Terms of Reference for the Installation of Solar Panel System in the Technical Secondary School tender at Plan International Rwanda
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CALL FOR PROPOSALS FY25/09/001         

Terms of Reference for the installation of solar panel system in the Technical Secondary School – TSS

These Terms of Reference (1) provide background information on Plan International, (2) provide background information on the Bike for Future Project, (3) outline the objective and scope of the assignment, (4) describe the specific expected deliverables from the Consultant and (5) describe the calibre of the consultant required.

 About Plan International

About Plan International more broadly

We strive to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years, we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

 About Plan international Rwanda

Plan International has been working in Rwanda since 2007 and has operations in the Eastern and Southern Provinces; in districts of Gatsibo, Bugesera and Nyaruguru. Plan International Rwanda currently operates in all 5 refugee camps as the sole child protection Partner of UNHCR. The Country Office is at Kacyiru, Kigali.

Plan International Rwanda has a Country Strategy (2020-2024) of which overall goal is,” To contribute to the access to comprehensive ECD services and the reduction of SGBV so that vulnerable children and young people, particularly girls grow up, develop and realize their rights to make decisions about their lives in protective, healthy, resilient and inclusive environments in both development and humanitarian settings”. This country strategy Focus on four Country Programmes (CPs): (i) Early Childhood Development, (ii) Child Protection (iii) Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and (iv) Disaster Risk Management and Resilience. We will adopt Youth Economic Empowerment and Gender Transformative Programming cross-cutting thematic areas and enablers to support the four country programs.

Being a Child Centred Organization, Plan International works through a right based approach that seeks to address systemic causes of child poverty and injustices directed to children and their communities.

 Project Background

Through the support from Belgian cycling Partners & Sponsors, Plan International Rwanda and Plan international Belgian have secured the “Bike for future” project, to work during 4 years starting April 2023; with young people, especially girls in the Districts of Gatsibo and Bugesera. This project should benefit from the Road World Championship Cycling in Rwanda (2025) to advocate for young women’s rights in terms of social and economic empowerment, to access the career path of their choice, whether it be for jobs opportunities traditionally held by men such as mechanics, science, technology, transport, engineering and mathematics but also   cycling sport. This project is being implemented by Learn Work Develop Organization (LWD) Partner starting from September 2023.

The main priority is to ensure that young people (especially girls) have full access to the labour market, through market-oriented skills development, integration projects and sport. All to get them ready to become leaders of change for inclusion and gender equality and become respected leaders of change in their communities.

The expected outcome of the project is: Young people, especially young women are socially and economically empowered to run their businesses, access wage opportunities and become active drivers of change in their communities.  

Specifically, the Project is geared towards achieving the following outcome results:

Young people, especially young women in their diversity, build on and develop their skills for wage or self-employment opportunities

The objective is to build on and develop the technical skills of youth for wage or self-employment opportunities, especially in mechanics or STEM sector, making the most of the bicycle industry.

Young people increase their foundational capabilities needed to act as effective drivers of change in line with human rights, gender equality and inclusion.

The objective is to strengthen the social skills of youth to advocate for their rights and prevent gender-based violence through sport practices.

Families adopt positive norms and practices supporting young people, especially young women in their diversity, to participate in SOYEE training and activities and pursuing wage or self-employment opportunities of their choosing

 The objective is for the 3,600 (2,400 direct &1,200 indirect) youth among which 60% girls to benefit from the support of their parents and communities to access education opportunities and sport practices of their choice.

 Private sector companies are committed to employ young people, especially young women in their diversity

The objective is for private sector companies to demonstrate a commitment to support youth in accessing economic opportunities of their choosing.

The Project is targeting to reach 2, 400 young people especially adolescent girls and young women (direct) and 1, 200 indirect) aged between 16 to 24 years old ; to  have access to vocational training and support with scholarships, start-up kits, materials, training on management and entrepreneurship; start their own business (e.g: bicycle shop, repair store), training on gender equality, GBV prevention, sport practices, the celebration of the International Women’s Day to share their experiences of the project, and advocate for the importance to access sport practices, cycling, and economic opportunities relevant for them; participation in annual youth councils forums to discuss environmental issues. In addition, the project targets TVETs Centers staff (Teachers and Instructors), parents/caregivers and leaders at all levels as well as potential employers from Private Sector.

Purpose of solar panel system installation


 In order to avoid the electrical power outage which, affect negatively the technical training courses provision and in abide to decrease electricity cost and invest in order school activities like improving school feeding programme, hygiene and   sanitation and school maintenance; there is a need to install on-grid power / solar panel to support the learning outcomes of girls within an improved learning environment.

Scope of Work

The solar panel system installation will be done at Nelson Mandela Technical Secondary School located in Ntarama Sector of Bugesera District. The solar panel system will be tied to the existing local utility's grid of the school so that this school may vary or use both energies depending on its needs.  The solar panel system equipment purchase and installation will be done by the hired external Engineer. This installation will help the school to avoid the electrical power outage which, affect negatively the technical training courses provision but gain, it will enable the school to decrease electricity cost and invest in order school activities aiming at supporting the learning outcomes of girls within an improved learning environment.

Solar PV System Technical Requirements

The following forms the basis for the type of PV systems envisioned to meet the power requirements of the Lighting and other essential Loads for the school’s workshop or laboratory at Nelson Mandela with funding from Plan international Belgian via Plan International Rwanda.

Key Deliverables

Overview of the system design

  •  The proposed project consists of installation of AC-DC coupled Grid –interactive solar PV power systems
  • In an AC coupled system the battery and solar PV both wire into the fuseboard independently and can be considered separately.
  • This makes AC coupled a good choice for retrofit systems as the battery can be installed without any needing to touch the existing solar PV.

Minimum technical requirement







Dual Inverter Model (Solar (PV) Inverters(s) +Smart Battery Inverter)


Solar Panels


550 Watts.

>575 Watts Preferred

Required quantity for                       Sized 26,450Kwp   for AC

  • Monocrystalline Modules must be certified to the following standard: IEC/EN 61215 or UL 1703 and IEC/EN 61730 or equivalent


Inverter(s) / Charger and Solar Charger controller.

 Total inverter(s) power 20Kw

To be

determined by the number of strings. for each respective sized system

  • Pure sine wave ,400 V, 50 Hz
  • Multistring capabilities depending on the PV array size. Minimum Two independent MPPTs
  • AC coupling capabilities
  • Outdoor installation IP66.
  • Peak power rate up to 1.5 rate
  • LV or HV compatible
  • 100% Unbalance output, each phase
  • Support Multiple batteries parallel.
  • The device shall allow connection to grid and/or backup generator.
  • The charging function of the inverter/charger shall include battery charging functionality and shall be wired in ways that make use of the inverter’s battery charging functionality if the installation includes either mains power or a diesel generator.
  • Protections required: AC overload and load short circuit, overvoltage, overheating and battery reverse polarity.
  • Shall allow internet connection     for remote monitoring.
  • Total Harmonic Distortion shall be less than 3%.
  • Maximum efficiency should be not less than 97 % at full load.
  • Shall be certified to meet CE and UL marking and complaint with IEC 62109.
  • The device should be integrated with LED indicators and LCD display.
  • It shall allow adjustment of battery voltage and charging current.
  • Product warranty shall be at least 5 years.


Data Logging and Monitoring System

System voltage 230 V

50 Hz

No. 1

  • The main function of such system is to monitor and record energy (DC & AC part) data and system parameters on a predetermined interval basis. Such data can be accessed remotely; 
  • should provide required interface to the plant to access such data.
  • Monitoring and recording data on a pre-determined interval basis
  • shall provide necessary hardware and software to measure and/or record energy parameters such as output voltage, consumed current, output frequency, power, and energy).
  • Could be either built in or external device.
  • The system should be capable to operate through GSM/App, should be provide all accessories needed such as simcard, modules, ethernet and USB.


 DC combiner box


Built in SPD (Surge Protective Device, DC fuse, and Circuit breakers

  • The Junction Box shall be made of metal and or tough PVC suitable for outdoor installation.
  • DC Solar PV Combiner Box 500Vdc, 4Strings input/2 Strings output, including Fuses, SPD and DC load isolation switch


AC Coupling Panel

 Current 63 A

Required quantity for each sized system

  • Metal Enclosure, Indoor, built in SPD, RCCB, MCCB – single phase/three phase depending on the system power supply.
  • Internal connection should be through busbars.
  • Ingress protection must be at least IP41.
  • Fault level for the main breaker: At least 25 kA.
  • high quality mccbs/mcbs
  • Warranty: at least 1 year.


Storage Battery(s) with Integrated Battery Rack:

 Capacity: 5.3Kwh/ 48Vdc

The Number of batteries will be calculated up to 50 kWh

  • Lithium-Ion Phosphate LiFePO 4
  • Battery System Maximum Capacity: 5.37 kWh
  • Single Module Nominal Voltage: 51.2 Vdc
  • Modules Expandability: 15 Direct Parallel (Stack max 8 units)
  • Ingress Protection: IP20 (Indoor Application Only)
  • Cluster Net Capacity: 79.5 ~556.5 kWh (With LV HUB For Multi-cluster Application
  • Voltage Range 46,5 ~58,4 Vdc
  • Usable Capacity: 105 Ah
  • Communication Interfaces: RS485, CAN, RS232, Built-in Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
  • Max. Charge / Discharge Current up to 1C Max
  • Standard Charge / Discharge Current:  0.5C
  • BMS Working Temperature : -20 + 65 °C
  • Max DoD %: 99%
  • Expected Cycle Life @ STC : > 7000 (25°C 80% DoD)
  • Standards
  • CB /IEC62368-1 / IEC62619 / CE / UN38.3
  • Adaptive Charging Logic, 2 x programmable DI/ DO
  • Remote Monitoring & Control with App for Android / iOS accordance with IEC 61427 standard.




Required quantity per design

  • At least 1.5-Meter-long pure copper earth-rods complete with clamps and connectors.
  • Suitable rated Cu earth connection cable.


Mounting Structure(s)

Withstand minimum windspeeds of 140 km/hr

Required quantity per design

  • The roof mounting structures should act less burden to the existing building.
  • Easy to handle and install.
  • The Mounting rails, end clamp and middle clamp are made of 6000 series aluminum alloy
  • Anti-Corrosive property against harsh environment.
  • The tilt angle of the structure can be changed according to different installation positions Fasteners are made of stainless steel.


Cables and wires


Required quantity and size per design

  • DC cable: Should be TUV with double insulating material and jacket, made of copper, stranded type.
  • AC cable: XLPE cables shall be used for indoor for indoor/ outdoor installation.
  • Fault level for the main breaker: at least 25 kA.


Wire management

  • The wire management to include the
  • relevant accessories for the system installation, including (but not limited to):
  • Connectors: PV connectors (MC4 or equivalent) with relevant male/female pins, to include 10% spares.
  • Cable lugs corresponding to the relevant cables and wires selected for the system as well as the needed termination in the load- centre, inverters, integration units, etc.
  • Cable ties: The cable ties to accommodate the wires and the cables.
  • Conduits, glands, cable Trays: standardized sizing for cable management to accommodate the wire selected (A, B, C), lengths, quantities, and provided equipment.

  Technical detailed specifications and applied standards

SolarPV Modules:

The solar modules must be mono‐crystalline and following criteria is recommended:

  • Moduleefficiency: > 20 %
  • PeakWattage of a single module> 300 Wp
  • Inconformity with the IEC/EN 61215 & 61730
  • IEC61701‐ Salt Mist Corrosion Testing
  • IEC62716‐ Ammonia Corrosion Testing
  • IECTS 62804 – PID Testing
  • Productwarranty – at least 10 years
  • Powerwarranty – linear 25 years
  • UL1703 (Safety Standard for Flat Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels) (harmonized with equivalent IEC61730).


Following requirements and standards are recommended for Inverters:

  • IEC60068‐2 – Environmental Systems
  • IEC61683 – Efficiency Measurements
  • IEC61000 – EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
  • IEC62109‐1 – General Safety Requirements, ‐2 – Inverter Specific Safety
  • IEC62116 ‐ islanding prevention measures
  • IEC61727 – characteristics of the utility interface
  • IEC60529 ‐ IP test
  • IEC62103 – Electronic equipment for use in power installations
  • VDEAR N 4105:2011‐08 – Harmonics/Flicker/Frequency
  • Warrantyat least 5 years
  • UL 1741 (Standards for Invertors, convertors, controllers, and interconnection systemequipment for use with distributed energy resources (DER)). As DER certification and testing has become increasingly important worldwide, the US moved to adopt IEC  IEC 62109 was born out of UL1741 and was expanded / updated to address cutting edge safety aspects of PV power conversion equipment.

Charge Controller

  • MaximumPower Point Tracking (MPPT) type
  • PVcharging efficiency at least 92%
  • Controllermust utilize passive cooling (not fans)–
  • ConformingCE or UL 1741 Marking, IEC 62509, or IEC 62093
  • Thedevice should have LED or LCD display

 StorageBattery(s) with Integrated Battery Rack:

Following requirements and standards are recommended for batteries:

  • Batterybank with built in battery rack,
  • Warrantyat least 5 years
  • Batteriesshall be Deep Cycle Lithium (LiFePO4) 6000 cycles at 90% (DOD), batteries shall be tested in accordance with IEC 61427 
  • Theoperating temperature for the battery shall be -20°C to +55 °C.
  • BatteryRack should be configured for 48 VDC, powder coated with a corrosion resistant acid proof 
  • IEC61427‐1, ‐2
  • IEC62133 or UL 2054 2nd edition ‐ Household and Commercial Batteries. IEC 62133‐ 2:2017 – Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary lithium cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications – Part 2: Lithium systems
  • UL1642 (Lithium-Ioncells) and UL 1973 (Lithium-Ion Battery Modules) UN 3

AC Cabling

  • ACCabling Stranded type, TUV certified, double insulating material 1kV XPLE/PVC/CU
  • All cables shall be marked properly according to approved design so that cable can be easilytraced and identified.
  • All outdoor exposed wiring to be protected from UV radiation and physical damage, allcabling above ground should be suitably mounted inside cable trays with proper 
  • XLPEinsulated and PVC sheathed single or multi core flexible copper cables meeting IEC 60227 and IEC 60502.
  • Cable ends connections are to be made through suitable lugs or terminals, crimped properly& with use of cable 

DC Cabling

  • Conductor -Soft annealed tin-coated flexible stranded copper per ASTM B-33 and EN60228, TUV certified
  • Insulation -Halogen-free, thermoset polyolefin specifically designed for maximumflexibility, and Jacket - Black/Red, low smoke non-halogenated, flame retardant, oil, abrasion, chemical and sunlight resistant cross-linked compound meeting UL 44, UL 
  • All cables shall be marked properly according to approved design so that cable can be easilytraced and identified.
  • PVarray to battery circuit(s) to be sized for maximum 3% voltage drop at rated array 
  • Cable ends connections are to be made through suitable lugs or terminals, crimped properly& with use of cable 

This item is including the cables and cable trays:

  • CableTray -Perforated type Galvanized steel cable trays, cable tray covers, clamping bolts and other cable tray.
  • Accessoriessuch as coupler plates, bends, tees, reducers, vertical elbows in manufactured accordance with ASTM A653 SS, Grade 33, coating designation G90.

Bill of Quantities


Item Description



Unit Price (RWF)




Solar Monocrystalline PV Module 575Wp





Solar Roof Mounting Structure for Solar Modules (Rails. Mid-Clamps, End-Clamps, L legs and rail splices)





Solar PV combiner Box Inputs 4/2 outputs





Inverter/Charger 20KW three phase 400V AC ,50Hz, LV/HV, 2 MPPT Solar Charger controller 1000V DC





Battery String Protection Module (HV BOX 750Vdc, 50A x 2)





Lithium (LFP) Battery Module 5.3 Kwh/48V





Solar DC Cable 1 x 6mm2





AC run cable 4*10





Pre-wired AC Distribution boxes (MCBs, RCD, SPDs, Power cable, DB,)





Earthing and Lightning arrester protection





Balance of System (Cables Conduits, Cable ties, cable trails, PV Combiner Racking, Ethernet Cables, other Accessories, trucking, cable tray, RJ45





Installation & commissioning and transport





Shipping cost





Engineering Documentation and User Manual training





Maintenance cost per year





Taxes (VAT)






 Majors tasks 

The solar panel system installation major tasks include:

  • Conducting initial site visit and elaborate the installation plans & cost estimation of the solar panel systeminstallation;
  • Elaborate tender document to facilitate the procurement processes;
  • Tender document to guide the tender process;
  • Signing of contract by the selected company;
  • Solar panel system installation works;
  • Production and submission of the solar panel installation reports (approved by school technicians) to PIR during and after the completion;
  • Provisional and final handover

 Site visits

The sites visits will be done by all interested solar panel system installation companies and Project team in collaboration with the above mentioned Technical Secondary School staff.  All interested companies will arrange for their transportation facilities (and meals for their staff) while going and coming from the installation site.


The timeframe for the solar panel equipment purchases and installation (including the provisional handover should not exceed 30 calendar days. The solar panel system installation is expected to be carried out and finalized by 26th October 2024 and the provisional handover done not later than 31st October 2024. If external man powers are required, the hired Engineer will work on his/her recruitment and ensure cover all expenses corresponding to the costs of logistics, meals, and salaries by the Engineer fees etc.  


Estimated number of days



Procuring and suppling of solar Pannel equipment and all accessories  


Hired company

Setting Out Panel Area


Hired company

Installing Mounting Structure


Hired company

Mounting Modules


Hired company

Stringing modules


Hired company


Marking out positions for balance of system equipment


Hired company

Mounting Balance of System equipment


Hired company

Wiring and Protection Equipment Installation


Hired company


Interconnection of the all equipment


Hired company

Testing and Commissioning


Hired company

Submission of Installation report


Hired company

Provisional handover


Hired company

Total days

30 days


 Required technical documents to be submitted.

The following table show a list of documents and drawings proposers will be expected to provide on the proposed solar PV systems.


Item Description


PV system configurations for the modularized PV systems


Schematic drawings for the modularized PV systems


PV Modules Data sheets and test certificates


Inverter(s) Datasheets and test certificates


Ground Mount and Roof Mount Mounting Structures Data Sheets


Battery Mounting Systems Data Sheets


Battery data sheet and test certificates

Submission of proposal

The bidders /Companies are expected to submit a detailed proposal with the following components:

a) administrative documents:

  • RDB Registration certificate
  • RRA & RRSB clearancesand VAT certificate
  • At least 4 years of experience in similar works

b)technical proposal to include:

  • A one-page company’s understanding of the TOR;
  • A detailed activities schedule/work plan with time frame (including a Gantt chart);
  • A profile of company Engineers including the full names, physical addresses, telephone numbers and contact person of the company;
  • Copy of CVs of all Engineers who will undertake the solar panel system installation works;
  • At least 3 good completion certificates of similar work entrusted by well recognized Organizations

c) financial proposal detailing:

  • Itemized company’s fees;
  • Itemized field works expenses;
  • Itemized administration expenses.


Interested and qualified suppliers should submit their offers, in sealed envelope, clearly marked “Installation of Solar Panel System in the Technical Secondary School – TSS.”by hand (Reception of Plan International Rwanda- Kigali Country office/Kacyiru) not later than 2.00 pm of 30th September 2024.

Submissions should be addressed to:  

The Chairperson -Tender Panel

Plan International Inc. Rwanda

Golden Plaza Building, Floor # 4, KG 456 St

P.O. Box 6211, Kigali, Rwanda.

Done at Kigali, on 17th September 2024

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, October 02 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 18-09-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-09-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-09-2066
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