(TDR) -Research consultancy on Tutsi genocide trials held in third States on the basis of universal jurisdiction, their contribution and its integration into the memory of the justice of the Tutsi genocide in the country Job at RCN Justice & Democracy - C
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Vacancy title:
(TDR) -Research consultancy on Tutsi genocide trials held in third States on the basis of universal jurisdiction, their contribution and its integration into the memory of the justice of the Tutsi genocide in the country

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Public Administration, and Government , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

RCN Justice & Democracy

Deadline of this Job:
20 June 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 09, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed


RCN Justice & Democracy

Terms of Reference Consultancy - Research on Tutsi genocide trials held in third States on the basis of universal jurisdiction, their contribution and integration into the memory of the justice of the Tutsi genocide in the country

These Terms of Reference concern research that RCN J&D Rwanda intends to carry out, between January and October 2021, on the judicial treatment of litigation relating to the genocide of the Tutsi by the justice of third States, to determine its contribution to the memory of the justice for the genocide of the Tutsi in the country.

RCN Justice & Démocratie is an international NGO based in Belgium founded in September 1994 after the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi with the aim of contributing to respect for the fundamental rights recognized by international conventions, in particular the right to fair justice.

Thanks to funding granted by the Kingdom of Belgium via its Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGD), RCN Justice & Démocratie, via its Mission in Rwanda, is implementing a “Justice and Memory” program aimed at facilitating understanding of the Rwandan populations. and participation in genocide trials on the basis of universal jurisdiction, and to promote the integration of the contributions of these trials into the memory of genocide justice in the country.

After the 1994 genocide, justice was accepted as one of the essential tools both for the fight against the culture of impunity, but also as an instrument for the prevention of mass crimes and the restoration of cohesion. social.

In the aftermath of the genocide, in order to provide justice to the victims and to ensure that the perpetrators of the genocide are held accountable for their acts, a three-pillar judicial system was put in place to deal with the litigation of the genocide, both in international and national level. At the national level: the specialized chambers of the classic national courts as well as the gacaca courts. At the international level: the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was established by Resolution 955 of the United Nations Security Council dated November 8, 1994.

Later, the judicial system was added a fourth pillar consisting of the application of the principle of universal jurisdiction by third States including Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada, Finland, Switzerland, France, Sweden, etc.

Proceedings are still underway before the courts of third countries which continue, on the basis of universal jurisdiction, to prosecute persons accused of having participated in the crimes committed during the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994.

Through the research envisaged, the project seeks to take a retrospective look at these trials which take place far from the country to determine their merit. Concretely, it is a question of gathering the points of view of the various target audiences on the judicial treatment of the litigation of the genocide of the Tutsi by the justice of third States, to then determine, in an objective way, the contribution of these trials in the memory of the justice of the Tutsi genocide in the country.

Carry out research on the trials linked to the genocide of Tutsi tried outside the country, on the basis of universal jurisdiction, with a view to determining the contribution of these trials and their integration into the general memory of the justice of the genocide of the Tutsi in the country .

Expected result
Research on genocide trials tried in third countries is carried out under the direction and coordination of the Consultant / Independent Expert.
The merit of genocide trials judged by third countries is examined and clear conclusions are drawn on the contribution of these trials to the memory of the justice of the genocide of the Tutsi in the Country and recommendations are made for the integration of the contributions. in the work of relevant public institutions and in the work of civil society organizations.

A methodological note
A research report prepared according to the indications of this note

Department of work

The direction of the research will be ensured by an independent Consultant fulfilling the conditions indicated in these terms of reference. The consultant directs the work from his / her usual domicile / residence, however, he / she must make a field visit (in Rwanda) at the start of the activity to ensure the setting up the necessary resources and presiding over the start of research. The research will be carried out by a team composed of the Director and two to three Rwandan consultants / experts paid by RCN J&D.

The consultant leads and coordinates the entire research process, from the preliminary phase to the phase of publication of results. To this end, he / she undertakes in particular to:

Develop a methodology which outlines a research plan and determine the main chapters
Regularly (every 3 months) inform the project team of the progress of the research
Determine the necessary human resources and identify them in collaboration with the project team.
Assign tasks to the various consultants and supervise their work
Compile the work ensuring consistency and verify sources where appropriate.
Synthesize the main research findings
Report production
Present the research project to the International Conference (if deemed appropriate by RCN J&D)

RCN J&D will be the sole holder of all economic rights including the exploitation and distribution rights linked to the copyright on the work to be produced. The name of the Research Director and the names of all the consultants associated with the research may be mentioned in any dissemination medium for the latter.

Duration of the research: June to October 2021
Recruitment of the Consultant Director of Research - June 2021
Proposal of the research methodology - July 2021
Identification of researchers / contributors - July 2021
Production of informative notes on the progress of the research: August 30, 2021 and September 30, 2021
Production of the research report - October 31, 2021.

Requirements of candidates for research management
A mastery of justice issues related to international crimes
Experience in researching legal issues
Experience in managing a multidisciplinary team of independent executives
Strong written and oral communication skills in French
Strong writing skills
Consultancy budget

Fees of the main expert: a flat rate of € 6,000 including tax for the entire work;
An advance on fees not exceeding 50% may be granted upon signature, the remainder being due upon submission of the final report.
For the lead expert not having his residence in Rwanda:

Support for the travel of the lead expert for a field visit to Rwanda (RCN J&D)
Covering of the living expenses (accommodation, per diem, communication, transport) of the main expert in Rwanda for approximately 8 days (RCN J&D)

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 12

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree


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Job application procedure

Application Procedure

Expression of interest

Interested persons are invited to send their expressions of interest by email to info@rcn.rw  no later than June 20, 2021 (Indicate the title of the consultancy in the subject line).

The expression of interest file must, on pain of rejection, contain the following elements:

A cover letter indicating the candidate's expertise in relation to the profile as described in these terms of reference
A curriculum vitae clearly indicating the experiences that fit with this call for tenders with mention of references if applicable.
Each candidate must include in his request a methodological note highlighting his level of understanding of the mission covered by these terms of reference.

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Job Info
Job Category: Government jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 20 June 2021
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 09-06-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 09-06-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-06-2054
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