Consultancy Opportunity: Creating a Monitoring and Evaluation system for the food systems in Rubavu and Rusizi DistrictsBackground
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH uniquely combines research, education and services at local, national and international level. We aim to improve the health and well-being of people through a better understanding of disease and health systems and by acting on this knowledge. We pursue a spirit of partnership and strive for sustainable impact. More than 900 employees and students work at Swiss TPH worldwide, focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases, environment, society and health as well as health systems and interventions.
In Rwanda, Swiss TPH in collaboration with Sight and Life, is implementing the Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) project. The NICE project is part of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)’s portfolio of the Global Programme of Food Security where it falls under the thematic area of Nutrition/Food Systems and Agriculture and has the overall goal to improve nutrition for vulnerable city populations. The NICE project aims to improve and transition food systems by (i) strengthening urban governance structures involving key stakeholders including women and youth, (ii) generating economic profit for the producers along the supply chain (iii) triggering change in producers’ and consumers’ behavior such that nutritious, and agro-ecologically produced foods are both in demand, available and affordable in urban markets, and (iv) scaling up successful approaches to other cities within the countries, as well as internationally.
Similar Jobs in RwandaLearn more about Swiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteSwiss Tropical and Public Health Institute jobs in Rwanda NICE project is implemented in the cities of Rusizi and Rubavu where it is being monitored to ensure it works according to the latest evidence, and gives attention to agroecology as well as cross-cutting themes related to good governance, gender and social inclusion (leaving nobody behind). Within its pillar of strengthening urban governance structures involving key stakeholders including women and youth, food systems platforms have been put in place in both districts of Rubavu and Rusizi. The objective of those multisectoral food systems platforms is to strengthen coordination and planning among the nutrition and health service providers as well as any other stakeholders in the food system for ensuring affordable, safe, local, diverse, nutritious, and agroecologically produced diets for the whole city population.
This ToR covers the question of how the NICE project can leverage the multisectoral food systems platforms and raise awareness in the cities about food systems, in particular urban food systems and the “food systems approach”.
Purpose of the consultancyThe main purpose of this consultancy are
• To support the food systems platforms to raise awareness about food systems and the food systems approach in the city population by providing a guiding document for food systems awareness raising at community-level to the food systems platform
• To work on food system specific indicators to be included in the different action plans at different governmental levels (district level, sector level, cell level etc.) and to advocate for their integration
The expected main outcome of this consultancy is thus the elaboration of a Monitoring and Evaluation system that will help the food system platform to monitor the progress on how the city population is becoming aware of food systems and on how food systems specific indicators are followed upon at all levels.
Scope of workUsing desk and literature review methodology, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:
• Elaborate a document explaining the food system and respective awareness-raising activities for the food system which can then be used by platform members to raise awareness of the city population
• Develop an M&E plan clearly showing the food system indicators that can be integrated in the (district, city, cell, village) workplans including planning and reporting formats
• Facilitate a workshop to platform members to explain the elaborated M&E plan and to introduce the food systems awareness-raising guiding document
Deliverables1. Submit a detailed report including the explanation of food systems and its specific indicators, the proposed M&E plan and the way to be used by platform members to raise awareness of the city population on food systems Submit a clear manual incl. straight-forward explanation of the terms used for raising-awareness on food systems in communities. The manual is foreseen to have 10-30 pages, should contain pictures and graphs and should be written in Kinyarwanda.
2. Submit a detailed report (ca. 5 pages) explaining the relevant food systems indicators and how they should be included in the different action plans at all levels, as well as how they should be reported and monitored
3. Successful organize and facilitate a workshop to explain the proposed M&E plan and the ways to raise awareness of the city population on food systems.
Required qualifications• At least a Master’s degree or equivalent in agriculture sector or similar domain
• Demonstrated good understanding of the food system principles
• At least 10years of experience in working in the field of agriculture, agri business, Food system and related field with M&E skills
• Proven experience in developing or leading strategic plans including M&E plans in agriculture sector and/or related sectors
• Proven experience in conducting capacity building workshops
Submission ProcedureApplications must be sent to Swiss TPH via not later than January 27, 2023 @4PM.
The application file should include:
• Motivation letter and updated CV.
• Three professional references with full names, phone number and email address.
• Well written technical proposal (3 pages maximum) including your experience in similar assignments, understanding of the current assignment, how you plan to carry out the assignment/methodology.
• Proof of completion of similar assignments within the last 3 years.
• Financial proposal indicating daily consultancy rate including applicable taxes;
• Proposed timeline for the assignment.
Selection criteria: Applications will be assessed on cost reasonableness (30%) and technical competence (70%).
Swiss TPH is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law, and requires affirmative action to ensure equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment and consultancies.
Note: Only applicants fulfilling the above requirements will be contacted. If you do not hear from us within one week from the submission deadline, kindly consider your application unsuccessful.