Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI)– Potential Partnership With Care International in Rwanda for FY 2022-2025 At Care International
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Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI)– Potential Partnership With Care International in Rwanda for FY 2022-2025
Call For Expressions Of Interest (Eoi)– Potential Partnership
With Care International In Rwanda For Fy 2022-2025
Fiscal Year 2022
Application deadline: October 10th, 2022
1. Introduction To Care International
CARE is an international humanitarian aid organization with a mission to serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world. Drawing strength from our global diversity, resources, and experience, we promote innovative solutions and are advocates for global responsibility.
Founded in 1945, CARE is a global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. We seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security; and we work around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. We put women and girls in the centre because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.
Our Vision: “We seek a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.”

Our Mission: CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.
1. Transformation: We believe in urgent action, innovation, and the necessity of transformation – within the world and our own organization.
2. Integrity: We are accountable to the people and partners we humbly serve, transparently sharing our results, stories and lessons.
• Diversity: We know that by embracing differences, actively including a variety of voices, and joining together we can solve the world’s most complex problems.
1. Equality: We believe in the equal value of every human being and the importance of respecting and honoring each individual; we know that change happens through people.
2. Excellence: We challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance, tapping the best of human spirit to create impact.

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CARE International Rwanda jobs in Rwanda

2. About Care International In Rwanda
CARE International started its operations in Rwanda in 1984. Since then, it has focused on four areas of programming—each meeting the changing immediate needs of the most vulnerable. The early years focused on Reforestation and Environmental Protection, followed by Emergency, Reconstruction, and Rehabilitation programming from 1994 – 1999, followed by Economic and Social Empowerment focusing on: Women’s Rights through Women and Girls’ Economic Empowerment, promoting gender equality, and fighting gender-based violence (GBV), adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR), early childhood development and child protection, humanitarian work supporting refugees in different refugee camps in Rwanda, education, governance, and advocacy, etc. from 2005 until 2016.
In 2017, CARE Rwanda started implementing a single coherent country programme that was focused on achieving gender justice for vulnerable women and girls aged 10–59 years. The programme framework included three focus areas: a life free from violence, adolescent sexual reproductive health rights, and women and girls’ economic empowerment. The purpose of the single programme was to allow CARE Rwanda to develop complementary intervention models that work with younger and older adolescent girls and younger and older women, to achieve greater impact on their lives. But, considering the changes nationally and globally, in 2020, CARE Rwanda conducted a strategy review process guided by the CARE 2030 vision and the National Strategy for Transformation 1 (NST-1). CARE’s Vison 2030 outlines six program areas in which CARE seeks to achieve impact. These areas are gender equality, women economic justice, right to health; right to food, water & nutrition; climate justice, and humanitarian action.

3. Care Rwanda Strategy Financial Year 22-25
In alignment with the above vision, in October 2021, CARE Rwanda launched its new program that is focused on chieving gender justice for vulnerable women and girls aged 10–59 years.
Overall goal: By 2025, 1,500,000 women and girls aged 10 to 59 years old have graduated out of poverty and positioned themselves in the green private led economy while enjoying equal rights, voice, leadership, and opportunities and living in dignity.
The Strategy focuses on two main interconnected impact areas: “Women’s economic and climate justice” and "Gender justice and right to health”, while integrating the gender equality framework, which addresses the 3 levels of change which are necessary for the realization of gender equality: agent/individual level, relations/community level, and systems/policy levels.

1. Women’s Economic and Climate Justice: Building on the achievements of the strong women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment programs, CARE in Rwanda has integrated climate Justice in this pillar, specifically by supporting Climate Smart and Resilient Agriculture and moving into sustainable livelihoods and businesses.
2. Gender Justice and Right to Health: building on the evidence generated by the programs aimed at reducing intimate partner violence and improving adolescents’ access to sexual and reproductive health rights, this pillar integrates a more broadened approach to reducing Gender Based Violence (GBV), and ensuring the right to health, including Adolescent SRHR, but also access to health services more broadly for women and girls.
Target group: The program priority impact group is comprised of women, girls and youth aged 10 to 59 in lower categories of the Ubudehe poverty ranking who are unable to meet their basic needs and who have limited capacity and skills to draw on existing opportunities to exercise their rights. The sub-groups targeted include Women and girls aged 10-59; women refugees and/or victims of disasters and internally displaced; women and girls living with disabilities; widows, female heads of households; young mothers, in and out-of-school; women and girl victims, at risk & survivors of GBV. The program will initiate innovative interventions aiming at protecting them from further discrimination and ensuring their economic and social rehabilitation.

3.1. Strategy Thematic Focus Areas
3.1.1. Gender Justice And Right To Health:
Building on the evidence generated by the programs aimed at reducing intimate partner violence and improving adolescents’ access to sexual and reproductive health rights, this pillar integrates a more broadened approach to reducing Gender Based Violence, and ensuring the right to health, including Adolescent SRHR, but also access to health services more broadly for women and girls.
Outcome expected: By 2025, 500,000 women and girls enjoy a life free from gender-based violence and exercise their right to health as result of transformed strong negative gender and social norms

3.1.2. Women Eceonomic And Climate Justice:
Building on the achievements of the strong women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment programs, CARE in Rwanda has integrated climate Justice in this pillar, specifically by supporting climate smart and Resilient Agriculture and moving into sustainable livelihoods and businesses.
Outcome expected: By 2025, 1,200,000 women and girls from low-income families have access to and control over climate resilient economic resources and opportunities and live a decent life.

2.1.3. Crosscutting Themes:
Besides the above two program pillars, CARE intervenes in the following cross-cutting themes:
• Inclusive governance
• Humanitarian
• Advocacy
• CSO strengthening through capacity building
• Reflection & learning

3.2. Care Rwanda’s Approaches To Achieving The Program Goal
I. Innovation
II. Men and boys’ engagement
III. Digitalization
IV. Market based solutions
V. Advocacy and communications
VI. Accountability
VII. Climate Resilience: climate justice into its overall women economic justice endeavor
VIII. Intersectional Gender transformative approach
IX. Capacity building and partnership development
X. Humanitarian response, capacity building and support

4. Care’s Partnership Approach
Partnership is central to CARE’s global vision and mission. CARE aims to be a partner of choice for governments, civil society organizations, social movements, the private sector, and donors who seek long term solutions for fighting poverty and social injustice. In partnership we can collectively achieve more, have greater impact and do so in inclusive, cost-effective, and sustainable ways. Partnerships are core to both our development, and emergency response programmes.
CARE’s definition of partnership: At the heart of all partnerships for CARE is our goal of addressing poverty and social injustice (gender inequity and unequal power dynamics). Partnerships are purposeful relationships based on mutual trust, equality, and learning, with an agreed vision, clear accountability for all parties, and which engage the complementary strengths of the actors involved to collaborate on specific objectives, challenges or opportunities in ways that achieve greater impact than they could achieve alone.
In line with CARE’s global vision, partnership remains CARE Rwanda’s “Modus operandi” to achieve its program vision and goal. Since 2012, CARE International has concentrated efforts in Rwanda on transferring direct service delivery of matured programme approaches, to local and national organizations. CARE prioritizes the partnership model to:
I. Achieve greater impact at scale;
II. Build the capacity of national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), while transferring knowledge, skills, tools and resources; and
III. Ensure a more sustainable approach, via national CSOs being supported to strengthen how they serve their communities and constituents.
During CARE Rwanda’s partnership review that took place in 2015, it emphasized the importance of this model giving ownership to local and national organizations, in an attempt to lead to more sustainable outcomes.

In the new program strategy, CARE Rwanda envisions to work closely with different actors including implementing and strategic partners, such as:
• Government of Rwanda through different ministries, districts, and agencies, local authorities,
• CSOs, NGOs, WROs, and informal networks;
• Network of INGOs;
• Research centers;
• Media;
• Private sector,
• other development partners
CARE will ensure that all partners are gender-responsive or sensitive, support them in delivering on their gender justice agenda as much in their programs, as from an organizational perspective. CARE Rwanda’s vision is to have 60 - 70% of its program portfolio delivered through local implementing partners by 2025.

5. About This Call For Expression Of Interest To Partner With Care International In Rwanda
CARE currently implements several projects mostly in partnership with local NGOs and other civil society organizations in the districts where we work. Under this modality, these organizations are partners to CARE mandated with the implementation of specific interventions while CARE provides capacity development support in several domains such as:
• Project/program management
• Administrative (including procurement and human resources) and financial management
• Technical expertise in economic empowerment/livelihoods, education, agri-business value chains, inclusive governance, gender equality, GBV prevention and advocacy, etc.
• Resource mobilization for future projects/ programs
Local implementing partners contribute their extensive knowledge, experience, and extensive understanding of the Rwandan context and proximity to the impact groups, target populations, opinion leaders, among others. CARE’s partnership strategy stipulates that the process for pre-selecting partners is conducted in a period of three to five years.

EOI Goal and Expected Outcome
The goal of this exercise is to broaden CARE’s scope and seek new opportunities for collaboration, learning, and innovation by identifying potential local partner organizations which are interested in partnering and collaborating with CARE on current and future projects, program, and other initiatives.
The expected outcome of the EOI is the creation of a roster of local NGOs and other civil society organizations with which CARE can co-create together and develop contractual relationships for project implementation, joint learning, and advocacy as opportunities arise.
It is in this regard that CARE International in Rwanda is inviting Rwandan based organizations that meet the minimum eligibility requirements listed below to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) to be considered for its 2023-2025 shortlist potential partners of CARE’s program initiatives in Rwanda.

6. Application Process
• Minimum Eligibility Requirements
This call is open to local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)or civil society networks working and/or supporting girls and women’s rights that are duly registered with the Rwanda Governance Board and have:
• Written and up-to-date statutes and by laws with clearly stated processes for effective and transparent selection of organizational leadership,
• Proof of functional governance structures (e.g., minutes of board of meetings, constituencies general assemblies, etc),
• Qualified, experienced personnel in project, administrative and financial management
• At least 3 years of proven experience (activity reports, evaluations, etc.) in the successful implementation of development projects in relation to CARE’s strategy as explained above. in at least two of the following technical areas:
o Women and girls empowerment both economic and social empowerment
o Financial inclusion
o Economic empowerment/Livelihoods ((Village savings and loan-VSL, value chain, market access, market-based systems, entrepreneurship, business incubation, etc),
o Agriculture (Agri-business/agri value chain),
o Climate resilient models and interventions
o Climate adaptation interventions
o Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR), including its related behavior change communication,
o Promoting gender equality and fighting against GBV, including its related behaviour change communication,
o Youth empowerment
o Girls’ education
o Inclusive governance
o Humanitarian work (refugee camps, disaster risk reduction/management, etc)
o Advocacy
• Proof of financial and administrative management practices (e.g., policies, procedures manuals, strong internal control mechanisms, internal and/or external audit reports)
• A permanent, verifiable physical address from which its activities are managed.
• Women Lead Organizations (WLO) and women rights’ organizations (WRO)and youth lead organization (YLO) are encouraged to apply
• Submission of all the required documentation as listed in section 6.1 & section 7
6.2. Submission Instructions
• In case of any questions for clarification, please submit them to the following address: by September 16th,2022.
All required documents will be submitted through the following Drop Box link: Upload here ( Please follow the instructions provided on the link/website.
Applications must be submitted on or before October 10th, 2022, to be considered for review.

7. Selection Criteria
The major criteria for selecting partners will include the following:
Criteria Description Weight/ 100pts
A. Administrative requirements (to be submitted as part of the application):
• Letter of interested signed by authorized member of the organization;
• Valid RGB registration certificate,
• List of Board Members and their CVs,
• Decision-making bodies and their roles (E.g Senior Management Team and their CVs,
• Valid RSSB Clearance certificate (less than 3 months)
• Valid RRA Clearance certificate (less than 3 months) when applicable
• Reference letters of at least two (3) current or past partners (preferably INGOs, donors)
• Fully completed application form
• Physical address /site map guiding the location of the office (when possible)
• Contacts of the organization, 25
B. Compatibility/alignment of vision, mission, and values between CARE International in Rwanda and the prospective partner organization
Provide organization vision, mission, and core values 15

C. Technical expertise/requirement
I.Sector expertise and experience: ability to deliver project objectives, the required technical and specific skills, sector specialists, knowledge, and human resources
II. Project management: Proof of past performance indicating the list of major donors for the last 5 years and related portfolio size (Fill the past performance section in the application form provided below)
III.Local experience and presence: ongoing program in the area of operation; local knowledge; trust from local communities; local presence (Fill the past performance section in the application form provided below)
IV.Policies/procedures/manuals are in place to guide activities, ensure organization accountability and demonstrate management and financial capacity of the organization/partner. Confirm availability of documents indicated in the application form attached and submit related scanned copies through the drop box link provided above. Policies must demonstrate respect for diversity with regards to ethnicity, culture, religion, class, language, and gender 50
D.Organizational assets that can support project implementation: where possible evidenced and documented contribution of resources to the Project in cash or in-kind (e.g. human resources, supplies, and/or equipment/ Assets,) by the partner that are presently available (or potentially mobilized by the partner) 5
E.Cost effectiveness: level/ ratio of direct costs versus administrative costs imposed on the Project in relation to project deliverables 5
Total score 10

7. Selection Criteria
7.1. Selection process
CARE Rwanda’s partners selection Committee (PSC) has the mandate to review all the applications under this EOI. The PSC is comprised of different members of program team, finance team, and senior management team. The recommendations by the PSC are submitted to the country leadership team for review and advice to the Country Director who approves the final list of pre-selected partners
The following steps will be followed in the selection process:
• Step 1: Verification of minimum eligibility requirements; only applications that meet all these requirements will be examined by the committee
• Step 2: Review of qualified applications by the PSC committee
• Step 3: Make recommendations to the Country leadership team
• Step 4: Notify the selected applicants
• Step 5: Convene a meeting with all the selected organizations to explain the next steps and provided more details about CARE’s partnership approach. It’s also an opportunity for asking questions
• Step 6: Conduct a Due diligence and capacity assessment for pre-selected partners resulting in developing organizational capacity-building plans. Note: this step is done when there a funding opportunity.

7.2. Conflicts of Interest
CARE is committed to ensuring that the selection process is fair, transparent, and objective; free from conflict of interest and collusion.
CARE’s personnel including members of the Selection Committee may not make or receive any offers, gifts or payments; award any payments or advantages of any kind that constitute or may constitute an illicit act, or an act not transacted in a transparent manner, directly or indirectly, for the support of developing a submission or in favour or against the conclusion the selection process.
As such, any and all existing family and/or professional links existing between CARE personnel and members of applying organisations must be declared in the appropriate area of the application form.
If such a relationship exists, the potential for conflicts of interest will be examined and CARE may decide to apply a procedure to resolve the conflict of interest or refuse that the examination continues if impartiality cannot be assured.
If the relationship is discovered without it being signalled by the applicant, CARE may apply the following sanctions:
a. removal of the organisation from the roster;
b. termination of any agreement with the applicant;
Please report any fraudulent act on the following address:
Activity Deadline
(by close of business)
Call for expression of interest for potential partners to collaborate/partner with CARE International in Rwanda released September 8th, 2022
Interested partners to ask any questions pertaining to this call for expression of interest. September 16th,2022
CARE to respond to the questions from potential applicants September 26th, 2022
Deadline for submission of all the applications October 10th, 2022
CARE partnership selection committee to finalize shortlisting applications November 10th, 2022
Notification to potential partners November 14th, 2022
Meeting with shortlisted partners November 30th, 2022
Notification of final partners December 19th, 2022
Note: Per CARE policy, Due diligence and capacity assessment will be conducted before signing a partner funding agreement TBC

Annex A: Application Form
• Answer all questions on the application from as completely and as concisely as possible
• Information that should feature in the detailed Capacity Statement of no more than 5 pages:
o evidence of the applicant’s knowledge of the Rwandan development context
o examples of 2 to 3 relevant past or current projects (project title, donor, budget amount, target population, key interventions and achievements)
o any other relevant information that showcases your experience (e.g., evaluation findings, partnerships, etc.)
• For your reference letters, give preference to organisations/institutions/partners that are reputed for effectiveness in your area of work, and with whom you have developed partnership in the field and who can testify to your effectiveness
• Ensure that the attestation available in the application form is filled in and signed by an authorised person within the organisation

Presentation Of The Applicant
Care Rwanda – Fy22 Call For Expression Of Interest To Partner With Care
Organisation legal Name:
Short Name:
Type of Organisation (choose one: NGO, FBO, CSO network, other (specify)):

Fax: Mailing address:

Street address (if applicable):

General E-mail Address: Website:
Location of main offices (enclose diagram with directions)
Name of the main contact person:
Function of the main contact person:

RGB registration number (provide copy of registration):
Date of registration:
Date of creation of organisation:
Month/year of first project implementation:
Name and positions of senior staff and their CVs:

Personnel (specify number of men and women in each category)
Board of Trustees/Directors and their composition:………men…….women

Number of senior staff members: ………men…….women

Number of permanent salaried employees: ………men…….women

Number of volunteers: ………men…….women

Annual organisational budget:
2020: List your top three (4) donors in 2017-2018:




Organizational Capacity Statement (Maximum 5 Pages)
Describe your organisation’s vision and mission. What are the main development-related issues being addressed by your organisation?

Select the technical areas in which your organisation has at least 4 years of proven experience and comparative advantage from the list below:
• Economic empowerment/Livelihoods ((Village savings and loan-VSL, value chain, market access etc)
• Focusing on graduation approaches
• Financial inclusion
• Agriculture (Agri-business/agri value chain),
• Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR), including its related behaviour change communication/education
• Climate resilience and adaptations interventions
• o Promoting gender equality and fighting GBV, including its related behaviour change communication/education
• Youth empowerment focusing on team mothers
• Girls’ education
• Inclusive governance
• Social inclusion: Integrating people with disabilities
• Humanitarian work (refugee camps, disaster risk reduction, etc)
• Advocacy
• ICT4D: Delivering of intervention through digital means
Provide examples of projects (4 most relevant recent) in key sectors selected above:
Project title:
Total budget:
Start date:
End date:
Project Location:
Project Objectives:
Target population(s):
Key Interventions:
Major achievements/impact to date:
Project title:
Total budget:
Start date:
End date:
Project Location:
Project Objectives:
Target population(s):
Key Interventions:

Major achievements/impact to date:
Project title:
Total budget:
Start date:
End date:
Project Location:
Project Objectives:
Target population(s):
Key Interventions:

Major achievements/impact to date:
Project title:
Total budget:
Start date:
End date:
Project Location:
Project Objectives:
Target population(s):
Key Interventions:

Major achievements/impact to date:
Provide any additional relevant information to support your application:

I, the undersigned, ________________________________________________, declare that the information provided in the enclosed application is – to the best of my knowledge – true and accurate.
I also certify that there are no known familial and/or professional links between members / employees of my organisation and personnel of CARE International in Rwanda (tick the appropriate box below).
o Yes
o No (if no, please describe on a separate page the nature of the relationship between your organisation and CARE Rwanda)

Done this day, ______________________________ 2018, in ________________________________

_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Name Job title
OTHER INFORMATION (Attach scan copies)
• Valid RGB Registration Certificate
• Organization Chart
• Recent Organization Annual Report
• Finance & HR/Administration Manual
• Asset Management Policy
• Anti-fraud Policy
• Safeguarding policy
• Travel policy
• Organization Financial Statement Audit (Last 2 years)
• Experience of working with International NGO, donors - 3 Letters of reference
• RSSB Clearance certificate (less than 3 months)
• RRA Clearance certificate (Less than 3 months)
• Experience of working with International NGO - 3 Letters of reference
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 21 September 2022
Duty Station: Rwanda
Posted: 08-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 08-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 08-09-2056
Apply Now
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