Consultancy job at GIZ Rwanda
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The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The GIZ Office in Kigali covers GIZ’s portfolio in Rwanda and Burundi. GIZ Rwanda/Burundi implements projects on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union and other commissioning authorities in the following priority areas: Sustainable Economic Development, Good Governance, Climate, Energy and Sustainable Urban Development, Digitalization and Digital Economy, Mineral Governance, Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region.

The project ‘Sustainable Mechanization of Value Chains through Gender-Sensitive Business Models’ is jointly implemented by GIZ, Volkswagen and Machinery Rings Foundation. Its purpose is to promote the use of mechanization techniques among small holder farmers, a well as empowering the local community through the commercial and social services offered by the project’s partners.

Volkswagen is building an empowerment Hub (e-Hub) in Gashora, with the objective to create an ecosystem of local enterprises and social services to empowerment the local community and farmers. Electric tractors used for mechanization services in the area will be parked, charged and maintained in the e-Hub, and other businesses will be identified based on the needs of the local community and farmers.

The empowerment Hub has a strong social component. Specific premises will be made available for the provision of educational, social and cultural activities targeting the local community. The main idea behind this is to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of Gahora by empowering the local community, especially the youth and women. Educational programmes and social and cultural activities shall be developed based on the needs of the population, in close coordination with the project partners as well as other organizations.

GIZ is looking for a consultant responsible for developing, implementing and coordinating the social component of the e-hub during 2025.

Tasks to be performed by the contractor

The contractor is responsible for providing the following services:

Development of concept for a yearly programme for social activities and educational services for the empowerment hub.

The consultant shall prepare a concept for a yearly programme for social activities and educational services for the empowerment hub.

The concept shall include a rationale for the need and expected contribution of the empowerment to the local community. It shall present how the needs of the local community can be addressed through the empowerment hub, what these needs are, and which specific social and educational topics can be tackled through targeted services and activities.

The concept shall include a proposed programme that shall be validated jointly with GIZ and Volkswagen, and shall include the following information per activity:

  • Type and format of the activity (e.g. training, event, workshop, etc.)
  • Topic and objective of the activity
  • Target audience of the activity
  • Whether the activity is specifically targeting women and/or youth
  • Relevance of the activity for the local community
  • Expert days required for preparation and implementation
  • External partner involved in implementation (if any)
  • Date of the activity

The focus of the yearly programme shall include all possible activities that are of social and economic interest for the local community. This shall exclude activities pertaining to the agriculture sector.

At least 60% of the planned activities shall address specifically women and the youth. The consultant shall explicitly highlight such activities in the programme for easier identification.

For the organization of activities targeting specifically farmers (i.e. agricultural activities), the consultant shall consult with the Machinery Rings Foundation and involve them in the organization of such activities, if necessary (see task d)).

The consultant shall ensure that proposed activities can be conducted with the available resources (budget and expert days) of this contract.

The yearly programme shall be updated every three months based on the evolving needs of the community, GIZ and/or Volkswagen.

Identification of equipment required for the implementation of the yearly programme

The consultant shall provide a list of equipment (e.g. laptops, pinboards, notebooks, pens, etc.) required for the implementation of the yearly programme to GIZ. After validation of such needs with the project partners, GIZ will procure to the greatest extent possible the identified equipment. Such equipment shall be stored in the e-Hub and only be used within the e-Hub’s premises for the purposes identified in these ToRs.

The list shall include the following information:

  • Type of equipment
  • Quantity
  • Estimated cost per unit
  • Justification (why is the equipment needed?)

Implementation of yearly programme for social activities and educational services for the empowerment hub

The consultant shall be responsible for implementing the yearly programme after validation with GIZ and Volkswagen. It shall do so within the premises of the e-Hub. The consultant can involve external partners in the implementation of the activities, but they must be identified and validated beforehand with GIZ and Volkswagen (see task a).

Coordination with project and external partners for the implementation of social activities and educational services for the empowerment hub

To enhance the impact of the empowerment hub, as well as the reach of this assignment, the consultant shall engage external partners in the organization of additional social activities and educational services for the e-hub.

The consultant shall act as a coordinating entity between external partners and Volkswagen for the utilization of the e-hub for social and educational purposes. The consultant shall make a distinction between the following types of activities.

  • Activities organized by solely by the consultant
  • Activities organized by the consultant in partnership with a project or external partner
  • Activities organized solely by external partners

For those activities organized solely by external partners, the consultant shall:

  • Request a concept from the interested external party for validation with Volkswagen and GIZ.
  • If validated, include the activity in the yearly programme (see task a))
  • Coordinate with the external party and Volkswagen to find a date for the activity at the e-hub.
  • Assume the overall coordination with the external party for the appropriate usage of the e-hub.

Monitoring participation and the social impact of the empowerment hub

The consultant shall conduct an impact assessment of the e-hub and the social and educational services offered within it.

For this purpose, the consultant shall:

  • Make use of the monitoring system developed by Volkswagen, including questionnaires.
  • Collect data twice during the duration of this contract. The data collection shall take place every 4 months after start of contract.
  • Monitor the number of participants per activity, disaggregated by gender (Male / Female) and share of youth participants.
  • Provide two interim reports based on the questionnaires to GIZ and Volkswagen, and make suggestions on how to improve service provision at the e-Hub.

Final report summarizing results and lessons learned from implementation of the social activities and educational services of the empowerment hub

Before finalization of the contract, the consultant shall submit one final report that shall include the following information:

  • Overview of implemented activities, data on participation levels disaggregated by gender and percentage of youth participants
  • Summary of the results from the social impact monitoring.
  • Lessons learned and challenges faced during implementation.
  • Recommendations for improvement.
  • Identification of topics for social and educational services with greatest impact for the local community to be further explored in the empowerment hub.

Certain milestones, as laid out in the table below, are to be achieved during the contract term:

Milestones/process steps/partial services

Deadline/place/person responsible

Draft yearly programme (task a)

1 month after start of contract

Validated yearly programme (task a)

1,5 months after start of contract

List of equipment to be procured by GIZ (task b)

1,5 months after start of contract

Participant list disaggregated by gender and youth (task e)

After every implemented activity

Reviewed and updated yearly programme (task a)

6 and 10 months after start of contract

Social impact monitoring reports

 8 and 14 months after start of contract

Final report

 18 months after start of contract

Period of assignment: from April 2025 until October 2026.

2. Concept

In the tender, the tenderer is required to show how the objectives defined in Chapter 2 (Tasks to be performed) are to be achieved, if applicable under consideration of further method-related requirements (technical-methodological concept). In addition, the tenderer must describe the project management system for service provision.

Note: The numbers in parentheses correspond to the lines of the technical assessment grid.

Technical-methodological concept

Strategy (1.1): The tenderer is required to consider the tasks to be performed with reference to the objectives of the services put out to tender (see Chapter 1 Context) (1.1.1). Following this, the tenderer presents and justifies the explicit strategy with which it intends to provide the services for which it is responsible (see Chapter 2 Tasks to be performed) (1.1.2).

The tenderer is required to present the actors relevant for the services for which it is responsible and describe the cooperation (1.2) with them.

The tenderer is required to describe the key processes for the services for which it is responsible and create an operational plan or schedule (1.4.1) that describes how the services according to Chapter 2 (Tasks to be performed by the contractor) are to be provided.

3. Personnel concept

The tenderer is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions described, on the basis of their CVs (see Chapter 7), the range of tasks involved and the required qualifications.

The below specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number of points in the technical assessment.

Team leader

Tasks of the team leader

  • Overall responsibility for the advisory packages of the contractor (quality and deadlines)
  • Coordinating and ensuring communication with GIZ, partners and others involved in the project
  • Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines

Qualifications of the team leader

  • Education/training (2.1.1): bachelor's degree in agriculture, community development or related
  • Language (2.1.2): fluencyin English as well as Kinyarwanda
  • General professional experience (2.1.3): at least 7 years working as project manager or coordinator
  • Specific professional experience (2.1.4): at least 5 years of professional experience offering community services in Rwanda, having professional experience in Bugesera district is an added advantage.
  • Leadership/management experience (2.1.5): 3 years of leadership experience as leader or manager in a company or organization

Key expert 1

Tasks of key expert 1

  • Development and provision of tasks identified in chapter 2

Qualifications of key expert 1

  • Education/training (2.2.1): Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, engineering, community development or related
  • Language (2.2.2): fluency in English, French and Kinyarwanda
  • General professional experience (2.2.3): 2 years of professional experience offering community services in Rwanda, having professional experience in Bugesera district is an added advantage.
  • Specific professional experience (2.2.4): 2 years professional experience working and/or volunteering in a local community organization

4. Costing requirements

Specification of inputs

Fee days

Number of experts

Number of days per expert



Team leader





Key expert 1





5.Inputs of GIZ or other actors

GIZ and/or other actors are expected to make the following available:

  • Support with outreach and communication to external partners and target audiences whenever necessary
  • Provision of templates (word, powerpoint, etc.)
  • Procurement of necessary equipment

6. Requirements on the format of the tender

The structure of the tender must correspond to the structure of the ToRs. In particular, the detailed structure of the concept (Chapter 3) should be organised in accordance with the positively weighted criteria in the assessment grid (not with zero). The tender must be legible (font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. It must be drawn up in English (language).

The complete tender must not exceed 10 pages (excluding CVs). If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment. External content (e.g. links to websites) will also not be considered.

The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with Chapter 4 of the ToRs must be submitted using the format specified in the terms and conditions for application. The CVs shall not exceed 4 pages each. They must clearly show the position and job the proposed person held in the reference project and for how long. The CVs shall be submitted in Engilsh (language).

Please calculate your financial tender based exactly on the parameters specified in Chapter 5 Quantitative requirements. The contractor is not contractually entitled to use up the days, trips, workshops or budgets in full. The number of days, trips and workshops and the budgets will be contractually agreed as maximum limits. The specifications for pricing are defined in the price schedule.

7. Submission of the offer

Technical Proposal

  • Technical Proposal (attached template for technical proposal MUST be used)
  • Up to date CVs of proposed experts
  • Self-declaration of eligibility for the award
  • Company registration certificate (RDB)
  • VAT registration certificate
  • Tax clearance certificate
  • Company References for the completion of similar assignments

Financial offer:

Financial offer indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of all costs as described in the specification of inputs. The costs must be in RWF and VAT excluded (Price sheet must be used). The Financial offer will be regarded as exclusive of VAT in the case where there is no information about VAT.

Your EoI has to be submitted in 2 separated emails to RW_Quotation@giz.deuntil latest 26.02.2025:

  1. The technical offerhas to be submitted in PDF format and as attachment to the email with the subject: 83483271-Technical offer.  
  2. The financial offerhas to be submitted in PDF format and as attachment to the email with the subject: 83483271-Financial offer.

If the emails exceed the default email size of 30MB, offers can be exceptionally submitted through, as indicated. The subject of recipient notification must be edited with the subject “83483271-Technical/Financial offerand the notification message must includethe password to access the files.

Offers submitted through any other sharing platform, as google documents or similar will not be considered.

Without the subject mentioned, your offer may not be considered

 Offers submitted in hard copy will not be considered.

 GIZ reserves all rights.

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, February 28 2025
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 17-02-2025
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-02-2025
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-02-2070
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