Terms of Reference to Develop CESTRAR's Seven Years Self Reliance Strategy tender at CESTRAR (Rwanda Workers’ Trade Union Confederation)
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March 2024 


1. Introduction and Context 

CESTRAR (Rwanda Workers’ Trade Union Confederation) is the most influential National Centre in Rwanda with 17 affiliated Rwandan Trade Unions, with a progressive membership of more than 300,000 workers in different working sectors across the country. 

By its own nature and constitution, CESTRAR is an inclusive and non-political organization that only represents and organizes members according to their professions and believes that they should be given the same rights and opportunities regardless of political affiliation, gender, age, disability, religion, etc. 

CESTRAR is governed by the National Trade Union Congress, the National Trade Union Council and the National Executive Committee. The National Executive Committee is responsible of the implementation of the decisions taken by the Congress and the General Trade Union Council as well as the representation of CESTRAR at all levels. 

1.1 CESTRAR main objectives: 

  • Improving socio-economic conditions of workers in Rwanda.
  • Promoting solidarity among workers and involving them in trade union activities. 

1.2 Vision 

CESTRAR, as a professional organization of workers, fights for social justice and an equitable redistribution of the national wealth without discrimination. 

1.3 Mission 

Our mission is to strengthen unions and provide a unified voice for all workers. We are committed to defending human and trade union rights, creating a healthy and safe working environment, fighting against exploitation and discrimination, promoting decent work and social protection for all. 

1.4 Values 

Solidarity: Workers and trade unionists in particular should work in solidarity and be able to constitute a strong force to achieve vision and mission of CESTRAR. 

Commitment: Unionists must be committed and engaged to the mission, vision, values, culture and principles of CESTRAR. 

Loyalty: Unionist must remain faithful to their commitments, rules, and regulations of CESTRAR 

Transparency: CESTRAR and affiliated unions are accountable to their members


Since its creation, CESTRAR’s reason of being and work have been to contribute to a better working environment in the Rwandan workplace, where both the employers and the employees understand and respect their rights and obligations towards each other, as far as employment is concerned.

As the needs and expectations of affiliates have grown, so to have CESTRAR’s own organizational capacities and expectations. Increasing demand for CESTRAR’s services dictates that the organization reaffirms its mission and addresses fundamental questions such as, what objectives should be prioritized to make the best use of the organization’s skills and resources, what kind of organizational structure best allows CESTRAR to fulfill its mission, and how should the organization best craft its identity and message to maximize understanding, effectiveness and sustainability.

To address these core questions, CESTRAR puts forth this strategic plan, inspired by the above described environment, to help define the organization and where it intends to be within the next seven-year period. Indeed, in framing this strategic plan CESTRAR examines its organizational identity from several aspects. Basically, CESTRAR looks at who it is as a function of what its historical roles have been, as well as what present day expectations are. It identifies its primary programmatic initiatives and how it anticipates they will evolve, and reviews the characteristics and needs of the beneficiaries (affiliates) it serves. Finally, it also examines ways to structure itself and identifies key aspects to enhance in order to better meet the increasing needs of its constituents.

Through this strategic plan 2024-2031, CESTRAR will put much emphasis on the monitoring and focuses on areas that are deemed to promote worker’s rights and, where the enjoyment of such rights is obstructed either by the employer or by the employment, i.e. the conditions in which the employment is exercised, CESTRAR will encourage social dialogue, collective bargaining and seek redress through advocacy. To achieve this, CESTRAR envisions the organizational and institutional capacity building as an indispensable tool.

Therefore, CESTRAR will build its own Organizational and institutional capacities as well as those of its affiliated trade unions. CESTRAR believes that the effective implementation of this strategic plan will provide a crucial change and great contribution to the social and economic wellbeing of workers in Rwanda and specifically anticipates a situation where Rwandan worker’s rights will be effectively respected and decent work promoted by 2031.


The objectives of the self-reliance strategy:

  • Assess current level of self-reliance and sustainability across programs, operations, and funding
  • Identify opportunities and recommendations to increase earned income, local fundraising, and operational efficiency over 7 years
  • Develop realistic targets and an implementation roadmap for achieving greater self-reliance by 2031
  • Build internal capabilities and systems to successfully execute the strategy over the long-term 


  • The development of the 7-year self-reliance strategy will include:
  • Desk review of existing documents, financial reports, budgets, audits, program data
  • Key informant interviews with staff, affiliate unions, partners and other stakeholders
  • Financial modeling and forecasting of different self-reliance scenarios
  • Cost/benefit analysis of potential earned income activities or social enterprises
  • Assessment of local fundraising potential, opportunities, and capacities
  • Analysis of efficiency opportunities in operations and administration
  • Benchmarking against similar organizations and self-reliance best practices
  • Development of 7 years’ targets, roadmap, and detailed implementation plan
  • Validation and finalization of strategy with key stakeholders. 


  • Conduct an External Analysis 
  • Analyze the general environment by looking at political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal trends that could impact the organization.
  • Analyze the competitive environment by identifying key competitors, assessing their strategies, and determining competitive advantages.
  • Conduct macro-economic environment and labour market trends
  • Conduct Extended SWOT analysis to inform the planning projections of CESTRAR positioning in the region
  • Identify key opportunities and threats in the external environment.
  • Financial modeling and forecasting of different self-reliance scenarios
  • Cost/benefit analysis of potential earned income activities or social enterprises 
  • Conduct an Internal Analysis 
  • Analyze the organization's current vision, mission, objectives, and strategies.
  • Assess the organization's strengths and weaknesses in areas like finance, HR, operations, IT, marketing, and innovation.
  • Identify core competencies and capabilities that provide competitive advantage.
  • Conduct analysis of current status of CESTRAR business framework and model and propose a balanced scorecard showing how to improve organization capacity and internal processes
  • Analyze the existing competence and skills and Propose the professional development scenarios for both CESTRAR Personnel and members
  • Conduct the current share of CESTRAR in terms of membership and partnerships and propose the CESTRAR’s expansion strategies for a sustainable self-reliance and self-positioning in the region 
  • Formulate Strategy 
  • Use insights from the external and internal analyses to establish strategic objectives and goals.
  • Develop strategies to leverage strengths, improve weaknesses, pursue opportunities, and mitigate threats. Strategies could include market penetration, product development, diversification, acquisition, etc.
  • Evaluate and select specific strategies using criteria like suitability, feasibility, and acceptability. 
  • Implement Strategy 
  • Communicate the strategic plan organization-wide.
  • Align organization structure, systems, processes, technologies, and people to strategy.
  • Allocate resources appropriately towards strategic goals.
  • Establish KPIs and systems to monitor progress. 
  • Review and Evaluate 
  • Regularly review internal and external factors to identify changes.
  • Evaluate performance towards strategic goals.
  • Make adjustments to strategies and implementation as needed. 


The Consultant will deliver the following: 

  1. Inception Report: with clear methodological framework and reflecting the understanding of the assignment. 
  2. Draft self-reliance strategic report: the draft study report shall be developed with adherence to the ToRs 
  3. Final self-reliance strategic report: will be produced after stakeholders’ validation meeting. 

The table below indicates key deliverables to be approved at each stage: 



Estimated Man-Days



Upon Approval of the inception report

10-man days

2 Weeks  


Upon approval of the draft report

25-man days



Upon approval of the final report

5-man days


Total Duration 

40-Man days

8       Weeks


The assignment is scheduled to take a maximum duration of 2 months equal to sixty (60) calendar days, commencing from the date of signing of the contract, with maximum 60 Person days distributed to Key experts. 


  • Composition, qualification and experience of team 

The consultancy firm shall have a multidisciplinary team of at least 3 key experts as follows: 

  1. The Lead consultant (Team Leader)

Should have at least:

  • PHD in the one of the following fields: Industrial Relations, Economics, Business management, Finance, Education, Project management, Human resource management as well as a minimum of 3 years of relevant experience with references in the similar field
  • Or Masters’ Degree in one of the following fields: Industrial Relations, Economics, Business management, Finance, Education, Project management, Human resource management as well as a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience with references in the similar field
  • Excellent research, analytical and communication skills, both oral and written; with proven analytical skills
  • Strong knowledge of the Rwandan labour market and employability skills systems with at least 5 years of relevant consulting experience in the areas of skills development and employment promotion
  • 5 years of progressive experience in designing and implementing development projects related to youth employment as well as development economy. Technical expertise in the areas of employment creation, entrepreneurship, skills development, and digitalization is considered a key asset.
  • Demonstrated significant successful experiences in partnerships development and resource mobilization including negotiations with donors.
  • Knowledge and understanding of national economic development trends, labour, employment, and industrial relations in different economic sectors.
  • Exceptional organizational, and communication skills, ability to work independently in order to meet deadlines.
  • Strong knowledge of the Rwandan labour market and employability skills systems with at least 5 years of relevant consulting experience in the areas of skills development and employment promotion
  • Have a strong, relevant and proven research experience with both qualitative and quantitative analytical approaches, preferably in the area of skills development and or employment 
  1. Senior Economist 

Should have at least: 

  • a post graduate degree in economics, statistics with at least 5 years of relevant and proven working experience conducting surveys in the areas of labour relations and employment promotion,
  • Experience working with Government, trades union and Private sector stakeholders
  • Experience in conducting assessment related to International labour organization and social partners
  • Experience working in developing countries prone to both external and domestic shocks
  • Extensive knowledge of and experience in applying qualitative and quantitative evaluation/research methods.
  • Experience working with Government, trades unions and Private sector stakeholders
  • Conducted at least of 2 labour market impact assessments or labor and employment related studies
  • Proven seven years’ experience in working with the International organizations especially in developing strategies, conducting assessment on labour and employment in Africa and Rwanda;
  • Have a proven experience in matters pertaining to conducting assessment, developing employment policies and strategies and laabour market analysis
  • Abide by Professional ethics;
  • Familiar with general working conditions of private employers, labour and employment matters in Rwanda;
  • Have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and working knowledge of Kinyarwanda 
  1. Statician

Should have at least: 

  • Master’s Degree in Demography or Statistics with at least
  • Seven years conducting surveys including research design, data collection and analysis in education and/or employment sector
  • Proven ability to work with statistical data processing and analytical software (Stata, R, CSPro
  • Have at least 3 completion certificates pertaining to conducting tracer studies or surveys at National level
  • Proven Experience in coordinating and conducting field work activities in the area of skills development and /or employment promotion.
  • Excellent written and spoken knowledge of English. Knowledge of French an advantage
  • Computer literacy, and experience with editing and presenting reports
  • Abide by Professional ethics 
  • Evaluation Criteria

The eligible consultancy firm’s proposals shall be evaluated based the following criteria:

  • The proposal’s fulfillment of these Terms of Reference.
  • The Consultant’s proposed approach and methodology to implementing the assignment.
  • The Consultant’s experience and qualifications relevant to the assignment.
  • The Consultant’s financial proposal.


  • The understanding of the Terms of Reference 

The consultancy firm will interpret the Terms of Reference and indicate the proposed structure and content for each deliverable. This will serve as skeleton and an anticipation of how the consultant envisages the final report to look like. The consultant will also anticipate the expected outputs and activities to accomplish each deliverable. 

  • Proposed methodological approach for each deliverable and work plan 

The deliverables of the assignment complement each other to make the overall objective expected to be achieved. However, each deliverable has its specificity that needs to be addressed specifically. Therefore, the consultancy firm will be required to practically demonstrate specific approaches it will employ to accomplish each deliverable. This must indicate step by step approaches towards effective accomplishment of each deliverable. 

For each deliverable, the consultancy firm methods will include but not limited to the following: 

  • Design tailored to each deliverable
  • Practical steps to accomplish each deliverable
  • Data collection methods and tools
  • Data analysis methods and tools
  • Quality assurance
  • Ethical considerations
  • Work Plan

The work plan will include the following components: 

  • Expected deliverables
  • Detailed steps to accomplish each deliverable
  • Timeframe to accomplish each deliverable.


Interested consultancy firms are invited to submit their proposals, which shall include the following:

  • Technical Proposal:
  • A cover letter expressing your interest in this assignment
  • Technical proposal with a brief description of why you would be considered as the most suitable for the assignment, relevant expertise, and a detailed, clear methodology, your approach to complete the assignment, timeline and work plan
  • CV of the Consultants proposed
  • Company registration certificate (RDB)
  • VAT-Registration certificate
  • Latest tax clearance certificate
  • Proof of successful completion of related assignments.
  • Financial Proposalin Rwandan Francs with all taxes inclusive. The proposal should provide a breakdown of all costs associated with the project and proposed payment terms
  • Submission Proposal

Interested consultancy firms are invited to submit electronically their proposals (technical & financial offer) in two separated emails and should be in PDF files to this email cestrartender@gmail.com ONLY not later than 03/4/ 2024 at 12:00PM. 

Done at Kigali, on 14/03/2024 


General Secretary

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, April 05 2024
Duty Station: Lusaka
Posted: 14-03-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-03-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-03-2066
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