​​​​​​​Call for Expression of Interest for Sub - Grantee Partners in the Advancement of SRHR in Rwanda tender at Health Development Initiative (HDI)
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414 Days Ago
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Health Development Initiative (HDI) is an independent, Rwandan non-profit organization, registered with the Rwandan government, based in Kigali – Rwanda. The organisation envisions a society in which everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health and well-being, regardless of social, cultural, economic, or any other status. HDI mission is to empower individuals, communities, and institutions to improve community health and development in Rwanda. HDI work focuses on three key areas: (i). Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), with a focus on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, contraception, safe abortion, HIV (and other sexually transmitted infections), gender equality, and comprehensive sexuality education; (ii.)Human rights and the right to health, with a focus on human rights-based programming, social justice, accountability, inclusion and leaving no one behind, and rights of patients and   health service users and; (iii). Community health and development, with a focus on communicable and non-communicable diseases, maternal health, new born health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, harm reduction, and mental health.  HDI was founded in 2005 by a group of Rwandan physicians, motivated to advance health, with an aim of creating a space that pursues inclusive development for disadvantaged communities. The HDI Founders were united by a shared commitment to improve both the quality and accessibility of healthcare for all Rwandans. HDI strives to improve inclusive development and accessibility of healthcare for all through rights-based programming. HDI brings together a team with vast experience in medicine, public health, policy advocacy, human rights litigation, and community development to bridge the gap between communities and the healthcare system. HDI strives to promote access to health and human rights with particular focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), as well as inclusive development for disadvantaged communities. 

HDI’s work reaches both Vulnerable Groups (such as: adolescents, young people, women and girls, GBV survivors and women and girls seeking safe abortion) and Specific Marginalized Groups (such as: people living with HIV, LGBTQIA+ individuals, prisoners, sex workers, refugees, and historically marginalized communities). For nearly two decades, HDI has been a leader in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) through providing rights-based SRHR services and empowering individuals to understand and demand their rights; training pf service providers and policy-makers to be able to effectively provide rights-based services; building civil society movements to advocate for expanded access and removal of barriers to comprehensive, affordable rights-based health care for all; provision of tailored services and outreach to these marginalized groups; provision of SRHR information and services; advocacy for legal and policy reform and legal aid provision.

With support from The Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), HDI is implementing a 3-Year Partnership. The partnership aims at “Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Rwanda”.  Under this partnership, HDI has committed 25% of the funding from SIDA for sub-granting to local implementing partner organizations that will expand work and engagement on SRHR. These partners will benefit from a strengthened and streamlined partnership selection and management approach. 

In the identification and working with selected implementing partners, HDI is committed to strengthening their capacities, developing joint gender tools and indicators, and collectively organising around SRHR in Rwanda. Key among the prioritised interventions is nurturing and sustaining strategic partnerships with CSOs. Key among prioritised interventions are: (i). Conducting institutional gender equality audits for HDI and its Implementing Partners; (ii). Strengthening and harmonizing existing workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies, structures, and processes; (iii). Establishment and/or review of the existing gender equity and equality policies and; sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH) policies; (iv). Strengthening downstream partner capacities in the design and implementation of disability-inclusive and gender-transformative programming; (v). Improvement of organizational capacities to measure changes in gender attitudes, behaviour, and norms and (vi). Provision of sub-grants to selected Implementing Partners to undertake projects/ programmes / interventions that feed into the wider goal of advancing SRHR in Rwanda. 

This Call for Sub-Grantee Partners is calling upon interested CSOs, NGOs and CBOs to submit their proposed projects and budgets as an Expression of Interest. 


This call for proposals is structured around HDI’s main areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender Equity and Equality. As an indication and without being exhaustive, the potential implementing partners' activities / interventions should be around the following Four (4) Thematic areas:

  1. Leveraging Public Interest Litigation(PIL) to advance gender equality and SRHR in Rwanda
  2. Empowering young people and out-of-school adolescents on comprehensive sexuality education.
  3. LGBTQIA+ Rights-Building the capacity of duty bearers on inclusion and LGBTQIA+ rights, HIV prevention with key populations and support towards building agency of the SOGIESC movements, coalitions and organisations.
  4. Safe Abortion Information and Services-Empowering healthcare providers and other relevant providers to deliver quality SRHR rights-based health services (esp. VCAT, safe abortion, stigma-free service provision, counselling) 

Preference will be given to innovative projects with structured activities that are likely to create a leverage effect and be able to be replicated and be scaled up. 

The selection committee will pay particular attention to interventions targeting inclusion, specifically addressing people in vulnerable situations inter alia: women and girls, adolescents and young people, LGBTQIA+ persons, sex workers, people living with HIV, GBV survivors, prisoners, refugees, and historically marginalized communities. 


Given the diversity of the possible sub-grantee partners and variety of projects that could be presented under this call for proposals, the selection committee will pay particular attention to:

  1. Along the 4 Thematic Areas (PIL, CSE, LGBTQIA+ and safe abortion information and services) - The proposed interventions is in one of the Four (4)thematic areas / sub-sectors as detailed in section 1.2 above.
  2. Strategic Positioning - The partners’ strategic positioning, niche and contribution to the SRHR Movement in Rwanda.
  3. Niche, Comparative Advantage and Alignment - Evidence of concrete achievements and key milestones that the sub-grantee partner has registered within the selected thematic area / sub-sector. As well as the alignment between the proposed activities and the applicant’s area of expertise.
  4. Justification and Value for Money - The relevance of the initial diagnosis justifying the idea of the project and the realistic nature of the objectives that are set out.
  5. Target Communities - Organisations working with and for HDI target communities of young people, LGBTQIA+ persons, sex workers, women and girls, PLHIV, prisoners, refugees and historically marginalized communities.
  6. Target Community Leadership and Agency – The organisation is led by or represents a group whom HDI seeks to support in our work; the vulnerable and specific marginalized groups whom HDI seeks to support in its work viz: adolescents, young people, women and girls, women and girls seeking safe abortion, GBV survivors, PLHIV, LGBTQIA+ persons, prisoners, sex workers, refugees, and historically marginalized communities as well as, feminist and women-led organizations.
  7. Sustainability - The structuring dimensions of the proposed interventions / project, impact, sustainability and the planned exit/integration strategy (sustainability of the project).
  8. Human Resource Investment - Adequate human resources available within the organisation for the execution of the project.
  9. Innovation - Innovative projects, carrying original development dynamics will be particularly encouraged.
  10. SRHR Advocacy and Service Delivery - Organisations that have the ability to effectively advocate for SRHR social and policy change, nurture and sustain strategic partnerships at various levels as well as provide legal services, health services and safe spaces for the target communities.
  11. Institutional Arrangements on Gender, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Organisations that have prudent internal policies, procedures, processes and structure on inclusion and addressing gender inequality that include among others: Human Resources Policy and procedures, Gender and Equity Policy, Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH) Policy, Anti-Discrimination Policy or; internal institutional culture that promotes vulnerable and marginalized groups in leadership roles - women and girls, youth, PLHIV and sexual and gender minorities. Organisations without these policies and institutional arrangements but have priority and plans to have them in place will also be considered. 


A grant ranging to a maximum of RWF 50,000,000 Per Year (for each sub-grantee) will be awarded to 4 selected Sub-Grantee Partner Organizations. 

Some activities and expenses cannot be covered by this funding. Applications will be rejected if they include:

  1. debts, and in the case of Projects, also debt service charges (interest);
  2. provisions for losses or potential future liabilities;
  3. purchases or construction of real estate (land or buildings);
  4. credits to third parties;
  5. travel costs for business or first class;
  6. extra allowances, such as sitting allowances, or equivalent in order to finance allowances for participating staff/invited speakers/participants of workshops for already paid staff;
  7. the build-up of reserves. 


The proposed project cannot exceed Twelve (12) Months. 



  1. This Call for Sub-Grantees is aimed at Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) headquartered, registered, and working in Rwanda such as:
    1. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Community Based Organisations (CBOs).
    2. Development-focused organisations working on SRHR issues.
    3. Organisations and collectives led by or represents the HDI target communities of Vulnerable and Specific Marginalized Groups as detailed below:
      • Organisations of the Vulnerable Groups viz: adolescents, young people, women and girls, women and girls seeking safe abortion, GBV survivors as well as; women or youth groups, umbrella structures, feminist organisations, etc.
      • Organisations of the Specific Marginalized Groups: people living with HIV, LGBTQIA+ persons, prisoners, sex workers, refugees, and historically marginalized communities.
    4. CSOs that serve the vulnerable and specific marginalized groups whom HDI seeks to support in its work viz: adolescents, young people, women and girls, women and girls seeking safe abortion, GBV survivors, people living with HIV, LGBTQIA+ persons, prisoners, sex workers, refugees, and historically marginalized communities.
  2. These organisations should have at the core of their Mission: the promotion and protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights, rights of the specific Marginalized groups, gender equality and women’s empowerment, elimination of GBV and IPV, strategic litigation, legal aid provision and ensuring access to justice on SRHR issues, comprehensive sexuality education, the improvement of the well-being of youth as well as the promotion of social inclusion.
  3. In order to be eligible, CSOs must be registered at the Rwanda Governance Board and have a bank account in Rwandan Francs opened under their name at the time of submission of their application.
  4. Public institutions or local authorities are not eligible. 


  1. Each organisation can only submit only One (1) application.
  2. Each organisation cannot submit an application that cuts across the 4 thematic areas (PIL, CSE, LGBTIQ and SAF as elaborated above in section 1.2). Applicants are therefore encouraged to select some thematic area where they have their core niche, competence and track record and submit one application.
  3. The same organisation cannot submit simultaneously an application across the four (4) thematic areas (PIL, CSE, LGBTIQ and SAF as elaborated above in section 1.2).i.e. the organisation cannot submit an application for PIL, another for CSE, another for LGBTIQ and/or another for SAF. 


The Application to this call for Sub-Grantees will include submission in electronic downloadable versions of A Narrative Application and a Provisional Budget

The detailed application procedure will be done according to the following modalities: 


  1. The Narrative Application should not exceed 10 Pages (Appendices not included) and will be written in electronic version.
  2. The submitted Narrative Application should be submitted in MS Word or PDF or other compatible downloadable software.
  3. The Narrative Application should be named as thus: Thematic Area Name of Your Organisation Narrative. For example: PIL_HDI_Narrative Proposal 


  1. The Provisional Budget should not exceed 2 Excel Sheets and will be written in electronic version.
  2. The submitted Provisional Budget should be submitted in MS Excel or other compatible downloadable software.
  3. The Provisional Budget should be named as thus: Thematic Area Name of Your Organisation Budget For example: PIL_HDI_Budget Proposal 


The Expression of Interest must be sent electronically via email to Health Development Initiative at the following address:grants@hdirwanda.orgwith the subject “Sub-Grantee Call + Organization Name" by 11:59 p.m. on Monday 22ndJanuary 2024. 

HDI will review each application and a selection committee, composed of an independent panel, will meet to choose Sub-Grantee Partners based on the criteria (detailed under sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 above). Applicants will be informed individually, by email, of the outcome of their application by the end of February 2024.
Please Note:

  • Any Application that is sent after Monday, 22nd January 2024, will not be considered.
  • No handwritten applications will be processed by HDI. 
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, January 18 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 04-01-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-01-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-01-2066
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