Call for Application for Professional Taxation Training tender at Kigali Center Of Accountancy(KCA)
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186 Days Ago
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Kigali Centre of Accountancy (KCA) Ltd is registered in Rwanda laws since 2021, to offer a wide range of world-class training services and employment services to both corporate and individual clients. This firm brings together a pool of professionals and experts with various sets of skills and experience including; Languages, Digital skills, Team building, Accounting, Customer care, Leadership & Change management, Office management, and Human resource management, Performance appraisal, Workplace languages, Etiquette Skills, Internal auditing& strategic planning.

It also offers cutting edge business and management customized training programs. Our training services include Professional training services, Executive Training, In-house training services and Special Training services for specialized industries like banks, insurers and others. Our trainings range from one day-certificate to three-months training certificate for proficiency and professional courses.

In addition, KCA is as a Capacity building specialized supplier, offers Employment related services such as Recruitment services, headhunting, Job-Connect and Refresher course services to both employers and job seeking community.

As an emerging consultancy firm, we have demonstrated strong leadership and shown innovative solutions in the skills and workforce development among the private sector practitioners within Rwanda.

Our main areas of intervention span multiple industry sectors including:

Our Services;

  • Professional Training Courses
  • Soft Skills Trainings
  • Market Surveys
  • Human resource placement
  • Training Needs Assessments

Our Learning Partners;


We assess gaps to develop interventions suited to roles and geographies, conduct training programs and finally monitor the outcomes through a range of audit procedures. At the same time, we have created new ‘ways of working’ by conducting a need diagnostic study, mapping competencies, developing role-based learning plans, creating customized learning content and delivering robust learning programs. For more information, you can contact us through our email

In brief, at the end of taxation training trainee will be: 

  • Enabled with better understanding of tax rules and regulations.
  • Improve employee’s performance and self-motivation
  • Improve understanding and awareness of the people to obediently pay the taxes
  • Incur less tax penalties hence comply with the tax laws
  • Change the perception of paying taxes and equip tax payers with full understanding of tax rules and contribute to the tax collection thought better awareness.

Rwandan Taxation Course overview

Mainly the course will cover the topics portrayed in the following table; 





Introduction to Rwandan taxation.

Under this topic, will discuss the general provisions and current tax structure.


Introduction to general provisions.

 General provisions of the law on the Income liable to tax, Resident persons, nonresident persons and Taxable income


Taxation of Individuals in regards to PAYE

 Income from employment, Contributions to retirement benefit schemes, Benefits in kind, Non-taxable benefits/income, Resident individuals Non-resident individuals, Pay-as-you-earn tax (PAYE), Calculating income tax payable.


Overview on income tax and practical arrangements on tax returns

We will focus on the major aspects such as new changes in income tax provisions, changes in income tax returns, deductible and non-deductible expenses, tax period, capital gain tax, carryover of loss, taxation of nonprofit making organization among others. A particular focus will be on income tax returns.


Overview on VAT tax and return modalities

Scope of VAT, VAT reverse charge, Time of supply, Input tax not deductible (blocked VAT supplies), Time limit for claiming input tax, Tax paid prior to registration, VAT refund process, Withholding VAT, Electronic billing machines (EBMs).

Tax dispute

overview of tax dispute and settlement practices (appeals, amicable settlement, tax ruling and other arrangement)


Offences and penalties

Various offences and corresponding penalties and fines.


Taxation of cross border trade through taxation of customs duties,

Overview of customs duties collected in Rwanda.

In addition, other aspects such as Double tax treaty (DTT) Foreign tax credit will also be discussed in deep.


Transfer pricing adjustment and withholding tax on various income.

Why transfer pricing how does it operates. In addition, an overview of Rwanda tax treaties and TDAs in force will be discussed.


Decentralized taxes(Local taxes)

Taxes to be paid to decentralized entities are as follows: 1 immovable property tax; 2 trading license tax; 3 rental income tax and due declaration and payment dates will be discussed.


Practical arrangements

This session will consist of practical works and personal assignments.


Taxation of the digital economy (E tax,EBM)

General introduction to automation of the tax examples, challenges and perspectives


Conclusion and Closure

Certificate of Participation Handover

How to register.

Interested participants can register here

Training venue.

The training sessions will be conducted at IGITEGO HOTEL.

Time dates

The training sessions will take place for two days from 31st July to 1st August 2024 as tabulated below and they will be starting from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm




Training session


Training session


Reporting and issue of certificates of completion to the trainer as well as certificate of attendance to the trainees

Training fees and payment modalities

  • Training fees: 120,000 RWF
  • Bank Account: 673500406760
  • Account Name: Kigali Centre of Accountancy
  • Bank Name: Goshen Bank


  • Momo pay :015596

Account Name: Kigali Centre of Accountancy

For more information, please call:

Tel: +250 789827753 / 0788492529 Or email us at:

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, July 24 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 12-07-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-07-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-07-2066
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