Country Situation Analysis and Country Plan Development At Christian Blind Mission (CBM)
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CBM Rwanda Country Planning

Country Situation Analysis and Country Plan Development Terms of Reference
October 2022

CBM is an international Christian development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. Our vision is “an inclusive world in which all persons with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential”. Based on our Christian values and over 100 years of professional expertise, CBM address poverty as a cause, and a consequence, of disability, and works in partnership to create an inclusive society for all. CBM has been working with partners in Rwanda to close to 5 decades, working across the country to prevent avoidable blindness, improve health and help persons with disabilities go to school, earn a living, access health care/rehabilitation and secure respect in their communities.

CBM currently supports Inclusive Eye Health (IEH) and Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) programmes in Rwanda.

CBM Rwanda Country Office has embarked on a Country Strategy Planning process that will generate a 5-year Country Plan that aligns with CBM’s Federation Strategy 2023 and upholds the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The plan will set the direction for CBM Rwanda Country Office to enable it become a relevant Disability-Inclusive Development (DID) agency and effectively contribute towards achieving national level outcomes that improve the quality of lives of persons with disabilities.

CBM Rwanda now invites qualified consultants to bid for the conducting the Country Situational Analysis and lead the process of developing a new Country Plan including relevant budget allocation. The Country Situation Analysis will generate solid information that form the basis for the identification of strategic direction by applying the method of pyramid structuring.

Rwanda country office established tight linkages between IEH and CBID Programmes to provide comprehensive services to persons with disabilities.

The country planning process itself is an opportunity for Rwanda Country Office team to reflect on its work to date and to engage with key internal and external stakeholders – most notably, persons with disabilities – as it determines what the priority areas of focus should be, based on an analysis of the situation in the country and an assessment of capacities and resources. CBM’s Theory of Change should help guide the process, although the approaches and outcomes will be contextualised to the situation in the country.

Scope of Work
The scope involves conducting a Situational analysis, facilitating the Country Planning workshop and developing CBM Rwanda Country Plan for the period of 2023 to 2027. The scope and focus of the assignment is to provide technical, strategic and facilitation support to enable the development of CBM Rwanda Country Plan.

The main purpose of the Country Situation Analysis (CSA) is to assess the environment in which CBM operates to build a better understanding on how different trends, policies, and attitudes at international, national and local level may impact on CBM and its partners’ work. Based on the CSA outcomes / findings, the Consultant in close collaboration with CBM CO team will proceed with the Country Plan development.

The Consultant will conduct a thorough but focused assessment of CBM Rwanda strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, with a view to identifying appropriate strategic options for the 2023 to 2027 operational period. The assignment will include review of relevant documents, in particular the CBM Federation Strategy 2023, disability and human rights frameworks e.g. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). In addition to existing CO documents, strategic plans of key partner organizations, donor organizations, and related domestic and international reports. The consultant will also synthesise learnings from last country that ended in 2022. The learnings will inform part of the current strategy under development.

The County Plan must propose key objectives, main activities to be undertaken and high-level results that CBM should aim at achieving during the five-year period. The strategic objectives and activities should be linked to CBM’s mission and vision; Federation Strategy 2023 and realizable within the plan period. Design an outcome-based performance measurement tool for effectively assessing progress towards achieving strategic objectives and initiatives. The tool would be used for collecting and analyzing data that should help CBM Country office determine if it is successfully moving towards achieving results at the outcome and impact levels.

Identify potential risks in the implementation of the new County Plan and determine measures to mitigate them in the course of implementation.

A useful starting point to map and gather information about the in-country situation in the so-called Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) analysis with a special focus on disability issues.

The CSA should go beyond a pure mapping of facts and provide an analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to identify where critical issues are evident for persons with disabilities and for CBM, and to initiate thinking on how these can be addressed.

In the following, a template is provided to sketch the outline of the CSA that should be developed. Subsequently, guiding questions are given to assess the situation both from a general and disability-inclusive development perspective. Questions and topics are indicative and not exhaustive, they are provided to kick-start discussions, and to promote reflection and critical thinking.

The Study and Key Questions

Executive Summary
Socio-economic assessment of the country

Legal framework / National policies
Considers all legislative legal statutes, such as national employment laws, disability and human rights frameworks e.g. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).
What initiatives are in place to ensure the government through parliament signs and ratifies the UNCRPD and the optional protocol and the compliance of national legislation and legal practice for persons with disabilities?
What is the status of reporting (and shadow reporting) on the CRPD?
Has the country got national disability legislation, e.g. a national disability act?
Is there a national disability framework (strategic plan, policy, Act, code of conduct) by the government?
Where the national disability framework exists, what is the status of implementation?
Are DPOs active in assessing and addressing the full range of political, economic and social rights in country?
Are there any legal statutes which run contrary and promote discrimination against persons with disabilities?

Political system
The role of civil society and the inter-relations between government and civil society in determining current and future political decisions and outcomes;
Government influence on key public sector policies affecting employment, health, social and education policies, as well as key financial decisions such as policies on universal health care coverage, social protection and economic policies.
How does the government perform with regards signing of CRPD and ratifying the optional protocol?
How robust and representative are Civil Society Organizations (CSOs): are CSOs able to act independently, have opportunities to advocate and hold government to account?
Do national Disabled Persons’ Organizations (DPOs) exist? How organized is the disability sector?
Where they exist, are DPOs independent or affiliated?
Do disability stakeholders have working relationships with other national institutions?
Are DPOs or have they been engaged with public policy debate with line ministries on key sectors such as public finance; health care coverage; education and social protection?
Is there a national body or council to coordinate disability matters?
Has the government developed national and sectoral policies and strategies in relation to disability (for rehabilitation services, equal employment opportunities, inclusive education etc.)?
What measures has the government put in place to support political participation of persons with disabilities?
What is the status of government participation in promoting Agenda 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals)?

Economic indicators
Takes into consideration the key drivers for the economic policy in the country that has impacts on persons with disabilities;
Economic factors may include economic growth rates, human development rates, levels of employment, costs of raw materials such as energy, access to resources, markets, interest rates, exchange and inflation rates, food and other basic supply prices;
Key actors, e.g. government and international agencies, in determining national policies such as national budgetary policy, poverty reduction strategies and debt re-payments.
What is the country’s position in the Human Development Index?
What is the rate of people living below the poverty line?
What is the wealth distribution in the country? Where is poverty concentrated?
Are there issues of food insecurity, malnutrition or hunger in the country?
Are there any studies/data available on poverty and disability in the country?
What are the employment rates in public, private, self-employed spheres, formal and informal employment, and how do women and men with disabilities compare with their peers?
Are there any particular impairment groups that are excluded and what factors are potentially supporting this?
What are the major livelihood / employment opportunities in the country - be this through public, private or NGO sectors and are there ways for women and men and especially young persons with disabilities to access these?
Are financial loans, insurance, banking systems and microfinance schemes accessible to and used by persons with disabilities? Are alternative informal systems available, accessible and with protection?
What are national budget policies? Is any part of the national budget allocated towards resourcing inclusion?
Are social protection schemes available to persons with disabilities, who is eligible, what is the level of awareness if available and do these schemes provide adequate minimum protection? Are alternative financial support systems available from other sectors?

Socio-cultural factors
Considers the local social and cultural context and cultural values of societies and communities in which CBM operates;
This may include age distribution, population growth rates, level of education, distribution of wealth in the country, living conditions and lifestyle, access to health and education;
Include information about the prevalence and baseline data on disability in country (e.g. tables, graphs), as well as a description of the situation in the different disability areas;
Cultural attitudes and beliefs related to disability;
Determinants of equality for women, men, girls and boys with disabilities.
Is there reliable disaggregated data by disability and evidence on social equity such as primary education enrolment rates, access to primary health care, maternal and child health mortality, life expectancy, literacy and educational outcomes?
Are there large differentials in inequality in country between and within regions on the grounds of gender, disability, class, religion, ethnicity?
Which groups are most excluded and what are the main barriers?
Is there a national disability baseline survey report? If so what are key findings?
What are the main beliefs about disability? (Perceptions, attitudes, prejudices etc.)
What are the educational opportunities for girls and boys with disabilities in country? Can women and men with disabilities access higher education?
Are service delivery structures (health, education, labour, transport etc.) accessible to persons with disabilities?

Technological factors
Refers to changes in the development and access to new technologies, such as information and mobile technology, as well as private and government spending on research
It should also include materials development and new methods of manufacture, distribution and logistics.

What innovative technology is currently under development in the field of medical technology, assistive devices?
Have users of new technology been assessed for application in or advancement of CBM’s programme areas across health, education, livelihood,? Some examples might be 3D printing in the area of assistive devices/ prosthetics, advanced communications technology for security/ early alert systems, solar technology for sustainable livelihood / water and sanitation initiatives.
Have experts in the field and persons with disabilities been consulted on the potential accessibility and use of new technologies?
Are these technologies and capacities available in country, at competitive rates, or within the wider region?

Environmental factors

Concerns issues such as access to and use of, or abuse of natural resources and the environment which have an impact on the implementation context of organisations;
Key issues to address for CBM are the vulnerability of communities to climate change and increased risk of disaster and the impact on sustainable development and community resilience.
What are the major environmental concerns in country in terms of pollution and environmental degradation?
Which actors are working on these issues and have women and men, girls and boys with disabilities been involved or consulted on environmental protection issues?
What is the vulnerability of the country to climate change and increased risk of natural or man-made disasters? Are particular regions more vulnerable?
Is there a disaster risk reduction strategy at national/ district levels and have persons with disabilities been involved in it?

Safety, security and risk assessment
Security situation in the country that may have an impact on CBM’s work;
Factors such as civil unrest, armed conflict, kidnapping, terrorist groups; road traffic collisions;
Risk assessment and mitigation strategies.

Development and disability related actors and networks in the country
Please incorporate information from the stakeholder analysis, following the above outline.
Resources for disability / Donor community

National allocation of budget towards disability;
Resources available from main donors in international aid, (I)NGOs, governmental aid (international / national) with LCDF potential, other potential resources in the country (corporate sector, service clubs, etc.);
Trained and skilled human resources;
Availability of such resources and funding to CBM and partners.

Conclusions and recommendations
What are the main implications for CBM that evolve out of this Situation Analysis?
Where are CBM’s key opportunities and strengths to build on?
What are the main recommendations for CBM to guide its programme work?
What are the main critical issues and gaps that should be further analysed in the Gap Analysis?

Specific deliverables
An inception report clearly outlines the tasks or activities the consultant will undertake as well as the corresponding timelines, provided in a Gant chart. It will provide a “road map” and guide the consultant in the design of the Country Plan, data collection and analysis of inter-relationships among the variables. It will also include a format for the Situational Analysis Report and Country Plan.

Situational analysis
Country Situational Analysis report that includes:

Partner and project portfolio review
Stakeholder analysis
Gap Analysis

Country Plan

Country Plan document including:
Executive summary
Internal and External analysis
Strategic priorities
Metrics to assess progress made in the attainment of these strategic priorities

Consultant tasks
Provide an inception report that outlines the key scope of the work and intended work plan within 5 days of award of work.
Develop data collection tools
Collect and analyse data
Present preliminary report in stakeholder workshop on agreed dates
Incorporate comments from CBM and stakeholders by agreed dates
Finalise and present final soft and hard copy of Country Situational Analysis.
Produce a power point presentation for the Country Planning workshop
Facilitate the Country Planning workshop
Draft the Country Plan document
Produce Final Copy of the County Plan 2023-2027
Share all data and documents to CBM Rwanda CO

Overall, the consultant is expected to deliver within the agreed timeline on all tasks for comments and feedback.

Ethical considerations regarding data collection, including confidentiality, child safe guarding and protection of adults at risk, do no harm approaches and promotion of voluntary participation must be clearly highlighted in the methodology. Consultant must take note of ethical approval requirements in Rwanda.


Sept 22
Oct 22
Nov 22
DEC 22
JAN 23

ToR advertisement

Bids analysis

Award of Tender / Signing of contract

Presentation / Orientation of the consultant about CBM and partners


Inception report submission


Data collection

Draft Situational Analysis Report submission

Feedback on draft Situational Analysis Report to consultants

Submission of final Situational Analysis Report

Workshop to discuss Strategic Options

Submission of draft Country Plan

Finalisation of the Country Plan

Submission of the final Country Plan for approval


Required profile of Consultant/team
The consultant/team must demonstrate the following qualifications in order to be eligible for this assignment:
A recognised university degree in Social Work, Disability studies, public health or related social sciences (Masters or Doctorate level is added advantage)
Minimum of 5-10 years’ experience in high level studies on disability and inclusive development
Demonstrated experience of working with Persons with Disabilities and listening to their voice
Competent and experienced in strategic planning processes
A clear understanding and application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the human rights model
Evidence of having done similar work in Rwanda and elsewhere
Demonstrated high level of professionalism and ability to work independently and in a high pressure situation under tight deadlines
Strong interpersonal and communication skills including experience of working within multi-cultural teams.
Further, the consultant must ensure a gender mix and full understanding of disability issues in the consulting team.

Roles and Responsibilities of CBM Rwanda Country Office
To provide the consultant an orientation on CBM Rwanda Country Office operations, projects and stakeholders including orientation on child safeguarding and care of adults at risk
Provide relevant documentation
Provide contacts to partner stakeholders
Any other pre agreed facilitations

Final Report (Situational analysis)
This will be submitted within 10 days after receiving comments from CBM Rwanda Country Office. The content and structure of the final analytical report with findings, recommendations etc. should follow the outline below. The CSA should not exceed 30 pages:

Outline of the Country Situation Analysis
Executive Summary
Socio-economic assessment and disability context of the country

Legal framework / National policies
Political system
Economic indicators
Socio-cultural factors
Technological factors
Environmental factors
Safety, security and risk assessment

Development and disability related actors and networks in the country

Government / Parastatal actors
National and local non-state actors
International organisations
Sector specific organisations

Resources for disability / Donor community

Conclusions and recommendations

Application Procedure and Documentation
Expression of Interest must include a technical proposal (maximum 6 pages) that covers methodology, description of tools, method of analysis, work plan, summary of profile and role of team member/level of effort in the assignment (full CVs in the annex). Financial proposal covering consultancy fees only can be inserted at end of technical proposal or as a separate insertion. Applications must be received by Friday 21st October 2022 at 16.30hrs to the address below. Please note that applications must be submitted in hard copies or soft copy clearly marked/email titled: Country Situation Analysis / Country Plan Development Bid.

CBM Rwanda Country Office

Golden Plaza 4th Floor, KG 546 St, Ave 1, Kacyiru P.O. Box 200 Kigali, Rwanda

+250252585110/+250788316544 • •

Registration for International Non-Governmental Organization Reg.No.148/RGB/18


CBM Rwanda Country Office’s work is deeply held on values and principles of child safe guarding and protection of adults at risk. Consultants, research Assistants and Interpreters must adhere to the CBM code of Conduct and will need to sign the code before being commissioned for the study.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 21 October 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 11-10-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 11-10-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 11-10-2056
Apply Now
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