Request for Quotation - Pumping Water Supply Systems in Mugina Sector, Kamonyi District tender at Association Rwandaise pour le Développement Endogène (ARDE/KUBAHO )
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431 Days Ago
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Association Rwandaise pour le Developpement Endogene, ARDE/KUBAHO, in short is a non-profit organisation in Rwanda that work for the well-being of particularly disadvantaged population groups. The mission of the organisation is to promote sustainable socio-economic development with the aim of improving the living conditions of hitherto less resilient communities. ARDE's guiding principle is the promotion of local initiatives, which in turn are the result of local needs. Sustainable and effective participation, as well as ownership by the participating population, are at the forefront. ARDE/ KUBAHO is active throughout the country. The geographical focus of its activities to date has been in the Kamonyi District, in the Southern Province. Its work focuses on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), environmental protection and sustainable agriculture, health and humanitarian aid. Recently, ARDE/ KUBAHO has opened the doors for trans border’s projects for promotion of human rights and peace building in Greatlakes region.

Since the year 2016, ARDE/KUBAHO entered into a partnership with a Germany INGO to implement was project in Ntebe, one year later in Kigarama both villages from Rugalika  sector Kamonyi district both  in which, a water source captured and stored to serve surrounding community, an extension of 2.1km and 3 km of pipeline, 6 water kiosks two water tanks of 100 cubic meters to serve more than 6,000 people in both villages. Following the success of the project in Rugalika, a suggestion was raised to extend in remote area of Kamonyi district, in Mugina Sector where people had less hygiene practices due to the inaccessibility to water and sanitation facilities. The only water source they had was marshland and Nyabarongo river. Using Kona water source, a gravity system of 6.6km, kiosks, tanks and public and private sanitation facilities constructed in three villages of Nteko cell to serve more than 947 families.   This project started in 2020 to complete in 2023. However, Mugina have yet in need of access to water and sanitation including poor hygiene practices among people out of the ongoing project.

Currently, WASH project in Mugina Phase II has been approved to cover the rest of Nteko people adding one village of Mbati cell (Kigorora village). With this project, more than 890 families will be supported in terms of safe drinking water by constructing pumping water supply system of 14km.  The project has started with the month of November 2023 until June 2026.


The main objective to provide quotation on pumping water supply systems in Mugina Sector, Kamonyi district. 


The successful bidders will work under guidance of ARDE/KUBAHO and partners: Sign of Hope and district of Kamonyi. The project is for 8 months starting from December 2023 to July, 2024.

The site visit is planned on 06th December 2023. The meeting point is Kona water source at 11:00AM located in Mugina Sector, Nteko cell Kona village.


More details in the attached tender document


Closing date for submission of bids is on 11th December 2023 @ 10:00AM, Rwanda time. The soft documents will be sent via email: The only selected candidate will be contacted for next steps.

Tender document with more details is attached.

For further information and tender document, you may send email to the same email above, or call 0788443155 or check the link: or to

Done at Kigali on November 29th, 2023

BAHATI Augustin

Executive Director for ARDE/KUBAHO

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Sunday, December 31 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 01-12-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 01-12-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 01-12-2066
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