Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert job at Water and Sanitation Corporation
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Vacancy title:
Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Engineering Services , Category: Environment ]

Jobs at:

Water and Sanitation Corporation

Deadline of this Job:
15 February 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, January 30, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Water and Sanitation Corporation jobs in Rwanda

Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert
Request For Expressions Of Interest
Individual Consultant
Country: Rwanda
• Program: Rwanda Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program
• Position: Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert
• Sector: Water and Sanitation
• Employer: Water and Sanitation Corporation Limited (WASAC Ltd)
• Finance agreement reference: 2000200001851
• Project ID NO: P-RW-E00-011
• Context: Through the Government of the Republic of Rwanda, Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) has received funds from the African Development Bank (AfDB), to finance the Rwanda Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RSWSSP). Part of these funds is intended to cover eligible payments for the recruitment of an individual consulatnt to assess the level of compliance of the RSWSSP projects with the applicable Environmental and Social requirements.
1. The Assignment: The objective of the consultancy services is to assess the level of compliance of the projects with the applicable Environmental and Social requirements under RSWSSP program. For each individual project, the qualified external consultant retained by the client are expected to:
• review the Bank’s environmental and social policies’ requirements, including climate change and gender;
• to review the applicable national legislations, regulations, norms, standards and procedures;
• to review the status of compliance with the loan conditions on Environmental and social safeguards relevant to the project being audited;
• to review available reports on the project including the project appraisal report, the Loan/grant agreements, the project periodic implementation reports, any relevant documentation and records available and necessary for the assessment of the project E&S performance;
• to organize an opening meeting with the auditee’s management;
• to determine and agree on the scope, methodology and specific set of criteria for the compliance audit with the Project Implementation Agency;
• to evaluate the actual capacity for managing and monitoring implementation of agreed mitigation measures and related ESA documents applicable to the project;
• to hold consultation(s) with the relevant regulatory agencies and stakeholders;
• to carry out project site inspections to assess project implementation activities including contract management and related environmental and social risks and impacts;
• to prepare a comprehensive report and
• to organize a closing meeting with the auditee’s management and those responsible for the functions audited.

9.The Consultant will sign a contract for a period of one year with possibility of extension subject to needs, satisfactory performance of the consultant and availability of funds. The consultant shall perform the Services during the period of four calendar months over each year.
10. WASAC now invites interested candidates (Individual Consultants) to apply and indicate interest in providing these services. Interested Individual Consultant must provide information indicating that he/ she is qualified and has relevant experience to perform the services (detailed CVs, academic and professional qualifications, relevant copies of academic degrees and other certificates, description of experience in similar assignments, etc.).
11. Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations” dated October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at http://www.afdb.org. The Individual Consultant will be selected on the basis of his/ her relevant experience, qualifications, and capability to carry out the assignment. Please note that interest expressed by an Individual Consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the Water and Sanitation Corporation to include him/ her on the shortlist.

12. Qualification requirements:
The selected Consultant should meet the following minimum requirements:
• At least a master’s degree in Environmental and Social Development related disciplines.
• A minimum of eight (8) years of relevant professional experience in environment and social auditing. Experience in the broad areas of environmental and social assessment and, in environment management and monitoring, is an advantage.
• Experience in developing and managing the implementation of ESIAs, ESMPs, RAPs for international financed projects. Experience in developing and managing the implementation of ESIAs, ESMPs, RAPs for African Development Bank funded project would be an added advantage.
• Experience in the project host country (Rwanda) would be an added advantage
• Being on the List of Rwanda Association of Professional Environmental Practitioners (RAPEP) with valid license.
• Experience conduction ESA studies and/or Environmental and social audit will be an added advantage.

applicant should provide:
1. (i) Full time contact mail address and mobile phone numbers,
2. (ii) Contact details of his/her Clients/Employees in the last 5 years and,
(iii) Names of three referees and their contact mail addresses including mobile/cell telephone numbers
13. Remuneration: The consultant will be remunerated on monthly basis (including fees, accommodation and subsistence allowances). The remuneration amount will be negotiated. The candidate will be responsible for obtaining personal health insurance at his or her own cost. The coverage should include all medical expenses, including those resulting from illness or injury incurred during the duration of the assignment.

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
14.Interested Individual Consultant may obtain further information at the following address during office hours [9-15 GMT] or by e-mail:
Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC)
P.O Box 2331 KN4 Av 8, HQ, CENTENARY HOUSE, Nyarugenge District,
Kigali City, Rwanda
Tel: (+ 250) 788 181 427
E-mail: procurement@wasac.rw 
15.Written Expressions of Interest together with the CVs must be delivered in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “Civil Engineering Specialist” or could be submitted by e-mail to the address above by no later than 13th February 2023 at 3:00 PM (GMT).
Ag. Chief Executive Officer
Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC)

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Job Info
Job Category: Environment, Forestry and Agriculture jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 13 febuary 2023
Duty Station: Nyarugenge
Posted: 30-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 30-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 30-01-2056
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