject to the availability of adequate funds from AEE-Rwanda and the receipt of all required approval from AEE-Rwanda and the Donor.
  • AEE Rwanda will send a Notice of Award to the winning bidder and will inform unsuccessful bidders that they have not been selected.

IV.13. Notification of Tender Award

The bidder whose proposal attains the highest score, in accordance with the evaluation criteria in the present request bids shall be selected for award, subject to satisfactory conclusion of negotiations if deemed necessary. The procuring entity shall notify the successful bidder of its selection results and at the same time inform other unsuccessful bidders of the decision. In the absence of a challenge by any other bidders within one (1) day of the notice, the contract shall be signed by both parties.

IV.14. Delays in Performance

If the company fails to deliver any or all services and execution of works within the period specified in the contract, liquidated damages equivalent to an amount, to be specified by the contract, not under 1/1000 of the total contract value shall be deducted from the Company’s dues for each day the service is not performed.

IV.15. Payment terms

AEE-Rwanda undertakes to pay 100% after full delivery for all materials ordered to its satisfaction and this will be paid within 7 working days upon reception of an invoice. Any requested advance payment will require a bank security payment as a guarantee equal to the amount requested.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, July 09 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 01-07-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 01-07-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 01-07-2064
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