Terms of Reference:
Consultants for the elaboration of District SACCOs’ business planning, financial forecasting, and budgeting for licensing by the Central Bank
1. Background
German Sparkassenstiftung Eastern Africa (DSIK) is a German-based non-profit organization that is active in partnership projects in more than 50 countries worldwide. Among its key principles is the combination of local and international expertise to provide excellent technical advisory to its partner organizations. Among others, German Sparkassenstiftung works with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN). The partnership focusses mainly on the professionalization of the UMURENGE SACCOs, a sub-sector of the microfinance sector in Rwanda. In this aspect, German Sparkassenstiftung’s project activities are refinanced by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
2. Context
As part of Rwanda’s long-term development plan, the aim of the Government of Rwanda is to transform the country into a high-income country and an economic trade, communication and financial hub by the year 2050. Towards achieving this, in 2008, a Saving and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) was established in each administrative sector (Umurenge), which means today there are 416 UMURENGE SACCOs (U-SACCOs) nationwide. The Umurenge (U-) SACCOs form a part of the National Savings Mobilization Strategy adopted for creating inclusive financial systems in Rwanda. All U-SACCOs are licensed as financial institutions and regulated by the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR). Each U-SACCO is an independent legal entity, with an average of six (6) employees. Currently, the U-SACCOs serve about 3.2 million members. However, the ability of U-SACCOs to meet their full potential is limited by several challenges including operations, management, capacity building, and accounting.
To date, 63% of the U-SACCOs countrywide have started using an IT-based core banking software provided by the government, with the remaining SACCOs to be automated in the coming months. In addition to automation, interconnection of U-SACCOs can lead to improvements in service delivery, reporting, and governance through harmonized internal procedures, standardized operations, operational systems, policies and practices as well as audits. U-SACCOs’ interconnection can also improve financial capacity and reduce risks through pooled resources, widen the product range, and improve transparency.
To tackle these issues, MINECOFIN is managing a project for USACCOs’ professionalization that covers the automation, consolidation, and the establishment of a Cooperative Bank. The expected results of U-SACCOs’ consolidation will be the formation of District SACCOs (DSACCOs) whereby all U-SACCOs of a district will be amalgamated into a D-SACCO. This nationwide merger of 416 U-SACCOs will result in 30 D-SACCOs, and each will have to apply for registration at Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA) and for a license from National Bank of Rwanda (BNR).
In this respect and within the partnership activities with MINECOFIN, DSIK intends to recruit consultants to provide technical support in developing the 3 years’ business plan, financial forecasting and budgeting for four D-SACCOs.
3. Objective and scope of the mission
3.1 Objective of the mission
The consultant shall provide technical support to the UMURENGE SACCO consolidation project activities in collaboration with DSIK and MINECOFIN regarding business planning, financial forecasting, and budgeting; the key performance being the registration and the licensing of the amalgamated D-SACCO. This includes the consolidation of cleaned data of U-SACCOs of each district, the work on D-SACCO by-laws, business plan, financial forecasting and budgeting, the endorsement of key internal policies and procedures manuals aligned with the legal and regulatory framework in force as well as with international best practices in microfinance industry.
This assignment is divided into four lots. Therefore, each lot concerns the business planning, financial forecasting, and budgeting for licensing by BNR and registration with RCA activities for the amalgamated D-SACCOs in the districts listed below.
Thus, the ultimate objective of the work of the consultants under each lot is the preparation of a full application file for each D-SACCO complying with all registration and licensing requirements submitted to and approved by the Rwanda Cooperative Agency and the Central Bank, respectively.
The consultant may submit a bid for single, multiple or for all the lots. The consultant is expected to clearly indicate which lots he/she is applying for in the letter of submission. This should also be reflected in the methodology.
3.2 Scope of the mission
In general, the tasks listed below are expected to be accomplished by the consultants:
4. Deliverables
The minimum deliverables per lot are the following:
5. Profile
For this consultancy assignment, the Project Team is looking for consultants that fulfil the following requirements:
6. Duration of the consultancy assignment
The consultancy assignment is meant to produce all results specified in Section 3.2 and 4. for each lot.
The duration for this assignment is a maximum of 40 consultant days per lot in a time frame of max. 3 months per lot. Those days can be spread between team members and are to be taken in line with the project progress, requirements and external factors (e.g., due date for license application). DSIK and MINECOFIN reserves the right to fix the start and end date of the assignment.
7. Remuneration and payment terms
The amount of remuneration and the terms of payment will be specified in the contract for the provision of services.
The payment terms are listed below:
8. How to apply
8.1 Submission of technical and financial offer
The consultant will submit the technical and financial offers as two (2) separate PDFs :
The 1st PDF will contain the technical offer consisting of the following elements:
The 2nd PDF will contain the financial offer composed of the following elements:
The interested and qualified consultants are requested to submit the two soft copies (pdf) to the German Sparkassenstiftung Eastern Africa by email through the following email address: procurement.kigali@dsik.org by 2nd February, latest 2pm local time. Any offer received after the deadline will not be reviewed.
8.2 Evaluation criteria
The selection of candidates will be performed in two stages.
Stage 1: will be based on the quality of the technical offer and on the financial offer presented by the consultant.
Each Lot will be evaluated separately.
The technical offer will be evaluated based the following criteria:
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