Risk Management Specialist Supervisor job at Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG Ltd)
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Vacancy title:
Risk Management Specialist Supervisor

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Engineering Services , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG Ltd)

Deadline of this Job:
04 October 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG Ltd)
Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG Ltd) jobs in Rwanda

Risk Management Specialist Supervisor Title: Strategic Planning
Department: Group Strategic Planning Unit: -
Current Level: Specialist Coordinates with: Project Managers,
Project Implementation Unit, Qa
Specialists, Finance Specialists
Job summary : Description of the purpose of the job
To identify potential problems at the Utility before they occur so that risk-handling activities may
be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the assets or ongoing project to mitigate adverse
impacts on achieving objectives according to and in line with the corporate strategic objectives.

Key responsibilities:
• Technical Delivery
• Plan, design and implement an overall risk management process for REG
• Make risk assessments by analysing risks as well as identifying, describing and estimating
the risks affecting REG business
• Develop a process to determine risk sources and categories, by examining changing situation
• over time and identify the circumstances that can impact the ability of projects to meet
• Constantly assess risk in project planning, execution, finance
• Constantly assess risk to personnel and equipment on-site and off-site
• Constantly monitor the risk in network operations
• Provide a process to define the parameters used to analyze and categorize risks, and the
• parameters used to control the risk management effort, provide risk evaluation,
• categorization, and prioritization criteria and risk management
• Create a process to establish and maintain the strategy to be used for risk management, such
(1) The scope of the risk management effort,
(2) Methods and tools to be used for risk identification, risk analysis, risk mitigation, risk
1. monitoring, and communication,
(3) Project-specific sources of risks,
(4) How these risks are to be organized, categorized, compared, and consolidated,
(5) Parameters, including likelihood, consequence, and thresholds, for acting on
2. identified risks,
(6) Risk mitigation techniques to be used, such as prototyping, simulation, alternative
3. designs, or evolutionary development
(7) Definition of risk measures to monitor the status of the risks, and
(8) Time intervals for risk monitoring or reassessment.
• Provide a process to identify, evaluate, categorize, prioritize and document the risks
• Monitor on the regular basis the status of each risk periodically
• Prepare a risk mitigation plan and a risk Management strategy
• Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the risk
• management process
• Create or acquire a risk management database, risk mitigation tools, prototyping, modeling
• and simulation ability
• Monitor and control the risk management process against the plan for performing the
• process and take appropriate corrective action.
• Work close with the project managers and establish
(1) Risk Tracking and reporting
(2) Risk Identification
(3) Risk Management Planning
(4) Qualitative Risk Analysis
(5) Quantitative risk analysis
(6) Risk monitoring/Control
(7) Risk response planning
(8) Risk Mitigation
(9) Risk contingency planning
Monitor and control the risk on Projects in environment impact
Prepare risk assessment guidance for Utility operational and planning projects usable by
Prepare a risk assessment work plan

• Regularly update the Management on the project risk and the financial impact involved with it.
• Conduct regulatory penalty calculation on power outage. Or disruption and mitigate the risk with the Utility Management
• Water level risks in dry season and peat exploitation in rain season risk management of
Power plants information provided to the group strategic planning coordination.
• Provide training to the specialists and engineers on risk awareness in the Electricity
generation Transmission and Distribution. Education Requirement
• 4 years of practical experience in power utility operations
• Specific experience of at least 2 years in statistics and or risk assessment and its financial
• Knowledge of the electricity systems product and a good understanding of the
• Environmental/Climatic impact on power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
• Bilingual in English and either French or Kinyarwanda (essential)

Additional skills
• Leadership skills
• Good Organizational skills
• Good Communication skills
• Problem solving skills
• Interpersonal skills
• Team player
• Good analytical skills
• Flexibility at work

Operational Safety
• Ensure no harm to REG staff, customers, wider public and equipment as a result of
generation, transmission and distribution of electricity,
• Contribute towards developing and Maintaining REG Electrical Safety Policy, Procedures
and Systems;
• Ensure compliance with the REG Electrical Safety Policy, Procedures and Systems;
• Actively communicate and create awareness of REG Electrical Safety Policy, Procedures
and Systems across the staff, customers and the general Rwanda Public;
• Ensure All Staff are fully capable to execute their duties in compliance with the REG
• Electrical Safety Policy, Procedures and Systems.
• Ensure compliance with the reporting, record keeping and review of safety related activities and incidents

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

• An application letter;
• A detailed updated Curriculum Vitae;
• A photocopy of academic degrees;
• A photocopy of the Identity card/Passport;
• Full addresses of three referees, including preferably one of previous supervisors.
• Proof of Experience (Work Certificate (s))

Submission of Applications
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their soft copy applications addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of REG Ltd only through this e-mail address: regrecruitment@reg.rw  not later than 30/09/2022 at 05:00 PM.
Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.
For more details on the Terms of Reference for these positions, please visit our website on www.reg.rw

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 30 September 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 27-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 27-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 27-09-2056
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