​​​​​​​Auction Sale of HOPE International Vehicle TOYOTA Landcruiser RAC 288N tender at HOPE International
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Auction sale of HOPE International Vehicle TOYOTA Landcruiser RAC 288N 

HOPE International would like to inform all interested people/companies that it is selling its vehicle TOYOTA Landcruiser with plate number RAC 288N and this auction will take place on 02nd February 2024 at HOPE International head office located at UMUYENZI PLAZA-3rd floor, Remera Sector, Gasabo District from 11:00 am.

 Interested bidders should note the following:

  • All the quotations should be submitted in sealed envelope with the following subject: “RFQ-2024/01/01: Quotation for HOPE International vehicle.
  • The bidder is requested to mention his address on the same envelope.
  • The quotations will be received, opened, and analyzed for selection by the HOPE’s team on 02nd February 2024. The quotations will be opened in the presence of all the bidders. Thereafter this team will proclaim to all bidders the decision taken.
  • The selected bidder will be the one with the highest price and be ready to pay (deposit) at least 30% of the price immediately after the proclamation.
  • The remaining 70% shall be paid within 15 calendar days of acceptance of the bid by HOPE International. Failing to pay 70% of the remaining amount after 15 calendar days, the selected bidder will lose his/her 30% deposited initially and chance will be given the second-best bidder.
  • After the total payment, HOPE International will make a sale agreement with the buyer and will take the vehicle after the payment in totality as per his/her bid quotation.
  • HOPE International reserve the right to decline the auction in case the winner submitted price below the vehicle market price.
  • The vehicle and related documents will be delivered to the successful bidder after payment of the total amount. The vehicle will be taken by the selected bidder immediately after changing ownership documents into his/her names.
  • The auctioned vehicle shall be allowed to be taken only after full payment and after the presentation of the payment statement to the HOPE Rwanda Finance and Administration office.
  • Status of the vehicle


Vehicle Brand

Plate number

Year of Fabrication

Vehicle value


TOYOTA Landcruiser

RAC 288N


22,170,000 RWF

Visiting the vehicle is authorized every day in working hours from January 22nd, 2024, up to 02nd February 2024 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. For any other clarification, you may contact us on tel: 0780840300.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, January 31 2024
Duty Station: Lusaka
Posted: 22-01-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 22-01-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-01-2066
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