Terms Of Reference Capacity Building For Sanitation Entrepreneurs On Viable Sanitation Business Models At Water For People
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Terms of Reference Capacity building for sanitation entrepreneurs on viable sanitation business models

Water For People through the Isoko y’Ubuzima Project is seeking to hire an individual consultant to develop training modules and train sanitation entrepreneurs operating in the Isoko y’Ubuzima project area on sanitation business models identified through the assessment of sanitation business viability for district sanitation centers (DSCs), Fecal sludge management (FSM) services and management of fecal sludge treatment plants that was conducted from June to August 2022.

Estimated time: January-February2023

Location of Consultancy: Kigali, Rwanda

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Water For People jobs in Rwanda

1. Background

Water For People (WFP) is an international non-profit organization that aims at improving access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation, and hygiene education in developing countries. Water For People works locally, nationally, and globally to influence governments’ water and sanitation policies to serve the interests of the needy.  WFP program in Rwanda began in 2008, with an overall objective to help all communities, schools, and health care facilities gain access to sustainable water, and sanitation services as well as hygiene behavior change in Rulindo, Kicukiro, Gicumbi, and Karongi Districts of Rwanda.

Water For People has secured funds from USAID to finance Isoko y’Ubuzima which is a five-year Rwanda Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) activity. The activity is being executed by a consortium led by Water For People and includes IRC, CARE International, VEI, and a local partner African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE) in Rwanda.

The project is operating in 10 districts namely, Rwamagana, Kayonza, Ngoma, Kirehe, Nyagatare, Ruhango, Nyanza, Nyamagabe, Ngororero, and Nyabihu.

The overall goal of the Isoko y’Ubuzima project is to improve access to and utilization of safe, sustainable drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services. This will be achieved through three interrelated and mutually reinforcing strategic objectives (SO):

SO1.Improving decentralized WASH Governance

SO2. Improving Rural Drinking Water Services

SO3. Improving Rural Sanitation and Handwashing Services and Products

The third strategic objective has also 3 intermediate results:

  • 1 Increased knowledge and motivation to invest in sanitation and hygiene products
  • IR2: Increased availability of sanitation services and products
  • 3: Increased access to financing for sanitation and hygiene

Relevant SO3 Targets:

  • Increase access to improved sanitation and hygiene services for 100,000 people (20,000 households)
  • 1,200 community groups mobilized to purchase sanitation and hygiene services and products
  • 1,000 women and girl entrepreneurs engaged in sanitation and hygiene businesses
  • 10 districts have sanitation and hygiene financial and loan products rolled out and scaled
  1. Purpose and objectives of the consultancy

From June to August 2022, Water For People commissioned an assessment of sanitation business viability and supply chain for district sanitation centers, pit emptying, and fecal sludge management in the Isoko y’Ubuzima project area (10 districts). Key gaps were highlighted included gaps in business strategy, market analysis, and basics of accounts among others. The assessment recommended two (2) main viable business models that can contribute to the improvement of the above-mentioned sanitation businesses;

  • Micro franchising model for District sanitation centers
  • Integrated business model for pit emptying, transport, and treatment of fecal sludge

From that background, Water For People is looking for a qualified and experienced consultant to develop a GESI-sensitive training module and provide training to the mentioned sanitation entrepreneurs (DSC operators/owners, pit emptiers, and managers of fecal sludge treatment plants) located in the project area to bridge the gaps and specifically focusing on the identified recommended business models that the project believes will boost the business profit if implemented.

  1. Expected outputs of the consultancy

The consultant is expected to produce comprehensive and detailed training modules and provide training to beneficiaries.

It is also expected that at the end of the training, trainees will be able to;

  • critically analyze the sanitation market,
  • develop a business plan focusing on the two above-recommended models,
  • develop a basic business strategy,
  • produce a full financial report
  1. Deliverables

The selected consultant will perform the following tasks:

  1. Produce full content and detailed training modules including the business plan format for sanitation entrepreneurs with Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) aspects reflected across the modules and training workshop. Water For People can if needed request the consultant to add/include some specific messages into the module.
  2. Pre and post-test questionnaires in both English and Kinyarwanda and test them before use for approval
  • PowerPoint presentations or any other training/teaching aids,
  1. Detailed training methodology with a detailed schedule
  2. A monitoring tool for the project to use to track the implementation of the business models and business plans developed by sanitation entrepreneurs
  3. Organize and provide training to around 25-30 participants
  • Coach and ensure each trained entrepreneur develops a business plan as a result of training
  • Submit a final report to the project
  1. Timeline

This assignment will be conducted in 40 working days starting. The timeline is proposed as follows.

  • 15 days to develop the content, training tools such as PPT presentations, pre and post-tests, monitoring tool, methodology, and schedule.
  • 10 days for organizing and providing training,
  • 15 days for producing and submitting the final reports
  1. Reporting and work relationship:

The consultant will report to the Isoko y’Ubuzima Private Sector Development Advisor (PSDA) for this assignment. The consultant will be collaborating with the entire Isoko y’Ubuzima team including the top management team, team leaders, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Team as well as field staff.

  1. Tasks and Responsibilities

7.1 Water For people

  1. Ensure that all necessary project-related documentation is availed to the Consultant.
  2. Facilitate initial connections of the consultant with different sanitation entrepreneurs
  3. Review and approve training modules and pre & post-test contents
  4. Organise the logistics related to the training pay for the training venue, accommodation for trainees, lunches for participants, and transport for trainees
  5. Provide any other technical or operational support to the consultant as needed.

7.2. Consultant

  1. Inception report with detailed methodology, schedule
  2. Carry out a desk review of relevant project documents, including different assessments conducted by the organization/project and other relevant external documents to triangulate findings with other data.
  3. Develop detailed training modules, pre and post-tests, presentations, and monitoring tool(s).
  4. Organize, coordinate, and facilitate the training for sanitation entrepreneurs (DSC operators, pit emptiers, and managers of fecal sludge treatment plants).
  5. Submit the business plans developed by trainees
  6. Submit the final report with any other training materials used by the client (soft).

8.Consultant qualifications and team composition

The interested and qualified consultant must meet the following criteria:


  • Education background: At least a master’s degree in economics, Business Administration, accounting, Rural Development, or Microfinance, with at least five years’ experience in business development, or a related field. A Ph.D. is a strong asset.
  • Having experience in teaching/lecturing business-related courses at a higher-learning institution is a strong asset.
  • Experience in curriculum/training module development with proof of developed modules and certificate of completion
  • Five years of experience in business coaching and above
  • Extensive experience in conducting product market analysis and developing practical business strategies and business models with proofs.
  • Understanding the sanitation business context in Rwanda is highly desirable
  • Flexibility and availability for the entire period of contract duration
  • Spoken and written fluency in English & Kinyarwanda is a requirement.

Any additional staffing requirements will be left to the consultant to determine based on the methodology and approach proposed.

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: the profile of the consultant (Education background and experience), understanding of terms of reference, clarity of the methodology, and the financial proposal.

The bidder who has achieved the highest combined technical and financial score shall be declared successful and subsequently invited for clarifications.

The selected proposer will be contractually required to comply with Water For People’s Vendor Code of Conduct https://www.waterforpeople.org/Vendor-Code-of-Conduct and will be required to deliver a Conflict of Interest Certificate prior to execution of the contract. The Conflict of Interest Certificate requires the disclosure of any potential or actual conflicts of interest with Water For People employees or their relatives including past, current or proposed business transactions, employment or offers of employment, or certain gifts or entertainment. Water For People will evaluate any disclosures of conflicts of interest; if Water For People determines it cannot waive or mitigate the conflict of interest it will result in the disqualification of the selected proposer. 

  1. Method of procurement

The Terms of reference will be published via eligible media platforms (Job in Rwanda)

  1. Type of contract

This will be a consultancy contract with clear payment schedules based on deliverables.

  1. Source of funding

Water For People through Isoko y’Ubuzima project

  1. Copyrights

Copyright of all material on assignment will be retained by Water For People in Rwanda.

  1. Rights reserved
  • Water For People reserves the right to cancel the entire procurement process without incurring any liability whatsoever.
  • Water For People reserves the right to amend any segment of the RFP prior to the announcement of selected candidates.
  • Water For People also reserves the right to remove one or more of the services from consideration for this contract should the evaluation show that it is in WFP’s best interest to do so.
  • Water For People also may, at its discretion, issue a separate contract for any service or groups of services included in this RFP. WFP may negotiate a compensation package and additional provisions to the contract awarded under this RFP.
  • Water For Peoplereserves the right to debrief the applicants after the completion of the process due to the expected high volume of applications to avoid the compromise of the process.

14.How to apply

If you feel qualified and interested in the assignment, please send your technical and financial proposals (separately) with the following subject" Capacity building for sanitation entrepreneurs on viable sanitation business models" to: rwprocurement@waterforpeople.org no later than 3rd January 2023 at 4:00 pm. Women are encouraged to apply.

Note that any bid with an arithmetic error in calculation will be automatically disqualified and  Hard copies and late submissions shall be rejected.

Done at Kigali, on December 13th, 2022

Eugene Dusingizumuremyi

Country Director

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 03 January 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 20-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 20-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 20-12-2066
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