Tender Ref No: EAXOO1/NC/S/08/24
Title: Hotel, Sports and Recreation services.
East Africa Exchange (EAX), seeks to hire different service providers to provide Hotel and Sports & recreation services to its staff in Kigali City and Upcountry.
EAX invites 2 star hotel category, 3 star hotel category, 4 star hotel category and 5 star hotel category and Sports & recreation services.
The tender is in two (2) Lots as follow:
Note: If the hotel provides both hotel services and Sports & recreation services, they are allowed to quote for them separately according to each lot’s technical specifications.
If a company only provides Sports & recreation services, they are allowed to quote for lot 2 only as per the technical specifications
Item No. |
Description of service |
Service details |
Quantity |
Unit Price inclusive of Taxes |
Total price inclusive of Taxes |
1. |
Conference hall with other training facilities including: Notebooks/writing pads, pens, flip chart, projector, sound system markers, extension cables, enough aeration wireless or internet connection. |
1-20 People |
1 |
21-50 people |
1 |
51-100 people |
1 |
101-300 people |
1 |
301 and above |
1 |
Full day package includes breakfast, lunch and evening tea with conference room (Conference hall with other training facilities including: Notebooks/writing pads, pens, flip chart, projector, sound system markers, extension cables, enough aeration wireless or internet connection) |
1 Person |
Half day package includes breakfast, lunch with conference room (Conference hall with other training facilities including: Notebooks/writing pads, pens, flip chart, projector, sound system markers, extension cables, enough aeration wireless or internet connection) |
1 Person |
Please note:
The following notes below should be put into consideration and shall be a basis of evaluation of the bids to attain the successful bidder.
Conditions of the Conference rooms.
No. |
Item |
Quantity |
Unit price all taxes inclusive |
1 |
Coffee break /or tea break. |
1 |
2 |
Lunch includes the soft drink (mineral water or Fanta) |
1 |
3 |
Dinner includes the soft drink (mineral water or Fanta) |
1 |
4 |
Outside catering fee /Breakfast. Transport cost for below 5 km |
Outside catering fee lunch. Transport cost for less 5 km |
Outside catering fee supper. Transport cost for less 5 km |
Outside catering fee for evening tea break. Transport cost for less 5 km |
5 |
Outside catering fee /Breakfast. Transport cost for between 5 to 20 km |
Outside catering fee lunch. Transport cost for between 5 to 20 km |
Outside catering fee supper. Transport cost for between 5 to 20 km |
Outside catering fee evening tea break. Transport cost for between 5 to 20 km |
6 |
Outside catering fee /Breakfast. Transport cost for above 20 km |
Outside catering fee lunch. Transport cost for above 20 km |
Outside catering fee supper. Transport cost for above 20 km |
Outside catering fee for evening coffee break. Transport cost above 20 km |
7 |
Soft drinks (1 bottle) |
1 |
8 |
Mineral water (1 bottle) |
1 |
Conditions of the food and drinks.
NB: The bidder should include a list of other alcoholics and non-alcoholic drinks
The Sports & recreation services include the following:
Note: The company may quote for the sports disciplines they offer.
The objective of this assignment is to ensure that EAX staff carry out sports activities at any time including weekends and public holidays to improve their wellbeing.
The duration of the contract shall be one-year renewable twice upon satisfaction of the Client.
The payment shall be done on a monthly basis following the submission of the invoice which will be crosschecked and approved by the EAX Human Resource and Finance Unit before payment.
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