Consultant to Undertake a Market Analysis for Trōcaire Rwanda’s Evolved Capacity Strengthening Role and Develop a Related Business Model/Plan At Trócaire
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Consultant to Undertake a Market Analysis for Trōcaire Rwanda’s Evolved Capacity Strengthening Role and Develop a Related Business Model/Plan
Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland, established in 1973 and currently has presence in more than 17 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia including Rwanda. Trócaire has been operating in Rwanda since 1994 and its office is located in BHC Building, 260 Bvd de l’Umuganda, Kacyiru.

Terms of Reference: Consultant to undertake a Market Analysis for Trōcaire Rwanda’s Evolved Capacity Strengthening Role and develop a related Business Model/Plan.
Organization Trócaire Rwanda
BHC Building, 260 Bvd de l’Umuganda, Kacyiru, P.O. Box 2040,
Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: (+250) 0252 502663 / (+250) 0252 502664

Reference Consultant to undertake a Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan for Trōcaire Rwanda’s Localisation strategy
Release date 22 August 2022
Due date 5:00 PM on 9 September 2022

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Globally, Trōcaire has worked in partnership with local organisations for nearly 50 years, and it is a core and defining aspect of who we are. In our global Strategic Plan (2021-2025), we have committed to the evolution of our partnership approach by furthering the localisation of development and humanitarian action.
In Rwanda, Trōcaire has taken a significant journey in its partnership model to one that embraces the principles of localisation. Across the 27 years of operation in the country, Trōcaire has refocused from direct delivery to differing stages of partnership. Currently this involves working closely with 18 local organisations through providing funding, technical support and capacity strengthening, offering opportunities for these organisations to enhance their organisational, governance, finance and technical capacities to the point where they are more likely to be able to approach donors directly for funding.

Trōcaire Rwanda is now looking to the next phase of its localisation journey and how we can be best placed to expand our capacity strengthening offerings to become a leading agency on capacity strengthening in Rwanda. This phase is clearly articulated in the 2021-2025 Country Programme Ambition/Strategic Plan which sets out that Trōcaire will support local organisations and has the ambition to be the key agency in providing capacity-strengthening support to local organisations in response to expressed needs and opening opportunities for increased capacity sharing among local actors, leveraging their existing skills and knowledge. ”. Given this ambition, Trōcaire Rwanda embarked on initiatives to explore the value add that it can bring to promoting institutional capacity strengthening (ICS) for local CSOs, building on its rich history and commitment to shift power in the humanitarian and development sectors to local actors. As such, a number of evidence gathering initiatives have been undertaken by Trōcaire Rwanda, including the most recent “Analysis of Capacity Strengthening Needs and Gaps among Local Organizations in Rwanda” completed in January 2022.

Available evidence shows that CSOs in Rwanda are open and keen to partner with Trōcaire and for Trōcaire Rwanda to achieve its ambition to become the “go-to” organisation on capacity strengthening. Such evidence also shows that Trōcaire Rwanda has an adequate baseline for becoming a go-to organisation, given that it has institutional capacity strengthening (ICS) systems and tools for CSO capacity strengthening and support. However, there is a need to undertake a comprehensive market analysis for Trōcaire’s localisation business model, deeply looking into the size of the CSO capacity strengthening and support market both in volume, in value and the demand from market buyers (donors, contract leads, service purchasers, etc.), the various capacity strengthening and support beneficiary segments and their needs trends/patterns; the CSO capacity strengthening and support competition, the willingness to pay for the capacity strengthening and support (either through direct investment or through inclusion in grants/contracts) as well as the ICS market projections over time. To this effect, Trōcaire Rwanda is seeking the services of individual consultant(s) or a consulting firm that will provide needed support in carrying out a comprehensive Market Analysis for Trōcaire Rwanda’s Localisation ambition and develop a brief Business Model/Plan.

Main and Specific Objectives of the Market Analysis
The overall objective of the Market Analysis is to determine the best market opportunity model for Trōcaire Rwanda’s localisation ambition and to furnish Trōcaire Rwanda with essential information for decision-making in the context of implementing its strategic shift to become the “go-to CSO capacity strengthening and support organization”. Specifically, the Market Analysis will pursue the following objectives:
• Examine the appropriateness of Trōcaire’s evolving capacity strengthening role in Rwanda in relation to current ICS needs trends/patterns;
• Gauge capacity strengthening market demand and willingness to pay for ICS service delivered and establish how this will be paid;
• Determine the market attractiveness of Trōcaire’s evolving capacity strengthening role and competitive position drivers to inform the localisation business model;
• Provide in-depth analysis on the ICS market projections (minimum 5 years), building on current and forecasted trends;
• Determine the internal competencies required of Trōcaire Rwanda to deliver successfully on tits evolved capacity strengthening role; and
• Devise a Trōcaire Rwanda business model/plan for the evolved role with a series of strategic actions and quantified financial impact.

Scope of the Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan Development
The Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan development will be centred on two dimensions; (1) the external market environment, structure, and conduct as well as (2) the internal environment, structure, and conduct with respective recommendations to Trōcaire Rwanda. It will therefore be conducted with the participation of Trōcaire Rwanda non-partner civil society organisations through market questionnaires or focus group discussions with key informants, and ICS beneficiaries as well as Trōcaire Rwanda’s partners and staff through interviews and focus group discussions.

Proposed Methodology

Trōcaire Rwanda expects the Market Analysis to use participatory approaches including the (a) secondary literature/data review and (b) primary data collection with the participation of Trōcaire Rwanda non-partner civil society organisations and other INGOs or donors in Rwanda through market questionnaires or focus group discussions with key informants and ICS beneficiaries as well as Trōcaire Rwanda’s partners and staff through interviews and focus group discussions [a list of KII and FGD participants will be specified].

The individual consultant(s) or consulting firm will be expected to develop a comprehensive methodology (including detailed methods, techniques of data collection, analysis and sampling framework) and data collection tools. The individual consultant(s) or consulting firm is also expected to provide a roadmap for the Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan development process, with clear plan for the engagement and extensive consultation with Trōcaire staff both at the Global Hub on Partnership & Localisation and Trōcaire Rwanda, partners, and peer agencies. The individual consultant(s) or consulting firm will explain which quantitative and qualitative data will be collected and used in this process. The individual consultant(s) or consulting firm will further develop a comprehensive technical offer to state their understanding of these Terms of Reference and will explain strategies they will use to perform this assignment.

At the minimum, the individual consultant(s) or consulting firm will be expected to complete the following methodological processes but are not limited to:
• Literature review of internal and external documents, including analysis of the legal and regulatory frameworks, requirements and considerations that need to be taken into account
• Primary Data Collection, including through KIIs and FGDs.
• Internet-based Interviews with other relevant stakeholders such as Trōcaire staff in and outside Rwanda.
• Presentation of the Market Analysis finding internally at Trōcaire and externally with partners.
• Presentation of Trōcaire Rwanda localisation business model/plan with a series of strategic actions and quantified financial impact.
The Market Analysis should employ a critical analysis approach, delivering informed insights and reflections with practical recommendations that will help the consultant(s) to propose to Trōcaire’s management a business model and plan to be adopted for the Rwanda Country Programme. The Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan development will be coordinated by Trōcaire Rwanda Localisation and Partnership Manager who will serve as the focal point and will lead on communications with the individual consultant or consulting firm on all outputs relating to the analysis.

Expected Deliverables
Trōcaire Rwanda expects the individual consultant(s) or consulting firm undertaking the Market Analysis to deliver the following outputs among others:
• An inception report, including: planned timeline and work plan, literature review of all relevant secondary sources, detailed methodology / approach, planned stakeholders to be consulted and sampling framework, data collection and analysis tools, qualitative and quantitative protocols for data collection and analysis among others.
• Brief presentation of preliminary findings
• Draft of Market Analysis report and Business Model/Plan written in English and meeting the requirements outlined below.
• Presentation of the draft Market Analysis report and Business Model/Plan at an internal validation workshop and recording of suggestions/inputs.
• Final report and business model/plan for internal purposes.
• One (1) electronic file of the clean (final) qualitative and quantitative data collected
The final report should be concise, clear and simply written. The main body of the report should not exceed 40 pages and the report should have accompanying annexes which will include among other things an outline of how the analysis was conducted, the list of participants interviewed/involved in the FGDs with signed consent forms and dates they were met; raw data, photographs, case studies and quotes among others for easy reference. The business model/plan should not exceed 15 pages and should include an executive summary, brief background and recommendations. Data should always be disaggregated by gender. Recommendations and findings should be backed up with relevant data, with reference to the data source and need to be specific.

Delegation of responsibilities
The review team is expected to work largely autonomously, but with Trōcaire Rwanda providing the necessary documentation and contacts to enable a successful and efficient market analysis and Business Model/Plan development process. The following is an approximate division of responsibilities:
Individual consultant(s) or Consulting firm
• Ideally, arrange all logistics (transport, accommodation, etc.) for the Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan development.
• Conduct data collection without Trōcaire Rwanda accompaniment, except where introductions need to be made.
• Undertake data analysis.
• Write and present the market analysis report and the business model/plan for Trōcaire’s review/inputs and make revisions accordingly.
• Present the market analysis summary report to Trōcaire and partners; and,
• Conduct all the above according to the agreed timelines.

Trōcaire Rwanda

• Provide all documentation for literature review.
• Provide contact details for informants and make relevant introductions.
• Organise the logistics for the internal and external validation meetings.
• Respond to adhoc requests from the individual consultant(s) or Consulting firm.
• Conduct all the above in a timely and responsive fashion.

An indicative timeline for the Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan development is provided below:
Activity Starting Ending
Inception meeting with Trōcaire Rwanda September 2022 September 2022
Document review and preliminary discussions with Trōcaire Rwanda staff September 2022 September 2022
Developing, reviewing and finalizing the market analysis tools September 2022 September 2022
Data collection october 2022 October 2022
Data synthesis, reporting, presentation and validation of findings October 2022 October 2022
Presentation of the final Market Analysis report and Business Model/Plan. October 2022 October 2022

Contract and reporting details
Type of contract: The consultant/s will be offered a fixed-price contract to include all the activities and deliverables listed above.
Reporting: The consultant will report to the Country Director of Trōcaire Rwanda, and to Trōcaire Rwanda’s Localisation and Partnership Manager for all issues related to the Market Analysis and Business Model/Plan, including administrative and logistics arrangements.
Confidentiality: Trócaire will treat the content of all bids as strictly confidential and information provided in the bids will be used solely for the purpose of deciding on the award of a contract as described in this document.

General Terms and Conditions:
Trócaire Rwanda reserves the right to reject any and all Expressions of Interest not fulfilling requirements associated with this request. Trócaire Rwanda will in no case be responsible or liable for any and all costs associated with the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.
• Trócaire does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced bid;
• Trócaire reserves the right to engage other companies / consultants if required;

Trócaire shall be free to:
• To accept the whole, or part only, of any EOI;
• To accept none of the EOIs tendered;
• To republish this Request for EOIs;
• In the event of not accepting any of the EOIs received on foot of this Request for EOI, Trócaire shall be free to make such arrangements as it considers necessary in relation to the provision of the services;
• The EOI shall maintain strict confidentiality in relation to the services being sought and the evaluation process;
• Any subsequent contract shall be considered as a contract made in Rwanda, according to Rwanda law; and
• The Standard Terms and Conditions to which Trócaire expects all of its supplier to respect is found on the Trócaire website -
• The Beneficiary(ies) shall limit access and use of personal data to that strictly necessary for the performance, management and monitoring of this Contract and shall adopt all appropriate technical and organisational security measures necessary to preserve the strictest confidentiality and limit access to this data

Conflict of interest:
Any conflict of interest involving an applicant must be fully disclosed to Trócaire. Failure to disclose a conflict may disqualify an applicant or invalidate an award of the contract. Applicants are required to declare any current or past work which might reasonably be considered to represent a conflict of interest. It will be for Trócaire to decide if any material conflict of interest exists and applicants in doubt in this regard should seek the advice of Trócaire.

Trócaire is committed to safeguarding Programme participants from any form of exploitation or abuse as a result of our programmes or activities. Anyone working for or on behalf of Trócaire must share this commitment. Trócaire’s Position Statement on Exploitation and Abuse and Trócaire’s Child Safeguarding Policy Summary document outline expectations in this regard, including a Code of Conduct. All consultants, representatives and volunteers of Trócaire will be expected to sign these documents along with a Declaration Form and a Self-Declaration Form.
Intellectual property:
Any concepts, guidelines or other material developed during the contract will be considered as property of Trócaire and may be used by Trócaire.

Qualifications, experience and skills
Preference will be given to applicants with the following:
• At least a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline.
• Proven experience in conducting market analyses and/or evaluations in Rwanda (an example of relevant previous work preferred and would be kept confidential).
• Demonstrated understanding of the localisation agenda as reflected in the Grand Bargain and Charter for Change.
• Proven research and economic analysis experience, including 5 years of working experience in Rwanda.
• Proven gender analysis skills and demonstrated gender sensitivity.
• Proven work experience with international, local NGOs and Community Based NGOs in Rwanda.
• Strong quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills.
• Ability to produce well written, analytical reports in English essential.
• Excellent command of English, both spoken and written.

Proposals should include:
• Cover letter of not more than 1 page.
• Up-to-date CV(s) of the individual consultant(s) or Consulting firm totalling no more than 3 pages combined.
• Short overview of how the candidate(s) meets the qualifications, experience and skills requirements (no more than 1 page)
• Contact details of at least two references for the individual consultant(s) or consulting firm team leader.
• Description of proposed approach and methodology totalling no more than 3 pages.
• An indicative tax-inclusive budget of no more than 1 page including all expected costs in RWF.
• An example piece of work from a similar assignment
Applications that fail to meet or exceed (such as submitting too many pages) the above application process technical requirements will be disqualified. A more comprehensive methodology and plan will be required and negotiated upon selection. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. After the final selection, successful consultant(s)/consulting firm will be required to participate in a preliminary meeting with Trōcaire Rwanda team before starting the work.

Submissions of bids:
Applications should be submitted electronically with the subject title “Consultant to undertake a Market Analysis for Trōcaire Rwanda’s Evolved Capacity Strengthening Role and develop a related Business Model/Plan’’, to: with a copy to
With a deadline of 9 September 2022 at 12 pm.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 09 September 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 23-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 23-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 23-08-2056
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