Recruitment of a Political Economy Analysis on Human Rights International Consultant job at Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
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ToRs for the Recruitment of a Political Economy Analysis on Human Rights International Consultant(Re-advertisement)

Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) Rwanda is seeking to hire, for a short term assignment, an individual international Political Economy Analysis consultant to support capacity development of human rights civil society organisations in Rwanda. This intervention falls under the implementation framework of the Civic Space Advancement Project (CSAP), financially supported by the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium. Running since December 2023, CSAP is a two year civil society-led collaborative initiative aiming, among others,  to address the limited capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs) to optimally use the existing civic spaceand broaden it to enhance their resilience and meaningful citizen participation on human rights issues. It is led by NPA Rwanda with the Legal Aid Forum (LAF), the Health Development Initiative (HDI) and the Great Lakes Initiative for Human Rights and Development (GLIHD) as consortium partners.

Why a Political Economy Analysis training for CSOs?

While it continues to gain a lot of traction as a powerful approach and tool to inform development programming and change influencing work across the world, Political Economy Analyis (PEA) in Rwanda is also increasingly being embraced by the donor community to inform their development cooperation programming yet its potential benefits remain largely unknown to many civil society actors if not suboptimally leveraged for pre-positionning purposes. Pioneered back in 2009 by DFID among others, PEA has successfully been tested across contexts and is now believed, when properly done, to be a powerful tool that helps those actors who use it as a decision-making support approach and tool to understand the formal and informal Drivers of Change (DoC) in different societal contexts with a focus on the linkages (or lack thereof) between a country’s political framework and development results.

Perhaps the greatest power of PEA lies into the fact that ‘’Usually, we have a good idea about what needs to be done to achieve poverty reduction, but are much less clear about why it’s not happening. All too often, we attribute slow or no progress to lack of political will.It’s this ... lack of political will that DOC analysis unpacks...’’. As an approach and a tool, PEA focusses on the formal and informal sides of power relationships and resource distribution amongst change agents and the factors, whether institutional or structural, affecting the lack of political will to make change happen. Put differently, it is more concerned about the existence of political will to effect change or lack of it. PEA is critical to make change seeking actors better understand why things have happened the way they did. This way, PEA can help civil society actors to effectively improve change influencing and related programming. Nonetheless, PEA is not a magic bullet to address all intractable societal problems.

While the above benefits make PEA a very interesting tool and approach to monitoring progress on complex change seeking processes such as the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights obligations by state actors, its application amongst CSOs in Rwanda remains very rare. This is a clear capacity gap that can handicap dialogue with the donor community supporting their work given that they are  increasingly using this tool and approach to inform decision-making for aid effectiveness programming. Thus, in order to better equip Rwandan human rights CSOs to more adequately navigate the progressive yet complex human rigths landascape in the country, NPA is seeking to hire an individual international Political Economy Analysis on Human Rights consultant for  a short term capacity development support.


The overall objective of the short-term consultancy is to deliver, on basis of a pre-existing and successfully tested module,  a Political Economy Analysis of Human Rights in Rwanda to a select Rwandan Civil Society organisations. More specifically, the consultant will:

  • Conduct a rapid CSOs’ capacity needs assessment on political economy analysis of human rights, with a focus on its awareness, benefits and application in their day to day work of shaping societal changes and advancing people’s rights;
  • Adapt, based on the findings from the rapid capacity needs assessment, a pre-existing  training resource guide on PEA on human rights;
  • Recommend additional CSO self-help guide and tools on PEA application and in particular those relevant for human rights monitoring and reporting; 
  • Conduct a four-day training of up to 40 CSOs’ leaders and content staff driving change influencing work on PEA applied to human rights.

Expected deliverables and timelines

The successful international consultant will be hired for a total of 19 days spread between the months of January until March 2025 as per the below timelines for key deliverables:






An inception report, of not more than 5 pages, sufficiently detailing how the consultant will methodologically respond to and address every specific objective of this consultancy and related scope of work. In addition to data collection and analysis methods as well as timelines, the inception report shall also include relevant high-level questions and sub-questions that will inform the rapid capacity needs assessment, keeping in mind that this assessment will be conducted remotely i.e not on site.

2 days

By 20th January 2025


Findings report (not exceeding 15 pages) on CSOs’ capacity needs assessment in relation to Political Economy Analysis awareness, its benefits and application in human rights monitoring and reporting. This report, which shall also double as the project baseline study on outcome 1 and related specific objective, shall be written in very clear terms but also in a very concise and practical language.  

4 days

By 20th February 2025


Oral presentation and slide deck for validation session (draft and final) of the capacity needs assessment findings report.

1 day

By 25th  February 2025


A user-friendly CSO training resource guide/handbook on Political Economy Analysis of Human Rights. The  guide, however much it can be informed by the content of pre-existent training manual on PEA, should be adapted to target end-users learning needs mentioned under the objective section of these ToRs.  

5 days

By 5th March 2025


Additional CSO self-help guide (s) and tools on PEA and preferably those applied to  human rights, if any.  

1 day

By 10th March 2025


Deliver, in person and on site, the content of the adapted training resource guide/handbook on PEA of Human Rights to  40 beginners and intermediate experts purposively picked from executive leaders and content staff of national and local CSOs driving change influencing work in their respective organisations.

5 days


March 2025


Training activity report, documenting the learning impact created.  

1 day

By 30th March 2025

Eligibility criteria and Scoring weigthing

A quality-based selection method that prioritises the soundness of the technical offer received will be used based on the following evaluation of eligibility criteria and scoring weight (up to 70%).


Eligibility criteria

Scoring weight  


Being an international consultant (as proven by a non-Rwandan nationality or Rwandan nationality) with a verifiable track record of conducting similar works in and beyond Rwanda.



Experience of at least 5 years plus working on Political Economy Analysis of Human Rights, including teaching at university level or designing and or offering adult in-service professional trainings on the same, across the World and on the African continent preferably.



Strong knowledge and understanding of key human rights instruments (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, African Charter on human and people’s rights, national instruments for domestication of different international human rights covenant/conventions, etc.) as evidenced by certification or educational qualifications in Human Rights Law at least up to a Master level degree and or above which has to be included as part of the expression of interest.



A track record of up to 5 years working, as a seasoned practionner, on promoting, protecting and fulfilling people’s human rights anywhere in the world. Key contact details (names, email, phone and country of residence) of employers or collaborators (current or past) who can testify to the technical and ethical  performance of the candidate have to be included.



A readily available self-authored or co-authored training module/manual/book on Political Economy Analysis (a focus on Human Rights would be an advantage but not mandatory) to be included, as evidence, alongwith the submission of the bid. Note that the names of the bidding consultants should be appearing on the manual. Additionally,  a signed declaration of honour that the there is no misappropriation of content and intellectual property for the training resource on PEA has to be included as part of the expression of interest and the willingness to adapt the pre-existing content to the learning needs of the end users targeted by NPA.



A sufficiently detailed CV highlighting similar works successfully conducted in the past and key contact details (names, email, phone and country of residence) of employers or collaborators as well as clients (current or past) who can testify to the technical and ethical  performance of the candidate have to be included.



Availability to support NPA on this activity strictly within the indicated timelines as evidenced by a signed availability commitment statement.



Ability to be country context sensitive given the uniqueness of each country context and understanding that there is no-one-size fits all recipe for PEA on human rights works. This has to be clearly indicated as part of the understanding of the ToRs.  



Understanding of the ToRs demonstrating how each specific objective of this assignment will be handled accompanied with a rapid critique of the ToRs and suggestions of what could be improved to optimise the desired results from the intended training.


The financial offer scoring carries a weight of 30%.


The successful consultant will report to the Senior Policy and Strategy Advisor/Programme Manager at NPA with functional linkages with NPA Country Director and inputs from CSAP partner CSOs.
How to apply

Eligible consultants are invited to submit their technical offer not exceeding 5 pages, annexes exclusive, via the email address with the mention “PEA of Human Rights Training” under the subject heading not later than the 30th December 2024 at 17: 00 p.m, Kigali local time.

Please note that the financial offer has to be submitted separately through the same email address. No hard copies will be accepted.

Only short-listed candidates will be invited by NPA for further steps of the offers evaluation. 

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, December 30 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 03-12-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 03-12-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 03-12-2070
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