Tender Notice for the Radio Program on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) by the USAID Funded Igire-Wiyubake Activity tender at Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)
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Tender Notice for the Radio program on Sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) by the USAID Funded Igire-Wiyubake Activity

  1. Activity Background

The USAID/Igire-Wiyubake Activity is a five-year, USAID-funded project which aims to prevent new HIV infections and reduce vulnerability among OVC and their households and AGYW in high HIV burden districts in Rwanda. While USAID/Igire-Wiyubake Activity is implemented in Kicukiro District by Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA Rwanda), same Igire Interventions are being implemented by other Implementing partners across 12 Districts of Rwanda.

USAID/Igire ’s program provides support to improve the health and wellbeing of OVC and their families as related to the risk of HIV and violence.

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USAID/Igire also supports DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe) programming to empower AGYW to reduce their risk of HIV, sexual violence, and to become more economically independent and resilient.

The USAID/Igire  adheres to the theory of change of the ODA Activity  stipulating that: IF most vulnerable households caring for OVC and at-risk AGYW adopt critical health practices and can access and utilize essential services; and IF at-risk adolescents and youth have health, education and economic opportunities; and IF community and government institutions are better able to prevent and respond to violence against children and youth and improve coordination of health and social services, THEN new HIV infections will be prevented and vulnerability will be reduced among OVC and AGYW 


The objectives of the radio program are:

  1. Raising awareness of youth, parents and duty bearers on SRHR and work towards improved age appropriate SRHR services.
  2. Raising awareness of youth on youth- friendly health services & practices.
  3. Collecting country-wide feedback on issues affecting AGYW and OVC and their households.
  4. Challenging social and cultural norms that set youth at HIV and violence high risks and affect their access to friendly services available. 
  1. Geographic Focus of the Radio program

The radio program will be required to cover all districts where IGIRE operates which are KICUKIRO, GASABO, NYARUGENGE, RWAMAGANA, KAYONZA, NYANZA, MUHANGA, HUYE, RUSIZI, RUTSIRO, RUBAVU, NYAMASHEKE and KARONGI districts. The targeted districts can be covered by one Radio station or more than one radio station. It should therefore be noted that the quoted cost must cover the cost for airing the program on other partner radios if the applicant radio station cannot cover the above geographic coverage alone.

  1. Scope of Work

The Radio program will be prepared in Kinyarwanda language by a team of communication staff and Dreams ambassadors from all USAID/ Igire IPs. It will be broadcasted live on radio once a week for an hour with radio technicians support. It will be broadcasted also on Radio's YouTube and it has to be advertised on Radio social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter 2 days before the actual day of the show.

  1. Expected outputs - Deliverables 
  • Increased awareness on the risk that AGYW and youth in general face, and increase awareness of parents on their responsibilities towards improved parent-youth communication on matters affecting their lives.
  • The contribution of USAID/Igire activity in preventing HIV infections and reduction of vulnerability among OVC is showcased.
  • The targeted communities are sensitized on community based initiatives for safeguarding AGYWs and OVC.
  • The feedback on issues affecting AGYW and OVC and their households will be Collected country-wide.
  • Social and cultural norms that set youth at high risk and affect their access to friendly services available will be challenged.
  1. Timeframe

This assignment is to be implemented in in 3 months’ renewable upon successful of the pilot months and funds availability.

  1. Essential Requirements & Evaluation Criteria

The eligible radio station should meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Capacity to broadcast the program in the targeted districts or collaborate with other radio to cover the targeted districts
  • The radio station attracts diverse category of citizen especially youth.
  • The radio station is active on social media with more than 100,000 followers on Facebook, 100,000 followers on Twitter, 100,000 subscribers on Youtube, 100,000 followers on Instagram.

Evaluation Criteria

Administrative Requirements

  • Proof of registration certificate from RDB and RURA
  • Tax clearance certificate
  • Sample of EBM invoice
  • RSSB clearance certificate for Firms/Companies

The above mentioned criteria must be fully met for being assessed for the next step.

  1. How to apply

Eligible Radio stations are invited to submit:

  1. All documents and proofs of ability mentioned above. (add website references or contact references as maybe necessary).
  2. An outline of proposed approach for delivering on the objectives, proposed detailed work plan. 
  3. A financial proposal as separate documents which should be emailed to  procurement@ywca.rw by 10:00 a.m. Kigali Time, on 5th  July 2023. with subject of “Application for USAID/Igire-Radio program airing”.  

Done at Kigali On the 26th, June, 2023

Disclaimer: YWCA has a zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of beneficiaries.  Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) is everyone’s responsibility and all staff, volunteers, consultants and contractors are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct, that enshrines principles of PSEA, at all times (both during work hours and outside work hours).

The selected Radio station will be required to sign a safeguarding policy prior to any engagement with USAID/IGIRE program beneficiaries.  

YWCA Management

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, July 05 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 23-06-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 23-06-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 23-06-2066
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