Terms Of Reference For Training Of Private Vets / Vet Technicians In Pig Artificial Insemination At VSF-BELGIUM
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Terms Of Reference For Training Of Private Vets / Vet Technicians In Pig Artificial Insemination
Organization Vétérinaires Sans Frontières – Belgium (VSF-B)
Project name PRISM (Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Small livestock Market)
Action of Support to Local Proximity Private Veterinary Services Delivery in 12 districts of Rwanda
Position title Consultant
Reporting to Country Representative of VSF-B in Rwanda
Duration 15 days separated as follow:
• 9 days for conducting theory and AI practical demonstration on pig genital organs (3 groups with 3 days per each group).
• 6 days for conducting practices of pig AI on pigs in heats (3 groups with 2 days per each group).

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VSF-BELGIUM jobs in Rwanda

VSF-B Background
VSF-B is an international nongovernmental organization based in Belgium, whose vision is healthy animal – healthy human – in healthy environment while its mission is to strengthen the capacities of disadvantaged livestock dependent communities to improve their wellbeing. Created in 1985, VSF-B works in 10 African countries and has been working in Rwanda since 2001 in various domain though implementation of different projects and programmes like education, animal health improvement, livelihood and food security, access to finance and income generation, green energy and livestock, agriculture & livestock integration and environment protection and management.

PRISM (Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Small livestock Market) is one of ENABEL funded program. It is implemented by different partners, VSF-B (Vétérinaires Sans Frontières – Belgium) included. The achievement of its general objective ‘“the revenue of farmers increases through quality proximity extension services, improved access to inputs and through the introduction of new technologies”, will depend on several factors such as effectiveness and efficiency of private veterinary services with providing quality services to farmers located in remote rural area where it is needed. Using its experience, VSF-B in collaboration with its local partner IMBARAGA collaborates with ENABEL to implement the section related to the development of veterinary services by reinforcing capacities of private vet service providers in 12 Districts of Rwanda.
Therefore, genetic improvement in pig production is well needed by farmers. The artificial insemination is one of the most important ways, but still challenged by lack of sufficient pig AI inseminators. Training of private vets in this field is of great importance for the benefit of both pig farmers and private vets, who will have their type of services increased and businesses grown up.

Training objective
The objective of this training consists on skills development for private vets / vet technicians in pig genetic improvement by artificial insemination.

Training outcome
The training aims to provide technical skills to private vets / vet technicians so as to:
• Know the pig anatomy and physiology, especially the reproduction system;
• Respond efficiently to pig farmers request for pig AI, with a good effect in pig genetic improvement positively impacting pig production;
• Realize pig Artificial Insemination;
• Conduct farmers’ sensitization and mobilization in terms of pig Artificial Insemination;
• Increase the turnover and profitability of private vets’ businesses, which contribute to their stability in their intervention area.

Training outputs
• A training module produced by the trainer and validated by VSF-B;
• A training report produced by the trainer and shared;
• Pig AI tool kits delivered by VSF-B to trained private vets;
• AI certificates offered to succeeded trainees.

Training methodology
• An expert qualified trainer and having a pig farm for AI practical training will be identified;
• Theory class: pig anatomy and physiology with more concerns on reproduction system and practical demonstration of pig AI practices on genital organs (3 days maximum);
• Practical skills: hands on pig artificial insemination, will be scheduled in 2 days maximum.
• A class of not more than 25 private vets will be conducted;
• Trainees to attend are 64 private vets / vet technicians, beneficiaries of PRISM project.

Trainer’s qualification
• The trainer should be an experienced professional trainer in pig artificial insemination, fluent in Kinyarwanda as the main communication language during training;
• He / She should hold a license or certificate delivered by a recognized competent institution as a trainer in pig artificial insemination;
• He / She should be a bachelor’s degree holder in animal production or veterinary medicine, registered by RCVD and with a valid license;
• He / She should have a pig farm to be used by trainees during practical sessions, with pigs ready for AI;
• He / She should have all required materials for pig AI for demonstration and use by trainees during pig AI practices within training period.

Deliverables / tasks of the trainer
Under the supervision of VSF-B, the trainer will perform the following tasks:
• Produce and provide a training module;
• Conduct a theory face to face trainings for private vets, using the validated training module, accompanied with demonstration by practices of pig AI on genital organs;
• Train private vets to practice pig artificial insemination by practical sessions, using pigs in heats;
• Submit a training report at the end of the training.

Time and venue
The tentative schedule for the training of private vets / vet technicians in pig artificial insemination is as follow:
• Group A: June 20th – 24th, 2022
• Group B: June 27th – July 1st, 2022
• Group C: July 05th – 09th, 2022
The venue will be determined in close collaboration with the trainer, by consideration of his /her pig AI training host farms.
Financial organization
PRISM project will cover all training expenditures like protective clothes, transport fees, per-diem & accommodation allowances for trainees and it will cover also the trainer’s fees.
The trainer’s fees will be well determined from his /her price quotation (all taxes included) with all necessary to perform the contracted task, considering the provision of needed materials for pigs AI and pigs ready to be inseminated during practical sessions.

Criteria of selection
The selection will mainly be based on the following elements:
• Relevance of the proposed approach and methodology;
• Qualification and experience in carrying out similar work;
• Working detailed calendar & reasonable financial proposal.
VSF-B reserves the right to do not accept all bidders, when their price quotations exceed the budget margin allocated to this training.

Submission Procedure
Interested candidates are required to submit the following documents, not later than Monday, June 13th, 2022 at 5:00 pm:
• Application letter;
• Detailed CV with 3 references contact persons;
• Proofs of previous similar work experience;
• A copy of bachelor’s degree in animal production or veterinary medicine;
• Copy of certificate or license of being a trainer in pig artificial insemination;
• A copy of RCVD valid license card;
• A technical proposal detailed to the items described in this terms of reference;
• A financial proposal (Financial bids with separated price quotations for theory + demonstration on genital organs and price quotation for AI practice on pigs in heats) quoted in Rwandan Francs.

All bids will be addressed to the Country Representative of VSF-B in Rwanda on the following email addresses e.musengiyaremye@vsf-belgium.org with a copy to f.nshogozabahizi@vsf-belgium.org. For more clarification, contact the following number: 0788610584
Done at Kigali, on June 06th, 2022
Country Representative of VSF-B in Rwanda
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 13 June 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 09-06-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 09-06-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-06-2056
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