Terms Of Reference (Tor) For Supporting The Endline Reporting And Baseline Processes For The Programme Funded By Irish Aid At Trócaire
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Terms Of Reference (Tor) For Supporting The Endline Reporting And Baseline Processes For The Programme Funded By Irish Aid
26 September 2022
Organization Trócaire Rwanda
BHC Building, 260 Bvd de l’Umuganda, Kacyiru, P.O. Box 2040,
Kigali, Rwanda
Tel : (+250) 0252 502663 / (+250) 0252 502664
Reference Expression of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified consulting firms or individual consultants for the Programme Endline Evaluation, as well as the baseline exercise for the new grant cycle for 2023-2027
Assignment Support to Trócaire to carry out annual programme review (APR) for the programme funded by Irish Aid.
Contact for clarification inforwanda@trocaire.org
With copy to

Deadline for submission of applications and timelines for work Deadline for application: Wednesday 5 October 2022 00h00

Selection and communication of outcomes of tender: Monday 10 October 2022

Start of the works: Monday 17 October 2022.

Exercise to be completed by 2 December 2022


Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland, established in 1973 and currently has presence in more than 17 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia including Rwanda. Trócaire has been operating in Rwanda since 1994 and is currently implementing a 5 year Strategic plan from 2021-2025 focused on CSO capacity strengthening as well as 3 programme pillars: Resource Rights, Women’s Empowerment and Preparing and Responding to Emergencies. Trócaire does not implement programme directly. Instead, the organization works in partnership with local civil society and Catholic organisations in 7 districts in Rwanda.

Overview of Irish Aid Program Grant in Rwanda
The program entitled “Building Resilient Communities through Empowering Women, and Integrated Land and Water Resources Management” funded by IAPF is a six year grant started in March 1st 2017 and due to end on 31 December 2022. The programme covers two pillars namely goal 2 focusing on equitable access and use of Resources and goal 3 focusing on Women’s empowerment; and operates in 6 districts of Rwanda: Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru and Nyanza in southern province, Rulindo and Gakenke in Northern province; and Nyagatare in eastern province. The program is implemented by 14 partners of whom 7 implement Resource rights and use pillar (IPFG, UNICOOPAGI, Caritas Gikongoro, DUHAMIC ADRI, RDO, Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network and CCOAIB); while the other 7 partners implement women’s empowerment pillar (CIU, CDJP Gikongoro, ARCT, Duterimbere, RCSP, Rwanda Women’s Network and Haguruka).

The programme covers the goals and outcomes below:
Goal 2 outcome 1: People living in poverty, particularly rural women, benefit from the sustainable use and management of natural resources and under this outcome, the country programme supports approximately 1794 MHH and 1085 FHH households.
Goal 3 outcome 1: Women, particularly young women, are participating in formal and informal decision making at all levels, under this goal the programme is supporting approximately 1469 women and 524 men.
The endline exercise, will aim to assess whether targets that were set as part of the baseline (carried out in May 2017), have been obtained.
An endline report and conribution to the final programme report is expected as an outcome of this exercise.
In addition, the consultant is requested to also support the carry out of the baseline exercise for the new programme cycle that will start on January 1st 2023, till 31 December 2027. A grant management framework, theory of change, logframe and indicators have already been drafted for this exercise.
The baseline will have to be done in only 3 districts (2 sectors per district), namely Nyaruguru, Nyamagabe and Rulindo Districts.


Trócaire will treat the content of all submissions as strictly confidential and information provided in the proposals will be used solely for the purpose of developing a supplier list as described in this document.

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Purpose and scope of the evaluations

As part of the programme monitoring, evaluation and learning framework an annual review is planned at the end of every year to assess to progress and change made in lives of the beneficiaries and in their communities, with a focus on specific indicators in the results framework. A baseline was conducted in April-May 2017, and end line evaluation will be conducted at the end of the programme.
The annual review reports are readily available, as well as the tools and baseline survey used.
The end of programme review of “Building Resilient Communities through Empowering Women, and Integrated Land and Water Resources Management” program is aimed to assess if the targets that were set to be reached at the end of 2022 have been reached, and if strategies were succesful.
In this regard, Trócaire is seeking the services of an independent consultant to support the end of programme process, working in close collaboration with Trócaire technical staff and partners.
The rationale for the baseline and why we feel this exercise can be combined, is that the new programme will continue as a follow up from the current programme. It will take place in 3 similar districts (although the programme will no longer work in the other 3 districts that were part of the current programme). The baseline will therefore only be done in Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru and Rulindo, where 10 partners will continue its implementation, jointly with Trocaire.

Time frame
It is expected that both exercises will be conducted during the period of 15 October to 02 December 2022. The consultant will provide a proposed timeline, which will be agreed upon with Trocaire before the start of the assignment.
The week of 17 October will be crucial for training of partners and staff and rolling out the tools and training on approaches for data collection (led by the consultant).

Audience for the APR
Both the endline and baseline exercise will seek the participation of Trócaire staff, partners, local and government authorities and program participants as primary audience. However, the global Programmes and PIL teams, Trócaire Senior Management, are all significant secondary stakeholders. There is also an expectation that the findings will be validated with target communities and government authorities.

Both exercises should apply interactive methodology and both primary as well as secondary data will be gathered to be able to respond to survey questions and FGD guiding questions in the review tools. It is expected that a mixed methodology will be adopted which will typically consist of:
• A quantitative survey for sampled program participants for Resource Rights and use and Women’s empowerment;
• Focus group discussions (FGD) for program participant’s representatives;
• Interviews with Government leaders from the sectors to the district, and leaders of partner organisations;
• Documentary review for secondary data from partner reports, Government reports, NGOs doing similar work, etc.
In principle for, if the context allows, the survey, a statistically valid sample will be calculated and stratified or systematic random sampling procedure should be applied to allow the cover all targeted administrative sectors. The number of FGD and interviews conducted will also seek to cover all administrative sectors considered as sampling units and it will ensure that participants are able to respond to core APR questions.
NB: An expectation is that CommCare will be used for digital data collection. The consultant should hence be able and skilled in the usage of CommCare, the analysis and consolidation of data, the development of questionnaires in the system, training of partner and Trocaire staff in data collection using the system.

Roles and Responsibilities
Trócaire will establish an evaluation team to oversee both exercises. This will consist of the Programme Manager, Resource Rights Technical Advisor and Women’s Empowerment Technical advisor, while overall support and guidance will be provided by Trocaire’s Global MEAL Advisors and the Digital Data Advisor. They will be responsible for:
• Providing guidance to the consultant and stakeholders throughout the review process;
• Liaising with partners for logistical arrangements, including the selection of sampled participants and securing meetings and interviews
• Approval of all deliverables; and
• Overall responsibility and accountability for the endline and baseline process.

The external consultant/s will be expected to
• Participate in briefing and consultative meetings on the assignment;
• Lead the staff and partner trainings in the week of 17 October as preparation for the exercises;
• Review and get familiar with data collection tools: questionnaire surveys, focus group discussion questions and key informant interview questions which were used in the baseline;
• Enter the questionnaire in CommCare on phones/tablets to be used by enumerators.
• Train enumerators and the evaluation management team on data collection, entering and processing using CommCare;
• Lead on the field work, analyze data, and draft a preliminary report for feedback from Trócaire team;
• Finalize the data analysis and submit two final reports (endline as well as baseline) with key findings;
• Present the findings in a workshop with partners
• Final reports.

Documentation required for EOI
Consultants/Consulting companies submitting EOIs should submit the following:
• Technical bid showing clear understanding of the scope of assignment and examples of similar assignments done before;
• Financial bid with clear breakdown of costs and rate per day in RWF;
• Payment terms and pricing structure;
• Proposed turnaround time in line with the proposed timeline above;
• Contact details of 3 references;

Expertise required and Qualification:

Interested registered individual or corporate consulting firms should demonstrate relevant experience in the following areas:
• Programme/project planning and evaluation;
• Participatory research techniques;
• Extensive experience in digital/mobile data collection and processing applications. Knowledge of digital data collection and management platforms, especially CommCare ;
• Developing high quality monitoring and evaluation systems for similar programmes;
• Strong background and experience of working in the region/country and Programme context;
• Knowledge of relevant thematic Programme such as livelihoods, governance, gender equality and women’s empowerment ;
• Knowledge of Trócaire’s work;
• Working to demanding deadlines; and
• Excellent writing skills in English
• Good command of English and Kinyarwanda with ability to present and moderate discussions in both languages.

General Terms and Conditions
Trócaire Rwanda reserves the right to reject any and all Expressions of Interest not fulfilling requirements associated with this request. Trócaire Rwanda will in no case be responsible or liable for any and all costs associated with the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.
• Trócaire does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced tender;
• Trócaire reserves the right to engage other companies / consultants if required;

Trócaire shall be free to:

• To accept the whole, or part only, of any EOI;
• To accept none of the EOIs tendered;
• To republish this Request for EOIs;
• In the event of not accepting any of the EOIs received on foot of this Request for EOI, Trócaire shall be free to make such arrangements as it considers necessary in relation to the provision of the services;
• The EOI shall maintain strict confidentiality in relation to the services being sought and the APR process;
• Any subsequent contract shall be considered as a contract made in Rwanda, according to Rwanda law; and
• The Standard Terms and Conditions to which Trócaire expects all of its supplier to respect is found on the Trócaire website - https://www.trocaire.org/about/work-with-trocaire/supply-chain.

Conflict of interest.
Any conflict of interest involving an applicant must be fully disclosed to Trócaire. Failure to disclose a conflict may disqualify an applicant or invalidate an award of the contract. Applicants are required to declare any current or past work which might reasonably be considered to represent a conflict of interest. It will be for Trócaire to decide if any material conflict of interest exists and applicants in doubt in this regard should seek the advice of Trócaire.

Intellectual property
Any concepts, guidelines or other material developed during the contract will be considered as property of Trócaire and may be used by Trócaire.

Termination of Contract
Trócaire reserves the right to terminate the contract at any stage on payment of reasonable and agreed costs accrued to the date of termination.
If at any stage during the contract, the services delivered by the consultant is found to be unsatisfactory, the contract may be terminated by Trócaire. In the event of such a termination, the consultant will only be entitled to receive payment in relation to the acceptable services rendered at that time.

Submission of Expression of Interests (EOI)

All interested and qualified candidates should submit well typed “Expressions of interest for ‘’Carrying out an Endline and Baseline Exercise for Trocaire Rwanda’’ submitted to Procurement Committee, Trócaire Rwanda, BHC Building, 260 Bvd de l’Umuganda, Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda not later than by Wednesday 5 October 2022 before midnight. The EOIs should be submitted by email to inforwanda@trocaire.org with a copy to modeste.sibomana@trocaire.org clearly indicating the services/goods in the subject heading. Demonstrable experience and Value for Money (VFM) will be key considerations in evaluating proposals submitted. Only suitably qualified consultants will be considered. Any questions regarding this consultancy should be directed to the same email addresses.
Only suitably qualified candidates will be contacted for further engagement.
Country Director
26 September 2022
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 05 October 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 26-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 26-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-09-2056
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