Request for cleaning services and supply related materials in 16 upcountry Branches of Urwego Bank Plc
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768 Days Ago
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TITLE: Request for cleaning services and supply related materials in 16 upcountry Branches of Urwego Bank Plc,
Urwego Bank PLC, hereinafter referred to as “the bank” hereby invites interested professional companies to submit their financial proposal for offering cleaning services and supply related cleaning materials at its 16 up country branches.

Please also note the following;
1.Important notice
1. All the quotations should be submitted in sealed envelopes with the following mentions: “RFQ-2023/01/Log/004 cleaning services and supply related materials at 16 up country branches of Urwego Bank”, and submitted to the bank’s reception at its head office located at , Plot 428, KG5 RD, UMUYENZI PLAZA, Remera Sector,Gasabo, Tel. +250 788173100, Website:;
2. The quotations received, and acknowledged at the Head office, will be opened, and analyzed for selection by the bank tender committee members who will thereafter inform each bidder of the final decision;
3. The quotations should include VAT certificate along with a valid tax clearance certificate with RRA and RSSB, a valid Trading license from RDB with at least 4 years’ experience in similar activities, and relevant certification with RURA. Note that the bidder should be in the field tying with this present tender as per RDB registration certificate
4. The bidder should present 5 completion certificates from reputable institutions to substantiate his competency and having of working experience for at least 4 years;
5. The site visit is advised but not mandatory.
6. The bidder’s monthly cost of all the services will include transport, accommodation, materials, and labor for each equipment at every branch, all combined;
7. The cleaner will be supporting and assisting to delever courier services as messenger;
8. List of materials needed at all branches is on attachment;
9. List of branches that bidders will visit and offer the service is on attachment.
10. Note: The Head office is not included.
11. Note: Urwego Bank reserve the right to offer the contract for one lot or two lots
12. Note: Bids or quotation with missing any required documents will be excluded immediately.
The Deadline for submission of quotes is set on Monday 27th January, 2023 at 3:00 pm at Head Office of the bank through our reception office located at UMUYENZI Plaza at 3rd floor: KG 5 RD, Rukiri-Remera-Gasabo- Umuyenzi Plaza
For further information, please contact us on 0788536052 /0737179657
Done at Kigali on 12th January 2023
Urwego Bank Management
Done at Kigali on 12th January 2023
2.Description and Features:

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LOT 1. Up country branches
No Branch names cleaner onbranch Starting work at End work at Salary for 1 cleaner pe
1 Nyamata 1
2 Rwamagana 1
3 Ngoma 1
4 Huye 1
5 Muhanga 1
6 Musanze 1
7 Rubavu 1
8 Rusizi 1
9 Gicumbi 1
10 Kabarore 1
11 Karongi 1
12 Nyagatare 1
13 Ruhango 1
14 Kinigi 1
15 Mahoko 1
16 Nyakarambi 1
Total monthly charges all taxes inclusive

2.2 List of materials
No Branch names QTY to deliver at branch per month or N/A
1 Toilette paper Box of 50 pcs each
2 Liquid soap 5 littles
3 Harpic
4 Shinex PCS
5 Hand wash PCS
6 Omo
7 Vim
8 Torchons
9 Raclettes
10 Tawel
11 Broom
12 Toilet brush
13 Air Fresh /TROPICAL
14 climax
15 ventouse
16 hard brash
17 sponge (Box of 10 PCS)
18 pledges
19 Small tawel (Essue-vessaire)
20 Soft bloom
Urwego Bank Management
Done at Kigali on 12th January 2023
3. Monthly Summary charges
s/n Description of service Overall monthly charge all taxes inclusive
1. Cost for LOT 1 + LOT 2 Cleaner’s salary and supply for materials at branches (monthly cost)
Total monthly charges all taxes inclusive for all the services combined …........................................Rwf
4. Importance note
1. The bank will provide a space (store) to accommodate cleaning materials; but will not be responsible for any abuse of it.
2. The selected winner is obliged to give the contract to the cleaner
3. The contractor company will be responsible to all government taxes related to the cleaner (pension contributions and maternity leave contribution to Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB), Pay as You Earn (PAYE) to RRA as well as any employment tax as appropriate)
4. The winner will present the report at the end of month from all branches which form should be sanction (positively or negatively) the service offered. The form will be signed and stamped by both sides (Branch leaders and service provider).
5. The payment will be processed after the service delivered at the end of every month.
Urwego Bank Management
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 27 January 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 16-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 16-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 16-01-2056
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